
53 lines
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// Type definitions for redux-logger v2.6.0
// Project: https://github.com/fcomb/redux-logger
// Definitions by: Alexander Rusakov <https://github.com/arusakov/>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
/// <reference path="../redux/redux.d.ts" />
declare module 'redux-logger' {
type LoggerPredicate = (getState: () => any, action: any) => boolean;
type StateToString = (state: any) => string;
type ActionToString = (action: any) => string;
type ErrorToString = (error: any, prevState: any) => string;
interface ColorsObject {
title?: boolean | ActionToString;
prevState?: boolean | StateToString;
action?: boolean | ActionToString;
nextState?: boolean | StateToString;
error?: boolean | ErrorToString;
interface LevelObject {
prevState?: string | boolean | StateToString;
action?: string | boolean | ActionToString;
nextState?: string | boolean | StateToString;
error?: string | boolean | ErrorToString;
interface ReduxLoggerOptions {
level?: string | ActionToString | LevelObject;
duration?: boolean;
timestamp?: boolean;
colors?: ColorsObject;
logger?: any;
logErrors?: boolean;
collapsed?: boolean | LoggerPredicate;
predicate?: LoggerPredicate;
stateTransformer?: (state: any) => any;
actionTransformer?: (action: any) => any;
errorTransformer?: (error: any) => any;
diff?: boolean;
diffPredicate?: LoggerPredicate;
// Trickery to get TypeScript to accept that our anonymous, non-default export is a function.
// see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/3612 for more
namespace createLogger {}
function createLogger(options?: ReduxLoggerOptions): Redux.Middleware;
export = createLogger;