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617 lines
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define([], function() {
'use strict';
// File: photopile.js
// Auth: Brian W. Howell
// Date: 8 May 2014
// Photopile image gallery
// Modified by Olivier Carpentier to work with SPFx
var photopile = (function() {
// Thumbnails
var numLayers = 5; // number of layers in the pile (max zindex)
var thumbOverlap = 50; // overlap amount (px)
var thumbRotation = 45; // maximum rotation (deg)
var thumbBorderWidth = 2; // border width (px)
var thumbBorderColor = 'white'; // border color
var thumbBorderHover = '#EAEAEA'; // border hover color
var draggable = true; // enable draggable thumbnails
// Photo container
var fadeDuration = 200; // speed at which photo fades (ms)
var pickupDuration = 500; // speed at which photo is picked up & put down (ms)
var photoZIndex = 100; // z-index (show above all)
var photoBorder = 10; // border width around fullsize image
var photoBorderColor = 'white'; // border color
var showInfo = true; // include photo description (alt tag) in photo container
// Autoplay
var autoplayGallery = false; // autoplay the photopile
var autoplaySpeed = 5000; // ms
// Images
var loading = '//photopilewebpart.blob.core.windows.net/photopile-web-part/loading.gif'; // path to img displayed while gallery/thumbnails loads
//---- END SETTINGS ----
//Function to modify SETTINGS
//thumbnails settings
function setNumLayers(numLayersValue) {
if (numLayersValue != null)
numLayers = numLayersValue;
function setThumbOverlap(thumbOverlapValue) {
if (thumbOverlapValue != null)
thumbOverlap = thumbOverlapValue;
function setThumbRotation(thumbRotationValue) {
if (thumbRotationValue != null)
thumbRotation = thumbRotationValue;
function setThumbBorderWidth(thumbBorderWidthValue) {
if (thumbBorderWidthValue != null)
thumbBorderWidth = thumbBorderWidthValue;
function setThumbBorderColor(thumbBorderColorValue) {
if (thumbBorderColorValue != null)
thumbBorderColor = thumbBorderColorValue;
function setThumbBorderHover(thumbBorderHoverValue) {
if (thumbBorderHoverValue != null)
thumbBorderHover = thumbBorderHoverValue;
function setDraggable(draggableValue) {
if (draggableValue != null)
draggable = draggableValue;
//Photo containers settings
function setFadeDuration(fadeDurationValue) {
if (fadeDurationValue != null)
fadeDuration = fadeDurationValue;
function setPickupDuration(pickupDurationValue) {
if (pickupDurationValue != null)
pickupDuration = pickupDurationValue;
function setPhotoZIndex(photoZIndexValue) {
if (photoZIndexValue != null)
photoZIndex = photoZIndexValue;
function setPhotoBorder(photoBorderValue) {
if (photoBorderValue != null)
photoBorder = photoBorderValue;
function setPhotoBorderColor(photoBorderColorValue) {
if (photoBorderColorValue != null)
photoBorderColor = photoBorderColorValue;
function setShowInfo(showInfoValue) {
if (showInfoValue != null)
showInfo = showInfoValue;
//Autoplay settings
function setAutoplayGallery(autoplayGalleryValue) {
if (autoplayGalleryValue != null)
autoplayGallery = autoplayGalleryValue;
function setAutoplaySpeed(autoplaySpeedValue) {
if (autoplaySpeedValue != null)
autoplaySpeed = autoplaySpeedValue;
// Initializes Photopile
function init() {
// once gallery has loaded completely
//$(window).on('load', function() {
// display gallery loading image in container div while loading
'background-repeat' : 'no-repeat',
'background-position' : '50%, 50%',
'background-image' : 'url(' + loading + ')'
// initialize thumbnails and photo container
$('ul.photopile').children().each( function() {
$('div.photopile-wrapper').css({ // style container
'padding' : thumbOverlap + 'px',
'background-image' : 'none'
}).children().css({ // display thumbnails
'opacity' : '0',
'display' : 'inline-block'
}).fadeTo(fadeDuration, 1);
navigator.init(); // init navigator
if (autoplayGallery) {
} // init
function autoplay() {
var nextThumb = $('ul.photopile').children().first();
window.setInterval(function () {
if (nextThumb.hasClass('last')) {
nextThumb = $('ul.photopile').children().first();
} else {
nextThumb = nextThumb.next();
}, autoplaySpeed);
// List-item containing a link to a fullsize image
var thumb = {
active : 'photopile-active-thumbnail', // active (or clicked) thumbnail class name
// Initializes thumbnail.
init : function( thumb ) {
self = this;
thumb.children().css( 'padding', thumbBorderWidth + 'px' );
// make draggable
if (draggable) {
var x = 0;
var velocity = 0;
start : function(event, ui) {
thumb.css('z-index', numLayers + 2);
// unbind mouseover/out so thumb remains above pile
$('ul.photopile').children().each( function() {
thumb.unbind("mouseover", self.bringToTop);
thumb.unbind("mouseout", self.moveDownOne);
drag : function( event, ui ) {
velocity = (ui.offset.left - x) * 1.2;
ratio = parseInt( velocity * 100 / 360 );
x = ui.offset.left;
stop: function( event, ui ) {
thumb.css('z-index', numLayers + 1);
// re-bind mouseover/out so thumb is moved to top of pile on hover
$('ul.photopile').children().each( function() {
thumb.bind("mouseover", self.bringToTop);
thumb.bind("mouseout", self.moveDownOne);
thumb.css('background', thumbBorderColor );
// Binds UI actions to thumbnail.
bindUIActions : function( thumb ) {
var self = this;
thumb.bind("mouseover", self.bringToTop);
thumb.bind("mouseout", self.moveDownOne);
// Pickup the thumbnail on click (if not being dragged).
thumb.click( function(e) {
if ($(this).hasClass('preventClick')) {
} else {
if ($(this).hasClass(self.active)) return;
photo.pickup( $(this) );
// Prevent user from having to double click thumbnail after dragging.
thumb.mousedown( function(e) {
}, // bindUIActions
bringToTop : function() {
'z-index' : numLayers + 1,
'background' : thumbBorderHover
moveDownOne : function() {
'z-index' : numLayers,
'background' : thumbBorderColor
// Setters for various thumbnail properties.
setOverlap : function( thumb ) { thumb.css( 'margin', ((thumbOverlap * -1) / 2) + 'px' ); },
setZ : function( thumb, layer ) { thumb.css( 'z-index', layer ); },
setRandomZ : function( thumb ) { thumb.css({ 'z-index' : Math.floor((Math.random() * numLayers) + 1) }); },
setRotation : function( thumb ) {
var min = -1 * thumbRotation;
var max = thumbRotation;
var randomRotation = Math.floor( Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
thumb.css({ 'transform' : 'rotate(' + randomRotation + 'deg)' });
// ----- Active thumbnail -----
// Sets the active thumbnail.
setActive : function( thumb ) { thumb.addClass(this.active); },
// Getters for active thumbnail properties
getActiveOffset : function() { return $('li.' + this.active).offset(); },
getActiveHeight : function() { return $('li.' + this.active).height(); },
getActiveWidth : function() { return $('li.' + this.active).width(); },
getActiveImgSrc : function() { return $('li.' + this.active).children().first().attr('href'); },
getActiveRotation : function() {
var transform = $('li.' + this.active).css("transform");
var values = transform.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',');
var angle = Math.round( Math.asin( values[1]) * (180/Math.PI) );
return angle;
// Gets the active thumbnail if set, or returns false.
getActive : function() {
return ($('li.' + this.active)[0]) ? $('li.' + this.active).first() : false;
// Returns a shift amount used to better position the photo container
// on top of the active thumb. Needed because offset is skewed by thumbnail's rotation.
getActiveShift : function() {
return ( this.getActiveRotation() < 0 )
? -( this.getActiveRotation(thumb) * 0.40 )
: ( this.getActiveRotation(thumb) * 0.40 );
// Removes the active class from all thumbnails.
clearActiveClass : function() { $('li.' + this.active).fadeTo(fadeDuration, 1).removeClass(this.active); }
} // thumbnail
// Dynamic container div wrapping an img element that displays the
// fullsize image associated with the active thumbnail
var photo = {
// Photo container elements
container : '',
image : '',
info : '',
isPickedUp : false, // track if photo container is currently viewable
fullSizeWidth : null, // will hold width of active thumbnail's fullsize image
fullSizeHeight : null, // will hold height of active thumbnail's fullsize image
windowPadding : 40, // minimum space between container and edge of window (px)
// Adds photo container elements to DOM.
init : function() {
this.container = $( '<div id="photopile-active-image-container"/>' );
this.image = $( '<img id="photopile-active-image" />');
this.info = $( '<div id="photopile-active-image-info"/>');
// append and style photo container
$('body').append( this.container );
'display' : 'none',
'position' : 'absolute',
'padding' : thumbBorderWidth,
'z-index' : photoZIndex,
'background' : photoBorderColor,
'background-image' : 'url(' + loading + ')',
'background-repeat' : 'no-repeat',
'background-position' : '50%, 50%'
// append and style image
this.container.append( this.image );
this.image.css('display', 'block');
// append and style info div
if ( showInfo ) {
this.container.append( this.info );
this.info.css('opacity', '0');
}, // init
// Simulates picking up a photo from the photopile.
pickup : function( thumbnail ) {
var self = this;
if ( self.isPickedUp ) {
// photo already picked up. put it down and then pickup the clicked thumbnail
self.putDown( function() { self.pickup( thumbnail ); });
} else {
self.isPickedUp = true;
thumb.setActive( thumbnail );
self.loadImage( thumb.getActiveImgSrc(), function() {
self.image.fadeTo(fadeDuration, '1');
$('body').bind('click', function() { self.putDown(); }); // bind putdown event to body
}, // pickup
// Simulates putting a photo down, or returning to the photo pile.
putDown : function( callback ) {
self = this;
thumb.setZ( thumb.getActive(), numLayers );
'top' : thumb.getActiveOffset().top + thumb.getActiveShift(),
'left' : thumb.getActiveOffset().left + thumb.getActiveShift(),
'width' : thumb.getActiveWidth() + 'px',
'height' : thumb.getActiveHeight() + 'px',
'padding' : thumbBorderWidth + 'px'
}, pickupDuration, function() {
self.isPickedUp = false;
self.container.fadeOut( fadeDuration, function() {
if (callback) callback();
// Handles the loading of an image when a thumbnail is clicked.
loadImage : function ( src, callback ) {
var self = this;
self.image.css('opacity', '0'); // Image is not visible until
self.startPosition(); // the container is positioned,
var img = new Image; // the source is updated,
img.src = src; // and the image is loaded.
img.onload = function() { // Restore visibility in callback
self.fullSizeWidth = this.width;
self.fullSizeHeight = this.height;
self.setImageSource( src );
if (callback) callback();
// Positions the div container over the active thumb and brings it into view.
startPosition : function() {
'top' : thumb.getActiveOffset().top + thumb.getActiveShift(),
'left' : thumb.getActiveOffset().left + thumb.getActiveShift(),
'transform' : 'rotate(' + thumb.getActiveRotation() + 'deg)',
'width' : thumb.getActiveWidth() + 'px',
'height' : thumb.getActiveHeight() + 'px',
'padding' : thumbBorderWidth
}).fadeTo(fadeDuration, '1');
thumb.getActive().fadeTo(fadeDuration, '0');
// Enlarges the photo container based on window and image size (loadImage callback).
enlarge : function() {
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $(window).height(); // mobile safari hack
var availableWidth = $(window).width() - (2 * this.windowPadding);
var availableHeight = windowHeight - (2 * this.windowPadding);
if ((availableWidth < this.fullSizeWidth) && ( availableHeight < this.fullSizeHeight )) {
// determine which dimension will allow image to fit completely within the window
if ((availableWidth * (this.fullSizeHeight / this.fullSizeWidth)) > availableHeight) {
this.enlargeToWindowHeight( availableHeight );
} else {
this.enlargeToWindowWidth( availableWidth );
} else if ( availableWidth < this.fullSizeWidth ) {
this.enlargeToWindowWidth( availableWidth );
} else if ( availableHeight < this.fullSizeHeight ) {
this.enlargeToWindowHeight( availableHeight );
} else {
}, // enlarge
// Updates the info div text and makes visible within the photo container.
showInfo : function() {
if ( showInfo ) {
this.info.children().text( thumb.getActive().children('a').children('img').attr('alt') );
'margin-top' : -(this.info.height()) + 'px'
}).fadeTo(fadeDuration, 1);
// Hides the info div.
hideInfo : function() {
if ( showInfo ) {
this.info.fadeTo(fadeDuration, 0);
// Fullsize image will fit in window. Display it and show nav controls.
enlargeToFullSize : function() {
self = this;
self.container.css('transform', 'rotate(0deg)').animate({
'top' : ($(window).scrollTop()) + ($(window).height() / 2) - (self.fullSizeHeight / 2),
'left' : ($(window).scrollLeft()) + ($(window).width() / 2) - (self.fullSizeWidth / 2),
'width' : (self.fullSizeWidth - (2 * photoBorder)) + 'px',
'height' : (self.fullSizeHeight - (2 * photoBorder)) + 'px',
'padding' : photoBorder + 'px',
}, function() {
// Fullsize image width exceeds window width. Display it and show nav controls.
enlargeToWindowWidth : function( availableWidth ) {
self = this;
var adjustedHeight = availableWidth * (self.fullSizeHeight / self.fullSizeWidth);
self.container.css('transform', 'rotate(0deg)').animate({
'top' : $(window).scrollTop() + ($(window).height() / 2) - (adjustedHeight / 2),
'left' : $(window).scrollLeft() + ($(window).width() / 2) - (availableWidth / 2),
'width' : availableWidth + 'px',
'height' : adjustedHeight + 'px',
'padding' : photoBorder + 'px'
}, function() {
// Fullsize image height exceeds window height. Display it and show nav controls.
enlargeToWindowHeight : function( availableHeight ) {
self = this;
var adjustedWidth = availableHeight * (self.fullSizeWidth / self.fullSizeHeight);
self.container.css('transform', 'rotate(0deg)').animate({
'top' : $(window).scrollTop() + ($(window).height() / 2) - (availableHeight / 2),
'left' : $(window).scrollLeft() + ($(window).width() / 2) - (adjustedWidth / 2),
'width' : adjustedWidth + 'px',
'height' : availableHeight + 'px',
'padding' : photoBorder + 'px'
}, function() {
// Sets the photo container's image source.
setImageSource : function( src ) {
this.image.attr('src', src).css({
'width' : '100%',
'height' : '100%',
'margin-top' : '0'
} // photo
// Collection of div elements used to navigate the photos in gallery
var navigator = {
// Navigator controls.
next : '',
prev : '',
init : function() {
this.next = $( '<div id="photopile-nav-next" />' );
this.prev = $( '<div id="photopile-nav-prev" />' );
photo.container.append( this.next ); // add next control button
photo.container.append( this.prev ); // add prev control button
$('ul.photopile li:first').addClass('first'); // add 'first' class to first thumb
$('ul.photopile li:last').addClass('last'); // add 'last' class to last thumb
bindUIActions : function() {
// Bind next/prev event to the left and right arrow controls
this.next.click( function(e) {
this.prev.click( function(e) {
// bind prev & next to LR arrow respectively
$(document.documentElement).keyup(function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 39) { navigator.pickupNext(); } // right arrow clicks
if (e.keyCode == 37) { navigator.pickupPrev(); } // left arrow clicks
}, // bindUIActions
pickupNext : function() {
var activeThumb = thumb.getActive();
if ( !activeThumb ) return;
if ( activeThumb.hasClass('last')) {
photo.pickup( $('ul.photopile').children().first() ); // pickup first
} else {
photo.pickup( activeThumb.next('li') ); // pickup next
pickupPrev : function() {
var activeThumb = thumb.getActive();
if ( !activeThumb ) return;
if ( activeThumb.hasClass('first')) {
photo.pickup( $('ul.photopile').children().last() ); // pickup last
} else {
photo.pickup( activeThumb.prev('li') ); // pickup prev
hideControls : function() {
this.next.css('opacity', '0');
this.prev.css('opacity', '0');
showControls : function() {
this.next.css('opacity', '100');
this.prev.css('opacity', '100');
}; // navigator
return {
scatter : init,
autoplay : autoplay,
setNumLayers: setNumLayers,
setThumbOverlap: setThumbOverlap,
setThumbRotation: setThumbRotation,
setThumbBorderWidth: setThumbBorderWidth,
setThumbBorderColor: setThumbBorderColor,
setThumbBorderHover: setThumbBorderHover,
setDraggable: setDraggable,
setFadeDuration: setFadeDuration,
setPickupDuration: setPickupDuration,
setPhotoZIndex: setPhotoZIndex,
setPhotoBorder: setPhotoBorder,
setPhotoBorderColor: setPhotoBorderColor,
setShowInfo: setShowInfo,
setAutoplayGallery: setAutoplayGallery,
setAutoplaySpeed: setAutoplaySpeed
})(); // photopile
return photopile;
//photopile.scatter(); // ### initialize the photopile ###