This commit is contained in:
YuCheng Hu 2020-11-21 14:01:58 -05:00
parent 6a37831e4d
commit c1da2d5683
1 changed files with 14 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -255,35 +255,30 @@ no_ratings: true
### 图片
Don't forget to remove images that are no longer used. Keep the images sorted
in the local `images/` directory, with names that naturally group related images
together in alphabetical order. For instance prefer `settings-file-share.png`
and `settings-proxies.png` to `file-share-settings.png` and
`proxies-settings.png`. You may also use numbers, especially in the case of a
sequence, e.g., `run-only-the-images-you-trust-1.svg`
`run-only-the-images-you-trust-2.png` `run-only-the-images-you-trust-3.png`.
不要忘记删除所有不需要的图片,将图片保存在 images/ 目录中,这个目录为通常我们保存图片的路径。
When applicable, capture windows rather than rectangular regions. This
eliminates unpleasant background and saves the editors the need to crop.
通常的,这个文件夹中的图片文件是按照图片文件名的字母进行排和分组的。例如,相对命名方式来说 `settings-file-share.png``settings-proxies.png` 针对  `file-share-settings.png``proxies-settings.png` 来说就更好了。
On Mac, capture windows without shadows. To this end, once you pressed
`Command-Shift-4`, press Option while clicking on the window. To disable
shadows once for all, run:
你还可以添加数字,尤其你是针对图片有使用和显示顺序的情况下。例如,`run-only-the-images-you-trust-1.svg``run-only-the-images-you-trust-2.png` `run-only-the-images-you-trust-3.png` 等。
在 Mac 的计算机中,请对创建进行截图而且不要保存为阴影。你可以使用下面的方法进行操作:当你按下 `Command-Shift-4` 后,单击选项,来进行禁用 。
$ defaults write disable-shadow -bool TRUE
$ killall SystemUIServer # restart it.
You can restore shadows later with `-bool FALSE`.
在后面,你可以通过设置 `-bool FALSE` 来重新启用阴影。
In order to keep the Git repository light, _please_ compress the images
(losslessly). On Mac you may use (ImageOptim)[] for
instance. Be sure to compress the images *before* adding them to the
repository, doing it afterwards actually worsens the impact on the Git repo (but
still optimizes the bandwidth during browsing).
为了保持我们的 Git 仓库不至于过大,请尽量对图片进压缩。在 Mac 的计算中,你也许可以使用 来对图片进行压缩。
## Copyright and license
请对图片进行压缩之后,才上传图片到 Git 的仓库中。如果你在这个之前操作的话,你可能还是增加了 Git 仓库的内容,但是针对网络传输方面的内容进行了优化。
## 版权和许可证
Copyright 2013-2020 Docker, inc, 文件的发布是基于 Apache 2.0 license 下进行发布。