define([], function () { return { "PropertyPaneDescription": "This webpart provides easy way to render sharepoint custom list in datatable view with all the necessary features.", "BasicGroupName": "Group Name", "DataTableTitleFieldLabel": "Webpart title", "ConfigureWebpartButtonLabel": "Configure", "ConfigureWebpartDescription": "Please configure the web part.", "ListFieldValidation": "Please select the list fields.", "ListPickerLabel": "Select a list", "MultiSelectFieldLabel": "Select list fields", "SortingToggleLabel": "Enable Sort", "SortByLabel": "Default Sort By", "SearchingToggleLabel": "Enable Search", "SearchByLabel": "Default Search By", "PaginationLabel": "Enable Pagination", "DownloadAsCSVLabel": "CSV", "CSVToggleLabel": "Enable CSV", "PDFToggleLabel": "Enable PDF", "DownloadAsPDFLabel": "PDF", "EvenRowColorLabel": "Set Even Row Color", "OddRowColorLabel": "Set Odd Row Color", "OrderListItemsLabel": "Ordered List Items", "ListConfigurationGroupName": "List Configuration", "SearchAndSortGroupName": "Search and sort", "AdvancedFeaturesGroupName": "Advanced Features" } });