source "" # Update me once in a while: # Please ensure, before upgrading, that this version exists as a tag in starefossen/github-pages here: # # # Fresh install? # # Windows: # Install Ruby 2.3.3 x64 and download the Development Kit for 64-bit: # # # Run this to install devkit after extracting: # ruby /dk.rb init # ruby /dk.rb install # # then: # gem install bundler # bundle install # # Mac/Linux: # Install Ruby 2.3.x and then: # gem install bundler # bundle install # # --------------------- # Upgrading? Probably best to reset your environment: # # Remove all gems: # gem uninstall -aIx # # (If Windows, do the dk.rb bits above, then go to the next step below) # Install anew: # gem install bundler # bundle install # This only affects interactive builds (local build, Netlify) and not the # live site deploy, which uses the Dockerfiles found in the publish-tools # branch. gem "github-pages", "198" gem 'wdm' if Gem.win_platform?