server { # Use relative redirects to account for situations where a front-end proxy is # used and the container does not know the public domain and port absolute_redirect off; listen 4000; error_page 403 404 /404.html; root /usr/share/nginx/html; index index.html; # Enable aio for better performance (see aio threads; location ~ ^/v([\d\.]+)/(.*)$ { # Archive URLs: first try if the given file is still hosted, otherwise # redirect to the same URL in the current version of the docs. try_files $uri $uri/ @redirect_current; } location @redirect_current { # Do a 301 (moved permanently) redirect of archive pages we didn't find # to the same location in the current docs. Note that the location redirected # to may not (or no longer) exist, and as such could result in another 301 # redirect, or a 404. rewrite ^/v([\d\.]+)/(.*)$ /$2 permanent; } }