page_type: sample products: - office-sp - sharepoint - microsoft-graph languages: - javascript - typescript extensions: contentType: samples technologies: - SharePoint Framework - Microsoft Graph platforms: - React createdDate: 2021-04-18T19:43:46.356Z --- # Graph MGT Client ## Summary This is a sample web part developed using React Framework that showcases how to use the latest `microsoft-graph-client` in order to do advanced configuration of the Microsoft Graph client. This enables scenarios like throttling management, Chaos management and a lot more! ![Demo of the Graph Client using the MGT providers](./assets/DemoGraphClient.gif) ## Compatibility ![SPFx 1.11]( ![Node.js v10]( ![Compatible with SharePoint Online]( ![Does not work with SharePoint 2019]( "SharePoint Server 2019 requires SPFx 1.4.1 or lower") ![Does not work with SharePoint 2016 (Feature Pack 2)]( "SharePoint Server 2016 Feature Pack 2 requires SPFx 1.1") ![Teams Incompatible]( ![Local Workbench Incompatible]( "This solution requires access to Microsoft Graph") ![Hosted Workbench Compatible]( ![Compatible with Remote Containers]( ## Applies to - [SharePoint Framework]( - [Microsoft 365 tenant]( > Get your own free development tenant by subscribing to [Microsoft 365 developer program]( ## Prerequisites In the `package-solution.json` file, ensure that the scopes are available for the calls you want to do on Microsoft Graph. ```json "webApiPermissionRequests": [ { "resource": "Microsoft Graph", "scope": "User.Read.All" }, { "resource": "Microsoft Graph", "scope": "Calendars.Read" } ], ``` ## Solution Solution|Author(s) --------|--------- react-graph-mgt-client | [Sébastien Levert](, Microsoft ([@sebastienlevert]( ## Version history Version|Date|Comments -------|----|-------- 1.0|April 18, 2021|Initial release ## Minimal Path to Awesome - Clone this repository - Ensure that you are at the solution folder - in the command-line run: - `npm install` - `gulp bundle` - `gulp package-solution` - Deploy the generated *.sppkg to your App Catalog - Approve the Microsoft Graph scopes - in the command-line run: - `gulp serve` > This sample can also be opened with [VS Code Remote Development]( Visit for further instructions. ## Features This sample illustrates how to leverage the Microsoft Graph Toolkit providers to extend the experience of using the `microsoft-graph-client` in SharePoint Framework and overcomes some of its current limitations. This sample illustrates the following concepts: - Adding MGT providers to an existing SPFx solution - Replace Microsoft Graph calls built using the integrated Microsoft Graph client - Use the latest and greatest Microsoft Graph client in order to have more power over your calls ## References - [Getting started with SharePoint Framework]( - [Building for Microsoft teams]( - [Use Microsoft Graph in your solution]( - [Publish SharePoint Framework applications to the Marketplace]( - [Microsoft 365 Patterns and Practices]( - Guidance, tooling, samples and open-source controls for your Microsoft 365 development ## Disclaimer **THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.**