echo off set ins_dir4_0_1=%~1 set BINDIR=%cd% set VTIGER_HOME=%cd% echo VTIGERHOME=%VTIGER_HOME% set version="4.0.1" :getinstalldir if NOT "X%ins_dir4_0_1%" == "X" goto checkdir echo "*******************" echo "*******************" echo echo set /P diffmac1="Is the vtiger CRM 4.0.1 mysql db in the same machine as the vtigerCRM4_2GA mysql db installation? (Y/N): " echo echo if "%diffmac1%"=="Y" goto samemac if "%diffmac1%"=="y" goto samemac set diffmac_uname= set diffmac_password= set diffmac_port= set diffmac_hostname= set /P diffmac_hostname=Enter the hostname of the machine hosting the vtiger CRM 4.0.1: set /P diffmac_uname=Enter the vtiger CRM 4.0.1 mysql db username: set /P diffmac_password=Enter the vtiger CRM 4.0.1 mysql db password: set /P diffmac_port=Enter the vtiger CRM 4.0.1 mysql db port: set mysql_dir=%BINDIR%\..\mysql\bin echo mysql_dir is %mysql_dir% echo echo writing to the mysql_params.bat file echo set mysql_username=%diffmac_uname%> mysql_params.bat echo set mysql_password=%diffmac_password%>> mysql_params.bat echo set mysql_port=%diffmac_port%>> mysql_params.bat echo set mysql_hostname=%diffmac_hostname%>> mysql_params.bat echo set mysql_bundled=false>> mysql_params.bat echo set mysql_dir=%mysql_dir%>> mysql_params.bat echo rem set /P hi=bye echo set FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; > vtiger_4_2_dump.txt set mysql_dir_4_2=%BINDIR%\..\mysql\bin echo mysql_dir again is %mysql_dir_4_2% echo echo echo username is %diffmac_uname% echo password is %diffmac_password% echo port is %diffmac_port% echo hostname is %diffmac_hostname% echo about to take the dump of the 4.0.1 db and put it to vtiger_4_2_dump.txt file echo echo "%mysql_dir_4_2%\mysqldump" --host=%diffmac_hostname% --user=%diffmac_uname% --password=%diffmac_password% --port=%diffmac_port% vtigercrm4_0_1 >> vtiger_4_2_dump.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo "Unable to take the vtiger CRM %version% database backup. vtigercrm database may be corrupted" goto exitmigration ) echo 4.0.1 dump taken successfully ! rem set /P hi=bye echo echo echo echo call mysql_params.bat echo present directory is %cd% echo about to print the data into the migrator_connection.php file rem set /P hi=bye echo echo ^ ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo $mysql_host_name_old = '%diffmac_hostname%'; >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo $mysql_username_old = '%diffmac_uname%'; >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo $mysql_password_old = '%diffmac_password%'; >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo $mysql_port_old = '%diffmac_port%'; >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo ?^> >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php rem set /P hi=bye call :echodumpstatus4diffmac goto set4_2version :samemac echo echo echo set /p ins_dir4_0_1="Enter the vtiger CRM 4.0.1 installation bin directory (For example: C:\Program Files\vtigerCRM4_0_1\bin: " goto checkdir :findstrdir echo "4.0.1 install dir is %ins_dir4_0_1%" echo %WINDIR% set FIND_STR="%WINDIR%\system32\findstr.exe" set SLEEP_STR="%WINDIR%\system32\ping.exe" goto readMySQLparams :checkdir if NOT EXIST "%ins_dir4_0_1%\startvTiger.bat" ( echo "Kindly specify a valid vtigerCRM 4.0.1 installation directory please" set ins_dir4_0_1= goto getinstalldir ) goto findstrdir :readMySQLparams echo in read mysqlparams as a result of invocation for 4.2 echo present dir is %cd% echo echo rem set /P hi=bye echo Reading the vtiger CRM %version% MySQL Parameters if %version% == "4.0.1" ( echo "Inside 4.0.1 loop" echo 'about to parse the startvTiger.bat of the 4.0.1 server and populate to mysql_params file %FIND_STR% /C:"set mysql_" "%ins_dir4_0_1%\startvTiger.bat" > mysql_params.bat ) if %version% == "4.2" ( echo "Inside 4.2 loop" echo 'about to parse the startvTiger.bat of the 4.2 server and populate to mysql_params file %FIND_STR% /C:"set mysql_" startvTiger.bat > mysql_params.bat ) echo after writing to the mysql_params.bat file rem set /P hi=bye call mysql_params.bat echo %mysql_username% echo %mysql_password% echo %mysql_port% echo %mysql_bundled% echo %mysql_dir% rem set /P hi=bye if %version% == "4.0.1" ( set /p mysql_host_name_4_0_1="Specify the host name of the vtiger CRM 4.0.1 mysql server: " echo ^ ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo $mysql_host_name_old = '%mysql_host_name_4_0_1%'; >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo $mysql_username_old = '%mysql_username%'; >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo $mysql_password_old = '%mysql_password%'; >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo $mysql_port_old = '%mysql_port%'; >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo ?^> >> ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\migrator_connection.php echo about to invoke isMySQLRunning goto isMySQLRunning ) goto isMySQLRunning :isMySQLRunning echo MYSQLDIR=%mysql_dir% echo "Checking whether the vtiger CRM %version% MySQL server is already running" echo "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysql" --port=%mysql_port% --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% -e "show databases" > NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto startmysql ECHO "vtiger CRM %version% MySQL Server is already started and running" if %version% == "4.0.1" goto dump4_0_1mysql if %version% == "4.2" goto dumpin4_2mysql rem set /P hi=bye :startmysql echo "Starting %version% vtiger MySQL on port specified by the user" echo cd /D %mysql_dir% start mysqld -b .. --datadir=../data --port=%mysql_port% %SLEEP_STR% -n 11>nul "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysql" --port=%mysql_port% --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% -e "show databases" > NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto notstarted echo "Started vtiger CRM %version% MySQL on port specified by the user" echo cd /d %VTIGER_HOME% if %version% == "4.0.1" goto dump4_0_1mysql if %version% == "4.2" goto dumpin4_2mysql :notstarted cd /d %VTIGER_HOME% echo echo ECHO "Unable to start the vtiger CRM %version% MySQL server at port %mysql_port%. Check if the port is free" echo "" echo echo echo echo set /p pt=Free the port and Press Any Key to Continue... goto startmysql :dump4_0_1mysql echo in dump4_0_1mysql method echo echo echo set FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; > vtiger_4_2_dump.txt "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysqldump" --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --port=%mysql_port% vtigercrm4_0_1 >> vtiger_4_2_dump.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo "Unable to take the vtiger CRM %version% database backup. vtigercrm database may be corrupted" goto exitmigration ) echo "Data dump taken successfully in vtiger_4_2_dump.txt" goto echodumpstatus4samemac :echodumpstatus4samemac echo echo echo echo database being created for vtigercrm4_0_1_bkp echo echo "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysql" --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --port=%mysql_port% -e "create database vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp" "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysql" --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --port=%mysql_port% --force vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp < vtiger_4_2_dump.txt rem set /P hi=bye echo 'about to start the input from the DataMigration.php file ' echo echo ..\php\php.exe -f ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\Migrate.php echo 'exporting the migrated data to the dump file migrated_vtiger_4_0_1_dump file' echo set FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; > migrated_vtiger_4_0_1_dump.txt "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysqldump" --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --port=%mysql_port% vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp >> migrated_vtiger_4_0_1_dump.txt rem set /P hi=bye echo ' about to drop the vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp database ' "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysql" --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --port=%mysql_port% -e "drop database vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp" rem set /P hi=bye goto stopMySQL :stopMySQL if %mysql_bundled%==true ( cd /D %mysql_dir% echo "Going to stop vtiger CRM %version% MySQL server" "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysqladmin" --port=%mysql_port% --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% shutdown echo "vtiger CRM MySQL Sever is shut down" cd /d %VTIGER_HOME% %SLEEP_STR% -n 11>nul ) goto set4_2version :set4_2version set version="4.2" echo echo echo '######################## version set as 4.2 vtiger CRM ######################## ' goto findstrdir :dumpin4_2mysql echo 'about to drop 4_2 db' "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysql" --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --port=%mysql_port% -e "drop database vtigercrm4_2" echo 'about create if not exists drop 4_2 db' "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysql" --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --port=%mysql_port% -e "create database if not exists vtigercrm4_2" echo 'about to force-dump data to the 4_2 db from the migrated_vtiger_4_0_1_dump file into the vtigercrm4_2 db' echo echo "%mysql_dir%\bin\mysql" --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --port=%mysql_port% vtigercrm4_2 --force < migrated_vtiger_4_0_1_dump.txt 2> migrate_log.txt IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo "Unable to dump data into the vtiger CRM %version% database vtigercrm4_2. Check the migrate_log.txt in the %VTIGER_HOME% directory" goto exitmigration ) echo "Data successfully migrated into vtiger CRM 4.2 database" echo echo rem set /P hi=bye goto end :exitmigration echo "Exiting Migration" goto end rem dump status for different machines :echodumpstatus4diffmac echo echo mysql directory is %mysql_dir% "%mysql_dir%\mysql" --host=%diffmac_hostname% --user=%diffmac_uname% --password=%diffmac_password% --port=%diffmac_port% -e "create database vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp" echo created database vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkup "%mysql_dir%\mysql" --host=%diffmac_hostname% --user=%diffmac_uname% --password=%diffmac_password% --port=%diffmac_port% --force vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp < vtiger_4_2_dump.txt echo dumped data from the file vtiger_4_2_dump.txt into the vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp database echo echo echo echo 'about to start altering the database to get in sync with the 4.2 structure using the input from DataMigration.php file ' echo echo present working directory is %cd% echo echo ..\php\php.exe -f ..\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM\Migrate.php echo set FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; > migrated_vtiger_4_0_1_dump.txt "%mysql_dir%\mysqldump" --host=%diffmac_hostname% --user=%diffmac_uname% --password=%diffmac_password% --port=%diffmac_port% vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp >> migrated_vtiger_4_0_1_dump.txt echo dumped the database to migrated_vtiger_4_0_1_dump.txt file rem set /P hi=bye echo echo echo echo echo ' about to drop the vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp database ' "%mysql_dir%\mysql" --host=%diffmac_hostname% --user=%diffmac_uname% --password=%diffmac_password% --port=%diffmac_port% -e "drop database vtigercrm_4_0_1_bkp" goto end :end del mysql_params.bat rem exit