# This Dockerfile builds the docs for https://docs.docker.com/ # from the master branch of https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io # # Here is the sequence: # 1. Set up base stages for building and deploying # 2. Collect and build the reference documentation (from upstream resources) # 3. Build static HTML from the current branch # 4. Build the final image, combining the reference docs and current version # of the documentation # # When the image is run, it starts Nginx and serves the docs at port 4000 # Jekyll environment (development/production) ARG JEKYLL_ENV=development # Engine ARG ENGINE_BRANCH="19.03" # Distribution ARG DISTRIBUTION_BRANCH="release/2.7" ### # Set up base stages for building and deploying ### FROM starefossen/github-pages:198 AS builderbase ENV TARGET=/usr/share/nginx/html WORKDIR /usr/src/app/md_source/ # Set vars used by fetch-upstream-resources.sh script as an environment variable, # so that they are persisted in the image for use in later stages. ARG ENGINE_BRANCH ENV ENGINE_BRANCH=${ENGINE_BRANCH} ARG DISTRIBUTION_BRANCH ENV DISTRIBUTION_BRANCH=${DISTRIBUTION_BRANCH} # Fetch upstream resources (reference documentation) # Only add the files that are needed to build these reference docs, so that these # docs are only rebuilt if changes were made to ENGINE_BRANCH or DISTRIBUTION_BRANCH. # Disable caching (docker build --no-cache) to force updating these docs. FROM alpine AS upstream-resources RUN apk add --no-cache subversion wget WORKDIR /usr/src/app/md_source/ COPY ./_scripts/fetch-upstream-resources.sh ./_scripts/ ARG ENGINE_BRANCH ARG DISTRIBUTION_BRANCH RUN ./_scripts/fetch-upstream-resources.sh . # Build the static HTML for the current docs. # After building with jekyll, fix up some links FROM builderbase AS current COPY . . COPY --from=upstream-resources /usr/src/app/md_source/. ./ # substitute the "{site.latest_engine_api_version}" in the title for the latest # API docs, based on the latest_engine_api_version parameter in _config.yml RUN ./_scripts/update-api-toc.sh ARG JEKYLL_ENV RUN echo "Building docs for ${JEKYLL_ENV} environment" RUN set -eu; \ if [ "${JEKYLL_ENV}" = "production" ]; then \ jekyll build --profile -d ${TARGET} --config _config.yml,_config_production.yml; \ sed -i 's#/#https://docs.docker.com/#' "${TARGET}/sitemap.xml"; \ else \ jekyll build --profile -d ${TARGET}; \ echo '[]' > ${TARGET}/js/metadata.json; \ fi; \ find ${TARGET} -type f -name '*.html' | while read i; do sed -i 's#\(]* href="\)https://docs.docker.com/#\1/#g' "$i"; done; # This stage only contains the generated files. It can be used to host the # documentation on a non-containerised service (e.g. to deploy to an s3 bucket). # When using BuildKit, use the '--output' option to build the files and to copy # them to your local filesystem. # # DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target=deploy-source --output=./_site . FROM scratch AS deploy-source COPY --from=current /usr/share/nginx/html / # Final stage, which includes nginx, and the current docs. # # To build current docs: # DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t docs . FROM nginx:alpine AS deploy ENV TARGET=/usr/share/nginx/html WORKDIR $TARGET COPY --from=current /usr/share/nginx/html . # Configure NGINX COPY _deploy/nginx/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf ARG JEKYLL_ENV ENV JEKYLL_ENV=${JEKYLL_ENV} CMD echo -e "Docker docs are viewable at:\nhttp:// (build target: ${JEKYLL_ENV})"; exec nginx -g 'daemon off;'