define([], function () { return { ApplyButtonLabel: "Apply", ImportButtonLabel: "Import", ExportButtonLabel: "Export", FormatCodeButtonLabel: "Format Code", JsonFileRequiredMessage: "Please upload a json file", SaveButtonLabel: "Save", CancelButtonLabel: "Cancel", PeoplePickerSuggestedContacts: "Suggested people", PeoplePickerSuggestedGroups: "Suggested groups", PeoplePickerSuggestedCombined: "Suggested people and groups", PeoplePickerNoResults: "No result found", PeoplePickerLoading: "Loading results ...", DatePickerMonthLongJanuary: "January", DatePickerMonthShortJanuary: "Jan", DatePickerMonthLongFebruary: "February", DatePickerMonthShortFebruary: "Feb", DatePickerMonthLongMarch: "March", DatePickerMonthShortMarch: "Mar", DatePickerMonthLongApril: "April", DatePickerMonthShortApril: "Apr", DatePickerMonthLongMay: "May", DatePickerMonthShortMay: "May", DatePickerMonthLongJune: "June", DatePickerMonthShortJune: "Jun", DatePickerMonthLongJuly: "July", DatePickerMonthShortJuly: "Jul", DatePickerMonthLongAugust: "August", DatePickerMonthShortAugust: "Aug", DatePickerMonthLongSeptember: "September", DatePickerMonthShortSeptember: "Sept", DatePickerMonthLongOctober: "October", DatePickerMonthShortOctober: "Oct", DatePickerMonthLongNovember: "November", DatePickerMonthShortNovember: "Nov", DatePickerMonthLongDecember: "December", DatePickerMonthShortDecember: "Dec", DatePickerDayLongSunday: "Sunday", DatePickerDayShortSunday: "Sun", DatePickerDayLongMonday: "Monday", DatePickerDayShortMonday: "Mon", DatePickerDayLongTuesday: "Tuesday", DatePickerDayShortTuesday: "Tue", DatePickerDayLongWednesday: "Wednesday", DatePickerDayShortWednesday: "Wed", DatePickerDayLongThursday: "Thursday", DatePickerDayShortThursday: "Thu", DatePickerDayLongFriday: "Friday", DatePickerDayShortFriday: "Fri", DatePickerDayLongSaturday: "Saturday", DatePickerDayShortSaturday: "Sat", DatepickerGoToToday: "Today", DateTimePickerDate: "Date", DateTimePickerTime: "Time", ColorPickerButtonTitle: "Pick a Color", NotNumberValidationMessage: "The value should be a number, actual is:", MinimumNumberValidationMessage: "The value should be greater than or equal to:", MaximumNumberValidationMessage: "The value should be lower than or equal to:", TermPickerNoTerms: "Term set does not contain any terms", TermPickerExpandTitle: "Expand this Term Set", TermPickerExpandNode: "Expand this Node", TermPickerMenuTermSet: "Menu for Term Set", TermPickerMenuTerm: "Menu for Term", TermPickerMenuGroup: "Menu for Term Group", TermPickerInLabel: "in", TermPickerTermSetLabel: "Term Set", propertyFieldMultiSelectNoOptions: "No options to select", CollectionDataEmptyFields: "No fields were provided for the collection data.", CollectionDataEmptyValue: "No data in your collection.", CollectionAddRowButtonLabel: "Add data to the collection", CollectionDeleteRowButtonLabel: "Delete the current row", CollectionSaveAndAddButtonLabel: "Add and save", CollectionDataItemShowErrorsLabel: "Show row errors", CollectionDataItemFieldRequiredLabel: "Field is required.", InvalidUrlError: "The provided URL is not valid", DescriptionLabel: "Description", MoreInfoLabel: "More info", AboutGroupLabel: "About", SitePickerSearchBoxPlaceholder: "Search...", SitePickerNoResults: "No search results", SitePickerSitesChosen: "Website(s) selected", TeamPickerSearchBoxPlaceholder: "Search...", TeamPickerNoResults: "No search results", TeamPickerSitesChosen: "Teams(s) selected", AddFileButtonLabel: "Add file", AddImageButtonLabel: "Add image", AriaCellValue: "{0} column, {1}", FilePickerCancelButtonLabel: "Cancel", CantValidateValidationMessage: "We couldn't verify this link. Please check the link and try again.", ChangeFileLinkLabel: "Change file", ChangeImageLinkLabel: "Change image", ChooseFileLinkLabel: "Choose file", ChooseImageLinkLabel: "Choose image", CopyrightUrl: "", CopyrightWarning: "You are responsible for respecting others' rights, including copyright.", CreativeCommonsMessage: "These results are tagged with Creative Commons licenses. Review the licenses to ensure you comply.", DateFormat: "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A", DocumentLabelTemplate: "{0}, Document, Modified {1}, edited by {2}, Private", DocumentLibraries: "Document libraries", EditedByNamePlate: "edited by ", EmptyFileSize: "0 bytes", FilePickerHeader: "File Picker", FileSizeField: "File Size", FolderAltText: "Folder", FolderBackPlate: "", FolderFrontPlate: "", FolderIconUrl: "", FolderLabelTemplate: "{0}, Folder, Modified {1}, edited by {2}, {3} items, Private", FromLinkLinkLabel: "From a link", ImageAltText: ".{0} Image", ImageAriaLabelTemplate: ".{0} Image", ImageLayoutPlaceholderText: "Layout", ImageSizePlaceholderText: "Image size", ItemChildCountField: "Item Child Count", LayoutOptionAll: "All", LayoutOptionSquare: "Square", LayoutOptionTall: "Tall", LayoutOptionWide: "Wide", LearnMoreLink: "Learn more.", LicenseOptionAll: "All", LicenseOptionAny: "Creative Commons only", LicensePlaceholderText: "License", LinkFileInstructions: "Paste a link to a file in OneDrive for Business or SharePoint Online", LinkHeader: "From a link", LinkImageInstructions: "Paste a link to an image in OneDrive for Business or SharePoint Online", ListLayoutAriaLabel: "View options. {0} {1} .", ListLayoutCompact: "Compact view", ListLayoutCompactDescription: "View items and details in a compact list", ListLayoutList: "List view", ListLayoutListDescrition: "View items and details in a list", ListLayoutTile: "Tile view", ListLayoutTileDescription: "View items with tile previews", ListOptionsAlt: "View options. {0} selected .", ListOptionsTitle: "Open the view options menu", Loading: "Loading...", ModifiedByField: "Modified By", ModifiedField: "Date Modified", NameField: "Name", No: "No", ProvidedValueIsInvalid: "Provided value is invalid", NoExternalLinksValidationMessage: "We only support linking to files in your own organization.", NoImageValidationMessage: "This isn't a link to a file type we support. You can only link to an image.", NoRecentFiles: "No recent files", NoRecentFilesDescription: "Try selecting a file from your site, or upload one from your device.", NoResultsBadEnglish: "***There is no result found. Try to change the filter options", ODModifiedField: "Modified", ODPhotoIconUrl: "", ODRowArialLabelTemplate: "{0}, {1}, Modified {2}, edited by {3}, {4}, {5}", OneDriveConfirmDialogBody: "This item is from your OneDrive site. Files and folders in OneDrive are private unless you share them. Have you shared this file with your site members so they can ccess it?", OneDriveConfirmDialogTitle: "Just checking...", OneDriveEmptyFolderAlt: "Empty folder", OneDriveEmptyFolderDescription: "To add files, go to your OneDrive. You can also add files to this folder using the OneDrive app for your computer.", OneDriveEmptyFolderIconUrl: "", OneDriveEmptyFolderTitle: "This folder is empty", OneDriveRootFolderName: "Files", OpenButtonLabel: "Open", PhotoIconUrl: "", OrgAssetsTabLabel: "Images and files provided by your organization", PoweredByBing: "Powered by Bing", RecentDocumentsHeader: "Recent documents", RecentImagesHeader: "Recent images", RecentLinkLabel: "Recent", SearchBoxPlaceholder: "Web search", SearchResultAlt: "Image result for {0}.", SearchResultAriaLabel: "Press enter to open the image source in a new tab.", Selected: "selected", SharingField: "Sharing", SharingPrivate: "Private", SharingShared: "Shared", SiteLinkLabel: "Site", SizeOptionAll: "All", SizeOptionExtraLarge: "Extra Large", SizeOptionLarge: "Large", SizeOptionMedium: "Medium", SizeOptionSmall: "Small", SizeUnit: [ "bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB" ], SorryWebSearch: "Sorry, this function isn't implemented in this sample, because it would require a Bing API key.", SortedAscending: "Sorted A to Z", SortedDescending: "Sorted Z to A", TypeAriaLabel: "Column operations for File type, Press to sort on File type", UploadFileHeader: "Upload file", UploadImageHeader: "Upload image", UploadLinkLabel: "Upload", WebSearchLinkLabel: "Web search", Yes: "Yes", StockImagesLinkLabel: "Stock images", StockImagesHeader: "Stock Images", DateTime: { "L_RelativeDateTime_AFewSecondsFuture": "In a few seconds", "L_RelativeDateTime_AFewSeconds": "A few seconds ago", "L_RelativeDateTime_AboutAMinuteFuture": "In about a minute", "L_RelativeDateTime_AboutAMinute": "About a minute ago", "L_RelativeDateTime_XMinutesFuture": "In {0} minute||In {0} minutes", "L_RelativeDateTime_XMinutes": "{0} minute ago||{0} minutes ago", "L_RelativeDateTime_XMinutesFutureIntervals": "1||2-", "L_RelativeDateTime_XMinutesIntervals": "1||2-", "L_RelativeDateTime_AboutAnHourFuture": "In about an hour", "L_RelativeDateTime_AboutAnHour": "About an hour ago", "L_RelativeDateTime_Tomorrow": "Tomorrow", "L_RelativeDateTime_Yesterday": "Yesterday", "L_RelativeDateTime_TomorrowAndTime": "Tomorrow at {0}", "L_RelativeDateTime_YesterdayAndTime": "Yesterday at {0}", "L_RelativeDateTime_XHoursFuture": "In {0} hour||In {0} hours", "L_RelativeDateTime_XHours": "{0} hour ago||{0} hours ago", "L_RelativeDateTime_XHoursFutureIntervals": "1||2-", "L_RelativeDateTime_XHoursIntervals": "1||2-", "L_RelativeDateTime_DayAndTime": "{0} at {1}", "L_RelativeDateTime_XDaysFuture": "{0} day from now||{0} days from now", "L_RelativeDateTime_XDays": "{0} day ago||{0} days ago", "L_RelativeDateTime_XDaysFutureIntervals": "1||2-", "L_RelativeDateTime_XDaysIntervals": "1||2-", "L_RelativeDateTime_Today": "Today" }, NewFolderNamePlaceholder: "Enter your folder name", FolderFilterBoxPlaceholder: "Filter folders by name", FolderExplorerLoading: "Loading folders...", FolderExplorerNoItems: "This folder doesn't have any subfolders.", IncorrectGuidValidationMessage: "Please enter a valid GUID", SelectedLabel: "Selected", SelectIcon: "Select icon", CloseButton: "Close" } });