# Angular & ngOfficeUIFabric Client-Side Web Part ## Summary Sample SharePoint Framework Client-Side Web Parts built using React showing interacting with the Office Graph. ### Trending in this site Sample SharePoint Framework Client-Side Web Part built using React showing documents trending in the current site. ![Trending in this site Web Part in the SharePoint Workbench](./assets/trendinginthissite-preview.png) ## Applies to * [SharePoint Framework Developer Preview](http://dev.office.com/sharepoint/docs/spfx/sharepoint-framework-overview) * [Office 365 developer tenant](http://dev.office.com/sharepoint/docs/spfx/set-up-your-developer-tenant) ## Solution Solution|Author(s) --------|--------- react-officegraph|Waldek Mastykarz (MVP, Rencore, @waldekm) ## Version history Version|Date|Comments -------|----|-------- 1.0|September 9, 2016|Initial release ## Disclaimer **THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.** --- ## Prerequisites - SharePoint Online tenant with Office Graph content - Site Collection created under the **/sites/** Managed Path ## Minimal Path to Awesome - clone this repo - `$ npm i` - `$ gulp serve --nobrowser` - create a copy of the **./temp/workbench.html** file and change its extension to **.aspx** - in the contents of the **workbench.aspx** file change the URL of the **webAbsoluteUrl** property to the URL of your site, eg. `https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/my-team` - upload the **workbench.aspx** file to the Document Library in your site - navigate to the workbench page uploaded to your SharePoint site, ie. _https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/my-team/documents/workbench.aspx_ ## Features ### Trending in this site Web Part The _Trending in this site_ Client-Side Web Part is built on the SharePoint Framework using React and uses the [Office UI Fabric React](https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric-react) for showing document cards. This Web Part illustrates the following concepts on top of the SharePoint Framework: - using React for building SharePoint Framework Client-Side Web Parts - using Office UI Fabric React components for building user experience consistent with SharePoint and Office - communicating with SharePoint using its REST API - communicating with the Office Graph via the SharePoint Search REST API - passing Web Part properties to React components - using ES6 Promises with vanilla-JavaScript web requests ![](https://telemetry.sharepointpnp.com/sp-dev-fx-webparts/samples/react-officegraph)