安装 Docker 引擎

This commit is contained in:
YuCheng Hu 2020-11-23 17:05:43 -05:00
parent 10f39bfaa6
commit 24e37dc338
1 changed files with 25 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Docker 引擎可以在一系列服务器上进行安装,比如说 [Linux 平
{% assign yes = '![yes](/images/green-check.svg){: .inline style="height: 14px; margin: 0 auto"}' %}
| Platform | x86_64 / amd64 |
| 平台 | x86_64 / amd64 |
| [Mac (macOS) Docker 桌面客户端](../../docker-for-mac/install.md) | [{{ yes }}](../../docker-for-mac/install.md) |
| [Windows Docker 桌面客户端](../../docker-for-windows/install.md) | [{{ yes }}](../../docker-for-windows/install.md) |
@ -72,79 +72,60 @@ Docker 引擎具有下面 3 个更新渠道: **stable** **test** 和 **nigh
### 稳定版
Year-month releases are made from a release branch diverged from the master
branch. The branch is created with format `<year>.<month>`, for example
`19.03`. The year-month name indicates the earliest possible calendar
month to expect the release to be generally available. All further patch
releases are performed from that branch. For example, once `v19.03.0` is
released, all subsequent patch releases are built from the `19.03` branch.
年-月Year-month 的分支将会发布到 master 分支中。这个分支将会使用下面的格式 `<year>.<month>` 来创建,例如 `19.03`
年-月的命名由 GA 版本的最早确定的日历数据来进行确定。所有随后的特性补丁将会通过在版本号的序列来进行发布。例如,一旦 `v19.03.0` 版本发布后,
所有的后续发布的版本将会在基于 `19.03` 这个分支下来发布。
### 测试
In preparation for a new year-month release, a branch is created from
the master branch with format `YY.mm` when the milestones desired by
Docker for the release have achieved feature-complete. Pre-releases
such as betas and release candidates are conducted from their respective release
branches. Patch releases and the corresponding pre-releases are performed
from within the corresponding release branch.
在计划进行新的 year-month 的发布之前,一个分支将会从 master 分支进行创建,并被命名为 `YY.mm`。这个表明的是基于 Docker 里程碑的开放已经完成了。
### 晚间构建
Nightly builds give you the latest builds of work in progress for the next major
release. They are created once per day from the master branch with the version
where the time is the commit time in UTC and the final suffix is the prefix
of the commit hash, for example `0.0.0-20180720214833-f61e0f7`.
版本提交的 UTC 时间戳将会添加到发布版本的名称中,同时还会添加一个提交版本的哈希代码。如下:`0.0.0-20180720214833-f61e0f7`.
These builds allow for testing from the latest code on the master branch. No
qualifications or guarantees are made for the nightly builds.
这个构建将会允许你使用最新的 master 分支来进行测试和构建。我们不能保证所有晚间构建能够正常的工作并且符合所有的安全性要求。
## 支持
Docker Engine releases of a year-month branch are supported with patches as
needed for one month after the next year-month general availability release.
基于 年-月Year-month 格式的 Docker 引擎发布通常能够被支持一个月直到下一个月的 GA 版本发布。
This means bug reports and backports to release branches are assessed
until the end-of-life date.
After the year-month branch has reached end-of-life, the branch may be
deleted from the repository.
当基于 年-月Year-month发布格式的发布达到生命周期后Git 仓库的分支有可能会被删除。
### Backporting
### 反向移植backport
Backports to the Docker products are prioritized by the Docker company. A
Docker employee or repository maintainer will endeavour to ensure sensible
bugfixes make it into _active_ releases.
反向移植是 Docker 公司针对 Docker 进行优先处理的问题。一个 Docker 公司的雇员或者代码仓库的维护人员将会进行评估和确定这些问题的修复能够被支持,
并确定呢能够放到下一个 _发布_ 的版本中。leases.
If there are important fixes that ought to be considered for backport to
active release branches, be sure to highlight this in the PR description
or by adding a comment to the PR.
### 升级路径
Patch releases are always backward compatible with its year-month version.
补丁的发布在升级的时候总是与基于 年-月Year-month 发布的版本是兼容的。
### 许可证
Docker is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See
[LICENSE](https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/LICENSE) for the full
license text.
Copyright 2013-2020 Docker, inc, 文件的发布是基于 Apache 2.0 license 下进行发布。
Docker 是基于 Apache License, Version 2.0 许可证进行发布的。请查看
[许可证](https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/LICENSE) 页面来获得更多的信息。
## 报告安全性问题
The Docker maintainers take security seriously. If you discover a security
issue, please bring it to their attention right away!
Docker 的维护者针对平台可能出现的安全问题非常重视。如果你在使用 Docker 的时候发现了任何问题,请马上与 Docker 的维护团队进行联系。
Please DO NOT file a public issue; instead send your report privately
to security@docker.com.
**不要** 将这些安全问题公开发布,请将这个安全问题发送邮件到 security@docker.com 邮箱中。
Security reports are greatly appreciated, and Docker will publicly thank you
for it.
安全报告对我们来说非常重要Docker 的维护团队将会公开的感谢您对安全问题的贡献。
## 开始使用
After setting up Docker, you can learn the basics with
当你设置好 Docker 后,你可以开始学习 Docker 的一些基本使用了。
[Getting started with Docker](../../get-started/index.md).