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synced 2025-03-09 06:38:52 +00:00
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# Function to connect to the SharePoint Online using cert or credentials
function connectSPOnline ($targeturl, $usecert) {
if($usecert -eq $true) {
# Using cert
$tenant = $env:Tenant
$clientid = $env:ClientID
$thumbprint = $env:Thumbprint
# Connect to the root site collections using cert
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $targeturl -ClientId $clientid -Thumbprint $thumbprint -Tenant $tenant
} else {
# Using service account and password
$serviceAccount = $env:ServiceAccount
$serviceAccountPwd = $env:ServiceAccountPwd
# Connect to the root site collections with the service account
$encPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $serviceAccountPwd -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $serviceAccount, $encPassword
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $targeturl -Credentials $cred
function uploadToUserProfilePictures ($mysiteurl, $filename, $streamval, $usecert) {
connectSPOnline -targeturl $mysiteurl -usecert $usecert
Add-PnPFile -Stream $streamval -FileName $filename -Folder $userphotofolder
function updateUserProperty($adminurl, $mysiteurl, $upn, $pictureName, $usecert) {
connectSPOnline -targeturl $adminurl -usecert $usecert
Set-PnPUserProfileProperty -Account $upn -PropertyName "PictureUrl" -Value "$mysiteurl/$userphotofolder/$pictureName"
Set-PnPUserProfileProperty -Account $upn -PropertyName "SPS-PicturePlaceholderState" -Value 0
function getFileAndUpload ($adminurl, $mysiteurl, $targetsiteurl, $userid, $picfolder, $picname, $usecert) {
try {
connectSPOnline -targeturl $targetsiteurl -usecert $usecert
$lfilename = $picname+"_LThumb.jpg"
$lpicurl = $picfolder+$lfilename
$lfs = (Get-PnPFile -ServerRelativeUrl $lpicurl).OpenBinaryStream()
uploadToUserProfilePictures -mysiteurl $mysiteurl -filename $lfilename -streamval $lfs.Value
connectSPOnline -targeturl $targetsiteurl -usecert $usecert
$mfilename = $picname+"_MThumb.jpg"
$mpicurl = $picfolder+$mfilename
$mfs = (Get-PnPFile -ServerRelativeUrl $mpicurl).OpenBinaryStream()
uploadToUserProfilePictures -mysiteurl $mysiteurl -filename $mfilename -streamval $mfs.Value
updateUserProperty -adminurl $adminurl -mysiteurl $mysiteurl -upn $userid -pictureName $mfilename
connectSPOnline -targeturl $targetsiteurl -usecert $usecert
$sfilename = $picname+"_SThumb.jpg"
$spicurl = $picfolder+$sfilename
$sfs = (Get-PnPFile -ServerRelativeUrl $spicurl).OpenBinaryStream()
uploadToUserProfilePictures -mysiteurl $mysiteurl -filename $sfilename -streamval $sfs.Value
return $true
} catch {
return $false
# Read the request as a JSON object
$jsoninput = Get-Content $req -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
# Configure local variable
$adminurl = $jsoninput.adminurl
$mysiteurl = $jsoninput.mysiteurl
$targetsiteurl = $jsoninput.targetsiteurl
$picfolder = $jsoninput.picfolder
$usecert = $jsoninput.usecert
$itemid = $jsoninput.itemid
$clearPhotos = $jsoninput.clearPhotos
$targetList = "UPS Photo Sync Jobs"
$userphotofolder = "User Photos/Profile Pictures"
# Update the status of the item to 'In-Progress'
connectSPOnline -targeturl $targetsiteurl -usecert $usecert
Set-PnPListItem -List $targetList -Identity $itemid -Values @{"Status" = "In-Progress" } -SystemUpdate
foreach ($val in $jsoninput.value) {
if ($null -ne $val.userid -and $null -ne $val.picturename) {
$status = getFileAndUpload -adminurl $adminurl -mysiteurl $mysiteurl -targetsiteurl $targetsiteurl -userid $val.userid -picfolder $picfolder -picname $val.picturename -usecert $usecert
if ($null -eq $val.Status) {
if($true -eq $status) {
$val | Add-Member -Name "Status" -Value "Updated" -MemberType NoteProperty
} else {
$val | Add-Member -Name "Status" -Value "Not Updated" -MemberType NoteProperty
} else {
if($true -eq $status) {
$val.Status = "Updated"
} else {
$val.Status = "Not Updated"
# If the clear photos flag is set delete all the temporary thumbnails
connectSPOnline -targeturl $targetsiteurl -usecert $usecert
if($true -eq $clearPhotos) {
$filename = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $picfolder,$val.picturename,"_LThumb.jpg"
Remove-PnPFile -ServerRelativeUrl $filename -Force
$filename = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $picfolder,$val.picturename,"_MThumb.jpg"
Remove-PnPFile -ServerRelativeUrl $filename -Force
$filename = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $picfolder,$val.picturename,"_SThumb.jpg"
Remove-PnPFile -ServerRelativeUrl $filename -Force
# JSON after updating the properties of the user
$jsonOutput = $jsoninput | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 -Compress
Set-PnPListItem -List $targetList -Identity $itemid -Values @{"SyncedData" = $jsonOutput; "Status" = "Completed" } -SystemUpdate |