debug("Entering calculate_font_name(".$locale.") method ..."); switch($locale) { case 'zh_cn': $log->debug("Exiting calculate_font_name method ..."); return FF_DROIDSANSFALLBACK; case 'cn_zh': $log->debug("Exiting calculate_font_name method ..."); return FF_DROIDSANSFALLBACK; case 'tw_zh': if(!function_exists('iconv')){ echo " Unable to display traditional Chinese on the graphs.
The function iconv does not exists please read more about iconv here
"; $log->debug("Exiting calculate_font_name method ..."); return FF_DEJAVUSAN; } else { $log->debug("Exiting calculate_font_name method ..."); return FF_CHINESE; } default: $log->debug("Exiting calculate_font_name method ..."); return FF_DEJAVUSAN; } $log->debug("Exiting calculate_font_name method ..."); return FF_DEJAVUSAN; } /**This function is used to generate the n colors. * Param $count - number of colors to generate * Param $start - value of first color * Param $step - color increment to apply * Return type array - array of n colors values */ function color_generator($count = 1, $start = '33CCFF', $step = '221133') { global $log; $log->debug("Entering color_generator(".$count.",".$start.",".$step.") method ..."); // explode color strings to RGB array if($start{0} == "#") $start = substr($start,1); if($step{0} == "#") $step = substr($step,1); // pad shorter strings with 0 $start = substr($start."000000",0,6); $step = substr($step."000000",0,6); $colors = array(hexdec(substr($start,0,2)),hexdec(substr($start,2,2)),hexdec(substr($start,4,2))); $steps = array(hexdec(substr($step,0,2)),hexdec(substr($step,2,2)),hexdec(substr($step,4,2))); // buils $count colours adding $step to $start $result = array(); for($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++){ array_push($result,"#".dechex($colors[0]).dechex($colors[1]).dechex($colors[2])); for($j=0; $j<3; $j++) { $colors[$j] += $steps[$j]; if($colors[$j] > 0xFF) $colors[$j] -= 0xFF; } } $log->debug("Exiting color_generator method ..."); return $result; } /**This function is used to define the optimum spacin for tick marks on an axis * Param $max - maximum value of axis * Return type array - array of 2 values major and minor spacing */ function get_tickspacing($max = 10) { global $log,$app_strings; $log->debug("Entering get_tickspacing(".$max.") method ..."); $result = array(1,1); // normalize $max to get value between 1 and 10 $coef = pow(10,floor(log10($max))); if($coef == 0) { $data=0; echo "


"; $log->debug("Exiting get_tickspacing method ..."); return $data; } $normalized = $max / $coef; if($normalized < 1.5){ $result[0] = 0.2; $result[1] = 0.1; } elseif($normalized < 5){ $result[0] = 0.5; $result[1] = 0.1; } elseif($normalized < 10){ $result[0] = 1.0; $result[1] = 0.5; } $result[0] *= $coef; $result[1] *= $coef; $log->debug("Exiting get_tickspacing method ..."); return $result; } ?>