/** * @file * Spotlight Web Part with SharePoint Framework * Author: SPS-COM * Copyright (c) 2017 */ import { Version } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library'; import { BaseClientSideWebPart, IPropertyPaneConfiguration, IPropertyPaneDropdownOption, PropertyPaneDropdown, PropertyPaneToggle, PropertyPaneSlider } from '@microsoft/sp-webpart-base'; import { SPComponentLoader } from '@microsoft/sp-loader'; import { SPHttpClient } from '@microsoft/sp-http'; import { Environment, EnvironmentType } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library'; import { PropertyFieldColorPickerMini } from 'sp-client-custom-fields/lib/PropertyFieldColorPickerMini'; import * as jQuery from 'jquery'; import * as _ from "lodash"; import styles from './EmployeeSpotlight.module.scss'; import * as strings from 'employeeSpotlightStrings'; import { IEmployeeSpotlightWebPartProps } from './IEmployeeSpotlightWebPartProps'; import { SliderHelper } from './Helper'; /** * An interface to hold the key and value. */ export interface ResponceDetails { title: string; id: string; } /** * An interface to hold the ResponceDetails collection. */ export interface ResponceCollection { value: ResponceDetails[]; } /** * An interface to hold the SpotlightDetails. */ export interface SpotlightDetails { userDisplayName: string; userEmail: string; userProfilePic: string; description: string; designation?: string; } /** * A class that contains spotlight webpart operations and corresponding properties to hold the data. */ export default class EmployeeSpotlightWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart { private spotlightListFieldOptions: IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[] = []; private spotlightListOptions: IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[] = []; private siteOptions: IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[] = []; private defaultProfileImageUrl: string = "/_layouts/15/userphoto.aspx?size=L"; private helper: SliderHelper = new SliderHelper(); private sliderControl: any = null; /** * Constructor of SpotlightWebpart class. */ public constructor() { super(); SPComponentLoader.loadScript('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js', { globalExportsName: 'jQuery' }); // Next button functionality jQuery(document).on("click", "." + styles.next, (event) => { event.preventDefault(); //prevent default action of this.helper.moveSlides(1); }); // Previous button functionality jQuery(document).on("click", "." + styles.prev, (event) => { event.preventDefault(); //prevent default action of this.helper.moveSlides(-1); }); // start and stop slider on hover jQuery(document).ready(() => { jQuery(document).on('mouseenter', '.' + styles.containers, () => { if (this.properties.enabledSpotlightAutoPlay) clearInterval(this.sliderControl); }).on('mouseleave', '.' + styles.containers, () => { var carouselSpeed: number = this.properties.spotlightSliderSpeed * 1000; if (carouselSpeed && this.properties.enabledSpotlightAutoPlay) this.sliderControl = setInterval(this.helper.startAutoPlay, carouselSpeed); }); }); } /** * A starting point for application. */ public render(): void { this.domElement.innerHTML = `
`; this._renderSpotlightTemplateAsync(); this._renderSpotlightDataAsync(); } /** * Builds the spotlight details collection with necessary details. */ private _renderSpotlightTemplateAsync(): void { if (Environment.type == EnvironmentType.SharePoint || Environment.type == EnvironmentType.ClassicSharePoint) { this._getSiteCollectionRootWeb().then((response) => { this.properties.spotlightSiteCollectionURL = response['Url']; }); if (this.properties.spotlightSiteURL && this.properties.spotlightListName && this.properties.spotlightEmployeeEmailColumn && this.properties.spotlightDescriptionColumn) { let spotlightDataCollection: SpotlightDetails[] = []; this._getSpotlightListData(this.properties.spotlightSiteURL, this.properties.spotlightListName, this.properties.spotlightEmployeeExpirationDateColumn, this.properties.spotlightEmployeeEmailColumn, this.properties.spotlightDescriptionColumn) .then((listDataResponse) => { var spotlightListData = listDataResponse.value; if (spotlightListData) { debugger; for (var key in listDataResponse.value) { var email = listDataResponse.value[key][this.properties.spotlightEmployeeEmailColumn]["EMail"]; var id = listDataResponse.value[key]["ID"]; this._getUserImage(email) .then((response) => { spotlightListData.forEach((item: ResponceDetails) => { let userSpotlightDetails: SpotlightDetails = { userDisplayName: "", userEmail: "", userProfilePic: "", description: "" }; if (item[this.properties.spotlightEmployeeEmailColumn]["EMail"] == response["Email"]) { var userName = item[this.properties.spotlightEmployeeEmailColumn]; var description = item[this.properties.spotlightDescriptionColumn]; var userDescription = ""; try { userDescription = $(description).text(); } catch (err) { userDescription = description; } if (userDescription.length > 140) { var displayFormUrl = this.properties.spotlightSiteURL + '/Lists/' + this.properties.spotlightListName + '/DispForm.aspx?ID=' + id; userDescription = userDescription.substring(0, 140) + `  ReadMore...`; } var displayName = response["DisplayName"]; var designationProperty = _.filter(response["UserProfileProperties"], { Key: "SPS-JobTitle" })[0]; var designation = designationProperty["Value"] ? designationProperty["Value"] : ""; // uses default image if user image not exist var profilePicture = response["PictureUrl"] != null && response["PictureUrl"] != undefined ? (response["PictureUrl"]).replace("MThumb", "LThumb") : this.defaultProfileImageUrl; // var profilePicture = response["PictureUrl"] != null && response["PictureUrl"] != undefined ? (response["PictureUrl"]) : this.defaultProfileImageUrl; profilePicture = '/_layouts/15/userphoto.aspx?accountname=' + displayName + '&size=M&url=' + profilePicture.split("?")[0]; userSpotlightDetails = { userDisplayName: response["DisplayName"], userEmail: response["Email"], userProfilePic: profilePicture, description: userDescription, designation: designation }; spotlightDataCollection.push(userSpotlightDetails); } }); this._addSpotlightTemplateContent(spotlightDataCollection); if (this.sliderControl == null && this.properties && this.properties.enabledSpotlightAutoPlay) { setTimeout(this.helper.moveSlides(), 2000); this.sliderControl = setInterval(this.helper.startAutoPlay, this.properties.spotlightSliderSpeed * 1000); } }); } } }); } } } /** * Renders the webpart html with the given spotlight details collection. * @param spotlightDetails - a collection of spotlight details. */ private _addSpotlightTemplateContent(spotlightDetails: SpotlightDetails[]): void { this.domElement.innerHTML = ''; var innerContent: string = ''; for (let i: number = 0; i < spotlightDetails.length; i++) { innerContent += `


`; } this.domElement.innerHTML += `
` + innerContent + `
`; } /** * A generic utility function to execute the rest api call and return the corresponding result as a promise. * @param url - The string containing api url. */ private _callAPI(url: string): Promise { return this.context.spHttpClient.get(url, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1).then((response) => { return response.json(); }); } /** * Returns a promise that returns user image url and name. * @param email - The string containing user email id. */ private _getUserImage(email: string): Promise { return this._callAPI(this.properties.spotlightSiteCollectionURL + "/_api/SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager/GetPropertiesFor(accountName=@v)?@v='i:0%23.f|membership|" + email + "'"); } /** * Returns a promise that returns sitecollection rootweb url. */ private _getSiteCollectionRootWeb(): Promise { return this._callAPI(this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl + `/_api/Site/RootWeb?$select=Title,Url`); } /** * Returns a promise that returns all the subsite names from the given sitecollection. * @param spotlightSiteCollectionURL - The string containing user email id. */ private _getAllSubsites(spotlightSiteCollectionURL: string): Promise { return this._callAPI(spotlightSiteCollectionURL + `/_api/web/webs?$select=Title,Url`); } /** * Returns a promise that returns all the list names in corresponding site. * @param siteUrl - The string containing site url. */ private _getAllLists(siteUrl: string): Promise { if (siteUrl != "" && siteUrl != undefined) { return this._callAPI(siteUrl + `/_api/web/lists?$orderby=Id desc&$filter=Hidden eq false and BaseTemplate eq 100`); } } /** * Returns a promise that returns spotlight list field names. * @param siteUrl - The string containing site url. * @param spotlightListName - The string containing spotlight list name. */ private _getSpotlightListFields(siteUrl: string, spotlightListName: string): Promise { if (siteUrl != "" && spotlightListName != "" && siteUrl != undefined && spotlightListName != undefined) { return this._callAPI(siteUrl + `/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('${spotlightListName}')/Fields?$orderby=Id desc&$filter=Hidden eq false and ReadOnlyField eq false`); } } /** * Loads all the subsites in the current sitecollection and initiates the corresponding dropdown values loading. */ private _renderSpotlightDataAsync(): void { this._getSiteCollectionRootWeb() .then((response) => { this.properties.spotlightSiteCollectionURL = response['Url']; this._getAllSubsites(response['Url']) .then((sitesResponse) => { this.siteOptions = this._getDropDownCollection(sitesResponse, 'Url', 'Title'); this.context.propertyPane.refresh(); if (this.properties.spotlightSiteURL != "") { this._loadAllListsDropDown(this.properties.spotlightSiteURL); } if (this.properties.spotlightListName != "") { this._loadSpotlightListFieldsDropDown(this.properties.spotlightSiteURL, this.properties.spotlightListName); } }); }); } /** * Loads all the list names in the selected site for spotlight list dropdown. * @param siteUrl - The string containing site url. */ private _loadAllListsDropDown(siteUrl: string): void { this._getAllLists(siteUrl) .then((response) => { this.spotlightListOptions = this._getDropDownCollection(response, 'Title', 'Title'); this.context.propertyPane.refresh(); }); } /** * Loads the spotlight list fields for fields dropdown. * @param siteUrl - The string containing site url. * @param spotlightListName - The string containing spotlight list name. */ private _loadSpotlightListFieldsDropDown(siteUrl: string, spotlightListName: string): void { this._getSpotlightListFields(siteUrl, spotlightListName) .then((response) => { this.spotlightListFieldOptions = this._getDropDownCollection(response, 'Title', 'Title'); this.context.propertyPane.refresh(); }); } /** * Returns the dropdown key and values collection. * @param response - The collection containing keys and values. * @param key - The string containing key. * @param text - The string containing value. */ private _getDropDownCollection(response: ResponceCollection, key: string, text: string): IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[] { var dropdownOptions: IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[] = []; if (key == 'Url') dropdownOptions.push({ key: this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl, text: 'This Site' }); for (var itemKey in response.value) { dropdownOptions.push({ key: response.value[itemKey][key], text: response.value[itemKey][text] }); } return dropdownOptions; } /** * Returns a promise that returns spotlight list items. * @param siteUrl - The string containing site url. * @param spotlightListName - The string containing spotlight list name. */ private _getSpotlightListData(siteUrl: string, spotlightListName: string, expiryDateColumn: string, emailColumn: string, descriptionColumn: string): Promise { if (siteUrl != "" && spotlightListName != "") { var today: Date = new Date(); var dd: any = today.getDate(); var mm: any = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0! var yyyy: any = today.getFullYear(); dd = (dd < 10) ? '0' + dd : dd; mm = (mm < 10) ? '0' + mm : mm; var dateString: string = `${yyyy}-${mm}-${dd}`; emailColumn = emailColumn.replace(" ", "_x0020_"); descriptionColumn = descriptionColumn.replace(" ", "_x0020_"); expiryDateColumn = expiryDateColumn.replace(" ", "_x0020_"); return this._callAPI(siteUrl + `/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('${spotlightListName}')/items?$select=ID,${descriptionColumn},${emailColumn}/EMail&$expand=${emailColumn}/Id&$orderby=Id desc&$filter=${expiryDateColumn} ge '${dateString}'`); } } /** * Validates the Property pane fields for null checks * @param value - The string value of the field to be validated. */ private _validateFiledValue(value: string): string { var validationMessage: string = ''; if (value === null || value.trim().length === 0) { validationMessage = 'Please select a value'; } return validationMessage; } protected get dataVersion(): Version { return Version.parse('1.0'); } /** * Builds the Propertypane with specific configurations. */ protected onPropertyPaneConfigurationStart(): void { // Stops execution, if the list values already exists if (this.spotlightListOptions.length > 0) return; // Calls function to append the list names to dropdown this._renderSpotlightTemplateAsync(); } /** * Triggers foreach Property pane value update and loads the corresponding details. * @param propertyPath - The string containing property path. * @param oldValue - The string containing old value of property. * @param newValue - The string containing new value of property. */ protected onPropertyPaneFieldChanged(propertyPath: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void { switch (propertyPath) { case "spotlightSiteURL": this.properties.spotlightListName = ""; this._loadAllListsDropDown(this.properties.spotlightSiteURL); break; case "spotlightListName": this.properties.spotlightEmployeeEmailColumn = ""; this.properties.spotlightDescriptionColumn = ""; this._loadSpotlightListFieldsDropDown(this.properties.spotlightSiteURL, this.properties.spotlightListName); break; default: break; } } /** * Retuns the property pane configuration. */ protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration { return { pages: [ { groups: [ { groupName: strings.propertyPaneHeading, groupFields: [ PropertyPaneDropdown('spotlightSiteURL', { label: strings.selectSiteLableMessage, options: this.siteOptions, selectedKey: this._validateFiledValue.bind(this) }), PropertyPaneDropdown('spotlightListName', { label: strings.selectListLableMessage, options: this.spotlightListOptions, selectedKey: this._validateFiledValue.bind(this) }), PropertyPaneDropdown('spotlightEmployeeEmailColumn', { label: strings.employeeEmailcolumnLableMessage, options: this.spotlightListFieldOptions, selectedKey: this._validateFiledValue.bind(this) }), PropertyPaneDropdown('spotlightDescriptionColumn', { label: strings.descriptioncolumnLableMessage, options: this.spotlightListFieldOptions, selectedKey: this._validateFiledValue.bind(this) }), PropertyPaneDropdown('spotlightEmployeeExpirationDateColumn', { label: strings.expirationDateColumnLableMessage, options: this.spotlightListFieldOptions, selectedKey: this._validateFiledValue.bind(this) }) ] }, { groupName: strings.effectsGroupName, groupFields: [ PropertyFieldColorPickerMini('spotlightBGColor', { label: strings.spotlightBGColorLableMessage, initialColor: this.properties.spotlightBGColor, disabled: false, onPropertyChange: this.onPropertyPaneFieldChanged.bind(this), properties: this.properties, onGetErrorMessage: null, deferredValidationTime: 0, key: 'spotlightBGColorFieldId' }), PropertyFieldColorPickerMini('spotlightFontColor', { label: strings.spotlightFontColorLableMessage, initialColor: this.properties.spotlightFontColor, disabled: false, onPropertyChange: this.onPropertyPaneFieldChanged.bind(this), properties: this.properties, onGetErrorMessage: null, deferredValidationTime: 0, key: 'spotlightFontColorFieldId' }), PropertyPaneToggle('enabledSpotlightAutoPlay', { label: strings.enableAutoSlideLableMessage }), PropertyPaneSlider('spotlightSliderSpeed', { label: strings.carouselSpeedLableMessage, min: 0, max: 7, value: 3, showValue: true, step: 0.5 }) ] } ] } ] }; } }