echo echo -e "\e[1;94mInstalling Node dependencies\e[0m" npm install ## commands to create dev certificate and copy it to the root folder of the project echo echo -e "\e[1;94mGenerating dev certificate\e[0m" gulp trust-dev-cert # Convert the generated PEM certificate to a CER certificate openssl x509 -inform PEM -in ~/.rushstack/rushstack-serve.pem -outform DER -out ./spfx-dev-cert.cer # Copy the PEM ecrtificate for non-Windows hosts cp ~/.rushstack/rushstack-serve.pem ./spfx-dev-cert.pem ## add *.cer to .gitignore to prevent certificates from being saved in repo if ! grep -Fxq '*.cer' ./.gitignore then echo "# .CER Certificates" >> .gitignore echo "*.cer" >> .gitignore fi ## add *.pem to .gitignore to prevent certificates from being saved in repo if ! grep -Fxq '*.pem' ./.gitignore then echo "# .PEM Certificates" >> .gitignore echo "*.pem" >> .gitignore fi echo echo -e "\e[1;92mReady!\e[0m" echo -e "\n\e[1;94m**********\nOptional: if you plan on using gulp serve, don't forget to add the container certificate to your local machine. Please visit for more information\n**********"