getUniqueID('vtiger_settings_field'); $blockid = getSettingsBlockId('LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'); $seq_res = $adb->query("SELECT max(sequence) AS max_seq FROM vtiger_settings_field"); $seq = 1; if ($adb->num_rows($seq_res) > 0) { $cur_seq = $adb->query_result($seq_res, 0, 'max_seq'); if ($cur_seq != null) $seq = $cur_seq + 1; } $adb->pquery('INSERT INTO vtiger_settings_field(fieldid, blockid, name, iconpath, description, linkto, sequence) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array($fieldid, $blockid, 'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS', 'modules/FieldFormulas/resources/FieldFormulas.png', 'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION', 'index.php?module=FieldFormulas&action=index&parenttab=Settings', $seq)); $tabid = getTabid('FieldFormulas'); if(isset($tabid) && $tabid!='') { $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_profile2tab WHERE tabid = ?', array($tabid)); } // Mark the module as Standard module $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_tab SET customized=0 WHERE name=?', array($moduleName)); } else if($eventType == 'module.disabled') { $em = new VTEventsManager($adb); $em->setHandlerInActive('VTFieldFormulasEventHandler'); } else if($eventType == 'module.enabled') { $em = new VTEventsManager($adb); $em->setHandlerActive('VTFieldFormulasEventHandler'); } else if($eventType == 'module.preuninstall') { // TODO Handle actions when this module is about to be deleted. } else if($eventType == 'module.preupdate') { // TODO Handle actions before this module is updated. } else if($eventType == 'module.postupdate') { // TODO Handle actions after this module is updated. } } } ?>