--- description: Overview of contributing keywords: open, source, contributing, overview title: Contribute to documentation redirect_from: - /contributing/ - /contributing/contributing/ - /opensource/code/ - /opensource/project/who-written-for/ - /opensource/project/software-required/ - /opensource/project/software-req-win/ - /opensource/project/set-up-git/ - /opensource/project/set-up-dev-env/ - /opensource/project/test-and-docs/ - /opensource/project/who-written-for/ - /opensource/workflow/advanced-contributing/ - /opensource/workflow/ - /opensource/workflow/coding-style/ - /opensource/workflow/create-pr/ - /opensource/workflow/find-an-issue/ - /opensource/workflow/make-a-contribution/ - /opensource/workflow/review-pr/ - /opensource/workflow/work-issue/ - /opensource/FAQ/ - /opensource/get-help/ - /opensource/code/ - /opensource/doc-style/ - /opensource/governance/ - /opensource/governance/dgab-info/ - /opensource/governance/board-profiles/ - /opensource/governance/conduct-code/ --- Contributing to the Docker documentation can be a rewarding experience. When you offer feedback, questions, edits, or new content, you help us, the projects you work on, and the larger Docker community. We welcome your participation to help make the documentation better! > Looking for the open source Moby project? > > See [Looking for Moby?](#looking-for-moby) below. ## How to contribute to the docs The documentation for Docker is published at [docs.docker.com](https://docs.docker.com/). There are many ways to contribute: - Edit, rate, or file an issue or question directly on the site by using the links available on the right-side menu on every page at [docs.docker.com](/). ![Docs feedback links](images/docs-site-feedback.png) - File a documentation issue on GitHub at [https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io/issues](https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io/issues). This is similar to clicking **Request doc changes** on a published docs page, but if you manually file an issue you need to fill in links to the related pages. - Fork the documentation, make changes or add new content on your local branch, and submit a pull request (PR) to the master branch for the docs. This is the manual, more advanced version of clicking **Edit this page** on a published docs page. Initiating a docs changes in a PR from your own branch gives you more flexibility, as you can submit changes to multiple pages or files under a single pull request, and even create new topics. ## Resources and guidance We are here to help. If you are interested in contributing, but don't feel ready to dive in on more complex updates, we can help get you up and running. You might start by using the right-side menus on published pages: * Click **Request doc changes** on a page to automatically log an issue. * Click **Edit this page** to make a change to content, which automatically creates a PR. The issue and PR pages on GitHub give us a community space to discuss things, and answer any questions you might have about the problem or topic you are reporting on. To learn more about working on the documentation, see these topics: - [README on docker/docker.github.io](https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io/blob/master/README.md) - [Docs Test page](../test.md) - This is on the published site. It explains how to use Docs components, resources, and formats, and gives us a way to test and demo them. ## Looking for meetups and Docker Community? Go to the [Docker Community GitHub repository](https://github.com/docker/community/blob/master/README.md){:target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="_"} for resources and information on the community. The topics in this guide on [Other ways to contribute](/opensource/ways/) provide some additional information, but the community information you are looking for is probably available on the GitHub repository. ## Looking for Moby? {% include content/moby.md %}