This is an experimental project on boostrapping multiple identical angular2 applications with the same root class component.
Building the code
git clone the repo
npm i
npm i -g gulp
tsd install
gulp serve
This package produces the following:
lib/* commonjs components - this allows this package to be reused from other packages.
dist/* - a single bundle containing the components used for uploading to a cdn pointing a registered Sharepoint webpart library to.
src/* - all files for the expiriemental angular2 todo webpart.
src/webparts/todo/core - am abstract base class that we created for angular2 applications.
src/webparts/todo/TodoWebPart.ts - a class to create unique instance of the root class component and return other metadata for the NgModule decorator funciton.
Build options
gulp nuke - TODO gulp test - TODO gulp watch - TODO gulp build - TODO gulp deploy - TODO