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2013-01-30 21:51:28 -05:00
/* Driver template for the PHP_VTQL_ParserrGenerator parser generator. (PHP port of LEMON)
* This can be used to store both the string representation of
* a token, and any useful meta-data associated with the token.
* meta-data should be stored as an array
class VTQL_ParseryyToken implements ArrayAccess
public $string = '';
public $metadata = array();
function __construct($s, $m = array())
if ($s instanceof VTQL_ParseryyToken) {
$this->string = $s->string;
$this->metadata = $s->metadata;
} else {
$this->string = (string) $s;
if ($m instanceof VTQL_ParseryyToken) {
$this->metadata = $m->metadata;
} elseif (is_array($m)) {
$this->metadata = $m;
function __toString()
return $this->_string;
function offsetExists($offset)
return isset($this->metadata[$offset]);
function offsetGet($offset)
return $this->metadata[$offset];
function offsetSet($offset, $value)
if ($offset === null) {
if (isset($value[0])) {
$x = ($value instanceof VTQL_ParseryyToken) ?
$value->metadata : $value;
$this->metadata = array_merge($this->metadata, $x);
$offset = count($this->metadata);
if ($value === null) {
if ($value instanceof VTQL_ParseryyToken) {
if ($value->metadata) {
$this->metadata[$offset] = $value->metadata;
} elseif ($value) {
$this->metadata[$offset] = $value;
function offsetUnset($offset)
/** The following structure represents a single element of the
* parser's stack. Information stored includes:
* + The state number for the parser at this level of the stack.
* + The value of the token stored at this level of the stack.
* (In other words, the "major" token.)
* + The semantic value stored at this level of the stack. This is
* the information used by the action routines in the grammar.
* It is sometimes called the "minor" token.
class VTQL_ParseryyStackEntry
public $stateno; /* The state-number */
public $major; /* The major token value. This is the code
** number for the token at this stack level */
public $minor; /* The user-supplied minor token value. This
** is the value of the token */
// code external to the class is included here
// declare_class is output here
#line 451 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
class VTQL_Parser#line 102 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
/* First off, code is included which follows the "include_class" declaration
** in the input file. */
#line 199 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
add this rule to add parenthesis support.
condition ::= PARENOPEN expr_set expr(E) PARENCLOSE.
sample format(for contacts) for generated sql object
Array (
[column_list] => c4,c3,c2,c1
[tableName] => vtiger_crmentity,vtiger_contactdetails,vtiger_contactaddress,vtiger_contactsubdetails,vtiger_contactscf,vtiger_customerdetails
[where_condition] => Array (
[column_operators] => Array (
[0] => =
[1] => =
[2] => =
[column_names] => Array (
[0] => c1
[1] => c2
[2] => c3
[column_values] => Array (
[0] => 'llet me'
[1] => 45
[2] => -1
[grouping] => Array (
[0] => Array (
[0] => 1
[1] => 2
[operators] => Array (
[0] => and
[1] => or
[orderby] => Array (
[0] => c4
[1] => c5
[select] => SELECT
[from] => from
[semi_colon] => ;
private $out;
public $lex;
private $success ;
private $query ;
private $error_msg;
private $syntax_error;
private $user;
function __construct($user, $lex,$out){
$out = array();
$this->out = &$out;
$this->lex = $lex;
$this->success = false;
$this->error_msg ='';
$this->query = '';
$this->syntax_error = false;
$this->user = $user;
function __toString(){
return $this->value."";
function buildSelectStmt($sqlDump){
$meta = $sqlDump['meta'];
$fieldcol = $meta->getFieldColumnMapping();
$columnTable = $meta->getColumnTableMapping();
$this->query = 'SELECT ';
if(in_array('*', $sqlDump['column_list'])){
foreach($fieldcol as $field=>$col){
$this->query = $this->query.$columnTable[$col].'.'.$col;
$this->query = $this->query.','.$columnTable[$col].'.'.$col;
}else if(in_array('count(*)', $sqlDump['column_list'])){
$this->query = $this->query." COUNT(*)";
foreach($sqlDump['column_list'] as $ind=>$field){
throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$ACCESSDENIED, "Permission to access '.$field.' attribute denied.");
$this->query = $this->query.$columnTable[$fieldcol[$field]].'.'.$fieldcol[$field];
$this->query = $this->query.','.$columnTable[$fieldcol[$field]].'.'.$fieldcol[$field];
$this->query = $this->query.' FROM '.$sqlDump['tableName'].$sqlDump['defaultJoinConditions'];
$deletedQuery = $meta->getEntityDeletedQuery();
$accessControlQuery = $meta->getEntityAccessControlQuery();
$this->query = $this->query.' '.$accessControlQuery;
if((sizeof($sqlDump['where_condition']['column_names']) ==
sizeof($sqlDump['where_condition']['column_values'])) &&
(sizeof($sqlDump['where_condition']['column_operators']) == sizeof($sqlDump['where_condition']['operators'])+1)){
$this->query = $this->query.' WHERE (';
$referenceFields = $meta->getReferenceFieldDetails();
$ownerFields = $meta->getOwnerFields();
throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$ACCESSDENIED, "Permission to access ".$sqlDump['where_condition']['column_names'][$i]." attribute denied.");
$whereField = $sqlDump['where_condition']['column_names'][$i];
$whereOperator = $sqlDump['where_condition']['column_operators'][$i];
$whereValue = $sqlDump['where_condition']['column_values'][$i];
foreach($whereValue as $index=>$value){
throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$INVALIDID,"Id specified is incorrect");
$whereValue = array_map(array($this, 'getReferenceValue'),$whereValue);
}else if(strpos($whereValue,'x')!==false){
$whereValue = $this->getReferenceValue($whereValue);
$whereValue = "'".$whereValue."'";
throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$INVALIDID,"Id specified is incorrect");
}else if(in_array($whereField,$ownerFields)){
$groupId = array_map(array($this, 'getOwner'),$whereValue);
$groupId = $this->getOwner($whereValue);
$groupId = "'$groupId'";
$whereValue = $groupId;
$whereValue = "(".implode(',',$whereValue).")";
}elseif(strcasecmp($whereOperator, 'in') === 0){
$whereValue = "($whereValue)";
$this->query = $this->query.$columnTable[$fieldcol[$whereField]].'.'.
$fieldcol[$whereField]." ".$whereOperator." ".$whereValue;
if($i <sizeof($sqlDump['where_condition']['column_values'])-1){
$this->query = $this->query.' ';
$this->query = $this->query.$sqlDump['where_condition']['operators'][$i].' ';
throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$QUERYSYNTAX, "columns data inappropriate");
$this->query = $this->query.")";
$nextToken = ' AND ';
$nextToken = " WHERE ";
$this->query = $this->query." $nextToken activitytype='Task' AND ";
$this->query = $this->query."$nextToken activitytype!='Emails' AND activitytype!='Task' AND ";
}else if(strcasecmp('emails',$this->out['moduleName'])===0){
$this->query = $this->query."$nextToken activitytype='Emails' AND ";
$this->query = $this->query.$nextToken;
$this->query = $this->query.' '.$deletedQuery;
$this->query = $this->query.' ORDER BY ';
foreach($sqlDump['orderby'] as $ind=>$field){
$this->query = $this->query.$columnTable[$fieldcol[$field]].".".$fieldcol[$field];
$this->query = $this->query.','.$columnTable[$fieldcol[$field]].".".$fieldcol[$field];
if($sqlDump['sortOrder']) {
$this->query .= ' '.$sqlDump['sortOrder'];
$offset =false;
$offset = true;
$this->query = $this->query.' LIMIT ';
foreach($sqlDump['limit'] as $ind=>$field){
$field = ($field>100)? 100: $field;
$this->query = $this->query.$field;
$offset = false;
$this->query = $this->query.','.$field;
$this->query = $this->query.' LIMIT 100';
$this->query = $this->query.';';
function getTables($sqlDump,$columns){
$meta = $sqlDump['meta'];
$coltable = $meta->getColumnTableMapping();
$tables = array();
foreach($columns as $ind=>$col){
$tables[$coltable[$col]] = $coltable[$col];
$tables = array_keys($tables);
return ($tables);
function getReferenceValue($whereValue){
$whereValue = trim($whereValue,'\'"');
$whereValue = vtws_getIdComponents($whereValue);
$whereValue = $whereValue[1];
return $whereValue;
function getOwner($whereValue){
$whereValue = trim($whereValue,'\'"');
$whereValue = vtws_getIdComponents($whereValue);
$whereValue = $whereValue[1];
return $whereValue;
function isSuccess(){
return $this->success;
function getErrorMsg(){
return $this->error_msg;
function getQuery(){
return $this->query;
function getObjectMetaData(){
return $this->out['meta'];
#line 359 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
/* Next is all token values, as class constants
** These constants (all generated automatically by the parser generator)
** specify the various kinds of tokens (terminals) that the parser
** understands.
** Each symbol here is a terminal symbol in the grammar.
const SELECT = 1;
const FRM = 2;
const COLUMNNAME = 3;
const ASTERISK = 4;
const COUNT = 5;
const PARENOPEN = 6;
const PARENCLOSE = 7;
const COMMA = 8;
const TABLENAME = 9;
const WHERE = 10;
const LOGICAL_AND = 11;
const LOGICAL_OR = 12;
const VALUE = 13;
const EQ = 14;
const LT = 15;
const GT = 16;
const LTE = 17;
const GTE = 18;
const NE = 19;
const IN = 20;
const LIKE = 21;
const ORDERBY = 22;
const ASC = 23;
const DESC = 24;
const LIMIT = 25;
const SEMICOLON = 26;
const YY_NO_ACTION = 102;
const YY_ACCEPT_ACTION = 101;
const YY_ERROR_ACTION = 100;
/* Next are that tables used to determine what action to take based on the
** current state and lookahead token. These tables are used to implement
** functions that take a state number and lookahead value and return an
** action integer.
** Suppose the action integer is N. Then the action is determined as
** follows
** 0 <= N < self::YYNSTATE Shift N. That is,
** push the lookahead
** token onto the stack
** and goto state N.
** self::YYNSTATE <= N < self::YYNSTATE+self::YYNRULE Reduce by rule N-YYNSTATE.
** N == self::YYNSTATE+self::YYNRULE A syntax error has occurred.
** N == self::YYNSTATE+self::YYNRULE+1 The parser accepts its
** input. (and concludes parsing)
** N == self::YYNSTATE+self::YYNRULE+2 No such action. Denotes unused
** slots in the yy_action[] table.
** The action table is constructed as a single large static array $yy_action.
** Given state S and lookahead X, the action is computed as
** self::$yy_action[self::$yy_shift_ofst[S] + X ]
** If the index value self::$yy_shift_ofst[S]+X is out of range or if the value
** self::$yy_lookahead[self::$yy_shift_ofst[S]+X] is not equal to X or if
** self::$yy_shift_ofst[S] is equal to self::YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT, it means that
** the action is not in the table and that self::$yy_default[S] should be used instead.
** The formula above is for computing the action when the lookahead is
** a terminal symbol. If the lookahead is a non-terminal (as occurs after
** a reduce action) then the static $yy_reduce_ofst array is used in place of
** the static $yy_shift_ofst array and self::YY_REDUCE_USE_DFLT is used in place of
** The following are the tables generated in this section:
** self::$yy_action A single table containing all actions.
** self::$yy_lookahead A table containing the lookahead for each entry in
** yy_action. Used to detect hash collisions.
** self::$yy_shift_ofst For each state, the offset into self::$yy_action for
** shifting terminals.
** self::$yy_reduce_ofst For each state, the offset into self::$yy_action for
** shifting non-terminals after a reduce.
** self::$yy_default Default action for each state.
const YY_SZ_ACTTAB = 60;
static public $yy_action = array(
/* 0 */ 36, 29, 28, 30, 31, 38, 39, 37, 41, 26,
/* 10 */ 18, 57, 7, 10, 27, 22, 50, 55, 17, 18,
/* 20 */ 15, 9, 12, 42, 43, 35, 25, 16, 33, 51,
/* 30 */ 52, 101, 56, 21, 47, 2, 19, 46, 52, 44,
/* 40 */ 3, 20, 53, 49, 24, 34, 23, 6, 40, 45,
/* 50 */ 1, 4, 13, 54, 11, 48, 5, 14, 32, 8,
static public $yy_lookahead = array(
/* 0 */ 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 41, 42,
/* 10 */ 43, 13, 44, 33, 46, 47, 11, 12, 42, 43,
/* 20 */ 37, 38, 2, 23, 24, 4, 5, 30, 8, 7,
/* 30 */ 8, 28, 29, 36, 35, 22, 4, 13, 8, 8,
/* 40 */ 1, 6, 26, 3, 8, 3, 13, 3, 7, 45,
/* 50 */ 40, 6, 34, 39, 31, 48, 10, 32, 9, 25,
const YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT = -15;
const YY_SHIFT_MAX = 27;
static public $yy_shift_ofst = array(
/* 0 */ 39, 45, -15, 21, -15, -15, -14, 0, 33, 44,
/* 10 */ 34, 46, 49, 16, 13, 5, 20, 22, -2, 41,
/* 20 */ 32, 42, 40, 36, 24, 35, 30, 31,
const YY_REDUCE_USE_DFLT = -34;
const YY_REDUCE_MAX = 14;
static public $yy_reduce_ofst = array(
/* 0 */ 3, -33, -32, -3, -24, -17, 10, 4, 7, 14,
/* 10 */ 18, 25, 23, -1, -20,
static public $yyExpectedTokens = array(
/* 0 */ array(1, ),
/* 1 */ array(6, ),
/* 2 */ array(),
/* 3 */ array(4, 5, ),
/* 4 */ array(),
/* 5 */ array(),
/* 6 */ array(14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, ),
/* 7 */ array(23, 24, ),
/* 8 */ array(13, ),
/* 9 */ array(3, ),
/* 10 */ array(25, ),
/* 11 */ array(10, ),
/* 12 */ array(9, ),
/* 13 */ array(26, ),
/* 14 */ array(22, ),
/* 15 */ array(11, 12, ),
/* 16 */ array(2, 8, ),
/* 17 */ array(7, 8, ),
/* 18 */ array(13, ),
/* 19 */ array(7, ),
/* 20 */ array(4, ),
/* 21 */ array(3, ),
/* 22 */ array(3, ),
/* 23 */ array(8, ),
/* 24 */ array(13, ),
/* 25 */ array(6, ),
/* 26 */ array(8, ),
/* 27 */ array(8, ),
/* 28 */ array(),
/* 29 */ array(),
/* 30 */ array(),
/* 31 */ array(),
/* 32 */ array(),
/* 33 */ array(),
/* 34 */ array(),
/* 35 */ array(),
/* 36 */ array(),
/* 37 */ array(),
/* 38 */ array(),
/* 39 */ array(),
/* 40 */ array(),
/* 41 */ array(),
/* 42 */ array(),
/* 43 */ array(),
/* 44 */ array(),
/* 45 */ array(),
/* 46 */ array(),
/* 47 */ array(),
/* 48 */ array(),
/* 49 */ array(),
/* 50 */ array(),
/* 51 */ array(),
/* 52 */ array(),
/* 53 */ array(),
/* 54 */ array(),
/* 55 */ array(),
/* 56 */ array(),
/* 57 */ array(),
static public $yy_default = array(
/* 0 */ 100, 77, 91, 64, 77, 71, 100, 94, 100, 100,
/* 10 */ 96, 67, 100, 100, 87, 66, 100, 100, 100, 100,
/* 20 */ 100, 100, 100, 97, 100, 100, 74, 88, 80, 79,
/* 30 */ 81, 82, 65, 63, 60, 61, 78, 85, 83, 84,
/* 40 */ 62, 72, 92, 93, 90, 86, 98, 59, 95, 89,
/* 50 */ 69, 73, 76, 99, 68, 70, 58, 75,
/* The next thing included is series of defines which control
** various aspects of the generated parser.
** self::YYNOCODE is a number which corresponds
** to no legal terminal or nonterminal number. This
** number is used to fill in empty slots of the hash
** table.
** self::YYFALLBACK If defined, this indicates that one or more tokens
** have fall-back values which should be used if the
** original value of the token will not parse.
** self::YYSTACKDEPTH is the maximum depth of the parser's stack.
** self::YYNSTATE the combined number of states.
** self::YYNRULE the number of rules in the grammar
** self::YYERRORSYMBOL is the code number of the error symbol. If not
** defined, then do no error processing.
const YYNOCODE = 50;
const YYSTACKDEPTH = 100;
const YYNSTATE = 58;
const YYNRULE = 42;
const YYERRSYMDT = 'yy0';
const YYFALLBACK = 0;
/** The next table maps tokens into fallback tokens. If a construct
* like the following:
* %fallback ID X Y Z.
* appears in the grammer, then ID becomes a fallback token for X, Y,
* and Z. Whenever one of the tokens X, Y, or Z is input to the parser
* but it does not parse, the type of the token is changed to ID and
* the parse is retried before an error is thrown.
static public $yyFallback = array(
* Turn parser tracing on by giving a stream to which to write the trace
* and a prompt to preface each trace message. Tracing is turned off
* by making either argument NULL
* Inputs:
* - A stream resource to which trace output should be written.
* If NULL, then tracing is turned off.
* - A prefix string written at the beginning of every
* line of trace output. If NULL, then tracing is
* turned off.
* Outputs:
* - None.
* @param resource
* @param string
static function Trace($TraceFILE, $zTracePrompt)
if (!$TraceFILE) {
$zTracePrompt = 0;
} elseif (!$zTracePrompt) {
$TraceFILE = 0;
self::$yyTraceFILE = $TraceFILE;
self::$yyTracePrompt = $zTracePrompt;
* Output debug information to output (php://output stream)
static function PrintTrace()
self::$yyTraceFILE = fopen('php://output', 'w');
self::$yyTracePrompt = '';
* @var resource|0
static public $yyTraceFILE;
* String to prepend to debug output
* @var string|0
static public $yyTracePrompt;
* @var int
public $yyidx; /* Index of top element in stack */
* @var int
public $yyerrcnt; /* Shifts left before out of the error */
* @var array
public $yystack = array(); /* The parser's stack */
* For tracing shifts, the names of all terminals and nonterminals
* are required. The following table supplies these names
* @var array
static public $yyTokenName = array(
'GT', 'LTE', 'GTE', 'NE',
'DESC', 'LIMIT', 'SEMICOLON', 'error',
'sql', 'select_statement', 'selectcol_list', 'table_list',
'where_condition', 'order_clause', 'limit_clause', 'end_stmt',
'selectcolumn_exp', 'condition', 'expr_set', 'expr',
'logical_term', 'valuelist', 'valueref', 'value_exp',
'column_group', 'clause', 'column_list', 'column_exp',
* For tracing reduce actions, the names of all rules are required.
* @var array
static public $yyRuleName = array(
/* 0 */ "sql ::= select_statement",
/* 1 */ "select_statement ::= SELECT selectcol_list FRM table_list where_condition order_clause limit_clause end_stmt",
/* 2 */ "selectcol_list ::= selectcolumn_exp COLUMNNAME",
/* 3 */ "selectcol_list ::= ASTERISK",
/* 4 */ "selectcol_list ::= COUNT PARENOPEN ASTERISK PARENCLOSE",
/* 5 */ "selectcolumn_exp ::= selectcol_list COMMA",
/* 6 */ "selectcolumn_exp ::=",
/* 7 */ "table_list ::= TABLENAME",
/* 8 */ "where_condition ::= WHERE condition",
/* 9 */ "where_condition ::=",
/* 10 */ "condition ::= expr_set expr",
/* 11 */ "expr_set ::= condition LOGICAL_AND",
/* 12 */ "expr_set ::= condition LOGICAL_OR",
/* 13 */ "expr_set ::=",
/* 14 */ "expr ::= COLUMNNAME logical_term valuelist",
/* 15 */ "valuelist ::= PARENOPEN valueref PARENCLOSE",
/* 16 */ "valuelist ::= valueref",
/* 17 */ "valueref ::= value_exp VALUE",
/* 18 */ "value_exp ::= valueref COMMA",
/* 19 */ "value_exp ::=",
/* 20 */ "logical_term ::= EQ",
/* 21 */ "logical_term ::= LT",
/* 22 */ "logical_term ::= GT",
/* 23 */ "logical_term ::= LTE",
/* 24 */ "logical_term ::= GTE",
/* 25 */ "logical_term ::= NE",
/* 26 */ "logical_term ::= IN",
/* 27 */ "logical_term ::= LIKE",
/* 28 */ "order_clause ::= ORDERBY column_group clause",
/* 29 */ "order_clause ::=",
/* 30 */ "column_group ::= column_list",
/* 31 */ "column_list ::= column_exp COLUMNNAME",
/* 32 */ "column_exp ::= column_list COMMA",
/* 33 */ "column_exp ::=",
/* 34 */ "clause ::= ASC",
/* 35 */ "clause ::= DESC",
/* 36 */ "clause ::=",
/* 37 */ "limit_clause ::= LIMIT limit_set",
/* 38 */ "limit_clause ::=",
/* 39 */ "limit_set ::= VALUE",
/* 40 */ "limit_set ::= VALUE COMMA VALUE",
/* 41 */ "end_stmt ::= SEMICOLON",
* This function returns the symbolic name associated with a token
* value.
* @param int
* @return string
function tokenName($tokenType)
if ($tokenType === 0) {
return 'End of Input';
if ($tokenType > 0 && $tokenType < count(self::$yyTokenName)) {
return self::$yyTokenName[$tokenType];
} else {
return "Unknown";
* The following function deletes the value associated with a
* symbol. The symbol can be either a terminal or nonterminal.
* @param int the symbol code
* @param mixed the symbol's value
static function yy_destructor($yymajor, $yypminor)
switch ($yymajor) {
/* Here is inserted the actions which take place when a
** terminal or non-terminal is destroyed. This can happen
** when the symbol is popped from the stack during a
** reduce or during error processing or when a parser is
** being destroyed before it is finished parsing.
** Note: during a reduce, the only symbols destroyed are those
** which appear on the RHS of the rule, but which are not used
** inside the C code.
default: break; /* If no destructor action specified: do nothing */
* Pop the parser's stack once.
* If there is a destructor routine associated with the token which
* is popped from the stack, then call it.
* Return the major token number for the symbol popped.
* @param VTQL_ParseryyParser
* @return int
function yy_pop_parser_stack()
if (!count($this->yystack)) {
$yytos = array_pop($this->yystack);
if (self::$yyTraceFILE && $this->yyidx >= 0) {
self::$yyTracePrompt . 'Popping ' . self::$yyTokenName[$yytos->major] .
$yymajor = $yytos->major;
self::yy_destructor($yymajor, $yytos->minor);
return $yymajor;
* Deallocate and destroy a parser. Destructors are all called for
* all stack elements before shutting the parser down.
function __destruct()
while ($this->yyidx >= 0) {
if (is_resource(self::$yyTraceFILE)) {
* Based on the current state and parser stack, get a list of all
* possible lookahead tokens
* @param int
* @return array
function yy_get_expected_tokens($token)
$state = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno;
$expected = self::$yyExpectedTokens[$state];
if (in_array($token, self::$yyExpectedTokens[$state], true)) {
return $expected;
$stack = $this->yystack;
$yyidx = $this->yyidx;
do {
$yyact = $this->yy_find_shift_action($token);
if ($yyact >= self::YYNSTATE && $yyact < self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE) {
// reduce action
$done = 0;
do {
if ($done++ == 100) {
$this->yyidx = $yyidx;
$this->yystack = $stack;
// too much recursion prevents proper detection
// so give up
return array_unique($expected);
$yyruleno = $yyact - self::YYNSTATE;
$this->yyidx -= self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['rhs'];
$nextstate = $this->yy_find_reduce_action(
if (isset(self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate])) {
$expected += self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate];
if (in_array($token,
self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate], true)) {
$this->yyidx = $yyidx;
$this->yystack = $stack;
return array_unique($expected);
if ($nextstate < self::YYNSTATE) {
// we need to shift a non-terminal
$x = new VTQL_ParseryyStackEntry;
$x->stateno = $nextstate;
$x->major = self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['lhs'];
$this->yystack[$this->yyidx] = $x;
continue 2;
} elseif ($nextstate == self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE + 1) {
$this->yyidx = $yyidx;
$this->yystack = $stack;
// the last token was just ignored, we can't accept
// by ignoring input, this is in essence ignoring a
// syntax error!
return array_unique($expected);
} elseif ($nextstate === self::YY_NO_ACTION) {
$this->yyidx = $yyidx;
$this->yystack = $stack;
// input accepted, but not shifted (I guess)
return $expected;
} else {
$yyact = $nextstate;
} while (true);
} while (true);
return array_unique($expected);
* Based on the parser state and current parser stack, determine whether
* the lookahead token is possible.
* The parser will convert the token value to an error token if not. This
* catches some unusual edge cases where the parser would fail.
* @param int
* @return bool
function yy_is_expected_token($token)
if ($token === 0) {
return true; // 0 is not part of this
$state = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno;
if (in_array($token, self::$yyExpectedTokens[$state], true)) {
return true;
$stack = $this->yystack;
$yyidx = $this->yyidx;
do {
$yyact = $this->yy_find_shift_action($token);
if ($yyact >= self::YYNSTATE && $yyact < self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE) {
// reduce action
$done = 0;
do {
if ($done++ == 100) {
$this->yyidx = $yyidx;
$this->yystack = $stack;
// too much recursion prevents proper detection
// so give up
return true;
$yyruleno = $yyact - self::YYNSTATE;
$this->yyidx -= self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['rhs'];
$nextstate = $this->yy_find_reduce_action(
if (isset(self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate]) &&
in_array($token, self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate], true)) {
$this->yyidx = $yyidx;
$this->yystack = $stack;
return true;
if ($nextstate < self::YYNSTATE) {
// we need to shift a non-terminal
$x = new VTQL_ParseryyStackEntry;
$x->stateno = $nextstate;
$x->major = self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['lhs'];
$this->yystack[$this->yyidx] = $x;
continue 2;
} elseif ($nextstate == self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE + 1) {
$this->yyidx = $yyidx;
$this->yystack = $stack;
if (!$token) {
// end of input: this is valid
return true;
// the last token was just ignored, we can't accept
// by ignoring input, this is in essence ignoring a
// syntax error!
return false;
} elseif ($nextstate === self::YY_NO_ACTION) {
$this->yyidx = $yyidx;
$this->yystack = $stack;
// input accepted, but not shifted (I guess)
return true;
} else {
$yyact = $nextstate;
} while (true);
} while (true);
return true;
* Find the appropriate action for a parser given the terminal
* look-ahead token iLookAhead.
* If the look-ahead token is YYNOCODE, then check to see if the action is
* independent of the look-ahead. If it is, return the action, otherwise
* return YY_NO_ACTION.
* @param int The look-ahead token
function yy_find_shift_action($iLookAhead)
$stateno = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno;
/* if ($this->yyidx < 0) return self::YY_NO_ACTION; */
if (!isset(self::$yy_shift_ofst[$stateno])) {
// no shift actions
return self::$yy_default[$stateno];
$i = self::$yy_shift_ofst[$stateno];
if ($i === self::YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT) {
return self::$yy_default[$stateno];
if ($iLookAhead == self::YYNOCODE) {
return self::YY_NO_ACTION;
$i += $iLookAhead;
if ($i < 0 || $i >= self::YY_SZ_ACTTAB ||
self::$yy_lookahead[$i] != $iLookAhead) {
if (count(self::$yyFallback) && $iLookAhead < count(self::$yyFallback)
&& ($iFallback = self::$yyFallback[$iLookAhead]) != 0) {
if (self::$yyTraceFILE) {
fwrite(self::$yyTraceFILE, self::$yyTracePrompt . "FALLBACK " .
self::$yyTokenName[$iLookAhead] . " => " .
self::$yyTokenName[$iFallback] . "\n");
return $this->yy_find_shift_action($iFallback);
return self::$yy_default[$stateno];
} else {
return self::$yy_action[$i];
* Find the appropriate action for a parser given the non-terminal
* look-ahead token $iLookAhead.
* If the look-ahead token is self::YYNOCODE, then check to see if the action is
* independent of the look-ahead. If it is, return the action, otherwise
* return self::YY_NO_ACTION.
* @param int Current state number
* @param int The look-ahead token
function yy_find_reduce_action($stateno, $iLookAhead)
/* $stateno = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno; */
if (!isset(self::$yy_reduce_ofst[$stateno])) {
return self::$yy_default[$stateno];
$i = self::$yy_reduce_ofst[$stateno];
if ($i == self::YY_REDUCE_USE_DFLT) {
return self::$yy_default[$stateno];
if ($iLookAhead == self::YYNOCODE) {
return self::YY_NO_ACTION;
$i += $iLookAhead;
if ($i < 0 || $i >= self::YY_SZ_ACTTAB ||
self::$yy_lookahead[$i] != $iLookAhead) {
return self::$yy_default[$stateno];
} else {
return self::$yy_action[$i];
* Perform a shift action.
* @param int The new state to shift in
* @param int The major token to shift in
* @param mixed the minor token to shift in
function yy_shift($yyNewState, $yyMajor, $yypMinor)
if ($this->yyidx >= self::YYSTACKDEPTH) {
if (self::$yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sStack Overflow!\n", self::$yyTracePrompt);
while ($this->yyidx >= 0) {
/* Here code is inserted which will execute if the parser
** stack ever overflows */
#line 462 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$QUERYSYNTAX, "Parser stack overflow");
#line 1046 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
$yytos = new VTQL_ParseryyStackEntry;
$yytos->stateno = $yyNewState;
$yytos->major = $yyMajor;
$yytos->minor = $yypMinor;
array_push($this->yystack, $yytos);
if (self::$yyTraceFILE && $this->yyidx > 0) {
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sShift %d\n", self::$yyTracePrompt,
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sStack:", self::$yyTracePrompt);
for($i = 1; $i <= $this->yyidx; $i++) {
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, " %s",
* The following table contains information about every rule that
* is used during the reduce.
* <pre>
* array(
* array(
* int $lhs; Symbol on the left-hand side of the rule
* int $nrhs; Number of right-hand side symbols in the rule
* ),...
* );
* </pre>
static public $yyRuleInfo = array(
array( 'lhs' => 28, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 29, 'rhs' => 8 ),
array( 'lhs' => 30, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 30, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 30, 'rhs' => 4 ),
array( 'lhs' => 36, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 36, 'rhs' => 0 ),
array( 'lhs' => 31, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 32, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 32, 'rhs' => 0 ),
array( 'lhs' => 37, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 38, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 38, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 38, 'rhs' => 0 ),
array( 'lhs' => 39, 'rhs' => 3 ),
array( 'lhs' => 41, 'rhs' => 3 ),
array( 'lhs' => 41, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 42, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 43, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 43, 'rhs' => 0 ),
array( 'lhs' => 40, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 40, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 40, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 40, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 40, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 40, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 40, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 40, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 33, 'rhs' => 3 ),
array( 'lhs' => 33, 'rhs' => 0 ),
array( 'lhs' => 44, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 46, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 47, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 47, 'rhs' => 0 ),
array( 'lhs' => 45, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 45, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 45, 'rhs' => 0 ),
array( 'lhs' => 34, 'rhs' => 2 ),
array( 'lhs' => 34, 'rhs' => 0 ),
array( 'lhs' => 48, 'rhs' => 1 ),
array( 'lhs' => 48, 'rhs' => 3 ),
array( 'lhs' => 35, 'rhs' => 1 ),
* The following table contains a mapping of reduce action to method name
* that handles the reduction.
* If a rule is not set, it has no handler.
static public $yyReduceMap = array(
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
3 => 3,
4 => 4,
7 => 7,
11 => 11,
12 => 11,
14 => 14,
17 => 17,
20 => 20,
21 => 21,
22 => 22,
23 => 23,
24 => 24,
25 => 25,
26 => 26,
27 => 27,
31 => 31,
34 => 34,
35 => 35,
39 => 39,
40 => 40,
41 => 41,
/* Beginning here are the reduction cases. A typical example
** follows:
** #line <lineno> <grammarfile>
** function yy_r0($yymsp){ ... } // User supplied code
** #line <lineno> <thisfile>
#line 5 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r1(){
if($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -7]->minor){
$this->out['select'] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -7]->minor;
if($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -5]->minor){
$this->out['from'] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -5]->minor ;
$this->out['semi_colon'] = SEMI;
#line 1176 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 19 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r2(){
$this->out['column_list'][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor;
#line 1181 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 22 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r3(){
$this->out['column_list'][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor;
#line 1186 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 25 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r4(){
$this->out['column_list'][] = 'count(*)';
#line 1191 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 30 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r7(){
if(!in_array("*", $this->out["column_list"]) && !in_array("count(*)", array_map(strtolower, $this->out["column_list"]))){
$this->out["column_list"][] = "id";
$moduleName = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor;
$this->syntax_error = true;
throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$QUERYSYNTAX, "There is an syntax error in query");
global $adb;
$handler = vtws_getModuleHandlerFromName($moduleName,$this->user);
$objectMeta = $handler->getMeta();
$this->out['moduleName'] = $moduleName;
$this->out['tableName'] = implode(',',$objectMeta->getEntityTableList());
#line 1210 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 50 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r11(){
$this->out['where_condition']['operators'][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor;
#line 1215 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 57 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r14(){
$this->out['where_condition']['column_names'][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -2]->minor;
if(strcmp($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -2]->minor, 'id')===0){
$prev = $this->out['where_condition']['column_values'][sizeof($this->out['where_condition']['column_values'])-1];
$new = array();
foreach($prev as $ind=>$val){
$val = trim($val,'\'"');
$value = vtws_getIdComponents($val);
$new[] = $value[1];
$this->out['where_condition']['column_values'][sizeof($this->out['where_condition']['column_values'])-1] = $new;
$prev = trim($prev,'\'"');
$value = vtws_getIdComponents($prev);
$value[1] = "'".$value[1]."'";
$this->out['where_condition']['column_values'][sizeof($this->out['where_condition']['column_values'])-1] = $value[1];
#line 1240 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 82 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r17(){
$length = sizeof($this->out['where_condition']['column_values']);
$pos = $length - 1;
if($pos < 0){
$pos = 0;
if(strcasecmp($this->out['where_condition']['column_operators'][$pos],"in")===0 &&
!empty($this->out['where_condition']['column_values'][$pos]) && !$this->out['columnDone']){
$prev = $this->out['where_condition']['column_values'][$pos];
$this->out['where_condition']['column_values'][$pos] = array();
$this->out['where_condition']['column_values'][$pos][] = $prev;
$this->out['where_condition']['column_values'][$pos][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor;
$this->out['columnDone'] = false;
$this->out['where_condition']['column_values'][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor;
#line 1261 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 103 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r20(){
$this->out['where_condition']['column_operators'][] = '=';
#line 1266 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 106 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r21(){
$this->out['where_condition']['column_operators'][] = '<';
#line 1271 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 109 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r22(){
$this->out['where_condition']['column_operators'][] = '>';
#line 1276 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 112 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r23(){
$this->out['where_condition']['column_operators'][] = '<=';
#line 1281 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 115 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r24(){
$this->out['where_condition']['column_operators'][] = '>=';
#line 1286 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 118 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r25(){
$this->out['where_condition']['column_operators'][] = '!=';
#line 1291 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 121 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r26(){
$this->out['where_condition']['column_operators'][] = 'IN';
#line 1296 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 124 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r27(){
$this->out['where_condition']['column_operators'][] = 'LIKE';
#line 1301 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 130 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r31(){
$this->out['orderby'][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor;
#line 1306 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 135 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r34(){
$this->out['sortOrder'] = 'ASC';
#line 1311 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 138 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r35(){
$this->out['sortOrder'] = 'DESC';
#line 1316 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 144 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r39(){
$this->out['limit'][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor;
#line 1321 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 147 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r40(){
$this->out['limit'][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -2]->minor;
$this->out['limit'][] = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor;
#line 1327 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
#line 151 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
function yy_r41(){
global $adb;
$module = $this->out['moduleName'];
$handler = vtws_getModuleHandlerFromName($module,$this->user);
$objectMeta = $handler->getMeta();
$this->out['meta'] = $objectMeta;
$meta = $this->out['meta'];
$fieldcol = $meta->getFieldColumnMapping();
$columns = array();
if(in_array('*', $this->out['column_list'])){
$columns = array_values($fieldcol);
}elseif( !in_array('count(*)', array_map(strtolower, $this->out['column_list']))){
foreach($this->out['column_list'] as $ind=>$field){
$columns[] = $fieldcol[$field];
foreach($this->out['where_condition']['column_names'] as $ind=>$field){
$columns[] = $fieldcol[$field];
$tables = $this->getTables($this->out, $columns);
if(!in_array($objectMeta->getEntityBaseTable(), $tables)){
$tables[] = $objectMeta->getEntityBaseTable();
$defaultTableList = $objectMeta->getEntityDefaultTableList();
foreach($defaultTableList as $tableName){
$firstTable = $objectMeta->getEntityBaseTable();
$tabNameIndex = $objectMeta->getEntityTableIndexList();
$firstIndex = $tabNameIndex[$firstTable];
foreach($tables as $ind=>$table){
if(!isset($tabNameIndex[$table]) && $table == "vtiger_crmentity"){
$this->out['defaultJoinConditions'] = $this->out['defaultJoinConditions']." LEFT JOIN $table ON $firstTable.$firstIndex=$table.crmid";
$this->out['defaultJoinConditions'] = $this->out['defaultJoinConditions']." LEFT JOIN $table ON $firstTable.$firstIndex=$table.{$tabNameIndex[$table]}";
$this->out['tableName'] = $table;
#line 1377 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
* placeholder for the left hand side in a reduce operation.
* For a parser with a rule like this:
* <pre>
* rule(A) ::= B. { A = 1; }
* </pre>
* The parser will translate to something like:
* <code>
* function yy_r0(){$this->_retvalue = 1;}
* </code>
private $_retvalue;
* Perform a reduce action and the shift that must immediately
* follow the reduce.
* For a rule such as:
* <pre>
* A ::= B blah C. { dosomething(); }
* </pre>
* This function will first call the action, if any, ("dosomething();" in our
* example), and then it will pop three states from the stack,
* one for each entry on the right-hand side of the expression
* (B, blah, and C in our example rule), and then push the result of the action
* back on to the stack with the resulting state reduced to (as described in the .out
* file)
* @param int Number of the rule by which to reduce
function yy_reduce($yyruleno)
//int $yygoto; /* The next state */
//int $yyact; /* The next action */
//mixed $yygotominor; /* The LHS of the rule reduced */
//VTQL_ParseryyStackEntry $yymsp; /* The top of the parser's stack */
//int $yysize; /* Amount to pop the stack */
$yymsp = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx];
if (self::$yyTraceFILE && $yyruleno >= 0
&& $yyruleno < count(self::$yyRuleName)) {
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce (%d) [%s].\n",
self::$yyTracePrompt, $yyruleno,
$this->_retvalue = $yy_lefthand_side = null;
if (array_key_exists($yyruleno, self::$yyReduceMap)) {
// call the action
$this->_retvalue = null;
$this->{'yy_r' . self::$yyReduceMap[$yyruleno]}();
$yy_lefthand_side = $this->_retvalue;
$yygoto = self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['lhs'];
$yysize = self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['rhs'];
$this->yyidx -= $yysize;
for($i = $yysize; $i; $i--) {
// pop all of the right-hand side parameters
$yyact = $this->yy_find_reduce_action($this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno, $yygoto);
if ($yyact < self::YYNSTATE) {
/* If we are not debugging and the reduce action popped at least
** one element off the stack, then we can push the new element back
** onto the stack here, and skip the stack overflow test in yy_shift().
** That gives a significant speed improvement. */
if (!self::$yyTraceFILE && $yysize) {
$x = new VTQL_ParseryyStackEntry;
$x->stateno = $yyact;
$x->major = $yygoto;
$x->minor = $yy_lefthand_side;
$this->yystack[$this->yyidx] = $x;
} else {
$this->yy_shift($yyact, $yygoto, $yy_lefthand_side);
} elseif ($yyact == self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE + 1) {
* The following code executes when the parse fails
* Code from %parse_fail is inserted here
function yy_parse_failed()
if (self::$yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sFail!\n", self::$yyTracePrompt);
while ($this->yyidx >= 0) {
/* Here code is inserted which will be executed whenever the
** parser fails */
#line 456 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$QUERYSYNTAX, "Parsing failed");
#line 1484 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
* The following code executes when a syntax error first occurs.
* %syntax_error code is inserted here
* @param int The major type of the error token
* @param mixed The minor type of the error token
function yy_syntax_error($yymajor, $TOKEN)
#line 466 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
$synMsg = "Syntax Error on line " . $this->lex->linenum . ": token '" .$this->lex->value."' ";
$expect = array();
foreach ($this->yy_get_expected_tokens($yymajor) as $token) {
$expect[] = self::$yyTokenName[$token];
$synMsg =$synMsg.('Unexpected ' . $this->tokenName($yymajor) . '(' . $TOKEN
. '), expected one of: ' . implode(',', $expect));
throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$QUERYSYNTAX, $synMsg);
#line 1508 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
* The following is executed when the parser accepts
* %parse_accept code is inserted here
function yy_accept()
if (self::$yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sAccept!\n", self::$yyTracePrompt);
while ($this->yyidx >= 0) {
$stack = $this->yy_pop_parser_stack();
/* Here code is inserted which will be executed whenever the
** parser accepts */
#line 452 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.y"
$this->success = true;
#line 1530 "e:\workspace\nonadmin\pkg\vtiger\extensions\Webservices\VTQL_parser.php"
* The main parser program.
* The first argument is the major token number. The second is
* the token value string as scanned from the input.
* @param int the token number
* @param mixed the token value
* @param mixed any extra arguments that should be passed to handlers
function doParse($yymajor, $yytokenvalue)
// $yyact; /* The parser action. */
// $yyendofinput; /* True if we are at the end of input */
$yyerrorhit = 0; /* True if yymajor has invoked an error */
/* (re)initialize the parser, if necessary */
if ($this->yyidx === null || $this->yyidx < 0) {
/* if ($yymajor == 0) return; // not sure why this was here... */
$this->yyidx = 0;
$this->yyerrcnt = -1;
$x = new VTQL_ParseryyStackEntry;
$x->stateno = 0;
$x->major = 0;
$this->yystack = array();
array_push($this->yystack, $x);
$yyendofinput = ($yymajor==0);
if (self::$yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sInput %s\n",
self::$yyTracePrompt, self::$yyTokenName[$yymajor]);
do {
$yyact = $this->yy_find_shift_action($yymajor);
if ($yymajor < self::YYERRORSYMBOL &&
!$this->yy_is_expected_token($yymajor)) {
// force a syntax error
$yyact = self::YY_ERROR_ACTION;
if ($yyact < self::YYNSTATE) {
$this->yy_shift($yyact, $yymajor, $yytokenvalue);
if ($yyendofinput && $this->yyidx >= 0) {
$yymajor = 0;
} else {
$yymajor = self::YYNOCODE;
} elseif ($yyact < self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE) {
$this->yy_reduce($yyact - self::YYNSTATE);
} elseif ($yyact == self::YY_ERROR_ACTION) {
if (self::$yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sSyntax Error!\n",
if (self::YYERRORSYMBOL) {
/* A syntax error has occurred.
** The response to an error depends upon whether or not the
** grammar defines an error token "ERROR".
** This is what we do if the grammar does define ERROR:
** * Call the %syntax_error function.
** * Begin popping the stack until we enter a state where
** it is legal to shift the error symbol, then shift
** the error symbol.
** * Set the error count to three.
** * Begin accepting and shifting new tokens. No new error
** processing will occur until three tokens have been
** shifted successfully.
if ($this->yyerrcnt < 0) {
$this->yy_syntax_error($yymajor, $yytokenvalue);
$yymx = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->major;
if ($yymx == self::YYERRORSYMBOL || $yyerrorhit ){
if (self::$yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sDiscard input token %s\n",
self::$yyTracePrompt, self::$yyTokenName[$yymajor]);
$this->yy_destructor($yymajor, $yytokenvalue);
$yymajor = self::YYNOCODE;
} else {
while ($this->yyidx >= 0 &&
$yymx != self::YYERRORSYMBOL &&
($yyact = $this->yy_find_shift_action(self::YYERRORSYMBOL)) >= self::YYNSTATE
if ($this->yyidx < 0 || $yymajor==0) {
$this->yy_destructor($yymajor, $yytokenvalue);
$yymajor = self::YYNOCODE;
} elseif ($yymx != self::YYERRORSYMBOL) {
$u2 = 0;
$this->yy_shift($yyact, self::YYERRORSYMBOL, $u2);
$this->yyerrcnt = 3;
$yyerrorhit = 1;
} else {
/* YYERRORSYMBOL is not defined */
/* This is what we do if the grammar does not define ERROR:
** * Report an error message, and throw away the input token.
** * If the input token is $, then fail the parse.
** As before, subsequent error messages are suppressed until
** three input tokens have been successfully shifted.
if ($this->yyerrcnt <= 0) {
$this->yy_syntax_error($yymajor, $yytokenvalue);
$this->yyerrcnt = 3;
$this->yy_destructor($yymajor, $yytokenvalue);
if ($yyendofinput) {
$yymajor = self::YYNOCODE;
} else {
$yymajor = self::YYNOCODE;
} while ($yymajor != self::YYNOCODE && $this->yyidx >= 0);