# React Directory Web Part ## Summary Search People from Organization Directory and show live persona card on hover. ## ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory7.png) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory8.png) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory9.png) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory.jpg) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory-teams1.jpg) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory2.jpg) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory-teams2.png) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory21.png) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory3.jpg) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory6.png) ![directory](/samples/react-directory/assets/react-directory5.jpg) ![directory](./assets/react-directory-withPaging.png) ## Used SharePoint Framework Version ![SPFx 1.11](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-1.11-green.svg) ## Applies to * [SharePoint Online](https://docs.microsoft.com/sharepoint/dev/spfx/sharepoint-framework-overview) * [Microsoft Teams](https://products.office.com/en-US/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software) * [Office 365 tenant](https://docs.microsoft.com/sharepoint/dev/spfx/set-up-your-development-environment) ## WebPart Properties Property |Type|Required| comments --------------------|----|--------|---------- Title | Text| No|WebPart Title searchFirstName | boolean|No| Lastname or Firstname search query Properties to search | text | No | By default **FirstName,LastName,WorkEmail,Department** are used for search. You can add custom properties separated by comma. Properties to sent as clear text | text | No | By default if the search key has empty spaces, its replaced with **+** before sending it to the search query. The search properties mentioned here will be sent without the empty space replacemnt. Results per page | number | Yes | Number of people result to be displayed per page. Max of **20** is allowed, default of **10** is set. ## Solution The web part use PnPjs library, Office-ui-fabric-react components Solution|Author(s) --------|--------- Directory Web Part|João Mendes Directory Web Part| Peter Paul Kirschner ([@petkir_at](https://twitter.com/petkir_at)) Directory Web Part| Sudharsan K ([@sudharsank](https://twitter.com/sudharsank)) ## Version history Version|Date|Comments -------|----|-------- 1.0.0|July 29, 2019|Initial release 1.0.1|July 19, 2020|Bugfix and mock-service for workbench (```LivePersonaCard``` not supported in workbench)|Sep 18 2020|React hooks, paging, dynamic search props, result alignment using office ui fabric stack.|Oct 17 2020|Minor fixes and add the additional web part property. ## Disclaimer **THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.** --- ## Minimal Path to Awesome - Clone this repository - in the command line run: - `npm install` - `gulp build` - `gulp bundle --ship` - `gulp package-solution --ship` - `Add to AppCatalog and deploy`