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2013-01-30 21:51:28 -05:00
/* * *******************************************************************************
* * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
* The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
* All Rights Reserved.
* ****************************************************************************** */
global $app_strings;
class RecurringType {
var $recur_type;
var $startdate;
var $enddate;
var $recur_freq;
var $dayofweek_to_rpt = array();
var $repeat_monthby;
var $rptmonth_datevalue;
var $rptmonth_daytype;
var $recurringdates = array();
var $reminder;
* Constructor for class RecurringType
* @param array $repeat_arr - array contains recurring info
function RecurringType($repeat_arr) {
$st_date = explode("-", $repeat_arr["startdate"]);
$st_time = explode(":", $repeat_arr["starttime"]);
$end_date = explode("-", $repeat_arr["enddate"]);
$end_time = explode(":", $repeat_arr['endtime']);
$start_date = Array(
'day' => $st_date[2],
'month' => $st_date[1],
'year' => $st_date[0],
'hour' => $st_time[0],
'min' => $st_time[1]
$end_date = Array(
'day' => $end_date[2],
'month' => $end_date[1],
'year' => $end_date[0],
'hour' => $end_time[0],
'min' => $end_time[1]
$this->startdate = new vt_DateTime($start_date, true);
$this->enddate = new vt_DateTime($end_date, true);
$this->recur_type = $repeat_arr['type'];
$this->recur_freq = $repeat_arr['repeat_frequency'];
if (empty($this->recur_freq)) {
$this->recur_freq = 1;
$this->dayofweek_to_rpt = $repeat_arr['dayofweek_to_repeat'];
$this->repeat_monthby = $repeat_arr['repeatmonth_type'];
if (isset($repeat_arr['repeatmonth_date']))
$this->rptmonth_datevalue = $repeat_arr['repeatmonth_date'];
$this->rptmonth_daytype = $repeat_arr['repeatmonth_daytype'];
$this->recurringdates = $this->_getRecurringDates();
public static function fromUserRequest($requestArray) {
// All the information from the user is received in User Time zone
// Convert Start date and Time to DB Time zone
$startDateObj = DateTimeField::convertToDBTimeZone($requestArray["startdate"] . ' ' . $requestArray['starttime']);
$requestArray['startdate'] = $startDate = $startDateObj->format('Y-m-d');
$requestArray['starttime'] = $startTime = $startDateObj->format('H:i');
$endDateObj = DateTimeField::convertToDBTimeZone($requestArray["enddate"] . ' ' . $requestArray['endtime']);
$requestArray['enddate'] = $endDate = $endDateObj->format('Y-m-d');
$requestArray['endtime'] = $endTime = $endDateObj->format('H:i');
if ($requestArray['sun_flag']) {
$requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'][] = 0;
if ($requestArray['mon_flag']) {
$requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'][] = 1;
if ($requestArray['tue_flag']) {
$requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'][] = 2;
if ($requestArray['wed_flag']) {
$requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'][] = 3;
if ($requestArray['thu_flag']) {
$requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'][] = 4;
if ($requestArray['fri_flag']) {
$requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'][] = 5;
if ($requestArray['sat_flag']) {
$requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'][] = 6;
if ($requestArray['type'] == 'Weekly') {
if ($requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'] != null) {
$userStartDateTime = DateTimeField::convertToUserTimeZone($startDate . ' ' . $startTime);
$dayOfWeek = $requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'];
$dbDaysOfWeek = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($dayOfWeek); ++$i) {
$selectedDayOfWeek = $dayOfWeek[$i];
$currentDayOfWeek = $userStartDateTime->format('w');
$newDate = $userStartDateTime->format('d') + ($selectedDayOfWeek - $currentDayOfWeek);
$userStartDateTime->setDate($userStartDateTime->format('Y'), $userStartDateTime->format('m'), $newDate);
$dbDaysOfWeek[] = $userStartDateTime->format('w');
$requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'] = $dbDaysOfWeek;
} elseif ($requestArray['type'] == 'Monthly') {
$userStartDateTime = DateTimeField::convertToUserTimeZone($startDate . ' ' . $startTime);
if ($requestArray['repeatmonth_type'] == 'date') {
$dayOfMonth = $requestArray['repeatmonth_date'];
$userStartDateTime->setDate($userStartDateTime->format('Y'), $userStartDateTime->format('m'), $dayOfMonth);
$userStartDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(DateTimeField::getDBTimeZone()));
$requestArray['repeatmonth_date'] = $userStartDateTime->format('d');
} else {
$dayOfWeek = $requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'][0];
if ($requestArray['repeatmonth_daytype'] == 'first') {
$userStartDateTime->setDate($userStartDateTime->format('Y'), $userStartDateTime->format('m'), 1);
$dayOfWeekForFirstDay = $userStartDateTime->format('N');
if ($dayOfWeekForFirstDay < $dayOfWeek) {
$date = $dayOfWeek - $dayOfWeekForFirstDay + 1;
} else {
$date = (7 - $dayOfWeekForFirstDay) + $dayOfWeek + 1;
} elseif ($requestArray['repeatmonth_daytype'] == 'last') {
$daysInMonth = $userStartDateTime->format('t');
$userStartDateTime->setDate($userStartDateTime->format('Y'), $userStartDateTime->format('m'), $daysInMonth);
$dayOfWeekForLastDay = $userStartDateTime->format('N');
if ($dayOfWeekForLastDay < $dayOfWeek) {
$date = $daysInMonth - 7 + ($dayOfWeek - $dayOfWeekForLastDay);
} else {
$date = $daysInMonth - ($dayOfWeekForLastDay - $dayOfWeek);
$userStartDateTime->setDate($userStartDateTime->format('Y'), $userStartDateTime->format('m'), $date);
$userStartDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(DateTimeField::getDBTimeZone()));
$requestArray['dayofweek_to_repeat'][0] = $userStartDateTime->format('N');
return new RecurringType($requestArray);
public static function fromDBRequest($resultRow) {
// All the information from the database is received in DB Time zone
$repeatInfo = array();
$repeatInfo['startdate'] = $startDate = $resultRow['date_start'];
$repeatInfo['starttime'] = $startTime = $resultRow['time_start'];
$repeatInfo['enddate'] = $endDate = $resultRow['due_date'];
$repeatInfo['endtime'] = $endTime = $resultRow['time_end'];
$repeatInfo['type'] = $resultRow['recurringtype'];
$repeatInfo['repeat_frequency'] = $resultRow['recurringfreq'];
$recurringInfoString = $resultRow['recurringinfo'];
$recurringInfo = explode('::', $recurringInfoString);
if ($repeatInfo['type'] == 'Weekly') {
$startIndex = 1; // 0 is for Recurring Type
$length = count($recurringInfo);
$j = 0;
for ($i = $startIndex; $i < $length; ++$i) {
$repeatInfo['dayofweek_to_repeat'][$j++] = $recurringInfo[$i];
} elseif ($repeatInfo['type'] == 'Monthly') {
$repeatInfo['repeatmonth_type'] = $recurringInfo[1];
if ($repeatInfo['repeatmonth_type'] == 'date') {
$repeatInfo['repeatmonth_date'] = $recurringInfo[2];
} else {
$repeatInfo['repeatmonth_daytype'] = $recurringInfo[2];
$repeatInfo['dayofweek_to_repeat'][0] = $recurringInfo[3];
return new RecurringType($repeatInfo);
function getRecurringType() {
return $this->recur_type;
function getRecurringFrequency() {
return $this->recur_freq;
function getDBRecurringInfoString() {
$recurringType = $this->getRecurringType();
$recurringInfo = '';
if ($recurringType == 'Daily' || $recurringType == 'Yearly') {
$recurringInfo = $recurringType;
} elseif ($recurringType == 'Weekly') {
if ($this->dayofweek_to_rpt != null) {
$recurringInfo = $recurringType . '::' . implode('::', $this->dayofweek_to_rpt);
} else {
$recurringInfo = $recurringType;
} elseif ($recurringType == 'Monthly') {
$recurringInfo = $recurringType . '::' . $this->repeat_monthby;
if ($this->repeat_monthby == 'date') {
$recurringInfo = $recurringInfo . '::' . $this->rptmonth_datevalue;
} else {
$recurringInfo = $recurringInfo . '::' . $this->rptmonth_daytype . '::' . $this->dayofweek_to_rpt[0];
return $recurringInfo;
function getUserRecurringInfo() {
$recurringType = $this->getRecurringType();
$recurringInfo = array();
if ($recurringType == 'Weekly') {
if ($this->dayofweek_to_rpt != null) {
$dbStartDateTime = new DateTime($this->startdate->get_DB_formatted_date() . ' ' . $this->startdate->get_formatted_time());
$dayOfWeek = $this->dayofweek_to_rpt;
$userDaysOfWeek = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($dayOfWeek); ++$i) {
$selectedDayOfWeek = $dayOfWeek[$i];
$currentDayOfWeek = $dbStartDateTime->format('w');
$newDate = $dbStartDateTime->format('d') + ($selectedDayOfWeek - $currentDayOfWeek);
$dbStartDateTime->setDate($dbStartDateTime->format('Y'), $dbStartDateTime->format('m'), $newDate);
$userStartDateTime = DateTimeField::convertToUserTimeZone($dbStartDateTime->format('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $dbStartDateTime->format('H:i'));
$userDaysOfWeek[] = $userStartDateTime->format('w');
$recurringInfo['dayofweek_to_repeat'] = $userDaysOfWeek;
} elseif ($recurringType == 'Monthly') {
$dbStartDateTime = new DateTime($this->startdate->get_DB_formatted_date() . ' ' . $this->startdate->get_formatted_time());
$recurringInfo['repeatmonth_type'] = $this->repeat_monthby;
if ($this->repeat_monthby == 'date') {
$dayOfMonth = $this->rptmonth_datevalue;
$dbStartDateTime->setDate($dbStartDateTime->format('Y'), $dbStartDateTime->format('m'), $dayOfMonth);
$userStartDateTime = DateTimeField::convertToUserTimeZone($dbStartDateTime->format('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $dbStartDateTime->format('H:i'));
$recurringInfo['repeatmonth_date'] = $userStartDateTime->format('d');
} else {
$dayOfWeek = $this->dayofweek_to_rpt[0];
$recurringInfo['repeatmonth_daytype'] = $this->rptmonth_daytype;
if ($this->rptmonth_daytype == 'first') {
$dbStartDateTime->setDate($dbStartDateTime->format('Y'), $dbStartDateTime->format('m'), 1);
$dayOfWeekForFirstDay = $dbStartDateTime->format('N');
if ($dayOfWeekForFirstDay < $dayOfWeek) {
$date = $dayOfWeek - $dayOfWeekForFirstDay + 1;
} else {
$date = (7 - $dayOfWeekForFirstDay) + $dayOfWeek + 1;
} elseif ($this->rptmonth_daytype == 'last') {
$daysInMonth = $dbStartDateTime->format('t');
$dbStartDateTime->setDate($dbStartDateTime->format('Y'), $dbStartDateTime->format('m'), $daysInMonth);
$dayOfWeekForLastDay = $dbStartDateTime->format('N');
if ($dayOfWeekForLastDay < $dayOfWeek) {
$date = $daysInMonth - 7 + ($dayOfWeek - $dayOfWeekForLastDay);
} else {
$date = $daysInMonth - ($dayOfWeekForLastDay - $dayOfWeek);
$dbStartDateTime->setDate($dbStartDateTime->format('Y'), $dbStartDateTime->format('m'), $date);
$userStartDateTime = DateTimeField::convertToUserTimeZone($dbStartDateTime->format('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $dbStartDateTime->format('H:i'));
$recurringInfo['dayofweek_to_repeat'][0] = $userStartDateTime->format('N');
return $recurringInfo;
function getDisplayRecurringInfo() {
global $currentModule;
$displayRecurringData = array();
$recurringInfo = $this->getUserRecurringInfo();
$displayRecurringData['recurringcheck'] = getTranslatedString('LBL_YES', $currentModule);
$displayRecurringData['repeat_frequency'] = $this->getRecurringFrequency();
$displayRecurringData['recurringtype'] = $this->getRecurringType();
if ($this->getRecurringType() == 'Weekly') {
$noOfDays = count($recurringInfo['dayofweek_to_repeat']);
$translatedRepeatDays = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $noOfDays; ++$i) {
$translatedRepeatDays[] = getTranslatedString('LBL_DAY' . $recurringInfo['dayofweek_to_repeat'][$i], $currentModule);
$displayRecurringData['repeat_str'] = implode(',', $translatedRepeatDays);
} elseif ($this->getRecurringType() == 'Monthly') {
$translatedRepeatDays = array();
$displayRecurringData['repeatMonth'] = $recurringInfo['repeatmonth_type'];
if ($recurringInfo['repeatmonth_type'] == 'date') {
$displayRecurringData['repeatMonth_date'] = $recurringInfo['repeatmonth_date'];
$displayRecurringData['repeat_str'] = getTranslatedString('on', $currentModule)
. ' ' . $recurringInfo['repeatmonth_date']
. ' ' . getTranslatedString('day of the month', $currentModule);
} else {
$displayRecurringData['repeatMonth_daytype'] = $recurringInfo['repeatmonth_daytype'];
$displayRecurringData['repeatMonth_day'] = $recurringInfo['dayofweek_to_repeat'][0];
$translatedRepeatDay = getTranslatedString('LBL_DAY' . $recurringInfo['dayofweek_to_repeat'][0], $currentModule);
$displayRecurringData['repeat_str'] = getTranslatedString('on', $currentModule)
. ' ' . getTranslatedString($recurringInfo['repeatmonth_daytype'], $currentModule)
. ' ' . $translatedRepeatDay;
return $displayRecurringData;
* Function to get recurring dates depending on the recurring type
* return array $recurringDates - Recurring Dates in format
* Recurring date will be returned in DB Time Zone, as well as DB format
function _getRecurringDates() {
$startdateObj = $this->startdate;
$startdate = $startdateObj->get_DB_formatted_date();
$recurringDates[] = $startdate;
$tempdateObj = $startdateObj;
$tempdate = $startdate;
$enddate = $this->enddate->get_DB_formatted_date();
while ($tempdate <= $enddate) {
$date = $tempdateObj->get_Date();
$month = $tempdateObj->getMonth();
$year = $tempdateObj->getYear();
if ($this->recur_type == 'Daily') {
if (isset($this->recur_freq)) {
$index = $date + $this->recur_freq - 1;
} else {
$index = $date;
$tempdateObj = $this->startdate->getThismonthDaysbyIndex($index, '', $month, $year);
$tempdate = $tempdateObj->get_DB_formatted_date();
if($tempdate <= $enddate) {
$recurringDates[] = $tempdate;
} elseif ($this->recur_type == 'Weekly') {
if (count($this->dayofweek_to_rpt) == 0) {
$this->dayofweek_to_rpt[] = $this->startdate->dayofweek;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->dayofweek_to_rpt); $i++) {
$repeatDay = $tempdateObj->getThisweekDaysbyIndex($this->dayofweek_to_rpt[$i]);
$repeatDate = $repeatDay->get_DB_formatted_date();
if ($repeatDate > $startdate && $repeatDate <= $enddate) {
$recurringDates[] = $repeatDate;
if (isset($this->recur_freq)) {
$index = $this->recur_freq * 7;
} else {
$index = 7;
$date_arr = Array(
'day' => $date + $index,
'month' => $month,
'year' => $year
$tempdateObj = new vt_DateTime($date_arr, true);
$tempdate = $tempdateObj->get_DB_formatted_date();
} elseif ($this->recur_type == 'Monthly') {
if ($this->repeat_monthby == 'date') {
if ($this->rptmonth_datevalue <= $date) {
$index = $this->rptmonth_datevalue - 1;
$day = $this->rptmonth_datevalue;
if (isset($this->recur_freq))
$month = $month + $this->recur_freq;
$month = $month + 1;
$tempdateObj = $tempdateObj->getThismonthDaysbyIndex($index, $day, $month, $year);
else {
$index = $this->rptmonth_datevalue - 1;
$day = $this->rptmonth_datevalue;
$tempdateObj = $tempdateObj->getThismonthDaysbyIndex($index, $day, $month, $year);
} elseif ($this->repeat_monthby == 'day') {
if ($this->rptmonth_daytype == 'first') {
$date_arr = Array(
'day' => 1,
'month' => $month,
'year' => $year
$tempdateObj = new vt_DateTime($date_arr, true);
$firstdayofmonthObj = $this->getFistdayofmonth($this->dayofweek_to_rpt[0], $tempdateObj);
if ($firstdayofmonthObj->get_DB_formatted_date() <= $tempdate) {
if (isset($this->recur_freq))
$month = $firstdayofmonthObj->getMonth() + $this->recur_freq;
$month = $firstdayofmonthObj->getMonth() + 1;
$dateObj = $firstdayofmonthObj->getThismonthDaysbyIndex(0, 1, $month, $firstdayofmonthObj->getYear());
$nextmonthObj = $this->getFistdayofmonth($this->dayofweek_to_rpt[0], $dateObj);
$tempdateObj = $nextmonthObj;
} else {
$tempdateObj = $firstdayofmonthObj;
} elseif ($this->rptmonth_daytype == 'last') {
$date_arr = Array(
'day' => $tempdateObj->getDaysInMonth(),
'month' => $tempdateObj->getMonth(),
'year' => $tempdateObj->getYear()
$tempdateObj = new vt_DateTime($date_arr, true);
$lastdayofmonthObj = $this->getLastdayofmonth($this->dayofweek_to_rpt[0], $tempdateObj);
if ($lastdayofmonthObj->get_DB_formatted_date() <= $tempdate) {
if (isset($this->recur_freq))
$month = $lastdayofmonthObj->getMonth() + $this->recur_freq;
$month = $lastdayofmonthObj->getMonth() + 1;
$dateObj = $lastdayofmonthObj->getThismonthDaysbyIndex(0, 1, $month, $lastdayofmonthObj->getYear());
$dateObj = $dateObj->getThismonthDaysbyIndex($dateObj->getDaysInMonth() - 1,
$dateObj->getDaysInMonth(), $month, $lastdayofmonthObj->getYear());
$nextmonthObj = $this->getLastdayofmonth($this->dayofweek_to_rpt[0], $dateObj);
$tempdateObj = $nextmonthObj;
else {
$tempdateObj = $lastdayofmonthObj;
} else {
$date_arr = Array(
'day' => $date,
'month' => $month + 1,
'year' => $year
$tempdateObj = new vt_DateTime($date_arr, true);
$tempdate = $tempdateObj->get_DB_formatted_date();
if ($tempdate <= $enddate) {
$recurringDates[] = $tempdate;
} elseif ($this->recur_type == 'Yearly') {
if (isset($this->recur_freq))
$index = $year + $this->recur_freq;
$index = $year + 1;
if ($index > 2037 || $index < 1970) {
print("<font color='red'>" . $app_strings['LBL_CAL_LIMIT_MSG'] . "</font>");
$date_arr = Array(
'day' => $date,
'month' => $month,
'year' => $index
$tempdateObj = new vt_DateTime($date_arr, true);
$tempdate = $tempdateObj->get_DB_formatted_date();
if ($tempdate <= $enddate) {
$recurringDates[] = $tempdate;
} else {
die("Recurring Type " . $this->recur_type . " is not defined");
return $recurringDates;
/** Function to get first day of the month(like first Monday or Friday and etc.)
* @param $dayofweek -- day of the week to repeat the event :: Type string
* @param $dateObj -- date object :: Type vt_DateTime Object
* return $dateObj -- the date object on which the event repeats :: Type vt_DateTime Object
function getFistdayofmonth($dayofweek, & $dateObj) {
if ($dayofweek < $dateObj->dayofweek) {
$index = (7 - $dateObj->dayofweek) + $dayofweek;
$day = 1 + $index;
$month = $dateObj->month;
$year = $dateObj->year;
$dateObj = $dateObj->getThismonthDaysbyIndex($index, $day, $month, $year);
} else {
$index = $dayofweek - $dateObj->dayofweek;
$day = 1 + $index;
$month = $dateObj->month;
$year = $dateObj->year;
$dateObj = $dateObj->getThismonthDaysbyIndex($index, $day, $month, $year);
return $dateObj;
/** Function to get last day of the month(like last Monday or Friday and etc.)
* @param $dayofweek -- day of the week to repeat the event :: Type string
* @param $dateObj -- date object :: Type vt_DateTime Object
* return $dateObj -- the date object on which the event repeats :: Type vt_DateTime Object
function getLastdayofmonth($dayofweek, & $dateObj) {
if ($dayofweek == $dateObj->dayofweek) {
return $dateObj;
} else {
if ($dayofweek > $dateObj->dayofweek)
$day = $dateObj->day - 7 + ($dayofweek - $dateObj->dayofweek);
$day = $dateObj->day - ($dateObj->dayofweek - $dayofweek);
$index = $day - 1;
$month = $dateObj->month;
$year = $dateObj->year;
$dateObj = $dateObj->getThismonthDaysbyIndex($index, $day, $month, $year);
return $dateObj;