This framework is based on log4j (see {@link log4j} for details).


Design, strategies and part of the methods documentation are developed by log4j team * (Ceki Gülcü as log4j project founder and * {@link contributors}).

* *

PHP port, extensions and modifications by VxR. All rights reserved.
* For more information, please see {@link}.

* *

This software is published under the terms of the LGPL License * a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the LICENSE file.

* * @package log4php */ /** * @ignore */ if (!defined('LOG4PHP_DIR')) define('LOG4PHP_DIR', dirname(__FILE__)); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/config/LoggerPropertySetter.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/helpers/LoggerOptionConverter.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/or/LoggerObjectRenderer.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/or/LoggerRendererMap.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/spi/LoggerConfigurator.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/spi/LoggerFilter.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/LoggerAppender.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/LoggerDefaultCategoryFactory.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/LoggerLayout.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/LoggerLevel.php'); require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/LoggerManager.php'); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_CATEGORY_PREFIX', "log4php.category."); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_LOGGER_PREFIX', "log4php.logger."); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_FACTORY_PREFIX', "log4php.factory"); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_ADDITIVITY_PREFIX', "log4php.additivity."); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX', "log4php.rootCategory"); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX', "log4php.rootLogger"); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_APPENDER_PREFIX', "log4php.appender."); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_RENDERER_PREFIX', "log4php.renderer."); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_THRESHOLD_PREFIX', "log4php.threshold"); /** * Key for specifying the {@link LoggerFactory}. */ define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_LOGGER_FACTORY_KEY', "log4php.loggerFactory"); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_LOGGER_DEBUG_KEY', "log4php.debug"); define('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME', "root"); /** * Allows the configuration of log4php from an external file. * * See {@link doConfigure()} for the expected format. * *

It is sometimes useful to see how log4php is reading configuration * files. You can enable log4php internal logging by defining the * log4php.debug variable.

* *

The LoggerPropertyConfigurator does not handle the * advanced configuration features supported by the {@link LoggerDOMConfigurator} * such as support for {@link LoggerFilter}, custom {@link LoggerErrorHandlers}, nested appenders such as the {@link Logger AsyncAppender}, * etc. * *

All option values admit variable substitution. The * syntax of variable substitution is similar to that of Unix * shells. The string between an opening "${" and * closing "}" is interpreted as a key. The value of * the substituted variable can be defined as a system property or in * the configuration file itself. The value of the key is first * searched in the defined constants, in the enviroments variables * and if not found there, it is * then searched in the configuration file being parsed. The * corresponding value replaces the ${variableName} sequence.


For example, if $_ENV['home'] env var is set to * /home/xyz, then every occurrence of the sequence * ${home} will be interpreted as * /home/xyz. See {@link LoggerOptionConverter::getSystemProperty()} * for details.

* * @author VxR * @version $Revision: 1.6 $ * @package log4php * @since 0.5 */ class LoggerPropertyConfigurator extends LoggerConfigurator { /** * @var LoggerFactory */ var $loggerFactory = null; /** * Constructor */ function LoggerPropertyConfigurator() { $this->loggerFactory = new LoggerDefaultCategoryFactory(); } /** * Configure the default repository using the resource pointed by url. * Url is any valid resurce as defined in {@link PHP_MANUAL#file} function. * Note that the resource will be search with use_include_path parameter * set to "1". * * @param string $url * @return boolean configuration result * @static */ function configure($url = '') { $configurator = new LoggerPropertyConfigurator(); $repository =& LoggerManager::getLoggerRepository(); return $configurator->doConfigure($url, $repository); } /** * Read configuration from a file. * *

The function {@link PHP_MANUAL#parse_ini_file} is used to read the * file.

* * The existing configuration is not cleared nor reset. * If you require a different behavior, then call * {@link LoggerManager::resetConfiguration()} * method before calling {@link doConfigure()}. * *

The configuration file consists of statements in the format * key=value. The syntax of different configuration * elements are discussed below. * *

Repository-wide threshold

* *

The repository-wide threshold filters logging requests by level * regardless of logger. The syntax is: * *

     * log4php.threshold=[level]
* *

The level value can consist of the string values OFF, FATAL, * ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, ALL or a custom level value. A * custom level value can be specified in the form * level#classname. By default the repository-wide threshold is set * to the lowest possible value, namely the level ALL. *

* * *

Appender configuration

* *

Appender configuration syntax is:

     * ; For appender named appenderName, set its class.
     * ; Note: The appender name can contain dots.
     * log4php.appender.appenderName=name_of_appender_class
     * ; Set appender specific options.
     * log4php.appender.appenderName.option1=value1
     * log4php.appender.appenderName.optionN=valueN
* * For each named appender you can configure its {@link LoggerLayout}. The * syntax for configuring an appender's layout is: *
     * log4php.appender.appenderName.layout=name_of_layout_class
     * log4php.appender.appenderName.layout.option1=value1
     *  ....
     * log4php.appender.appenderName.layout.optionN=valueN
* *

Configuring loggers

* *

The syntax for configuring the root logger is: *

     * log4php.rootLogger=[level], appenderName, appenderName, ...
* *

This syntax means that an optional level can be * supplied followed by appender names separated by commas. * *

The level value can consist of the string values OFF, FATAL, * ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, ALL or a custom level value. A * custom level value can be specified in the form

* *
* *

If a level value is specified, then the root level is set * to the corresponding level. If no level value is specified, * then the root level remains untouched. * *

The root logger can be assigned multiple appenders. * *

Each appenderName (separated by commas) will be added to * the root logger. The named appender is defined using the * appender syntax defined above. * *

For non-root categories the syntax is almost the same: *

     * log4php.logger.logger_name=[level|INHERITED|NULL], appenderName, appenderName, ...
* *

The meaning of the optional level value is discussed above * in relation to the root logger. In addition however, the value * INHERITED can be specified meaning that the named logger should * inherit its level from the logger hierarchy.

* *

If no level value is supplied, then the level of the * named logger remains untouched.

* *

By default categories inherit their level from the * hierarchy. However, if you set the level of a logger and later * decide that that logger should inherit its level, then you should * specify INHERITED as the value for the level value. NULL is a * synonym for INHERITED.

* *

Similar to the root logger syntax, each appenderName * (separated by commas) will be attached to the named logger.

* *

See the appender additivity rule in the user manual for * the meaning of the additivity flag. * *


* *

You can customize the way message objects of a given type are * converted to String before being logged. This is done by * specifying a {@link LoggerObjectRenderer} * for the object type would like to customize.

* *

The syntax is: * *

     * log4php.renderer.name_of_rendered_class=name_of_rendering.class
* * As in, *
     * log4php.renderer.myFruit=myFruitRenderer
* *

Logger Factories

* * The usage of custom logger factories is discouraged and no longer * documented. * *


* *

An example configuration is given below. Other configuration * file examples are given in the tests folder. * *

     * ; Set options for appender named "A1".
     * ; Appender "A1" will be a SyslogAppender
     * log4php.appender.A1=SyslogAppender
     * ; The syslog daemon resides on
     * ; A1's layout is a LoggerPatternLayout, using the conversion pattern
     * ; %r %-5p %c{2} %M.%L %x - %m%n. Thus, the log output will
     * ; include the relative time since the start of the application in
     * ; milliseconds, followed by the level of the log request,
     * ; followed by the two rightmost components of the logger name,
     * ; followed by the callers method name, followed by the line number,
     * ; the nested disgnostic context and finally the message itself.
     * ; Refer to the documentation of LoggerPatternLayout} for further information
     * ; on the syntax of the ConversionPattern key.
     * log4php.appender.A1.layout=LoggerPatternLayout
     * log4php.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern="%-4r %-5p %c{2} %M.%L %x - %m%n"
     * ; Set options for appender named "A2"
     * ; A2 should be a LoggerAppenderRollingFile, with maximum file size of 10 MB
     * ; using at most one backup file. A2's layout is TTCC, using the
     * ; ISO8061 date format with context printing enabled.
     * log4php.appender.A2=LoggerAppenderRollingFile
     * log4php.appender.A2.MaxFileSize=10MB
     * log4php.appender.A2.MaxBackupIndex=1
     * log4php.appender.A2.layout=LoggerLayoutTTCC
     * log4php.appender.A2.layout.ContextPrinting="true"
     * log4php.appender.A2.layout.DateFormat="%c"
     * ; Root logger set to DEBUG using the A2 appender defined above.
     * log4php.rootLogger=DEBUG, A2
     * ; Logger definitions:
     * ; The SECURITY logger inherits is level from root. However, it's output
     * ; will go to A1 appender defined above. It's additivity is non-cumulative.
     * log4php.logger.SECURITY=INHERIT, A1
     * log4php.additivity.SECURITY=false
     * ; Only warnings or above will be logged for the logger "SECURITY.access".
     * ; Output will go to A1.
     * log4php.logger.SECURITY.access=WARN
     * ; The logger "" inherits its level from the
     * ; logger hierarchy.  Output will go to the appender's of the root
     * ; logger, A2 in this case.
* *

Refer to the setOption method in each Appender and * Layout for class specific options.

* *

Use the ";" character at the * beginning of a line for comments.

* * @param string $url The name of the configuration file where the * configuration information is stored. * @param LoggerHierarchy &$repository the repository to apply the configuration */ function doConfigure($url, &$repository) { $properties = @parse_ini_file($url); if ($properties === false) { LoggerLog::warn("LoggerPropertyConfigurator::doConfigure() cannot load '$url' configuration."); return false; } return $this->doConfigureProperties($properties, $repository); } /** * Read configuration options from properties. * * @see doConfigure(). * @param array $properties * @param LoggerHierarchy &$hierarchy */ function doConfigureProperties($properties, &$hierarchy) { $value = @$properties[LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_LOGGER_DEBUG_KEY]; if (!empty($value)) { LoggerLog::internalDebugging(LoggerOptionConverter::toBoolean($value, LoggerLog::internalDebugging())); } $thresholdStr = @$properties[LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_THRESHOLD_PREFIX]; $hierarchy->setThreshold(LoggerOptionConverter::toLevel($thresholdStr, LoggerLevel::getLevelAll())); $this->configureRootCategory($properties, $hierarchy); $this->configureLoggerFactory($properties); $this->parseCatsAndRenderers($properties, $hierarchy); LoggerLog::debug("LoggerPropertyConfigurator::doConfigureProperties() Finished configuring."); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal stuff // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Check the provided Properties object for a * {@link LoggerFactory} entry specified by * {@link LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_LOGGER_FACTORY_KEY}. * * If such an entry exists, an attempt is made to create an instance using * the default constructor. * This instance is used for subsequent Category creations * within this configurator. * * @see parseCatsAndRenderers() * @param array $props array of properties */ function configureLoggerFactory($props) { $factoryFqcn = @$props[LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_LOGGER_FACTORY_KEY]; if(!empty($factoryFqcn)) { $factoryClassName = basename($factoryFqcn); LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::configureLoggerFactory() Trying to load factory [" . $factoryClassName . "]." ); if (!class_exists($factoryClassName)) @include_once("{$factoryFqcn}.php"); if (class_exists($factoryClassName)) { $loggerFactory = new $factoryClassName(); } else { LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::configureLoggerFactory() Unable to load factory [" . $factoryClassName . "]. Using default." ); $loggerFactory = $this->loggerFactory; } LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::configureLoggerFactory() ". "Setting properties for category factory [" . get_class($loggerFactory) . "]." ); LoggerPropertySetter::setPropertiesByObject($loggerFactory, $props, LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_FACTORY_PREFIX . "."); } } /** * @param array $props array of properties * @param LoggerHierarchy &$hierarchy */ function configureRootCategory($props, &$hierarchy) { $effectivePrefix = LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX; $value = @$props[LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX]; if(empty($value)) { $value = @$props[LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX]; $effectivePrefix = LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX; } if (empty($value)) { LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::configureRootCategory() ". "Could not find root logger information. Is this OK?" ); } else { $root =& $hierarchy->getRootLogger(); // synchronized(root) { $this->parseCategory( $props, $root, $effectivePrefix, LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME, $value ); // } } } /** * Parse non-root elements, such non-root categories and renderers. * * @param array $props array of properties * @param LoggerHierarchy &$hierarchy */ function parseCatsAndRenderers($props, &$hierarchy) { while(list($key,$value) = each($props)) { if( strpos($key, LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_CATEGORY_PREFIX) === 0 or strpos($key, LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_LOGGER_PREFIX) === 0) { if(strpos($key, LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_CATEGORY_PREFIX) === 0) { $loggerName = substr($key, strlen(LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_CATEGORY_PREFIX)); } elseif (strpos($key, LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_LOGGER_PREFIX) === 0) { $loggerName = substr($key, strlen(LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_LOGGER_PREFIX)); } $logger =& $hierarchy->getLogger($loggerName, $this->loggerFactory); // synchronized(logger) { $this->parseCategory($props, $logger, $key, $loggerName, $value); $this->parseAdditivityForLogger($props, $logger, $loggerName); // } } elseif (strpos($key, LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_RENDERER_PREFIX) === 0) { $renderedClass = substr($key, strlen(LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_RENDERER_PREFIX)); $renderingClass = $value; if (method_exists($hierarchy, 'addrenderer')) { LoggerRendererMap::addRenderer($hierarchy, $renderedClass, $renderingClass); } } } } /** * Parse the additivity option for a non-root category. * * @param array $props array of properties * @param Logger &$cat * @param string $loggerName */ function parseAdditivityForLogger($props, &$cat, $loggerName) { $value = LoggerOptionConverter::findAndSubst( LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_ADDITIVITY_PREFIX . $loggerName, $props ); LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAdditivityForLogger() ". "Handling " . LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_ADDITIVITY_PREFIX . $loggerName . "=[{$value}]" ); // touch additivity only if necessary if(!empty($value)) { $additivity = LoggerOptionConverter::toBoolean($value, true); LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAdditivityForLogger() ". "Setting additivity for [{$loggerName}] to [{$additivity}]" ); $cat->setAdditivity($additivity); } } /** * This method must work for the root category as well. * * @param array $props array of properties * @param Logger &$logger * @param string $optionKey * @param string $loggerName * @param string $value * @return Logger */ function &parseCategory($props, &$logger, $optionKey, $loggerName, $value) { LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseCategory() ". "Parsing for [{$loggerName}] with value=[{$value}]." ); // We must skip over ',' but not white space $st = explode(',', $value); // If value is not in the form ", appender.." or "", then we should set // the level of the loggeregory. if(!(@$value{0} == ',' || empty($value))) { // just to be on the safe side... if(sizeof($st) == 0) return; $levelStr = current($st); LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseCategory() ". "Level token is [$levelStr]." ); // If the level value is inherited, set category level value to // null. We also check that the user has not specified inherited for the // root category. if('INHERITED' == strtoupper($levelStr) || 'NULL' == strtoupper($levelStr)) { if ($loggerName == LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME) { LoggerLog::warn( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseCategory() ". "The root logger cannot be set to null." ); } else { $logger->setLevel(null); } } else { $logger->setLevel(LoggerOptionConverter::toLevel($levelStr, LoggerLevel::getLevelDebug())); } } // Begin by removing all existing appenders. $logger->removeAllAppenders(); while($appenderName = next($st)) { $appenderName = trim($appenderName); if(empty($appenderName)) continue; LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseCategory() ". "Parsing appender named [{$appenderName}]." ); $appender =& $this->parseAppender($props, $appenderName); if($appender !== null) { $logger->addAppender($appender); } } } /** * @param array $props array of properties * @param string $appenderName * @return LoggerAppender */ function &parseAppender($props, $appenderName) { $appender =& LoggerAppender::singleton($appenderName); if($appender !== null) { LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAppender() ". "Appender [{$appenderName}] was already parsed." ); return $appender; } // Appender was not previously initialized. $prefix = LOG4PHP_LOGGER_PROPERTY_CONFIGURATOR_APPENDER_PREFIX . $appenderName; $layoutPrefix = $prefix . ".layout"; $appenderClass = @$props[$prefix]; if (!empty($appenderClass)) { $appender =& LoggerAppender::singleton($appenderName, $appenderClass); if($appender === null) { LoggerLog::warn( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAppender() ". "Could not instantiate appender named [$appenderName]." ); return null; } } else { LoggerLog::warn( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAppender() ". "Could not instantiate appender named [$appenderName] with null className." ); return null; } $appender->setName($appenderName); if( $appender->requiresLayout() ) { LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAppender() ". "Parsing layout section for [$appenderName]." ); $layoutClass = @$props[$layoutPrefix]; $layoutClass = LoggerOptionConverter::substVars($layoutClass, $props); if (empty($layoutClass)) { LoggerLog::warn( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAppender() ". "layout class is empty in '$layoutPrefix'. Using Simple layout" ); $layout = LoggerLayout::factory('LoggerLayoutSimple'); } else { $layout = LoggerLayout::factory($layoutClass); if($layout === null) { LoggerLog::warn( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAppender() ". "cannot create layout '$layoutClass'. Using Simple layout" ); $layout = LoggerLayout::factory('LoggerLayoutSimple'); } } LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAppender() ". "Parsing layout options for [$appenderName]." ); LoggerPropertySetter::setPropertiesByObject($layout, $props, $layoutPrefix . "."); LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAppender() ". "End Parsing layout options for [$appenderName]." ); $appender->setLayout($layout); } LoggerPropertySetter::setPropertiesByObject($appender, $props, $prefix . "."); LoggerLog::debug( "LoggerPropertyConfigurator::parseAppender() ". "Parsed [{$appenderName}] options." ); return $appender; } } ?>