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synced 2025-03-02 09:49:11 +00:00
* [react-mobx] scaffold project + migrate to drop5 * [react-mobx] install mobx dependencies * [react-mobx] configure reactive and nonreactive webpart version * [react-mobx] add presentational and container components * [react-mobx] Replace description field with name * [react-mobx] Add mobx store and hook up webpart & components * [react-mobx] update readme * [react-mobx] remove custom tslint.config * [react-mobx] only render the webpart once
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// Type definitions for fetch API
// Project: https://github.com/github/fetch
// Definitions by: Ryan Graham <https://github.com/ryan-codingintrigue>
// Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped
/// <reference path="../es6-promise/es6-promise.d.ts" />
declare class Request extends Body {
constructor(input: string|Request, init?:RequestInit);
method: string;
url: string;
headers: Headers;
context: string|RequestContext;
referrer: string;
mode: string|RequestMode;
credentials: string|RequestCredentials;
cache: string|RequestCache;
interface RequestInit {
method?: string;
headers?: HeaderInit|{ [index: string]: string };
body?: BodyInit;
mode?: string|RequestMode;
credentials?: string|RequestCredentials;
cache?: string|RequestCache;
declare enum RequestContext {
"audio", "beacon", "cspreport", "download", "embed", "eventsource", "favicon", "fetch",
"font", "form", "frame", "hyperlink", "iframe", "image", "imageset", "import",
"internal", "location", "manifest", "object", "ping", "plugin", "prefetch", "script",
"serviceworker", "sharedworker", "subresource", "style", "track", "video", "worker",
"xmlhttprequest", "xslt"
declare enum RequestMode { "same-origin", "no-cors", "cors" }
declare enum RequestCredentials { "omit", "same-origin", "include" }
declare enum RequestCache { "default", "no-store", "reload", "no-cache", "force-cache", "only-if-cached" }
declare class Headers {
append(name: string, value: string): void;
delete(name: string):void;
get(name: string): string;
getAll(name: string): Array<string>;
has(name: string): boolean;
set(name: string, value: string): void;
declare class Body {
bodyUsed: boolean;
arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
blob(): Promise<Blob>;
formData(): Promise<FormData>;
json(): Promise<any>;
json<T>(): Promise<T>;
text(): Promise<string>;
declare class Response extends Body {
constructor(body?: BodyInit, init?: ResponseInit);
error(): Response;
redirect(url: string, status: number): Response;
type: string|ResponseType;
url: string;
status: number;
ok: boolean;
statusText: string;
headers: Headers;
clone(): Response;
declare enum ResponseType { "basic", "cors", "default", "error", "opaque" }
interface ResponseInit {
status: number;
statusText?: string;
headers?: HeaderInit;
declare type HeaderInit = Headers|Array<string>;
declare type BodyInit = Blob|FormData|string;
declare type RequestInfo = Request|string;
interface Window {
fetch(url: string|Request, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;
declare var fetch: typeof window.fetch;