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title: Networking with overlay networks
description: Tutorials for networking with swarm services and standalone containers on multiple Docker daemons
keywords: networking, bridge, routing, ports, swarm, overlay
- /engine/userguide/networking/get-started-overlay/
This series of tutorials deals with networking for swarm services.
For networking with standalone containers, see
[Networking with standalone containers](network-tutorial-standalone.md). If you need to
learn more about Docker networking in general, see the [overview](index.md).
This topic includes four different tutorials. You can run each of them on
Linux, Windows, or a Mac, but for the last two, you need a second Docker
host running elsewhere.
- [Use the default overlay network](#use-the-default-overlay-network) demonstrates
how to use the default overlay network that Docker sets up for you
automatically when you initialize or join a swarm. This network is not the
best choice for production systems.
- [Use user-defined overlay networks](#use-a-user-defined-overlay-network) shows
how to create and use your own custom overlay networks, to connect services.
This is recommended for services running in production.
- [Use an overlay network for standalone containers](#use-an-overlay-network-for-standalone-containers)
shows how to communicate between standalone containers on different Docker
daemons using an overlay network.
- [Communicate between a container and a swarm service](#communicate-between-a-container-and-a-swarm-service)
sets up communication between a standalone container and a swarm service,
using an attachable overlay network.
## Prerequisites
These require you to have at least a single-node swarm, which means that
you have started Docker and run `docker swarm init` on the host. You can run
the examples on a multi-node swarm as well.
## Use the default overlay network
In this example, you start an `alpine` service and examine the characteristics
of the network from the point of view of the individual service containers.
This tutorial does not go into operation-system-specific details about how
overlay networks are implemented, but focuses on how the overlay functions from
the point of view of a service.
### Prerequisites
This tutorial requires three physical or virtual Docker hosts which can all
communicate with one another. This tutorial assumes that the three hosts are
running on the same network with no firewall involved.
These hosts will be referred to as `manager`, `worker-1`, and `worker-2`. The
`manager` host will function as both a manager and a worker, which means it can
both run service tasks and manage the swarm. `worker-1` and `worker-2` will
function as workers only,
If you don't have three hosts handy, an easy solution is to set up three
Ubuntu hosts on a cloud provider such as Amazon EC2, all on the same network
with all communications allowed to all hosts on that network (using a mechanism
such as EC2 security groups), and then to follow the
[installation instructions for Docker Engine - Community on Ubuntu](../engine/install/ubuntu.md).
### Walkthrough
#### Create the swarm
At the end of this procedure, all three Docker hosts will be joined to the swarm
and will be connected together using an overlay network called `ingress`.
1. On `manager`. initialize the swarm. If the host only has one network
interface, the `--advertise-addr` flag is optional.
$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr=<IP-ADDRESS-OF-MANAGER>
Make a note of the text that is printed, as this contains the token that
you will use to join `worker-1` and `worker-2` to the swarm. It is a good
idea to store the token in a password manager.
2. On `worker-1`, join the swarm. If the host only has one network interface,
the `--advertise-addr` flag is optional.
$ docker swarm join --token <TOKEN> \
--advertise-addr <IP-ADDRESS-OF-WORKER-1> \
3. On `worker-2`, join the swarm. If the host only has one network interface,
the `--advertise-addr` flag is optional.
$ docker swarm join --token <TOKEN> \
--advertise-addr <IP-ADDRESS-OF-WORKER-2> \
4. On `manager`, list all the nodes. This command can only be done from a
$ docker node ls
d68ace5iraw6whp7llvgjpu48 * ip-172-31-34-146 Ready Active Leader
nvp5rwavvb8lhdggo8fcf7plg ip-172-31-35-151 Ready Active
ouvx2l7qfcxisoyms8mtkgahw ip-172-31-36-89 Ready Active
You can also use the `--filter` flag to filter by role:
$ docker node ls --filter role=manager
d68ace5iraw6whp7llvgjpu48 * ip-172-31-34-146 Ready Active Leader
$ docker node ls --filter role=worker
nvp5rwavvb8lhdggo8fcf7plg ip-172-31-35-151 Ready Active
ouvx2l7qfcxisoyms8mtkgahw ip-172-31-36-89 Ready Active
5. List the Docker networks on `manager`, `worker-1`, and `worker-2` and notice
that each of them now has an overlay network called `ingress` and a bridge
network called `docker_gwbridge`. Only the listing for `manager` is shown
$ docker network ls
495c570066be bridge bridge local
961c6cae9945 docker_gwbridge bridge local
ff35ceda3643 host host local
trtnl4tqnc3n ingress overlay swarm
c8357deec9cb none null local
The `docker_gwbridge` connects the `ingress` network to the Docker host's
network interface so that traffic can flow to and from swarm managers and
workers. If you create swarm services and do not specify a network, they are
connected to the `ingress` network. It is recommended that you use separate
overlay networks for each application or group of applications which will work
together. In the next procedure, you will create two overlay networks and
connect a service to each of them.
#### Create the services
1. On `manager`, create a new overlay network called `nginx-net`:
$ docker network create -d overlay nginx-net
You don't need to create the overlay network on the other nodes, because it
will be automatically created when one of those nodes starts running a
service task which requires it.
2. On `manager`, create a 5-replica Nginx service connected to `nginx-net`. The
service will publish port 80 to the outside world. All of the service
task containers can communicate with each other without opening any ports.
> **Note**: Services can only be created on a manager.
$ docker service create \
--name my-nginx \
--publish target=80,published=80 \
--replicas=5 \
--network nginx-net \
The default publish mode of `ingress`, which is used when you do not
specify a `mode` for the `--publish` flag, means that if you browse to
port 80 on `manager`, `worker-1`, or `worker-2`, you will be connected to
port 80 on one of the 5 service tasks, even if no tasks are currently
running on the node you browse to. If you want to publish the port using
`host` mode, you can add `mode=host` to the `--publish` output. However,
you should also use `--mode global` instead of `--replicas=5` in this case,
since only one service task can bind a given port on a given node.
3. Run `docker service ls` to monitor the progress of service bring-up, which
may take a few seconds.
4. Inspect the `nginx-net` network on `manager`, `worker-1`, and `worker-2`.
Remember that you did not need to create it manually on `worker-1` and
`worker-2` because Docker created it for you. The output will be long, but
notice the `Containers` and `Peers` sections. `Containers` lists all
service tasks (or standalone containers) connected to the overlay network
from that host.
5. From `manager`, inspect the service using `docker service inspect my-nginx`
and notice the information about the ports and endpoints used by the
6. Create a new network `nginx-net-2`, then update the service to use this
network instead of `nginx-net`:
$ docker network create -d overlay nginx-net-2
$ docker service update \
--network-add nginx-net-2 \
--network-rm nginx-net \
7. Run `docker service ls` to verify that the service has been updated and all
tasks have been redeployed. Run `docker network inspect nginx-net` to verify
that no containers are connected to it. Run the same command for
`nginx-net-2` and notice that all the service task containers are connected
to it.
> **Note**: Even though overlay networks are automatically created on swarm
> worker nodes as needed, they are not automatically removed.
8. Clean up the service and the networks. From `manager`, run the following
commands. The manager will direct the workers to remove the networks
$ docker service rm my-nginx
$ docker network rm nginx-net nginx-net-2
## Use a user-defined overlay network
### Prerequisites
This tutorial assumes the swarm is already set up and you are on a manager.
### Walkthrough
1. Create the user-defined overlay network.
$ docker network create -d overlay my-overlay
2. Start a service using the overlay network and publishing port 80 to port
8080 on the Docker host.
$ docker service create \
--name my-nginx \
--network my-overlay \
--replicas 1 \
--publish published=8080,target=80 \
3. Run `docker network inspect my-overlay` and verify that the `my-nginx`
service task is connected to it, by looking at the `Containers` section.
4. Remove the service and the network.
$ docker service rm my-nginx
$ docker network rm my-overlay
## Use an overlay network for standalone containers
This example demonstrates DNS container discovery -- specifically, how to
communicate between standalone containers on different Docker daemons using an
overlay network. Steps are:
- On `host1`, initialize the node as a swarm (manager).
- On `host2`, join the node to the swarm (worker).
- On `host1`, create an attachable overlay network (`test-net`).
- On `host1`, run an interactive [alpine](https://hub.docker.com/_/alpine/) container (`alpine1`) on `test-net`.
- On `host2`, run an interactive, and detached, [alpine](https://hub.docker.com/_/alpine/) container (`alpine2`) on `test-net`.
- On `host1`, from within a session of `alpine1`, ping `alpine2`.
### Prerequisites
For this test, you need two different Docker hosts that can communicate with
each other. Each host must have the following ports open between the two Docker
- TCP port 2377
- TCP and UDP port 7946
- UDP port 4789
One easy way to set this up is to have two VMs (either local or on a cloud
provider like AWS), each with Docker installed and running. If you're using AWS
or a similar cloud computing platform, the easiest configuration is to use a
security group that opens all incoming ports between the two hosts and the SSH
port from your client's IP address.
This example refers to the two nodes in our swarm as `host1` and `host2`. This
example also uses Linux hosts, but the same commands work on Windows.
### Walk-through
1. Set up the swarm.
a. On `host1`, initialize a swarm (and if prompted, use `--advertise-addr`
to specify the IP address for the interface that communicates with other
hosts in the swarm, for instance, the private IP address on AWS):
$ docker swarm init
Swarm initialized: current node (vz1mm9am11qcmo979tlrlox42) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-5g90q48weqrtqryq4kj6ow0e8xm9wmv9o6vgqc5j320ymybd5c-8ex8j0bc40s6hgvy5ui5gl4gy
To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
b. On `host2`, join the swarm as instructed above:
$ docker swarm join --token <your_token> <your_ip_address>:2377
This node joined a swarm as a worker.
If the node fails to join the swarm, the `docker swarm join` command times
out. To resolve, run `docker swarm leave --force` on `host2`, verify your
network and firewall settings, and try again.
2. On `host1`, create an attachable overlay network called `test-net`:
$ docker network create --driver=overlay --attachable test-net
> Notice the returned **NETWORK ID** -- you will see it again when you connect to it from `host2`.
3. On `host1`, start an interactive (`-it`) container (`alpine1`) that connects to `test-net`:
$ docker run -it --name alpine1 --network test-net alpine
/ #
4. On `host2`, list the available networks -- notice that `test-net` does not yet exist:
$ docker network ls
ec299350b504 bridge bridge local
66e77d0d0e9a docker_gwbridge bridge local
9f6ae26ccb82 host host local
omvdxqrda80z ingress overlay swarm
b65c952a4b2b none null local
5. On `host2`, start a detached (`-d`) and interactive (`-it`) container (`alpine2`) that connects to `test-net`:
$ docker run -dit --name alpine2 --network test-net alpine
> Automatic DNS container discovery only works with unique container names.
6. On `host2`, verify that `test-net` was created (and has the same NETWORK ID as `test-net` on `host1`):
$ docker network ls
uqsof8phj3ak test-net overlay swarm
7. On `host1`, ping `alpine2` within the interactive terminal of `alpine1`:
/ # ping -c 2 alpine2
PING alpine2 ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.600 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.555 ms
--- alpine2 ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.555/0.577/0.600 ms
The two containers communicate with the overlay network connecting the two
hosts. If you run another alpine container on `host2` that is _not detached_,
you can ping `alpine1` from `host2` (and here we add the
[remove option](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#clean-up---rm) for automatic container cleanup):
$ docker run -it --rm --name alpine3 --network test-net alpine
/ # ping -c 2 alpine1
/ # exit
8. On `host1`, close the `alpine1` session (which also stops the container):
/ # exit
9. Clean up your containers and networks:
You must stop and remove the containers on each host independently because
Docker daemons operate independently and these are standalone containers.
You only have to remove the network on `host1` because when you stop
`alpine2` on `host2`, `test-net` disappears.
a. On `host2`, stop `alpine2`, check that `test-net` was removed, then remove `alpine2`:
$ docker container stop alpine2
$ docker network ls
$ docker container rm alpine2
a. On `host1`, remove `alpine1` and `test-net`:
$ docker container rm alpine1
$ docker network rm test-net
## Communicate between a container and a swarm service
In this example, you start two different `alpine` containers on the same Docker
host and do some tests to understand how they communicate with each other. You
need to have Docker installed and running.
1. Open a terminal window. List current networks before you do anything else.
Here's what you should see if you've never added a network or initialized a
swarm on this Docker daemon. You may see different networks, but you should
at least see these (the network IDs will be different):
$ docker network ls
17e324f45964 bridge bridge local
6ed54d316334 host host local
7092879f2cc8 none null local
The default `bridge` network is listed, along with `host` and `none`. The
latter two are not fully-fledged networks, but are used to start a container
connected directly to the Docker daemon host's networking stack, or to start
a container with no network devices. **This tutorial will connect two
containers to the `bridge` network.**
2. Start two `alpine` containers running `ash`, which is Alpine's default shell
rather than `bash`. The `-dit` flags mean to start the container detached
(in the background), interactive (with the ability to type into it), and
with a TTY (so you can see the input and output). Since you are starting it
detached, you won't be connected to the container right away. Instead, the
container's ID will be printed. Because you have not specified any
`--network` flags, the containers connect to the default `bridge` network.
$ docker run -dit --name alpine1 alpine ash
$ docker run -dit --name alpine2 alpine ash
Check that both containers are actually started:
$ docker container ls
602dbf1edc81 alpine "ash" 4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds alpine2
da33b7aa74b0 alpine "ash" 17 seconds ago Up 16 seconds alpine1
3. Inspect the `bridge` network to see what containers are connected to it.
$ docker network inspect bridge
"Name": "bridge",
"Id": "17e324f459648a9baaea32b248d3884da102dde19396c25b30ec800068ce6b10",
"Created": "2017-06-22T20:27:43.826654485Z",
"Scope": "local",
"Driver": "bridge",
"EnableIPv6": false,
"IPAM": {
"Driver": "default",
"Options": null,
"Config": [
"Subnet": "",
"Gateway": ""
"Internal": false,
"Attachable": false,
"Containers": {
"602dbf1edc81813304b6cf0a647e65333dc6fe6ee6ed572dc0f686a3307c6a2c": {
"Name": "alpine2",
"EndpointID": "03b6aafb7ca4d7e531e292901b43719c0e34cc7eef565b38a6bf84acf50f38cd",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:03",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""
"da33b7aa74b0bf3bda3ebd502d404320ca112a268aafe05b4851d1e3312ed168": {
"Name": "alpine1",
"EndpointID": "46c044a645d6afc42ddd7857d19e9dcfb89ad790afb5c239a35ac0af5e8a5bc5",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""
"Options": {
"com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge": "true",
"com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc": "true",
"com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade": "true",
"com.docker.network.bridge.host_binding_ipv4": "",
"com.docker.network.bridge.name": "docker0",
"com.docker.network.driver.mtu": "1500"
"Labels": {}
Near the top, information about the `bridge` network is listed, including
the IP address of the gateway between the Docker host and the `bridge`
network (``). Under the `Containers` key, each connected container
is listed, along with information about its IP address (`` for
`alpine1` and `` for `alpine2`).
4. The containers are running in the background. Use the `docker attach`
command to connect to `alpine1`.
$ docker attach alpine1
/ #
The prompt changes to `#` to indicate that you are the `root` user within
the container. Use the `ip addr show` command to show the network interfaces
for `alpine1` as they look from within the container:
# ip addr show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
27: eth0@if28: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP
link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:02 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet scope global eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
The first interface is the loopback device. Ignore it for now. Notice that
the second interface has the IP address ``, which is the same
address shown for `alpine1` in the previous step.
5. From within `alpine1`, make sure you can connect to the internet by
pinging `google.com`. The `-c 2` flag limits the command two two `ping`
# ping -c 2 google.com
PING google.com ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=41 time=9.841 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=41 time=9.897 ms
--- google.com ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 9.841/9.869/9.897 ms
6. Now try to ping the second container. First, ping it by its IP address,
# ping -c 2
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.086 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.094 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.086/0.090/0.094 ms
This succeeds. Next, try pinging the `alpine2` container by container
name. This will fail.
# ping -c 2 alpine2
ping: bad address 'alpine2'
7. Detach from `alpine1` without stopping it by using the detach sequence,
`CTRL` + `p` `CTRL` + `q` (hold down `CTRL` and type `p` followed by `q`).
If you wish, attach to `alpine2` and repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 there,
substituting `alpine1` for `alpine2`.
8. Stop and remove both containers.
$ docker container stop alpine1 alpine2
$ docker container rm alpine1 alpine2
Remember, the default `bridge` network is not recommended for production. To
learn about user-defined bridge networks, continue to the
[next tutorial](network-tutorial-standalone.md#use-user-defined-bridge-networks).
## Other networking tutorials
Now that you have completed the networking tutorials for overlay networks,
you might want to run through these other networking tutorials:
- [Host networking tutorial](network-tutorial-host.md)
- [Standalone networking tutorial](network-tutorial-standalone.md)
- [Macvlan networking tutorial](network-tutorial-macvlan.md)