--- description: Linode driver for machine keywords: machine, Linode, driver title: Linode --- Create machines on [Linode](https://www.linode.com). ### Credentials You will need a Linode APIv4 Personal Access Token. Get one here: . Supply the token to `docker-machine create -d linode` with `--linode-token`. ### Install `docker-machine` is required, [see the installation documentation](https://docs.docker.com/machine/install-machine/). Then, install the latest release of the Linode machine driver for your environment from the [releases list](https://github.com/linode/docker-machine-driver-linode/releases). ### Usage ```bash docker-machine create -d linode --linode-token= linode ``` See the [Linode Docker machine driver project page](https://github.com/linode/docker-machine-driver-linode) for more examples. #### Options, Environment Variables, and Defaults | Argument | Env | Default | Description | --- | --- | --- | --- | `linode-token` | `LINODE_TOKEN` | None | **required** Linode APIv4 Token (see [here](https://developers.linode.com/api/v4#section/Personal-Access-Token)) | `linode-root-pass` | `LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD` | *generated* | The Linode Instance `root_pass` (password assigned to the `root` account) | `linode-authorized-users` | `LINODE_AUTHORIZED_USERS` | None | Linode user accounts (separated by commas) whose Linode SSH keys will be permitted root access to the created node | `linode-label` | `LINODE_LABEL` | *generated* | The Linode Instance `label`, unless overridden this will match the docker-machine name. This `label` must be unique on the account. | `linode-region` | `LINODE_REGION` | `us-east` | The Linode Instance `region` (see [here](https://api.linode.com/v4/regions)) | `linode-instance-type` | `LINODE_INSTANCE_TYPE` | `g6-standard-4` | The Linode Instance `type` (see [here](https://api.linode.com/v4/linode/types)) | `linode-image` | `LINODE_IMAGE` | `linode/ubuntu18.04` | The Linode Instance `image` which provides the Linux distribution (see [here](https://api.linode.com/v4/images)). | `linode-ssh-port` | `LINODE_SSH_PORT` | `22` | The port that SSH is running on, needed for Docker Machine to provision the Linode. | `linode-ssh-user` | `LINODE_SSH_USER` | `root` | The user as which docker-machine should log in to the Linode instance to install Docker. This user must have passwordless sudo. | `linode-docker-port` | `LINODE_DOCKER_PORT` | `2376` | The TCP port of the Linode that Docker will be listening on | `linode-swap-size` | `LINODE_SWAP_SIZE` | `512` | The amount of swap space provisioned on the Linode Instance | `linode-stackscript` | `LINODE_STACKSCRIPT` | None | Specifies the Linode StackScript to use to create the instance, either by numeric ID, or using the form *username*/*label*. | `linode-stackscript-data` | `LINODE_STACKSCRIPT_DATA` | None | A JSON string specifying data that is passed (via UDF) to the selected StackScript. | `linode-create-private-ip` | `LINODE_CREATE_PRIVATE_IP` | None | A flag specifying to create private IP for the Linode instance. | `linode-tags` | `LINODE_TAGS` | None | A comma separated list of tags to apply to the Linode resource | `linode-ua-prefix` | `LINODE_UA_PREFIX` | None | Prefix the User-Agent in Linode API calls with some 'product/version' #### Notes * When using the `linode/containerlinux` `linode-image`, the `linode-ssh-user` will default to `core` * A `linode-root-pass` will be generated if not provided. This password will not be shown. Rely on `docker-machine ssh` or [Linode's Rescue features](https://www.linode.com/docs/quick-answers/linode-platform/reset-the-root-password-on-your-linode/) to access the node directly. #### Debugging Detailed run output will be emitted when using the LinodeGo `LINODE_DEBUG=1` option along with the `docker-machine` `--debug` option. ```bash LINODE_DEBUG=1 docker-machine --debug create -d linode --linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN machinename ```