debug("Entering is_admin(" . $user->user_name . ") method ..."); if ($user->is_admin == 'on') { $log->debug("Exiting is_admin method ..."); return true; } else { $log->debug("Exiting is_admin method ..."); return false; } } /** * THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED AND SHOULD NOT BE USED; USE get_select_options_with_id() * Create HTML to display select options in a dropdown list. To be used inside * of a select statement in a form. * param $option_list - the array of strings to that contains the option list * param $selected - the string which contains the default value * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_select_options(&$option_list, $selected, $advsearch = 'false') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering get_select_options (" . $option_list . "," . $selected . "," . $advsearch . ") method ..."); $log->debug("Exiting get_select_options method ..."); return get_select_options_with_id($option_list, $selected, $advsearch); } /** * Create HTML to display select options in a dropdown list. To be used inside * of a select statement in a form. This method expects the option list to have keys and values. The keys are the ids. The values is an array of the datas * param $option_list - the array of strings to that contains the option list * param $selected - the string which contains the default value * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_select_options_with_id(&$option_list, $selected_key, $advsearch = 'false') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering get_select_options_with_id (" . $option_list . "," . $selected_key . "," . $advsearch . ") method ..."); $log->debug("Exiting get_select_options_with_id method ..."); return get_select_options_with_id_separate_key($option_list, $option_list, $selected_key, $advsearch); } function get_select_options_with_value(&$option_list, $selected_key, $advsearch = 'false') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering get_select_options_with_id (" . $option_list . "," . $selected_key . "," . $advsearch . ") method ..."); $log->debug("Exiting get_select_options_with_id method ..."); return get_select_options_with_value_separate_key($option_list, $option_list, $selected_key, $advsearch); } /** * Create HTML to display select options in a dropdown list. To be used inside * of a select statement in a form. This method expects the option list to have keys and values. The keys are the ids. * The values are the display strings. */ function get_select_options_array(&$option_list, $selected_key, $advsearch = 'false') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering get_select_options_array (" . $option_list . "," . $selected_key . "," . $advsearch . ") method ..."); $log->debug("Exiting get_select_options_array method ..."); return get_options_array_seperate_key($option_list, $option_list, $selected_key, $advsearch); } /** * Create HTML to display select options in a dropdown list. To be used inside * of a select statement in a form. This method expects the option list to have keys and values. The keys are the ids. The value is an array of data * param $label_list - the array of strings to that contains the option list * param $key_list - the array of strings to that contains the values list * param $selected - the string which contains the default value * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_options_array_seperate_key(&$label_list, &$key_list, $selected_key, $advsearch = 'false') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering get_options_array_seperate_key (" . $label_list . "," . $key_list . "," . $selected_key . "," . $advsearch . ") method ..."); global $app_strings; if ($advsearch == 'true') $select_options = "\n"; else $select_options = ""; //for setting null selection values to human readable --None-- $pattern = "/'0?'>" . $app_strings['LBL_NONE'] . "<"; if (!is_array($selected_key)) $selected_key = array($selected_key); //create the type dropdown domain and set the selected value if $opp value already exists foreach ($key_list as $option_key => $option_value) { $selected_string = ''; // the system is evaluating $selected_key == 0 || '' to true. Be very careful when changing this. Test all cases. // The vtiger_reported bug was only happening with one of the vtiger_users in the drop down. It was being replaced by none. if (($option_key != '' && $selected_key == $option_key) || ($selected_key == '' && $option_key == '') || (in_array($option_key, $selected_key))) { $selected_string = 'selected'; } $html_value = $option_key; $select_options .= "\n"; $options[$html_value] = array($label_list[$option_key] => $selected_string); } $select_options = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $select_options); $log->debug("Exiting get_options_array_seperate_key method ..."); return $options; } /** * Create HTML to display select options in a dropdown list. To be used inside * of a select statement in a form. This method expects the option list to have keys and values. The keys are the ids. * The values are the display strings. */ function get_select_options_with_id_separate_key(&$label_list, &$key_list, $selected_key, $advsearch = 'false') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering get_select_options_with_id_separate_key(" . $label_list . "," . $key_list . "," . $selected_key . "," . $advsearch . ") method ..."); global $app_strings; if ($advsearch == 'true') $select_options = "\n"; else $select_options = ""; $pattern = "/'0?'>" . $app_strings['LBL_NONE'] . "<"; if (!is_array($selected_key)) $selected_key = array($selected_key); foreach ($key_list as $option_key => $option_value) { $selected_string = ''; if (($option_key != '' && $selected_key == $option_key) || ($selected_key == '' && $option_key == '') || (in_array($option_key, $selected_key))) { $selected_string = 'selected '; } $html_value = $option_key; $select_options .= "\n"; } $select_options = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $select_options); $log->debug("Exiting get_select_options_with_id_separate_key method ..."); return $select_options; } function get_select_options_with_value_separate_key(&$label_list, &$key_list, $selected_key, $advsearch = 'false') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering get_select_options_with_id_separate_key(" . $label_list . "," . $key_list . "," . $selected_key . "," . $advsearch . ") method ..."); global $app_strings; if ($advsearch == 'true') $select_options = "\n"; else $select_options = ""; $pattern = "/'0?'>" . $app_strings['LBL_NONE'] . "<"; if (!is_array($selected_key)) $selected_key = array($selected_key); foreach ($key_list as $option_key => $option_value) { $selected_string = ''; if (($option_key != '' && $selected_key == $option_key) || ($selected_key == '' && $option_key == '') || (in_array($option_key, $selected_key))) { $selected_string = 'selected '; } $html_value = $option_key; $select_options .= "\n"; } $select_options = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $select_options); $log->debug("Exiting get_select_options_with_id_separate_key method ..."); return $select_options; } /** * Converts localized date format string to jscalendar format * Example: $array = array_csort($array,'town','age',SORT_DESC,'name'); * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function parse_calendardate($local_format) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering parse_calendardate(" . $local_format . ") method ..."); global $current_user; if ($current_user->date_format == 'dd-mm-yyyy') { $dt_popup_fmt = "%d-%m-%Y"; } elseif ($current_user->date_format == 'mm-dd-yyyy') { $dt_popup_fmt = "%m-%d-%Y"; } elseif ($current_user->date_format == 'yyyy-mm-dd') { $dt_popup_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"; } $log->debug("Exiting parse_calendardate method ..."); return $dt_popup_fmt; } /** * Decodes the given set of special character * input values $string - string to be converted, $encode - flag to decode * returns the decoded value in string fromat */ function from_html($string, $encode = true) { global $log; //$log->debug("Entering from_html(".$string.",".$encode.") method ..."); global $toHtml; //if($encode && is_string($string))$string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES); if (is_string($string)) { if (preg_match('/(script).*(\/script)/i', $string)) $string = preg_replace(array('//', '/"/'), array('<', '>', '"'), $string); //$string = str_replace(array_values($toHtml), array_keys($toHtml), $string); } //$log->debug("Exiting from_html method ..."); return $string; } function fck_from_html($string) { if (is_string($string)) { if (preg_match('/(script).*(\/script)/i', $string)) $string = str_replace('script', '', $string); } return $string; } /** * Function used to decodes the given single quote and double quote only. This function used for popup selection * @param string $string - string to be converted, $encode - flag to decode * @return string $string - the decoded value in string fromat where as only single and double quotes will be decoded */ function popup_from_html($string, $encode = true) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering popup_from_html(" . $string . "," . $encode . ") method ..."); $popup_toHtml = array( '"' => '"', "'" => ''', ); //if($encode && is_string($string))$string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES); if ($encode && is_string($string)) { $string = addslashes(str_replace(array_values($popup_toHtml), array_keys($popup_toHtml), $string)); } $log->debug("Exiting popup_from_html method ..."); return $string; } /** To get the Currency of the specified user * @param $id -- The user Id:: Type integer * @returns vtiger_currencyid :: Type integer */ function fetchCurrency($id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering fetchCurrency(" . $id . ") method ..."); // Lookup the information in cache $currencyinfo = VTCacheUtils::lookupUserCurrenyId($id); if ($currencyinfo === false) { global $adb; $sql = "select currency_id from vtiger_users where id=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($id)); $currencyid = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "currency_id"); VTCacheUtils::updateUserCurrencyId($id, $currencyid); // Re-look at the cache for consistency $currencyinfo = VTCacheUtils::lookupUserCurrenyId($id); } $currencyid = $currencyinfo['currencyid']; $log->debug("Exiting fetchCurrency method ..."); return $currencyid; } /** Function to get the Currency name from the vtiger_currency_info * @param $currencyid -- vtiger_currencyid:: Type integer * @returns $currencyname -- Currency Name:: Type varchar * */ function getCurrencyName($currencyid, $show_symbol = true) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getCurrencyName(" . $currencyid . ") method ..."); // Look at cache first $currencyinfo = VTCacheUtils::lookupCurrencyInfo($currencyid); if ($currencyinfo === false) { global $adb; $sql1 = "select * from vtiger_currency_info where id= ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql1, array($currencyid)); $resultinfo = $adb->fetch_array($result); // Update cache VTCacheUtils::updateCurrencyInfo($currencyid, $resultinfo['currency_name'], $resultinfo['currency_code'], $resultinfo['currency_symbol'], $resultinfo['conversion_rate'] ); // Re-look at the cache now $currencyinfo = VTCacheUtils::lookupCurrencyInfo($currencyid); } $currencyname = $currencyinfo['name']; $curr_symbol = $currencyinfo['symbol']; $log->debug("Exiting getCurrencyName method ..."); if ($show_symbol) return getTranslatedCurrencyString($currencyname) . ' : ' . $curr_symbol; else return $currencyname; // NOTE: Without symbol the value could be used for filtering/lookup hence avoiding the translation } /** * Function to fetch the list of vtiger_groups from group vtiger_table * Takes no value as input * returns the query result set object */ function get_group_options() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering get_group_options() method ..."); global $adb, $noof_group_rows; ; $sql = "select groupname,groupid from vtiger_groups"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array()); $noof_group_rows = $adb->num_rows($result); $log->debug("Exiting get_group_options method ..."); return $result; } /** * Function to get the tabid * Takes the input as $module - module name * returns the tabid, integer type */ function getTabid($module) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getTabid(" . $module . ") method ..."); // Lookup information in cache first $tabid = VTCacheUtils::lookupTabid($module); if ($tabid === false) { if (file_exists('tabdata.php') && (filesize('tabdata.php') != 0)) { include('tabdata.php'); $tabid = $tab_info_array[$module]; // Update information to cache for re-use VTCacheUtils::updateTabidInfo($tabid, $module); } else { $log->info("module is " . $module); global $adb; $sql = "select tabid from vtiger_tab where name=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($module)); $tabid = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "tabid"); // Update information to cache for re-use VTCacheUtils::updateTabidInfo($tabid, $module); } } $log->debug("Exiting getTabid method ..."); return $tabid; } /** * Function to get the fieldid * * @param Integer $tabid * @param Boolean $onlyactive */ function getFieldid($tabid, $fieldname, $onlyactive = true) { global $adb; // Look up information at cache first $fieldinfo = VTCacheUtils::lookupFieldInfo($tabid, $fieldname); if ($fieldinfo === false) { getColumnFields(getTabModuleName($tabid)); $fieldinfo = VTCacheUtils::lookupFieldInfo($tabid, $fieldname); } // Get the field id based on required criteria $fieldid = false; if ($fieldinfo) { $fieldid = $fieldinfo['fieldid']; if ($onlyactive && !in_array($fieldinfo['presence'], array('0', '2'))) { $fieldid = false; } } return $fieldid; } /** * Function to get the CustomViewName * Takes the input as $cvid - customviewid * returns the cvname string fromat */ function getCVname($cvid) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getCVname method ..."); global $adb; $sql = "select viewname from vtiger_customview where cvid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($cvid)); $cvname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "viewname"); $log->debug("Exiting getCVname method ..."); return $cvname; } /** * Function to get the ownedby value for the specified module * Takes the input as $module - module name * returns the tabid, integer type */ function getTabOwnedBy($module) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getTabid(" . $module . ") method ..."); $tabid = getTabid($module); if (file_exists('tabdata.php') && (filesize('tabdata.php') != 0)) { include('tabdata.php'); $tab_ownedby = $tab_ownedby_array[$tabid]; } else { $log->info("module is " . $module); global $adb; $sql = "select ownedby from vtiger_tab where name=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($module)); $tab_ownedby = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "ownedby"); } $log->debug("Exiting getTabid method ..."); return $tab_ownedby; } /** * Function to get the tabid * Takes the input as $module - module name * returns the tabid, integer type */ function getSalesEntityType($crmid) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getSalesEntityType(" . $crmid . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getSalesEntityType " . $crmid); global $adb; $sql = "select setype from vtiger_crmentity where crmid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($crmid)); $parent_module = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "setype"); $log->debug("Exiting getSalesEntityType method ..."); return $parent_module; } /** * Function to get the AccountName when a vtiger_account id is given * Takes the input as $acount_id - vtiger_account id * returns the vtiger_account name in string format. */ function getAccountName($account_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getAccountName(" . $account_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getAccountName " . $account_id); global $adb; if ($account_id != '') { $sql = "select accountname from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($account_id)); $accountname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); } $log->debug("Exiting getAccountName method ..."); return $accountname; } /** * Function to get the ProductName when a product id is given * Takes the input as $product_id - product id * returns the product name in string format. */ function getProductName($product_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getProductName(" . $product_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getproductname " . $product_id); global $adb; $sql = "select productname from vtiger_products where productid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($product_id)); $productname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "productname"); $log->debug("Exiting getProductName method ..."); return $productname; } /** * Function to get the Potentail Name when a vtiger_potential id is given * Takes the input as $potential_id - vtiger_potential id * returns the vtiger_potential name in string format. */ function getPotentialName($potential_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getPotentialName(" . $potential_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getPotentialName " . $potential_id); global $adb; $potentialname = ''; if ($potential_id != '') { $sql = "select potentialname from vtiger_potential where potentialid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($potential_id)); $potentialname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "potentialname"); } $log->debug("Exiting getPotentialName method ..."); return $potentialname; } /** * Function to get the Contact Name when a contact id is given * Takes the input as $contact_id - contact id * returns the Contact Name in string format. */ function getContactName($contact_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getContactName(" . $contact_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getContactName " . $contact_id); global $adb, $current_user; $contact_name = ''; if ($contact_id != '') { $sql = "select * from vtiger_contactdetails where contactid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($contact_id)); $firstname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "firstname"); $lastname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "lastname"); $contact_name = $lastname; // Asha: Check added for ticket 4788 if (getFieldVisibilityPermission("Contacts", $current_user->id, 'firstname') == '0') { $contact_name .= ' ' . $firstname; } } $log->debug("Exiting getContactName method ..."); return $contact_name; } /** * Function to get the Contact Name when a contact id is given * Takes the input as $contact_id - contact id * returns the Contact Name in string format. */ function getLeadName($lead_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getLeadName(" . $lead_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getLeadName " . $lead_id); global $adb, $current_user; $lead_name = ''; if ($lead_id != '') { $sql = "select * from vtiger_leaddetails where leadid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($lead_id)); $firstname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "firstname"); $lastname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "lastname"); $lead_name = $lastname; // Asha: Check added for ticket 4788 if (getFieldVisibilityPermission("Leads", $current_user->id, 'firstname') == '0') { $lead_name .= ' ' . $firstname; } } $log->debug("Exiting getLeadName method ..."); return $lead_name; } /** * Function to get the Full Name of a Contact/Lead when a query result and the row count are given * Takes the input as $result - Query Result, $row_count - Count of the Row, $module - module name * returns the Contact Name in string format. */ function getFullNameFromQResult($result, $row_count, $module) { global $log, $adb, $current_user; $log->info("In getFullNameFromQResult(" . print_r($result, true) . " - " . $row_count . "-" . $module . ") method ..."); $rowdata = $adb->query_result_rowdata($result, $row_count); $entity_field_info = getEntityFieldNames($module); $fieldsName = $entity_field_info['fieldname']; $name = ''; if ($rowdata != '' && count($rowdata) > 0) { $name = getEntityFieldNameDisplay($module, $fieldsName, $rowdata ); } $name = textlength_check($name); return $name; } function getFullNameFromArray($module, $fieldValues) { $entityInfo = getEntityFieldNames($module); $fieldsName = $entityInfo['fieldname']; $displayName = getEntityFieldNameDisplay($module, $fieldsName, $fieldValues); return $displayName; } /** * Function to get the Campaign Name when a campaign id is given * Takes the input as $campaign_id - campaign id * returns the Campaign Name in string format. */ function getCampaignName($campaign_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getCampaignName(" . $campaign_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getCampaignName " . $campaign_id); global $adb; $sql = "select * from vtiger_campaign where campaignid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($campaign_id)); $campaign_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "campaignname"); $log->debug("Exiting getCampaignName method ..."); return $campaign_name; } /** * Function to get the Vendor Name when a vtiger_vendor id is given * Takes the input as $vendor_id - vtiger_vendor id * returns the Vendor Name in string format. */ function getVendorName($vendor_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getVendorName(" . $vendor_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getVendorName " . $vendor_id); global $adb; $sql = "select * from vtiger_vendor where vendorid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($vendor_id)); $vendor_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "vendorname"); $log->debug("Exiting getVendorName method ..."); return $vendor_name; } /** * Function to get the Quote Name when a vtiger_vendor id is given * Takes the input as $quote_id - quote id * returns the Quote Name in string format. */ function getQuoteName($quote_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getQuoteName(" . $quote_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getQuoteName " . $quote_id); global $adb; if ($quote_id != NULL && $quote_id != '') { $sql = "select * from vtiger_quotes where quoteid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($quote_id)); $quote_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); } else { $log->debug("Quote Id is empty."); $quote_name = ''; } $log->debug("Exiting getQuoteName method ..."); return $quote_name; } /** * Function to get the PriceBook Name when a vtiger_pricebook id is given * Takes the input as $pricebook_id - vtiger_pricebook id * returns the PriceBook Name in string format. */ function getPriceBookName($pricebookid) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getPriceBookName(" . $pricebookid . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getPriceBookName " . $pricebookid); global $adb; $sql = "select * from vtiger_pricebook where pricebookid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($pricebookid)); $pricebook_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "bookname"); $log->debug("Exiting getPriceBookName method ..."); return $pricebook_name; } /** This Function returns the Purchase Order Name. * The following is the input parameter for the function * $po_id --> Purchase Order Id, Type:Integer */ function getPoName($po_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getPoName(" . $po_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getPoName " . $po_id); global $adb; $sql = "select * from vtiger_purchaseorder where purchaseorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($po_id)); $po_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $log->debug("Exiting getPoName method ..."); return $po_name; } /** * Function to get the Sales Order Name when a vtiger_salesorder id is given * Takes the input as $salesorder_id - vtiger_salesorder id * returns the Salesorder Name in string format. */ function getSoName($so_id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getSoName(" . $so_id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getSoName " . $so_id); global $adb; $sql = "select * from vtiger_salesorder where salesorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($so_id)); $so_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $log->debug("Exiting getSoName method ..."); return $so_name; } /** * Function to get the Group Information for a given groupid * Takes the input $id - group id and $module - module name * returns the group information in an array format. */ function getGroupName($groupid) { global $adb, $log; $log->debug("Entering getGroupName(" . $groupid . ") method ..."); $group_info = Array(); $log->info("in getGroupName, entityid is " . $groupid); if ($groupid != '') { $sql = "select groupname,groupid from vtiger_groups where groupid = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($groupid)); $group_info[] = decode_html($adb->query_result($result, 0, "groupname")); $group_info[] = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "groupid"); } $log->debug("Exiting getGroupName method ..."); return $group_info; } /** * Get the username by giving the user id. This method expects the user id */ function getUserName($userid) { global $adb, $log; $log->debug("Entering getUserName(" . $userid . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getUserName " . $userid); if ($userid != '') { $sql = "select user_name from vtiger_users where id=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($userid)); $user_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "user_name"); } $log->debug("Exiting getUserName method ..."); return $user_name; } /** * Get the user full name by giving the user id. This method expects the user id * DG 30 Aug 2006 */ function getUserFullName($userid) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getUserFullName(" . $userid . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getUserFullName " . $userid); global $adb; if ($userid != '') { $displayValueArray = getEntityName('Users', $userid); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $value) { $user_name = $value; } } } $log->debug("Exiting getUserFullName method ..."); return $user_name; } /** Fucntion to get related To name with id */ function getParentName($parent_id) { global $adb; if (empty($parent_id) || $parent_id == 0) { return ""; } $seType = getSalesEntityType($parent_id); $entityNames = getEntityName($seType, $parent_id); return $entityNames[$parent_id]; } /** * Creates and returns database query. To be used for search and other text links. This method expects the module object. * param $focus - the module object contains the column vtiger_fields */ function getURLstring($focus) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getURLstring(" . get_class($focus) . ") method ..."); $qry = ""; foreach ($focus->column_fields as $fldname => $val) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$fldname]) && $_REQUEST[$fldname] != '') { if ($qry == '') $qry = "&" . $fldname . "=" . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST[$fldname]); else $qry .="&" . $fldname . "=" . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST[$fldname]); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['current_user_only']) && $_REQUEST['current_user_only'] != '') { $qry .="¤t_user_only=" . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['current_user_only']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['advanced']) && $_REQUEST['advanced'] == 'true') { $qry .="&advanced=true"; } if ($qry != '') { $qry .="&query=true"; } $log->debug("Exiting getURLstring method ..."); return $qry; } /** * This function returns the date in user specified format. * limitation is that mm-dd-yyyy and dd-mm-yyyy will be considered same by this API. * As in the date value is on mm-dd-yyyy and user date format is dd-mm-yyyy then the mm-dd-yyyy * value will be return as the API will be considered as considered as in same format. * this due to the fact that this API tries to consider the where given date is in user date * format. we need a better gauge for this case. * @global Users $current_user * @param Date $cur_date_val the date which should a changed to user date format. * @return Date */ function getValidDisplayDate($cur_date_val) { global $current_user; $dat_fmt = $current_user->date_format; if ($dat_fmt == '') { $dat_fmt = 'dd-mm-yyyy'; } $date_value = explode(' ', $cur_date_val); list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $date_value[0]); list($fy, $fm, $fd) = explode('-', $dat_fmt); if ((strlen($fy) == 4 && strlen($y) == 4) || (strlen($fd) == 4 && strlen($d) == 4)) { return "$y-$m-$d"; } $date = new DateTimeField($cur_date_val); return $date->getDisplayDate(); } function getNewDisplayDate() { global $log, $current_user; $log->debug("Entering getNewDisplayDate() method ..."); $log->info("in getNewDisplayDate "); $date = new DateTimeField(null); $log->debug("Exiting getNewDisplayDate method ..."); return $date->getDisplayDate($current_user); } /** This function returns the default vtiger_currency information. * Takes no param, return type array. */ function getDisplayCurrency() { global $log; global $adb; $log->debug("Entering getDisplayCurrency() method ..."); $curr_array = Array(); $sql1 = "select * from vtiger_currency_info where currency_status=? and deleted=0"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql1, array('Active')); $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) { $curr_id = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "id"); $curr_name = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "currency_name"); $curr_symbol = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "currency_symbol"); $curr_array[$curr_id] = $curr_name . ' : ' . $curr_symbol; } $log->debug("Exiting getDisplayCurrency method ..."); return $curr_array; } /** This function returns the amount converted to dollar. * param $amount - amount to be converted. * param $crate - conversion rate. */ function convertToDollar($amount, $crate) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering convertToDollar(" . $amount . "," . $crate . ") method ..."); $log->debug("Exiting convertToDollar method ..."); return $amount / $crate; } /** This function returns the amount converted from dollar. * param $amount - amount to be converted. * param $crate - conversion rate. */ function convertFromDollar($amount, $crate) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering convertFromDollar(" . $amount . "," . $crate . ") method ..."); $log->debug("Exiting convertFromDollar method ..."); return round($amount * $crate, 2); } /** This function returns the amount converted from master currency. * param $amount - amount to be converted. * param $crate - conversion rate. */ function convertFromMasterCurrency($amount, $crate) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering convertFromDollar(" . $amount . "," . $crate . ") method ..."); $log->debug("Exiting convertFromDollar method ..."); return $amount * $crate; } /** This function returns the conversion rate and vtiger_currency symbol * in array format for a given id. * param $id - vtiger_currency id. */ function getCurrencySymbolandCRate($id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getCurrencySymbolandCRate(" . $id . ") method ..."); // To initialize the currency information in cache getCurrencyName($id); $currencyinfo = VTCacheUtils::lookupCurrencyInfo($id); $rate_symbol['rate'] = $currencyinfo['rate']; $rate_symbol['symbol'] = $currencyinfo['symbol']; $log->debug("Exiting getCurrencySymbolandCRate method ..."); return $rate_symbol; } /** This function returns the terms and condition from the database. * Takes no param and the return type is text. */ function getTermsandConditions() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getTermsandConditions() method ..."); global $adb; $sql1 = "select * from vtiger_inventory_tandc"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql1, array()); $tandc = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "tandc"); $log->debug("Exiting getTermsandConditions method ..."); return $tandc; } /** * Create select options in a dropdown list. To be used inside * a reminder select statement in a vtiger_activity form. * param $start - start value * param $end - end value * param $fldname - vtiger_field name * param $selvalue - selected value */ function getReminderSelectOption($start, $end, $fldname, $selvalue = '') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getReminderSelectOption(" . $start . "," . $end . "," . $fldname . "," . $selvalue = '' . ") method ..."); global $mod_strings; global $app_strings; $def_sel = ""; $OPTION_FLD = ""; $log->debug("Exiting getReminderSelectOption method ..."); return $OPTION_FLD; } /** This function returns the List price of a given product in a given price book. * param $productid - product id. * param $pbid - vtiger_pricebook id. */ function getListPrice($productid, $pbid) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getListPrice(" . $productid . "," . $pbid . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getListPrice productid " . $productid); global $adb; $query = "select listprice from vtiger_pricebookproductrel where pricebookid=? and productid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($pbid, $productid)); $lp = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'listprice'); $log->debug("Exiting getListPrice method ..."); return $lp; } /** This function returns a string with removed new line character, single quote, and back slash double quoute. * param $str - string to be converted. */ function br2nl($str) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering br2nl(" . $str . ") method ..."); $str = preg_replace("/(\r\n)/", "\\r\\n", $str); $str = preg_replace("/'/", " ", $str); $str = preg_replace("/\"/", " ", $str); $log->debug("Exiting br2nl method ..."); return $str; } /** This function returns a text, which escapes the html encode for link tag/ a href tag * param $text - string/text */ function make_clickable($text) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering make_clickable(" . $text . ") method ..."); $text = preg_replace('#(script|about|applet|activex|chrome):#is', "\\1:", $text); // pad it with a space so we can match things at the start of the 1st line. $ret = ' ' . $text; // matches an "xxxx://yyyy" URL at the start of a line, or after a space. // xxxx can only be alpha characters. // yyyy is anything up to the first space, newline, comma, double quote or < $ret = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([\w]+?://.*?[^ \"\n\r\t<]*)#is", "\\1\\2", $ret); // matches a "www|ftp.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz]" kinda lazy URL thing // Must contain at least 2 dots. xxxx contains either alphanum, or "-" // zzzz is optional.. will contain everything up to the first space, newline, // comma, double quote or <. $ret = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])((www|ftp)\.[\w\-]+\.[\w\-.\~]+(?:/[^ \"\t\n\r<]*)?)#is", "\\1\\2", $ret); // matches an email@domain type address at the start of a line, or after a space. // Note: Only the followed chars are valid; alphanums, "-", "_" and or ".". $ret = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([a-z0-9&\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)*[\w]+)#i", "\\1\\2@\\3", $ret); // Remove our padding.. $ret = substr($ret, 1); //remove comma, fullstop at the end of url $ret = preg_replace("#,\"|\.\"|\)\"|\)\.\"|\.\)\"#", "\"", $ret); $log->debug("Exiting make_clickable method ..."); return($ret); } /** * This function returns the vtiger_blocks and its related information for given module. * Input Parameter are $module - module name, $disp_view = display view (edit,detail or create),$mode - edit, $col_fields - * column vtiger_fields/ * This function returns an array */ function getBlocks($module, $disp_view, $mode, $col_fields = '', $info_type = '') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getBlocks(" . $module . "," . $disp_view . "," . $mode . "," . $col_fields . "," . $info_type . ") method ..."); global $adb, $current_user; global $mod_strings; $tabid = getTabid($module); $block_detail = Array(); $getBlockinfo = ""; $query = "select blockid,blocklabel,show_title,display_status from vtiger_blocks where tabid=? and $disp_view=0 and visible = 0 order by sequence"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($tabid)); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result); $prev_header = ""; $blockid_list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) { $blockid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "blockid"); array_push($blockid_list, $blockid); $block_label[$blockid] = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "blocklabel"); $sLabelVal = getTranslatedString($block_label[$blockid], $module); $aBlockStatus[$sLabelVal] = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "display_status"); } if ($mode == 'edit') { $display_type_check = 'vtiger_field.displaytype = 1'; } elseif ($mode == 'mass_edit') { $display_type_check = 'vtiger_field.displaytype = 1 AND vtiger_field.masseditable NOT IN (0,2)'; } else { $display_type_check = 'vtiger_field.displaytype in (1,4)'; } /* if($non_mass_edit_fields!='' && sizeof($non_mass_edit_fields)!=0){ $mass_edit_query = "AND vtiger_field.fieldname NOT IN (". generateQuestionMarks($non_mass_edit_fields) .")"; } */ //retreive the vtiger_profileList from database require('user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'); if ($disp_view == "detail_view") { if ($is_admin == true || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0 || $module == "Users" || $module == "Emails") { $sql = "SELECT vtiger_field.*, '0' as readonly FROM vtiger_field WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=? AND vtiger_field.block IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($blockid_list) . ") AND vtiger_field.displaytype IN (1,2,4) and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) ORDER BY block,sequence"; $params = array($tabid, $blockid_list); } else { $profileList = getCurrentUserProfileList(); $sql = "SELECT vtiger_field.*, vtiger_profile2field.readonly FROM vtiger_field INNER JOIN vtiger_profile2field ON vtiger_profile2field.fieldid=vtiger_field.fieldid INNER JOIN vtiger_def_org_field ON vtiger_def_org_field.fieldid=vtiger_field.fieldid WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=? AND vtiger_field.block IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($blockid_list) . ") AND vtiger_field.displaytype IN (1,2,4) and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) AND vtiger_profile2field.visible=0 AND vtiger_def_org_field.visible=0 AND vtiger_profile2field.profileid IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($profileList) . ") GROUP BY vtiger_field.fieldid ORDER BY block,sequence"; $params = array($tabid, $blockid_list, $profileList); //Postgres 8 fixes if ($adb->dbType == "pgsql") $sql = fixPostgresQuery($sql, $log, 0); } $result = $adb->pquery($sql, $params); // Added to unset the previous record's related listview session values if (isset($_SESSION['rlvs'])) unset($_SESSION['rlvs']); $getBlockInfo = getDetailBlockInformation($module, $result, $col_fields, $tabid, $block_label); } else { if ($info_type != '') { if ($is_admin == true || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0 || $module == 'Users' || $module == "Emails") { $sql = "SELECT vtiger_field.* FROM vtiger_field WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=? AND vtiger_field.block IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($blockid_list) . ") AND $display_type_check AND info_type = ? and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) ORDER BY block,sequence"; $params = array($tabid, $blockid_list, $info_type); } else { $profileList = getCurrentUserProfileList(); $sql = "SELECT vtiger_field.* FROM vtiger_field INNER JOIN vtiger_profile2field ON vtiger_profile2field.fieldid=vtiger_field.fieldid INNER JOIN vtiger_def_org_field ON vtiger_def_org_field.fieldid=vtiger_field.fieldid WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=? AND vtiger_field.block IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($blockid_list) . ") AND $display_type_check AND info_type = ? AND vtiger_profile2field.visible=0 AND vtiger_profile2field.readonly = 0 AND vtiger_def_org_field.visible=0 AND vtiger_profile2field.profileid IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($profileList) . ") and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) GROUP BY vtiger_field.fieldid ORDER BY block,sequence"; $params = array($tabid, $blockid_list, $info_type, $profileList); //Postgres 8 fixes if ($adb->dbType == "pgsql") $sql = fixPostgresQuery($sql, $log, 0); } } else { if ($is_admin == true || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0 || $module == 'Users' || $module == "Emails") { $sql = "SELECT vtiger_field.* FROM vtiger_field WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=? AND vtiger_field.block IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($blockid_list) . ") AND $display_type_check and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) ORDER BY block,sequence"; $params = array($tabid, $blockid_list); } else { $profileList = getCurrentUserProfileList(); $sql = "SELECT vtiger_field.* FROM vtiger_field INNER JOIN vtiger_profile2field ON vtiger_profile2field.fieldid=vtiger_field.fieldid INNER JOIN vtiger_def_org_field ON vtiger_def_org_field.fieldid=vtiger_field.fieldid WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=? AND vtiger_field.block IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($blockid_list) . ") AND $display_type_check AND vtiger_profile2field.visible=0 AND vtiger_profile2field.readonly = 0 AND vtiger_def_org_field.visible=0 AND vtiger_profile2field.profileid IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($profileList) . ") and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) GROUP BY vtiger_field.fieldid ORDER BY block,sequence"; $params = array($tabid, $blockid_list, $profileList); //Postgres 8 fixes if ($adb->dbType == "pgsql") $sql = fixPostgresQuery($sql, $log, 0); } } $result = $adb->pquery($sql, $params); $getBlockInfo = getBlockInformation($module, $result, $col_fields, $tabid, $block_label, $mode); } $log->debug("Exiting getBlocks method ..."); if (count($getBlockInfo) > 0) { foreach ($getBlockInfo as $label => $contents) { if (empty($getBlockInfo[$label])) { unset($getBlockInfo[$label]); } } } $_SESSION['BLOCKINITIALSTATUS'] = $aBlockStatus; return $getBlockInfo; } /** * This function is used to get the display type. * Takes the input parameter as $mode - edit (mostly) * This returns string type value */ function getView($mode) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getView(" . $mode . ") method ..."); if ($mode == "edit") $disp_view = "edit_view"; else $disp_view = "create_view"; $log->debug("Exiting getView method ..."); return $disp_view; } /** * This function is used to get the blockid of the customblock for a given module. * Takes the input parameter as $tabid - module tabid and $label - custom label * This returns string type value */ function getBlockId($tabid, $label) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getBlockId(" . $tabid . "," . $label . ") method ..."); global $adb; $blockid = ''; $query = "select blockid from vtiger_blocks where tabid=? and blocklabel = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($tabid, $label)); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result); if ($noofrows == 1) { $blockid = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "blockid"); } $log->debug("Exiting getBlockId method ..."); return $blockid; } /** * This function is used to get the Parent and Child vtiger_tab relation array. * Takes no parameter and get the data from parent_tabdata.php and vtiger_tabdata.php * This returns array type value */ function getHeaderArray() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getHeaderArray() method ..."); global $adb; global $current_user; require('user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'); include('parent_tabdata.php'); include('tabdata.php'); $noofrows = count($parent_tab_info_array); foreach ($parent_tab_info_array as $parid => $parval) { $subtabs = Array(); $tablist = $parent_child_tab_rel_array[$parid]; $noofsubtabs = count($tablist); foreach ($tablist as $childTabId) { $module = array_search($childTabId, $tab_info_array); if ($is_admin) { $subtabs[] = $module; } elseif ($profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileTabsPermission[$childTabId] == 0) { $subtabs[] = $module; } } $parenttab = getParentTabName($parid); if ($parenttab == 'Settings' && $is_admin) { $subtabs[] = 'Settings'; } if ($parenttab != 'Settings' || ($parenttab == 'Settings' && $is_admin)) { if (!empty($subtabs)) $relatedtabs[$parenttab] = $subtabs; } } $log->debug("Exiting getHeaderArray method ..."); return $relatedtabs; } /** * This function is used to get the Parent Tab name for a given parent vtiger_tab id. * Takes the input parameter as $parenttabid - Parent vtiger_tab id * This returns value string type */ function getParentTabName($parenttabid) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getParentTabName(" . $parenttabid . ") method ..."); global $adb; if (file_exists('parent_tabdata.php') && (filesize('parent_tabdata.php') != 0)) { include('parent_tabdata.php'); $parent_tabname = $parent_tab_info_array[$parenttabid]; } else { $sql = "select parenttab_label from vtiger_parenttab where parenttabid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($parenttabid)); $parent_tabname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "parenttab_label"); } $log->debug("Exiting getParentTabName method ..."); return $parent_tabname; } /** * This function is used to get the Parent Tab name for a given module. * Takes the input parameter as $module - module name * This returns value string type */ function getParentTabFromModule($module) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getParentTabFromModule(" . $module . ") method ..."); global $adb; if (file_exists('tabdata.php') && (filesize('tabdata.php') != 0) && file_exists('parent_tabdata.php') && (filesize('parent_tabdata.php') != 0)) { include('tabdata.php'); include('parent_tabdata.php'); $tabid = $tab_info_array[$module]; foreach ($parent_child_tab_rel_array as $parid => $childArr) { if (in_array($tabid, $childArr)) { $parent_tabname = $parent_tab_info_array[$parid]; break; } } $log->debug("Exiting getParentTabFromModule method ..."); return $parent_tabname; } else { $sql = "select vtiger_parenttab.* from vtiger_parenttab inner join vtiger_parenttabrel on vtiger_parenttabrel.parenttabid=vtiger_parenttab.parenttabid inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_tab.tabid=vtiger_parenttabrel.tabid where"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($module)); $tab = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "parenttab_label"); $log->debug("Exiting getParentTabFromModule method ..."); return $tab; } } /** * This function is used to get the Parent Tab name for a given module. * Takes no parameter but gets the vtiger_parenttab value from form request * This returns value string type */ function getParentTab() { global $log, $default_charset; $log->debug("Entering getParentTab() method ..."); if (!empty($_REQUEST['parenttab'])) { $log->debug("Exiting getParentTab method ..."); if (checkParentTabExists($_REQUEST['parenttab'])) { return vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['parenttab']); } else { return getParentTabFromModule($_REQUEST['module']); } } else { $log->debug("Exiting getParentTab method ..."); return getParentTabFromModule($_REQUEST['module']); } } function checkParentTabExists($parenttab) { global $adb; if (file_exists('parent_tabdata.php') && (filesize('parent_tabdata.php') != 0)) { include('parent_tabdata.php'); if (in_array($parenttab, $parent_tab_info_array)) return true; else return false; } else { $result = "select 1 from vtiger_parenttab where parenttab_label = ?"; $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result); if ($noofrows > 0) return true; else return false; } } /** * This function is used to get the days in between the current time and the modified time of an entity . * Takes the input parameter as $id - crmid it will calculate the number of days in between the * the current time and the modified time from the vtiger_crmentity vtiger_table and return the result as a string. * The return format is updated day ago <(date when updated)> */ function updateInfo($id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering updateInfo(" . $id . ") method ..."); global $adb; global $app_strings; $query = 'SELECT modifiedtime, modifiedby FROM vtiger_crmentity WHERE crmid = ?'; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($id)); $modifiedtime = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'modifiedtime'); $modifiedby_id = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'modifiedby'); $modifiedby = $app_strings['LBL_BY'] . getOwnerName($modifiedby_id); $date = new DateTimeField($modifiedtime); $modifiedtime = DateTimeField::convertToDBFormat($date->getDisplayDate()); $current_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $values = explode(' ', $modifiedtime); $date_info = explode('-', $values[0]); $time_info = explode(':', $values[1]); $date = $date_info[2] . ' ' . $app_strings[date("M", mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_info[1], $date_info[2], $date_info[0]))] . ' ' . $date_info[0]; $time_modified = strtotime($modifiedtime); $time_now = strtotime($current_time); $days_diff = (int) (($time_now - $time_modified) / (60 * 60 * 24)); if ($days_diff == 0) $update_info = $app_strings['LBL_UPDATED_TODAY'] . " (" . $date . ")" . ' ' . $modifiedby; elseif ($days_diff == 1) $update_info = $app_strings['LBL_UPDATED'] . " " . $days_diff . " " . $app_strings['LBL_DAY_AGO'] . " (" . $date . ")" . ' ' . $modifiedby; else $update_info = $app_strings['LBL_UPDATED'] . " " . $days_diff . " " . $app_strings['LBL_DAYS_AGO'] . " (" . $date . ")" . ' ' . $modifiedby; $log->debug("Exiting updateInfo method ..."); return $update_info; } /** * This function is used to get the Product Images for the given Product . * It accepts the product id as argument and returns the Images with the script for * rotating the product Images */ function getProductImages($id) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getProductImages(" . $id . ") method ..."); global $adb; $image_lists = array(); $script_images = array(); $script = ''; if ($imagename != '') { $log->debug("Exiting getProductImages method ..."); return $script; } } /** * This function is used to save the Images . * It acceps the File lists,modulename,id and the mode as arguments * It returns the array details of the upload */ function SaveImage($_FILES, $module, $id, $mode) { global $log, $root_directory; $log->debug("Entering SaveImage(" . $_FILES . "," . $module . "," . $id . "," . $mode . ") method ..."); global $adb; $uploaddir = $root_directory . "test/" . $module . "/"; //set this to which location you need to give the contact image $log->info("The Location to Save the Contact Image is " . $uploaddir); $file_path_name = $_FILES['imagename']['name']; if (isset($_REQUEST['imagename_hidden'])) { $file_name = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['imagename_hidden']); } else { //allowed filename like UTF-8 Character $file_name = ltrim(basename(" " . $file_path_name)); // basename($file_path_name); } $image_error = "false"; $saveimage = "true"; if ($file_name != "") { $log->debug("Contact Image is given for uploading"); $image_name_val = file_exist_fn($file_name, 0); $encode_field_values = ""; $errormessage = ""; $move_upload_status = move_uploaded_file($_FILES["imagename"]["tmp_name"], $uploaddir . $image_name_val); $image_error = "false"; //if there is an error in the uploading of image $filetype = $_FILES['imagename']['type']; $filesize = $_FILES['imagename']['size']; $filetype_array = explode("/", $filetype); $file_type_val_image = strtolower($filetype_array[0]); $file_type_val = strtolower($filetype_array[1]); $log->info("The File type of the Contact Image is :: " . $file_type_val); //checking the uploaded image is if an image type or not if (!$move_upload_status) { //if any error during file uploading $log->debug("Error is present in uploading Contact Image."); $errorCode = $_FILES['imagename']['error']; if ($errorCode == 4) { $errorcode = "no-image"; $saveimage = "false"; $image_error = "true"; } else if ($errorCode == 2) { $errormessage = 2; $saveimage = "false"; $image_error = "true"; } else if ($errorCode == 3) { $errormessage = 3; $saveimage = "false"; $image_error = "true"; } } else { $log->debug("Successfully uploaded the Contact Image."); if ($filesize != 0) { if (($file_type_val == "jpeg" ) || ($file_type_val == "png") || ($file_type_val == "jpg" ) || ($file_type_val == "pjpeg" ) || ($file_type_val == "x-png") || ($file_type_val == "gif")) { //Checking whether the file is an image or not $saveimage = "true"; $image_error = "false"; } else { $savelogo = "false"; $image_error = "true"; $errormessage = "image"; } } else { $savelogo = "false"; $image_error = "true"; $errormessage = "invalid"; } } } else { //if image is not given $log->debug("Contact Image is not given for uploading."); if ($mode == "edit" && $image_error == "false") { if ($module = 'contact') $image_name_val = getContactImageName($id); elseif ($module = 'user') $image_name_val = getUserImageName($id); $saveimage = "true"; } else { $image_name_val = ""; } } $return_value = array('imagename' => $image_name_val, 'imageerror' => $image_error, 'errormessage' => $errormessage, 'saveimage' => $saveimage, 'mode' => $mode); $log->debug("Exiting SaveImage method ..."); return $return_value; } /** * This function is used to generate file name if more than one image with same name is added to a given Product. * Param $filename - product file name * Param $exist - number time the file name is repeated. */ function file_exist_fn($filename, $exist) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering file_exist_fn(" . $filename . "," . $exist . ") method ..."); global $uploaddir; if (!isset($exist)) { $exist = 0; } $filename_path = $uploaddir . $filename; if (file_exists($filename_path)) { //Checking if the file name already exists in the directory if ($exist != 0) { $previous = $exist - 1; $next = $exist + 1; $explode_name = explode("_", $filename); $implode_array = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($explode_name); $j++) { if ($j != 0) { $implode_array[] = $explode_name[$j]; } } $implode_name = implode("_", $implode_array); $test_name = $implode_name; } else { $implode_name = $filename; } $exist++; $filename_val = $exist . "_" . $implode_name; $testfilename = file_exist_fn($filename_val, $exist); if ($testfilename != "") { $log->debug("Exiting file_exist_fn method ..."); return $testfilename; } } else { $log->debug("Exiting file_exist_fn method ..."); return $filename; } } /** * This function is used get the User Count. * It returns the array which has the total vtiger_users ,admin vtiger_users,and the non admin vtiger_users */ function UserCount() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering UserCount() method ..."); global $adb; $result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_users where deleted =0", array()); $user_count = $adb->num_rows($result); $result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_users where deleted =0 AND is_admin != 'on'", array()); $nonadmin_count = $adb->num_rows($result); $admin_count = $user_count - $nonadmin_count; $count = array('user' => $user_count, 'admin' => $admin_count, 'nonadmin' => $nonadmin_count); $log->debug("Exiting UserCount method ..."); return $count; } /** * This function is used to create folders recursively. * Param $dir - directory name * Param $mode - directory access mode * Param $recursive - create directory recursive, default true */ function mkdirs($dir, $mode = 0777, $recursive = true) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering mkdirs(" . $dir . "," . $mode . "," . $recursive . ") method ..."); if (is_null($dir) || $dir === "") { $log->debug("Exiting mkdirs method ..."); return FALSE; } if (is_dir($dir) || $dir === "/") { $log->debug("Exiting mkdirs method ..."); return TRUE; } if (mkdirs(dirname($dir), $mode, $recursive)) { $log->debug("Exiting mkdirs method ..."); return mkdir($dir, $mode); } $log->debug("Exiting mkdirs method ..."); return FALSE; } /** * This function is used to set the Object values from the REQUEST values. * @param object reference $focus - reference of the object */ function setObjectValuesFromRequest($focus) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering setObjectValuesFromRequest(" . get_class($focus) . ") method ..."); if (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) { $focus->id = $_REQUEST['record']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['mode'])) { $focus->mode = $_REQUEST['mode']; } foreach ($focus->column_fields as $fieldname => $val) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$fieldname])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST[$fieldname])) $value = $_REQUEST[$fieldname]; else $value = trim($_REQUEST[$fieldname]); $focus->column_fields[$fieldname] = $value; } } $log->debug("Exiting setObjectValuesFromRequest method ..."); } /** * Function to write the tabid and name to a flat file vtiger_tabdata.txt so that the data * is obtained from the file instead of repeated queries * returns null */ function create_tab_data_file() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering create_tab_data_file() method ..."); $log->info("creating vtiger_tabdata file"); global $adb; //$sql = "select * from vtiger_tab"; // vtlib customization: Disabling the tab item based on presence $sql = "select * from vtiger_tab where presence in (0,2)"; // END $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array()); $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result); $result_array = Array(); $seq_array = Array(); $ownedby_array = Array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) { $tabid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tabid'); $tabname = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'name'); $presence = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'presence'); $ownedby = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'ownedby'); $result_array[$tabname] = $tabid; $seq_array[$tabid] = $presence; $ownedby_array[$tabid] = $ownedby; } //Constructing the actionname=>actionid array $actionid_array = Array(); $sql1 = "select * from vtiger_actionmapping"; $result1 = $adb->pquery($sql1, array()); $num_seq1 = $adb->num_rows($result1); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_seq1; $i++) { $actionname = $adb->query_result($result1, $i, 'actionname'); $actionid = $adb->query_result($result1, $i, 'actionid'); $actionid_array[$actionname] = $actionid; } //Constructing the actionid=>actionname array with securitycheck=0 $actionname_array = Array(); $sql2 = "select * from vtiger_actionmapping where securitycheck=0"; $result2 = $adb->pquery($sql2, array()); $num_seq2 = $adb->num_rows($result2); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_seq2; $i++) { $actionname = $adb->query_result($result2, $i, 'actionname'); $actionid = $adb->query_result($result2, $i, 'actionid'); $actionname_array[$actionid] = $actionname; } $filename = 'tabdata.php'; if (file_exists($filename)) { if (is_writable($filename)) { if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w+')) { echo "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } require_once('modules/Users/CreateUserPrivilegeFile.php'); $newbuf = ''; $newbuf .=""; fputs($handle, $newbuf); fclose($handle); } else { echo "The file $filename is not writable"; } } else { echo "The file $filename does not exist"; $log->debug("Exiting create_tab_data_file method ..."); return; } } /** * Function to write the vtiger_parenttabid and name to a flat file parent_tabdata.txt so that the data * is obtained from the file instead of repeated queries * returns null */ function create_parenttab_data_file() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering create_parenttab_data_file() method ..."); $log->info("creating parent_tabdata file"); global $adb; $sql = "select parenttabid,parenttab_label from vtiger_parenttab where visible=0 order by sequence"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array()); $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result); $result_array = Array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) { $parenttabid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'parenttabid'); $parenttab_label = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'parenttab_label'); $result_array[$parenttabid] = $parenttab_label; } $filename = 'parent_tabdata.php'; if (file_exists($filename)) { if (is_writable($filename)) { if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w+')) { echo "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } require_once('modules/Users/CreateUserPrivilegeFile.php'); $newbuf = ''; $newbuf .=" $parvalue) { $childArray = Array(); //$sql = "select * from vtiger_parenttabrel where parenttabid=? order by sequence"; // vtlib customization: Disabling the tab item based on presence $sql = "select * from vtiger_parenttabrel where parenttabid=? and tabid in (select tabid from vtiger_tab where presence in (0,2)) order by sequence"; // END $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($parid)); $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result); $result_array = Array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) { $tabid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tabid'); $childArray[] = $tabid; } $parChildTabRelArray[$parid] = $childArray; } $newbuf .= "\n"; $newbuf .= "\$parent_child_tab_rel_array=" . constructTwoDimensionalValueArray($parChildTabRelArray) . ";\n"; $newbuf .="\n"; $newbuf .="\n"; $newbuf .="\n"; $newbuf .= "?>"; fputs($handle, $newbuf); fclose($handle); } else { echo "The file $filename is not writable"; } } else { echo "The file $filename does not exist"; $log->debug("Exiting create_parenttab_data_file method ..."); return; } } /** * This function is used to get the all the modules that have Quick Create Feature. * Returns Tab Name and Tablabel. */ function getQuickCreateModules() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getQuickCreateModules() method ..."); global $adb; global $mod_strings; // vtlib customization: Ignore disabled modules. //$qc_query = "select distinct vtiger_tab.tablabel, from vtiger_field inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_tab.tabid = vtiger_field.tabid where quickcreate=0 order by vtiger_tab.tablabel"; $qc_query = "select distinct vtiger_tab.tablabel, from vtiger_field inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_tab.tabid = vtiger_field.tabid where quickcreate=0 and vtiger_tab.presence != 1 order by vtiger_tab.tablabel"; // END $result = $adb->pquery($qc_query, array()); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result); $return_qcmodule = Array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) { $tablabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tablabel'); $tabname = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'name'); $tablabel = getTranslatedString("SINGLE_$tabname", $tabname); if (isPermitted($tabname, 'EditView', '') == 'yes') { $return_qcmodule[] = $tablabel; $return_qcmodule[] = $tabname; } } if (sizeof($return_qcmodule > 0)) { $return_qcmodule = array_chunk($return_qcmodule, 2); } $log->debug("Exiting getQuickCreateModules method ..."); return $return_qcmodule; } /** * This function is used to get the Quick create form vtiger_field parameters for a given module. * Param $module - module name * returns the value in array format */ function QuickCreate($module) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering QuickCreate(" . $module . ") method ..."); global $adb; global $current_user; global $mod_strings; $tabid = getTabid($module); //Adding Security Check require('user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'); if ($is_admin == true || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0) { $quickcreate_query = "select * from vtiger_field where quickcreate in (0,2) and tabid = ? and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) and displaytype != 2 order by quickcreatesequence"; $params = array($tabid); } else { $profileList = getCurrentUserProfileList(); $quickcreate_query = "SELECT vtiger_field.* FROM vtiger_field INNER JOIN vtiger_profile2field ON vtiger_profile2field.fieldid=vtiger_field.fieldid INNER JOIN vtiger_def_org_field ON vtiger_def_org_field.fieldid=vtiger_field.fieldid WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=? AND quickcreate in (0,2) AND vtiger_profile2field.visible=0 AND vtiger_profile2field.readonly = 0 AND vtiger_def_org_field.visible=0 AND vtiger_profile2field.profileid IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($profileList) . ") and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) and displaytype != 2 GROUP BY vtiger_field.fieldid ORDER BY quickcreatesequence"; $params = array($tabid, $profileList); //Postgres 8 fixes if ($adb->dbType == "pgsql") $quickcreate_query = fixPostgresQuery($quickcreate_query, $log, 0); } $category = getParentTab(); $result = $adb->pquery($quickcreate_query, $params); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result); $fieldName_array = Array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) { $fieldtablename = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tablename'); $uitype = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "uitype"); $fieldname = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldname"); $fieldlabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldlabel"); $maxlength = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "maximumlength"); $generatedtype = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "generatedtype"); $typeofdata = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "typeofdata"); $defaultvalue = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "defaultvalue"); $col_fields[$fieldname] = $defaultvalue; //to get validationdata $fldLabel_array = Array(); $fldLabel_array[getTranslatedString($fieldlabel)] = $typeofdata; $fieldName_array[$fieldname] = $fldLabel_array; // These fields should not be shown in the UI as they are already shown as part of other fields, but are required for validation. if ($fieldname == 'time_start' || $fieldname == 'time_end') continue; $custfld = getOutputHtml($uitype, $fieldname, $fieldlabel, $maxlength, $col_fields, $generatedtype, $module, '', $typeofdata); $qcreate_arr[] = $custfld; } for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < count($qcreate_arr); $i = $i + 2, $j++) { $key1 = $qcreate_arr[$i]; if (is_array($qcreate_arr[$i + 1])) { $key2 = $qcreate_arr[$i + 1]; } else { $key2 = array(); } $return_data[$j] = array(0 => $key1, 1 => $key2); } $form_data['form'] = $return_data; $form_data['data'] = $fieldName_array; $log->debug("Exiting QuickCreate method ..." . print_r($form_data, true)); return $form_data; } function getUserslist($setdefval = true) { global $log, $current_user, $module, $adb, $assigned_user_id; $log->debug("Entering getUserslist() method ..."); require('user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'); require('user_privileges/sharing_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'); if ($is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 0)) { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $current_user->id, 'private'), $current_user->id); } else { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $current_user->id), $current_user->id); } foreach ($users_combo as $userid => $value) { foreach ($value as $username => $selected) { if ($setdefval == false) { $change_owner .= ""; } else { $change_owner .= ""; } } } $log->debug("Exiting getUserslist method ..."); return $change_owner; } function getGroupslist() { global $log, $adb, $module, $current_user; $log->debug("Entering getGroupslist() method ..."); require('user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'); require('user_privileges/sharing_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'); //Commented to avoid security check for groups if ($is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 0)) { $result = get_current_user_access_groups($module); } else { $result = get_group_options(); } if ($result) $nameArray = $adb->fetch_array($result); if (!empty($nameArray)) { if ($is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module)] == 0)) { $groups_combo = get_select_options_array(get_group_array(FALSE, "Active", $current_user->id, 'private'), $current_user->id); } else { $groups_combo = get_select_options_array(get_group_array(FALSE, "Active", $current_user->id), $current_user->id); } } if (count($groups_combo) > 0) { foreach ($groups_combo as $groupid => $value) { foreach ($value as $groupname => $selected) { $change_groups_owner .= ""; } } } $log->debug("Exiting getGroupslist method ..."); return $change_groups_owner; } /** * Function to Check for Security whether the Buttons are permitted in List/Edit/Detail View of all Modules * @param string $module -- module name * Returns an array with permission as Yes or No * */ function Button_Check($module) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering Button_Check(" . $module . ") method ..."); $permit_arr = array('EditView' => '', 'index' => '', 'Import' => '', 'Export' => '', 'Merge' => '', 'DuplicatesHandling' => ''); foreach ($permit_arr as $action => $perr) { $tempPer = isPermitted($module, $action, ''); $permit_arr[$action] = $tempPer; } $permit_arr["Calendar"] = isPermitted("Calendar", "index", ''); $permit_arr["moduleSettings"] = isModuleSettingPermitted($module); $log->debug("Exiting Button_Check method ..."); return $permit_arr; } /** * Function to Check whether the User is allowed to delete a particular record from listview of each module using * mass delete button. * @param string $module -- module name * @param array $ids_list -- Record id * Returns the Record Names of each module that is not permitted to delete * */ function getEntityName($module, $ids_list) { global $adb, $log; $log->debug("Entering getEntityName(" . $module . ") method ..."); if ($module == 'Events') { $module = 'Calendar'; } if ($module != '') { if (count($ids_list) <= 0) { return array(); } $entityDisplay = array(); $entity_field_info = getEntityFieldNames($module); $tableName = $entity_field_info['tablename']; $fieldsName = $entity_field_info['fieldname']; $moduleName = $entity_field_info['modulename']; $entityIdField = $entity_field_info['entityidfield']; $entity_FieldValue = getEntityFieldValues($entity_field_info, $ids_list); foreach($entity_FieldValue as $key => $entityInfo) { foreach($entityInfo as $key => $entityName) { $fieldValues = $entityName; $entityDisplay[$key] = getEntityFieldNameDisplay($module, $fieldsName, $fieldValues); } } return $entityDisplay; } $log->debug("Exiting getEntityName method ..."); } /* * Function to get all permitted modules for a user with their parent */ function getAllParenttabmoduleslist() { global $adb; global $current_user; $resultant_array = Array(); //$query = 'select name,tablabel,parenttab_label,vtiger_tab.tabid from vtiger_parenttabrel inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_parenttabrel.tabid = vtiger_tab.tabid inner join vtiger_parenttab on vtiger_parenttabrel.parenttabid = vtiger_parenttab.parenttabid and vtiger_tab.presence order by vtiger_parenttab.sequence, vtiger_parenttabrel.sequence'; // vtlib customization: Disabling the tab item based on presence $query = 'select name,tablabel,parenttab_label,vtiger_tab.tabid from vtiger_parenttabrel inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_parenttabrel.tabid = vtiger_tab.tabid inner join vtiger_parenttab on vtiger_parenttabrel.parenttabid = vtiger_parenttab.parenttabid and vtiger_tab.presence in (0,2) order by vtiger_parenttab.sequence, vtiger_parenttabrel.sequence'; // END $result = $adb->pquery($query, array()); require('user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) { $parenttabname = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'parenttab_label'); $modulename = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'name'); $tablabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tablabel'); $tabid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tabid'); if ($is_admin) { $resultant_array[$parenttabname][] = Array($modulename, $tablabel); } elseif ($profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileTabsPermission[$tabid] === 0) { $resultant_array[$parenttabname][] = Array($modulename, $tablabel); } } if ($is_admin) { $resultant_array['Settings'][] = Array('Settings', 'Settings'); $resultant_array['Settings'][] = Array('Settings', getTranslatedString('VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER', 'Settings'), 'ModuleManager'); } return $resultant_array; } /** * This function is used to decide the File Storage Path in where we will upload the file in the server. * return string $filepath - filepath inwhere the file should be stored in the server will be return */ function decideFilePath() { global $log, $adb; $log->debug("Entering into decideFilePath() method ..."); $filepath = 'storage/'; $year = date('Y'); $month = date('F'); $day = date('j'); $week = ''; if (!is_dir($filepath . $year)) { //create new folder mkdir($filepath . $year); } if (!is_dir($filepath . $year . "/" . $month)) { //create new folder mkdir($filepath . "$year/$month"); } if ($day > 0 && $day <= 7) $week = 'week1'; elseif ($day > 7 && $day <= 14) $week = 'week2'; elseif ($day > 14 && $day <= 21) $week = 'week3'; elseif ($day > 21 && $day <= 28) $week = 'week4'; else $week = 'week5'; if (!is_dir($filepath . $year . "/" . $month . "/" . $week)) { //create new folder mkdir($filepath . "$year/$month/$week"); } $filepath = $filepath . $year . "/" . $month . "/" . $week . "/"; $log->debug("Year=$year & Month=$month & week=$week && filepath=\"$filepath\""); $log->debug("Exiting from decideFilePath() method ..."); return $filepath; } /** * This function is used to get the Path in where we store the vtiger_files based on the module. * @param string $module - module name * return string $storage_path - path inwhere the file will be uploaded (also where it was stored) will be return based on the module */ function getModuleFileStoragePath($module) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering into getModuleFileStoragePath($module) method ..."); $storage_path = "test/"; if ($module == 'Products') { $storage_path .= 'product/'; } if ($module == 'Contacts') { $storage_path .= 'contact/'; } $log->debug("Exiting from getModuleFileStoragePath($module) method. return storage_path = \"$storage_path\""); return $storage_path; } /** * This function is used to check whether the attached file is a image file or not * @param string $file_details - vtiger_files array which contains all the uploaded file details * return string $save_image - true or false. if the image can be uploaded then true will return otherwise false. */ function validateImageFile($file_details) { global $adb, $log, $app_strings; $log->debug("Entering into validateImageFile($file_details) method."); $savefile = 'true'; $file_type_details = explode("/", $file_details['type']); $filetype = $file_type_details['1']; if (!empty($filetype)) $filetype = strtolower($filetype); if (($filetype == "jpeg" ) || ($filetype == "png") || ($filetype == "jpg" ) || ($filetype == "pjpeg" ) || ($filetype == "x-png") || ($filetype == "gif") || ($filetype == 'bmp')) { $saveimage = 'true'; } else { $saveimage = 'false'; $_SESSION['image_type_error'] .= "
  " . $file_details[name] . "" . $app_strings['MSG_IS_NOT_UPLOADED']; $log->debug("Invalid Image type == $filetype"); } $log->debug("Exiting from validateImageFile($file_details) method. return saveimage=$saveimage"); return $saveimage; } /** * This function is used to get the Email Template Details like subject and content for particular template. * @param integer $templateid - Template Id for an Email Template * return array $returndata - Returns Subject, Body of Template of the the particular email template. */ function getTemplateDetails($templateid) { global $adb, $log; $log->debug("Entering into getTemplateDetails($templateid) method ..."); $returndata = Array(); $result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_emailtemplates where templateid=?", array($templateid)); $returndata[] = $templateid; $returndata[] = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'body'); $returndata[] = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'subject'); $log->debug("Exiting from getTemplateDetails($templateid) method ..."); return $returndata; } /** * This function is used to merge the Template Details with the email description * @param string $description -body of the mail(ie template) * @param integer $tid - Id of the entity * @param string $parent_type - module of the entity * return string $description - Returns description, merged with the input template. */ function getMergedDescription($description, $id, $parent_type) { global $adb, $log; $log->debug("Entering getMergedDescription ..."); $token_data_pair = explode('$', $description); global $current_user; $emailTemplate = new EmailTemplate($parent_type, $description, $id, $current_user); $description = $emailTemplate->getProcessedDescription(); $templateVariablePair = explode('$', $description); $tokenDataPair = explode('$', $description); $fields = Array(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($token_data_pair); $i+=2) { $module = explode('-', $tokenDataPair[$i]); $fields[$module[0]][] = $module[1]; } if (is_array($fields['custom']) && count($fields['custom']) > 0) { //Puneeth : Added for custom date & time fields $description = getMergedDescriptionCustomVars($fields, $description); } $log->debug("Exiting from getMergedDescription ..."); return $description; } /* Function to merge the custom date & time fields in email templates */ function getMergedDescriptionCustomVars($fields, $description) { foreach ($fields['custom'] as $columnname) { $token_data = '$custom-' . $columnname . '$'; $token_value = ''; switch ($columnname) { case 'currentdate': $token_value = date("F j, Y"); break; case 'currenttime': $token_value = date("G:i:s T"); break; } $description = str_replace($token_data, $token_value, $description); } return $description; } //End : Custom date & time fields /** Function used to retrieve a single field value from database * @param string $tablename - tablename from which we will retrieve the field value * @param string $fieldname - fieldname to which we want to get the value from database * @param string $idname - idname which is the name of the entity id in the table like, inoviceid, quoteid, etc., * @param int $id - entity id * return string $fieldval - field value of the needed fieldname from database will be returned */ function getSingleFieldValue($tablename, $fieldname, $idname, $id) { global $log, $adb; $log->debug("Entering into function getSingleFieldValue($tablename, $fieldname, $idname, $id)"); $fieldval = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery("select $fieldname from $tablename where $idname = ?", array($id)), 0, $fieldname); $log->debug("Exit from function getSingleFieldValue. return value ==> \"$fieldval\""); return $fieldval; } /** Function used to retrieve the announcements from database * The function accepts no argument and returns the announcements * return string $announcement - List of announments for the CRM users */ function get_announcements() { global $adb; $sql = " select * from vtiger_announcement inner join vtiger_users on"; $sql.=" AND vtiger_users.is_admin='on' AND vtiger_users.status='Active' AND vtiger_users.deleted = 0"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array()); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) { $announce = getUserFullName($adb->query_result($result, $i, 'creatorid')) . ' : ' . $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'announcement') . ' '; if ($adb->query_result($result, $i, 'announcement') != '') $announcement.=$announce; } return $announcement; } /** * Function to get recurring info depending on the recurring type * return $recurObj - Object of class RecurringType */ function getrecurringObjValue() { $recurring_data = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['recurringtype']) && $_REQUEST['recurringtype'] != null && $_REQUEST['recurringtype'] != '--None--') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['date_start'])) { $startDate = $_REQUEST['date_start']; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['calendar_repeat_limit_date'])) { $endDate = $_REQUEST['calendar_repeat_limit_date']; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['due_date']) && $_REQUEST['due_date'] != null) { $endDate = $_REQUEST['due_date']; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['time_start'])) { $startTime = $_REQUEST['time_start']; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['time_end'])) { $endTime = $_REQUEST['time_end']; } $recurring_data['startdate'] = $startDate; $recurring_data['starttime'] = $startTime; $recurring_data['enddate'] = $endDate; $recurring_data['endtime'] = $endTime; $recurring_data['type'] = $_REQUEST['recurringtype']; if ($_REQUEST['recurringtype'] == 'Weekly') { if (isset($_REQUEST['sun_flag']) && $_REQUEST['sun_flag'] != null) $recurring_data['sun_flag'] = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['mon_flag']) && $_REQUEST['mon_flag'] != null) $recurring_data['mon_flag'] = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['tue_flag']) && $_REQUEST['tue_flag'] != null) $recurring_data['tue_flag'] = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['wed_flag']) && $_REQUEST['wed_flag'] != null) $recurring_data['wed_flag'] = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['thu_flag']) && $_REQUEST['thu_flag'] != null) $recurring_data['thu_flag'] = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['fri_flag']) && $_REQUEST['fri_flag'] != null) $recurring_data['fri_flag'] = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['sat_flag']) && $_REQUEST['sat_flag'] != null) $recurring_data['sat_flag'] = true; } elseif ($_REQUEST['recurringtype'] == 'Monthly') { if (isset($_REQUEST['repeatMonth']) && $_REQUEST['repeatMonth'] != null) $recurring_data['repeatmonth_type'] = $_REQUEST['repeatMonth']; if ($recurring_data['repeatmonth_type'] == 'date') { if (isset($_REQUEST['repeatMonth_date']) && $_REQUEST['repeatMonth_date'] != null) $recurring_data['repeatmonth_date'] = $_REQUEST['repeatMonth_date']; else $recurring_data['repeatmonth_date'] = 1; } elseif ($recurring_data['repeatmonth_type'] == 'day') { $recurring_data['repeatmonth_daytype'] = $_REQUEST['repeatMonth_daytype']; switch ($_REQUEST['repeatMonth_day']) { case 0 : $recurring_data['sun_flag'] = true; break; case 1 : $recurring_data['mon_flag'] = true; break; case 2 : $recurring_data['tue_flag'] = true; break; case 3 : $recurring_data['wed_flag'] = true; break; case 4 : $recurring_data['thu_flag'] = true; break; case 5 : $recurring_data['fri_flag'] = true; break; case 6 : $recurring_data['sat_flag'] = true; break; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['repeat_frequency']) && $_REQUEST['repeat_frequency'] != null) $recurring_data['repeat_frequency'] = $_REQUEST['repeat_frequency']; $recurObj = RecurringType::fromUserRequest($recurring_data); return $recurObj; } } /** Function used to get the translated string to the input string * @param string $str - input string which we want to translate * @return string $str - translated string, if the translated string is available then the translated string other wise original string will be returned */ function getTranslatedString($str, $module = '') { global $app_strings, $mod_strings, $log, $current_language; $temp_mod_strings = ($module != '' ) ? return_module_language($current_language, $module) : $mod_strings; $trans_str = ($temp_mod_strings[$str] != '') ? $temp_mod_strings[$str] : (($app_strings[$str] != '') ? $app_strings[$str] : $str); $log->debug("function getTranslatedString($str) - translated to ($trans_str)"); return $trans_str; } /** * Get translated currency name string. * @param String $str - input currency name * @return String $str - translated currency name */ function getTranslatedCurrencyString($str) { global $app_currency_strings; if (isset($app_currency_strings) && isset($app_currency_strings[$str])) { return $app_currency_strings[$str]; } return $str; } /** function used to get the list of importable fields * @param string $module - module name * @return array $fieldslist - array with list of fieldnames and the corresponding translated fieldlabels. The return array will be in the format of [fieldname]=>[fieldlabel] where as the fieldlabel will be translated */ function getImportFieldsList($module) { global $adb, $log; $log->debug("Entering into function getImportFieldsList($module)"); $tabid = getTabid($module); //Here we can add special cases for module basis, ie., if we want the fields of display type 3, we can add $displaytype = " displaytype=1 and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) "; $fieldnames = ""; //For module basis we can add the list of fields for Import mapping if ($module == "Leads" || $module == "Contacts") { $fieldnames = " fieldname='salutationtype' "; } //Form the where condition based on tabid , displaytype and extra fields $where = " WHERE tabid=? and ( $displaytype "; $params = array($tabid); if ($fieldnames != "") { $where .= " or $fieldnames "; } $where .= ")"; //Get the list of fields and form as array with [fieldname] => [fieldlabel] $query = "SELECT fieldname, fieldlabel FROM vtiger_field $where"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, $params); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) { $fieldname = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'fieldname'); $fieldlabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'fieldlabel'); $fieldslist[$fieldname] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module); } $log->debug("Exit from function getImportFieldsList($module)"); return $fieldslist; } /** Function to get all the comments for a troubleticket * @param int $ticketid -- troubleticket id * return all the comments as a sequencial string which are related to this ticket * */ function getTicketComments($ticketid) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getTicketComments(" . $ticketid . ") method ..."); global $adb; $moduleName = getSalesEntityType($ticketid); $commentlist = ''; $sql = "select * from vtiger_ticketcomments where ticketid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($ticketid)); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) { $comment = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'comments'); if ($comment != '') { $commentlist .= '

' . $comment; } } if ($commentlist != '') $commentlist = '

' . getTranslatedString("The comments are", $moduleName) . ' : ' . $commentlist; $log->debug("Exiting getTicketComments method ..."); return $commentlist; } /** * This function is used to get a random password. * @return a random password with alpha numeric chanreters of length 8 */ function makeRandomPassword() { global $log; $log->debug("Entering makeRandomPassword() method ..."); $salt = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $i = 0; while ($i <= 7) { $num = rand() % 33; $tmp = substr($salt, $num, 1); $pass = $pass . $tmp; $i++; } $log->debug("Exiting makeRandomPassword method ..."); return $pass; } /** * Function to get the UItype for a field. * Takes the input as $module - module name,and columnname of the field * returns the uitype, integer type */ function getUItype($module, $columnname) { global $log; $log->debug("Entering getUItype(" . $module . ") method ..."); $tabIdList = array(); //To find tabid for this module $tabIdList[] = getTabid($module); global $adb; if ($module == 'Calendar') { $tabIdList[] = getTabid('Events'); } $sql = "select uitype from vtiger_field where tabid IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($tabIdList) . ") and columnname=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($tabIdList, $columnname)); $uitype = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "uitype"); $log->debug("Exiting getUItype method ..."); return $uitype; } // This function looks like not used anymore. May have to be removed function is_emailId($entity_id) { global $log, $adb; $log->debug("Entering is_EmailId(" . $entity_id . ") method"); $module = getSalesEntityType($entity_id); if ($module == 'Contacts') { $sql = "select email,secondaryemail from vtiger_contactdetails inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_contactdetails.contactid where contactid = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($entity_id)); $email1 = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email"); $emaWil2 = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "secondaryemail"); if ($email1 != "" || $email2 != "") { $check_mailids = "true"; } else { $check_mailids = "false"; } } elseif ($module == 'Leads') { $sql = "select email,secondaryemail from vtiger_leaddetails inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_leaddetails.leadid where leadid = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($entity_id)); $email1 = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email"); $email2 = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "secondaryemail"); if ($email1 != "" || $email2 != "") { $check_mailids = "true"; } else { $check_mailids = "false"; } } $log->debug("Exiting is_EmailId() method ..."); return $check_mailids; } /** * This function is used to get cvid of default "all" view for any module. * @return a cvid of a module */ function getCvIdOfAll($module) { global $adb, $log; $log->debug("Entering getCvIdOfAll($module)"); $qry_res = $adb->pquery("select cvid from vtiger_customview where viewname='All' and entitytype=?", array($module)); $cvid = $adb->query_result($qry_res, 0, "cvid"); $log->debug("Exiting getCvIdOfAll($module)"); return $cvid; } /** gives the option to display the tagclouds or not for the current user * * @param $id -- user id:: Type integer * * @returns true or false in $tag_cloud_view * * Added to provide User based Tagcloud * */ function getTagCloudView($id = "") { global $log; global $adb; $log->debug("Entering in function getTagCloudView($id)"); if ($id == '') { $tag_cloud_status = 1; } else { $query = "select visible from vtiger_homestuff where userid=? and stufftype='Tag Cloud'"; $tag_cloud_status = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($query, array($id)), 0, 'visible'); } if ($tag_cloud_status == 0) { $tag_cloud_view = 'true'; } else { $tag_cloud_view = 'false'; } $log->debug("Exiting from function getTagCloudView($id)"); return $tag_cloud_view; } /** Stores the option in database to display the tagclouds or not for the current user * * @param $id -- user id:: Type integer * * Added to provide User based Tagcloud * */ function SaveTagCloudView($id = "") { global $log; global $adb; $log->debug("Entering in function SaveTagCloudView($id)"); $tag_cloud_status = $_REQUEST['tagcloudview']; if ($tag_cloud_status == "true") { $tag_cloud_view = 0; } else { $tag_cloud_view = 1; } if ($id == '') { $tag_cloud_view = 1; } else { $query = "update vtiger_homestuff set visible = ? where userid=? and stufftype='Tag Cloud'"; $adb->pquery($query, array($tag_cloud_view, $id)); } $log->debug("Exiting from function SaveTagCloudView($id)"); } /** function used to change the Type of Data for advanced filters in custom view and Reports * * @param string $table_name - tablename value from field table * * @param string $column_nametable_name - columnname value from field table * * @param string $type_of_data - current type of data of the field. It is to return the same TypeofData * * if the field is not matched with the $new_field_details array. * * return string $type_of_data - If the string matched with the $new_field_details array then the Changed * * typeofdata will return, else the same typeofdata will return. * * * * EXAMPLE: If you have a field entry like this: * * * * fieldlabel | typeofdata | tablename | columnname | * * -------------------+------------+----------------------+------------------+ * * Potential Name | I~O | vtiger_quotes | potentialid | * * * * Then put an entry in $new_field_details like this: * * * * "vtiger_quotes:potentialid"=>"V", * * * * Now in customview and report's advance filter this field's criteria will be show like string. * * * */ function ChangeTypeOfData_Filter($table_name, $column_name, $type_of_data) { global $adb, $log; //$log->debug("Entering function ChangeTypeOfData_Filter($table_name,$column_name,$type_of_data)"); $field = $table_name . ":" . $column_name; //Add the field details in this array if you want to change the advance filter field details $new_field_details = Array( //Contacts Related Fields "vtiger_contactdetails:accountid" => "V", "vtiger_contactsubdetails:birthday" => "D", "vtiger_contactdetails:email" => "V", "vtiger_contactdetails:secondaryemail" => "V", //Potential Related Fields "vtiger_potential:campaignid" => "V", //Account Related Fields "vtiger_account:parentid" => "V", "vtiger_account:email1" => "V", "vtiger_account:email2" => "V", //Lead Related Fields "vtiger_leaddetails:email" => "V", "vtiger_leaddetails:secondaryemail" => "V", //Documents Related Fields "vtiger_senotesrel:crmid" => "V", //Calendar Related Fields "vtiger_seactivityrel:crmid" => "V", "vtiger_seactivityrel:contactid" => "V", "vtiger_recurringevents:recurringtype" => "V", //HelpDesk Related Fields "vtiger_troubletickets:parent_id" => "V", "vtiger_troubletickets:product_id" => "V", //Product Related Fields "vtiger_products:discontinued" => "C", "vtiger_products:vendor_id" => "V", "vtiger_products:parentid" => "V", //Faq Related Fields "vtiger_faq:product_id" => "V", //Vendor Related Fields "vtiger_vendor:email" => "V", //Quotes Related Fields "vtiger_quotes:potentialid" => "V", "vtiger_quotes:inventorymanager" => "V", "vtiger_quotes:accountid" => "V", //Purchase Order Related Fields "vtiger_purchaseorder:vendorid" => "V", "vtiger_purchaseorder:contactid" => "V", //SalesOrder Related Fields "vtiger_salesorder:potentialid" => "V", "vtiger_salesorder:quoteid" => "V", "vtiger_salesorder:contactid" => "V", "vtiger_salesorder:accountid" => "V", //Invoice Related Fields "vtiger_invoice:salesorderid" => "V", "vtiger_invoice:contactid" => "V", "vtiger_invoice:accountid" => "V", //Campaign Related Fields "vtiger_campaign:product_id" => "V", //Related List Entries(For Report Module) "vtiger_activityproductrel:activityid" => "V", "vtiger_activityproductrel:productid" => "V", "vtiger_campaigncontrel:campaignid" => "V", "vtiger_campaigncontrel:contactid" => "V", "vtiger_campaignleadrel:campaignid" => "V", "vtiger_campaignleadrel:leadid" => "V", "vtiger_cntactivityrel:contactid" => "V", "vtiger_cntactivityrel:activityid" => "V", "vtiger_contpotentialrel:contactid" => "V", "vtiger_contpotentialrel:potentialid" => "V", "vtiger_crmentitynotesrel:crmid" => "V", "vtiger_crmentitynotesrel:notesid" => "V", "vtiger_leadacctrel:leadid" => "V", "vtiger_leadacctrel:accountid" => "V", "vtiger_leadcontrel:leadid" => "V", "vtiger_leadcontrel:contactid" => "V", "vtiger_leadpotrel:leadid" => "V", "vtiger_leadpotrel:potentialid" => "V", "vtiger_pricebookproductrel:pricebookid" => "V", "vtiger_pricebookproductrel:productid" => "V", "vtiger_seactivityrel:crmid" => "V", "vtiger_seactivityrel:activityid" => "V", "vtiger_senotesrel:crmid" => "V", "vtiger_senotesrel:notesid" => "V", "vtiger_seproductsrel:crmid" => "V", "vtiger_seproductsrel:productid" => "V", "vtiger_seticketsrel:crmid" => "V", "vtiger_seticketsrel:ticketid" => "V", "vtiger_vendorcontactrel:vendorid" => "V", "vtiger_vendorcontactrel:contactid" => "V", "vtiger_pricebook:currency_id" => "V", ); //If the Fields details does not match with the array, then we return the same typeofdata if (isset($new_field_details[$field])) { $type_of_data = $new_field_details[$field]; } //$log->debug("Exiting function with the typeofdata: $type_of_data "); return $type_of_data; } /** Returns the URL for Basic and Advance Search * * Added to fix the issue 4600 * */ function getBasic_Advance_SearchURL() { $url = ''; if ($_REQUEST['searchtype'] == 'BasicSearch') { $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['query']) && $_REQUEST['query'] == 'true') ? '&query=true' : ''; $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['search_field'])) ? '&search_field=' . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['search_field']) : ''; $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['search_text'])) ? '&search_text=' . to_html(vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['search_text'])) : ''; $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['searchtype'])) ? '&searchtype=' . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['searchtype']) : ''; $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) ? '&type=' . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['type']) : ''; } if ($_REQUEST['searchtype'] == 'advance') { $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['query'])) ? '&query=' . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['query']) : ''; $count = $_REQUEST['search_cnt']; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['Fields' . $i])) ? '&Fields' . $i . '=' . stripslashes(str_replace("'", "", vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['Fields' . $i]))) : ''; $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['Condition' . $i])) ? '&Condition' . $i . '=' . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['Condition' . $i]) : ''; $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['Srch_value' . $i])) ? '&Srch_value' . $i . '=' . to_html(vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['Srch_value' . $i])) : ''; } $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['searchtype'])) ? '&searchtype=' . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['searchtype']) : ''; $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['search_cnt'])) ? '&search_cnt=' . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['search_cnt']) : ''; $url .= (isset($_REQUEST['matchtype'])) ? '&matchtype=' . vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['matchtype']) : ''; } return $url; } /** Clear the Smarty cache files(in Smarty/smarty_c) * * This function will called after migration. * */ function clear_smarty_cache($path = null) { global $root_directory; if ($path == null) { $path = $root_directory . 'Smarty/templates_c/'; } $mydir = @opendir($path); while (false !== ($file = readdir($mydir))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".svn") { //chmod($path.$file, 0777); if (is_dir($path . $file)) { chdir('.'); clear_smarty_cache($path . $file . '/'); //rmdir($path.$file) or DIE("couldn't delete $path$file
"); // No need to delete the directories. } else { // Delete only files ending with .tpl.php if (strripos($file, '.tpl.php') == (strlen($file) - strlen('.tpl.php'))) { unlink($path . $file) or DIE("couldn't delete $path$file
"); } } } } @closedir($mydir); } /** Get Smarty compiled file for the specified template filename. * * @param $template_file Template filename for which the compiled file has to be returned. * * @return Compiled file for the specified template file. * */ function get_smarty_compiled_file($template_file, $path = null) { global $root_directory; if ($path == null) { $path = $root_directory . 'Smarty/templates_c/'; } $mydir = @opendir($path); $compiled_file = null; while (false !== ($file = readdir($mydir)) && $compiled_file == null) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".svn") { //chmod($path.$file, 0777); if (is_dir($path . $file)) { chdir('.'); $compiled_file = get_smarty_compiled_file($template_file, $path . $file . '/'); //rmdir($path.$file) or DIE("couldn't delete $path$file
"); // No need to delete the directories. } else { // Check if the file name matches the required template fiel name if (strripos($file, $template_file . '.php') == (strlen($file) - strlen($template_file . '.php'))) { $compiled_file = $path . $file; } } } } @closedir($mydir); return $compiled_file; } /** Function to carry out all the necessary actions after migration */ function perform_post_migration_activities() { //After applying all the DB Changes,Here we clear the Smarty cache files clear_smarty_cache(); //Writing tab data in flat file create_tab_data_file(); create_parenttab_data_file(); } /** Function To create Email template variables dynamically -- Pavani */ function getEmailTemplateVariables() { global $adb; $modules_list = array('Accounts', 'Contacts', 'Leads', 'Users'); foreach ($modules_list as $index => $module) { if ($module == 'Calendar') { $focus = new Activity(); } else { $focus = new $module(); } $field = array(); $tabid = getTabid($module); //many to many relation information field campaignrelstatus(this is the column name of the //field) has block set to '0', which should be ignored. $result = $adb->pquery("select fieldlabel,columnname,displaytype from vtiger_field where tabid=? and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) and displaytype in (1,2,3) and block !=0", array($tabid)); $norows = $adb->num_rows($result); if ($norows > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $norows; $i++) { $field = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'fieldlabel'); $columnname = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'columnname'); if ($columnname == 'support_start_date' || $columnname == 'support_end_date') { $tabname = 'vtiger_customerdetails'; } $option = array(getTranslatedString($module) . ': ' . getTranslatedString($adb->query_result($result, $i, 'fieldlabel')), "$" . strtolower($module) . "-" . $columnname . "$"); $allFields[] = $option; } } $allOptions[] = $allFields; $allFields = ""; } $option = array('Current Date', '$custom-currentdate$'); $allFields[] = $option; $option = array('Current Time', '$custom-currenttime$'); $allFields[] = $option; $allOptions[] = $allFields; return $allOptions; } /** Function to get picklist values for the given field that are accessible for the given role. * @ param $tablename picklist fieldname. * It gets the picklist values for the given fieldname * $fldVal = Array(0=>value,1=>value1,-------------,n=>valuen) * @return Array of picklist values accessible by the user. */ function getPickListValues($tablename, $roleid) { global $adb; $query = "select $tablename from vtiger_$tablename inner join vtiger_role2picklist on vtiger_role2picklist.picklistvalueid = vtiger_$tablename.picklist_valueid where roleid=? and picklistid in (select picklistid from vtiger_picklist) order by sortid"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($roleid)); $fldVal = Array(); while ($row = $adb->fetch_array($result)) { $fldVal [] = $row[$tablename]; } return $fldVal; } /** Function to check the file access is made within web root directory and whether it is not from unsafe directories */ function checkFileAccessForInclusion($filepath) { global $root_directory; // Set the base directory to compare with $use_root_directory = $root_directory; if (empty($use_root_directory)) { $use_root_directory = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../.'); } $unsafeDirectories = array('storage', 'cache', 'test'); $realfilepath = realpath($filepath); /** Replace all \\ with \ first */ $realfilepath = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $realfilepath); $rootdirpath = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $use_root_directory); /** Replace all \ with / now */ $realfilepath = str_replace('\\', '/', $realfilepath); $rootdirpath = str_replace('\\', '/', $rootdirpath); $relativeFilePath = str_replace($rootdirpath, '', $realfilepath); $filePathParts = explode('/', $relativeFilePath); if (stripos($realfilepath, $rootdirpath) !== 0 || in_array($filePathParts[0], $unsafeDirectories)) { die("Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file."); } } /** Function to check the file access is made within web root directory. */ function checkFileAccess($filepath) { if (!isFileAccessible($filepath)) { die("Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file."); } } /** * function to return whether the file access is made within vtiger root directory * and it exists. * @global String $root_directory vtiger root directory as given in file. * @param String $filepath relative path to the file which need to be verified * @return Boolean true if file is a valid file within vtiger root directory, false otherwise. */ function isFileAccessible($filepath) { global $root_directory; // Set the base directory to compare with $use_root_directory = $root_directory; if (empty($use_root_directory)) { $use_root_directory = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../.'); } $realfilepath = realpath($filepath); /** Replace all \\ with \ first */ $realfilepath = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $realfilepath); $rootdirpath = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $use_root_directory); /** Replace all \ with / now */ $realfilepath = str_replace('\\', '/', $realfilepath); $rootdirpath = str_replace('\\', '/', $rootdirpath); if (stripos($realfilepath, $rootdirpath) !== 0) { return false; } return true; } /** Function to get the ActivityType for the given entity id * @param entityid : Type Integer * return the activity type for the given id */ function getActivityType($id) { global $adb; $quer = "select activitytype from vtiger_activity where activityid=?"; $res = $adb->pquery($quer, array($id)); $acti_type = $adb->query_result($res, 0, "activitytype"); return $acti_type; } /** Function to get owner name either user or group */ function getOwnerName($id) { global $adb, $log; $log->debug("Entering getOwnerName(" . $id . ") method ..."); $log->info("in getOwnerName " . $id); $ownerList = getOwnerNameList(array($id)); return $ownerList[$id]; } /** Function to get owner name either user or group */ function getOwnerNameList($idList) { global $log; if (!is_array($idList) || count($idList) == 0) { return array(); } $nameList = array(); $db = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $displayValueArray = getEntityName('Users', $idList); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $value) { $nameList[$key] = $value; } } $groupIdList = array_diff($idList, array_keys($nameList)); if (count($groupIdList) > 0) { $sql = "select groupname,groupid from vtiger_groups where groupid in (" . generateQuestionMarks($groupIdList) . ")"; $result = $db->pquery($sql, $groupIdList); $it = new SqlResultIterator($db, $result); foreach ($it as $row) { $nameList[$row->groupid] = $row->groupname; } } return $nameList; } /** * This function is used to get the blockid of the settings block for a given label. * @param $label - settings label * @return string type value */ function getSettingsBlockId($label) { global $log, $adb; $log->debug("Entering getSettingsBlockId(" . $label . ") method ..."); $blockid = ''; $query = "select blockid from vtiger_settings_blocks where label = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($label)); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result); if ($noofrows == 1) { $blockid = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "blockid"); } $log->debug("Exiting getSettingsBlockId method ..."); return $blockid; } // Function to check if the logged in user is admin // and if the module is an entity module // and the module has a Settings.php file within it function isModuleSettingPermitted($module) { if (file_exists("modules/$module/Settings.php") && isPermitted('Settings', 'index', '') == 'yes') { return 'yes'; } return 'no'; } /** * this function returns the entity field name for a given module; for e.g. for Contacts module it return concat(lastname, ' ', firstname) * @param string $module - the module name * @return string $fieldsname - the entity field name for the module */ function getEntityField($module) { global $adb; $data = array(); if (!empty($module)) { $query = "select fieldname,tablename,entityidfield from vtiger_entityname where modulename = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($module)); $fieldsname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'fieldname'); $tablename = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'tablename'); $entityidfield = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'entityidfield'); if (!(strpos($fieldsname, ',') === false)) { $fieldlists = explode(',', $fieldsname); $fieldsname = "concat("; $fieldsname = $fieldsname . implode(",' ',", $fieldlists); $fieldsname = $fieldsname . ")"; } } $data = array("tablename" => $tablename, "fieldname" => $fieldsname); return $data; } /** * this function returns the entity information for a given module; for e.g. for Contacts module * it returns the information of tablename, modulename, fieldsname and id gets from vtiger_entityname * @param string $module - the module name * @return array $data - the entity information for the module */ function getEntityFieldNames($module) { $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $data = array(); if (!empty($module)) { $query = "select fieldname,modulename,tablename,entityidfield from vtiger_entityname where modulename = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($module)); $fieldsName = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'fieldname'); $tableName = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'tablename'); $entityIdField = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'entityidfield'); $moduleName = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'modulename'); if (!(strpos($fieldsName, ',') === false)) { $fieldsName = explode(',', $fieldsName); } } $data = array("tablename" => $tableName, "modulename" => $moduleName, "fieldname" => $fieldsName, "entityidfield" => $entityIdField); return $data; } /** * this function returns the fieldsname and its values in a array for the given ids * @param1 array $entity_field_info - field information having modulename, tablename, fieldname, recordid * @param2 array $ids_list - record ids * @return array $entity_info - array of fieldname and its value with key as record id */ function getEntityFieldValues($entity_field_info, $ids_list) { global $adb; $tableName = $entity_field_info['tablename']; $fieldsName = $entity_field_info['fieldname']; $moduleName = $entity_field_info['modulename']; $entityIdField = $entity_field_info['entityidfield']; if (is_array($fieldsName)) { $fieldsNameString = implode(",", $fieldsName); } else { $fieldsNameString = $fieldsName; } $query1 = "SELECT $fieldsNameString,$entityIdField FROM $tableName WHERE " . "$entityIdField IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($ids_list) . ")"; if(is_array($ids_list)) { $params1 = $ids_list; } else { $params1 = array($ids_list); } $result = $adb->pquery($query1, $params1); $numrows = $adb->num_rows($result); $entity_info = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++) { if(is_array($fieldsName)) { for($j = 0; $j < count($fieldsName); $j++) { $entity_id = $adb->query_result($result, $i, $entityIdField); $entity_info[$i][$entity_id][$fieldsName[$j]] = $adb->query_result($result, $i, $fieldsName[$j]); } } else { $entity_id = $adb->query_result($result, $i, $entityIdField); $entity_info[$i][$entity_id][$fieldsName] = $adb->query_result($result, $i, $fieldsName); } } return $entity_info; } /** * this function returns the entity field name for a given module; for e.g. for Contacts module it return concat(lastname, ' ', firstname) * @param1 $module - name of the module * @param2 $fieldsName - fieldname with respect to module (ex : 'Accounts' - 'accountname', 'Contacts' - 'lastname','firstname') * @param3 $fieldValues - array of fieldname and its value * @return string $fieldConcatName - the entity field name for the module */ function getEntityFieldNameDisplay($module, $fieldsName, $fieldValues) { global $current_user; if(!is_array($fieldsName)) { return $fieldValues[$fieldsName]; } else { $accessibleFieldNames = array(); foreach($fieldsName as $field) { if($module == 'Users' || getColumnVisibilityPermission($current_user->id, $field, $module) == '0') { $accessibleFieldNames[] = $fieldValues[$field]; } } if(count($accessibleFieldNames) > 0) { return implode(' ', $accessibleFieldNames); } } return ''; } // vtiger cache utility require_once('include/utils/VTCacheUtils.php'); // vtlib customization: Extended vtiger CRM utlitiy functions require_once('include/utils/VtlibUtils.php'); // END function vt_suppressHTMLTags($string) { return preg_replace(array('//', '/"/'), array('<', '>', '"'), $string); } function vt_hasRTE() { global $FCKEDITOR_DISPLAY, $USE_RTE; return ((!empty($FCKEDITOR_DISPLAY) && $FCKEDITOR_DISPLAY == 'true') || (!empty($USE_RTE) && $USE_RTE == 'true')); } function getNameInDisplayFormat($input, $dispFormat = "lf") { if (empty($dispFormat)) { $dispFormat = "lf"; } $dispFormat = strtolower($dispFormat); $formattedNameList = array(); $strLength = strlen($dispFormat); for ($i = 0; $i < $strLength; $i++) { $pos = strpos($dispFormat, $dispFormat[$i]); if ($pos !== false) { $formattedNameList[$pos] = $input[$dispFormat[$i]]; } } return $formattedNameList; } function concatNamesSql($string) { $sqlString = "CONCAT(" . $string . ")"; return $sqlString; } function joinName($input, $glue = ' ') { $displayName = implode($glue, $input); return $displayName; } function getSqlForNameInDisplayFormat($input, $module, $glue = ' ') { $entity_field_info = getEntityFieldNames($module); $tableName = $entity_field_info['tablename']; $fieldsName = $entity_field_info['fieldname']; if(is_array($fieldsName)) { foreach($fieldsName as $key => $value) { $formattedNameList[] = $input[$value]; } $formattedNameListString = implode(",'" . $glue . "',", $formattedNameList); } else { $formattedNameListString = $input[$fieldsName]; } $sqlString = concatNamesSql($formattedNameListString); return $sqlString; } function getModuleSequenceNumber($module, $recordId) { global $adb; switch ($module) { case "Invoice": $res = $adb->query("SELECT invoice_no FROM vtiger_invoice WHERE invoiceid = $recordId"); $moduleSeqNo = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'invoice_no'); break; case "PurchaseOrder": $res = $adb->query("SELECT purchaseorder_no FROM vtiger_purchaseorder WHERE purchaseorderid = $recordId"); $moduleSeqNo = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'purchaseorder_no'); break; case "Quotes": $res = $adb->query("SELECT quote_no FROM vtiger_quotes WHERE quoteid = $recordId"); $moduleSeqNo = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'quote_no'); break; case "SalesOrder": $res = $adb->query("SELECT salesorder_no FROM vtiger_salesorder WHERE salesorderid = $recordId"); $moduleSeqNo = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'salesorder_no'); break; } return $moduleSeqNo; } function getAllMenuModules() { global $adb; global $current_user; $resultant_array = Array(); $query = 'select tabid,name,tablabel,tabsequence,parent from vtiger_tab where parent is not null and parent!=" " and presence in (0,2) order by tabsequence'; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array()); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) { $moduleName = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'name'); $moduleLabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tablabel'); $tabid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tabid'); $parent = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'parent'); if (is_admin($current_user)) { $resultant_array[] = Array($moduleName, $moduleLabel, $tabid, $parent); } } return $resultant_array; } function getTopMenuModules() { global $adb; global $current_user; $resultant_array = Array(); $query = 'select tabid,name,tablabel,tabsequence,parent from vtiger_tab where parent is not null and presence in (0,2) and tabsequence != -1 order by tabsequence'; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array()); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) { $moduleName = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'name'); $moduleLabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tablabel'); $tabid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tabid'); $parent = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'parent'); if (is_admin($current_user)) { $resultant_array[] = Array($moduleName, $moduleLabel, $tabid, $parent); } } return $resultant_array; } function getMenuStructure($selectModule = '') { global $adb; global $current_user; $selectedModule = Array(); $moreModule = Array(); $tempModule = Array(); $tempSelected = Array(); $tempMore = Array(); $resultant_array = Array(); $notallowed = -1; $query = 'select tabid,name,tablabel,tabsequence,parent from vtiger_tab where parent is not null and parent!=" " and presence in (0,2) order by tabsequence'; $result = $adb->pquery($query, array()); require('user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) { $moduleName = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'name'); $moduleLabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tablabel'); $tabid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tabid'); $parent = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'parent'); $tabsequence = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'tabsequence'); if (is_admin($current_user) || $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 0 || $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 0 || $profileTabsPermission[$tabid] === 0) { if ($tabsequence != $notallowed && count($selectedModule) <= 9) { if (!(in_array($moduleName, $tempModule))) { $selectedModule[] = Array($moduleName, $moduleLabel, $tabid, $parent); $tempSelected[] = $moduleName; $tempModule[] = $moduleName; } } if (!(in_array($moduleName, $tempModule))) { $moreModule[$parent][] = Array($moduleName, $moduleLabel, $tabid, $parent); $tempModule[] = $moduleName; $tempMore[] = $moduleName; } } } if (!in_array($selectModule, $tempSelected)) { if ((in_array($selectModule, $tempMore))) { array_push($selectedModule, Array($selectModule, $selectModule)); } } $resultant_array['top'] = $selectedModule; $resultant_array['more'] = $moreModule; return $resultant_array; } function getReturnPath($host){ $arr=explode('.',$host); unset($arr[0]); $domain=implode('.',$arr); $Return_Path='noreply@'.$domain; return $Return_Path; } ?>