/** * SP namespace */ declare namespace SP { /** * Client Context class */ export class ClientContext { /** * API to get current context */ static get_current(): ClientContext; /** * API to load client objects */ load(obj: any, ...rest: string[]): void; /** * API to execute query */ executeQueryAsync(success?: (result: any) => void, error?: (error: any) => void); } /** * Base collection interface */ export interface ICollectionBase { /** * API to get count of items in the collection */ get_count(): number; } /** * Taxonomy namespace */ namespace Taxonomy { /** * Taxonomy Session class */ export class TaxonomySession { /** * API to get current Taxonomy Session * @param spContext: current Client Context */ static getTaxonomySession(spContext: ClientContext): TaxonomySession; /** * API to get term stores */ get_termStores(): ITermStoreCollection; } /** * Base interface of taxonomy objects */ export interface ITermBase { /** * API to get ID */ get_id(): any; /** * API to get name */ get_name(): string; } /** * Term Store interface */ export interface ITermStore extends ITermBase { /** * API to get all groups in the term store */ get_groups(): ITermGroupCollection; /** * API to get group by its id */ getGroup(id: string): ITermGroup; /** * API to get term set by its id */ getTermSet(id: string): ITermSet; } /** * Term Stores Collection interface */ export interface ITermStoreCollection extends ICollectionBase { /** * Gets item by index */ get_item(index: number): ITermStore; } /** * Term Group interface */ export interface ITermGroup extends ITermBase { /** * API to get description */ get_description(): string; /** * API to get term sets from the group */ get_termSets(): ITermSetCollection; } /** * Term Groups Collection inteface */ export interface ITermGroupCollection extends ICollectionBase { /** * Gets item by index */ get_item(index: number): ITermGroup; } /** * Term Set Interface */ export interface ITermSet extends ITermBase { /** * API to get description */ get_description(): string; /** * API to get flat list of all terms in the Term set */ getAllTerms(): ITermCollection; } /** * Term Sets collection interface */ export interface ITermSetCollection extends ICollectionBase { /** * Gets item by index */ get_item(index: number): ITermSet; } /** * Term interface */ export interface ITerm extends ITermBase { /** * API to get description */ get_description(): string; /** * API to get labels */ get_labels(): ILabelCollection; /** * API to get flag if current term is root term */ get_isRoot(): boolean; /** * API to get child terms count */ get_termsCount(): number; /** * API to get path of the term in defauld lcid */ get_pathOfTerm(): string; } /** * Terms Collection interface */ export interface ITermCollection extends ICollectionBase { /** * Gets item by index */ get_item(index: number): ITerm; } /** * Labels collection interface */ export interface ILabelCollection extends ICollectionBase { /** * Gets item by index */ get_item(index: number): ILabel; } /** * Label interface */ export interface ILabel { /** * API to get flag if current label is default for the language */ get_isDefaultForLanguage(): boolean; /** * API to get language */ get_language(): string; /** * API to get label's value */ get_value(): string; } } }