# SPFx web part with Taxonomy picker Office UI Fabric Panel. ## Summary Sample web part with Single and Multi-select taxonomy pickers using Office UI Fabric panel. The web part uses the Taxonomy API support available in the @pnp/taxonomy. ![TaxonomyPickerPanel web part](https://github.com/vipulkelkar/sp-dev-fx-webparts/blob/TaxonomyPanelPicker/samples/react-taxonomypicker-panel/assets/TaxonomyPicker.gif) ## Compatibility | :warning: Important | |:---------------------------| | Every SPFx version is only compatible with specific version(s) of Node.js. In order to be able to build this sample, please ensure that the version of Node on your workstation matches one of the versions listed in this section. This sample will not work on a different version of Node.| |Refer to for more information on SPFx compatibility. | ![SPFx 1.5.1](https://img.shields.io/badge/SPFx-1.5.1-green.svg) ![Node.js v8 | v6](https://img.shields.io/badge/Node.js-LTS%208%20%7C%20v6-green.svg) ![Compatible with SharePoint Online](https://img.shields.io/badge/SharePoint%20Online-Compatible-green.svg) ![Does not work with SharePoint 2019](https://img.shields.io/badge/SharePoint%20Server%202019-Incompatible-red.svg "SharePoint Server 2019 requires SPFx 1.4.1 or lower") ![Does not work with SharePoint 2016 (Feature Pack 2)](https://img.shields.io/badge/SharePoint%20Server%202016%20(Feature%20Pack%202)-Incompatible-red.svg "SharePoint Server 2016 Feature Pack 2 requires SPFx 1.1") ![Local Workbench Compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/Local%20Workbench-Compatible-green.svg) ![Hosted Workbench Compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/Hosted%20Workbench-Compatible-green.svg) ![Compatible with Remote Containers](https://img.shields.io/badge/Remote%20Containers-Compatible-green.svg) ## Applies to * [SharePoint Framework](https://learn.microsoft.com/sharepoint/dev/spfx/sharepoint-framework-overview) * [Microsoft 365 tenant](https://learn.microsoft.com/sharepoint/dev/spfx/set-up-your-development-environment) ## Prerequisites - @pnp/sp - Office UI Fabric React ## Contributors * Vipul Kelkar @vipulkelkar ## Version history Version|Date|Comments -------|----|-------- 1.0|June 22, 2018|Initial release 1.1|August 20, 2018|Bug fix and version upgrade ## Minimal Path to Awesome - Clone this repository - Navigate to the file 'src/webparts/components/TermsPickerComponent.tsx' - In the method "GetTerms", replace the with the term store name in your tenant. - Navigate to the file 'src/webparts/components/ReactTaxonomyPickerpanel.tsx' - In the RENDER method of the web part, a custom taxonomy picker component is used. Please replace the "TermSetId" property with the desired term set id in your tenant. - in the command line run: - `npm install` - `gulp serve` - Navigate to - /_layouts/workbench.aspx and add the "react-taxonomypicker-panel" > This sample can also be opened with [VS Code Remote Development](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/remote-overview). Visit https://aka.ms/spfx-devcontainer for further instructions. ## Features - This web part demonstrates the use of a custom taxonomy picker control built with Office UI Fabric React Panel and Tagpicker that enables users to select terms for a single-select or multi-select taxonomy field in a controlled manner. - The custom taxonomy picker control is a reusable React component and can be easily placed in a SPFx web part just by providing the TermSetId as a property to the component. }/> - By supplying the "SelectedTerms" property, the control can also be used in scenarios where pre-filled choices are to be shown such as the Edit form of a list item etc. - The selected terms can be supplied as an array of a custom object { name : "", key : "" } ## Disclaimer **THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.**