function navClicked(sourceLink) { let el = document.getElementById("#item"+sourceLink) if (el) { el.classList.toggle("in") } } let outputLetNav = [], totalTopics = 0; function pageIsInSection(tree) { function processBranch(branch) { for (let k = 0; k < branch.length; k++) { if (branch[k].section) { processBranch(branch[k].section); } else { if (branch[k].path === pageURL && !branch[k].nosync) { found = true; break; } } } } let found = false; processBranch(tree); return found; } function walkTree(tree) { for (const page of tree) { totalTopics++; if (page.section) { let sectionHasPath = pageIsInSection(page.section); outputLetNav.push('
  • '); outputLetNav.push('
  • "); } else { // just a regular old topic; this is a leaf, not a branch; render a link! outputLetNav.push('
  • " + page.title + "
  • ") } } } function renderNav() { getJSON( "/js/toc.json", function( data ) { for (const item of data.horizontalnav) { if (item.path === pageURL || pageIsInSection(data[item.node])) { // This is the current section. Set the corresponding header-nav link // to active, and build the left-hand (vertical) navigation _('#'+item.node).closest("li").classList.add("active") walkTree(data[item.node]); _("#jsTOCLeftNav").innerHTML = outputLetNav.join(""); } } // Scroll the current menu item into view. We actually pick the item *above* // the current item to give some headroom above scrollMenuItem("#jsTOCLeftNav a.currentPage") }); } // Scroll the given menu item into view. We actually pick the item *above* // the current item to give some headroom above function scrollMenuItem(selector) { let item = document.querySelector(selector) if (item) { item = item.closest("li") } if (item) { item = item.previousElementSibling } if (item) { item.scrollIntoView(true) if (window.location.hash.length < 2) { // Scrolling the side-navigation may scroll the whole page as well // this is a dirty hack to scroll the main content back to the top // if we're not on a specific anchor document.querySelector("main.col-content").scrollIntoView(true) } } } function highlightRightNav(heading) { $("#my_toc").removeClass("active"); if (heading !== "title") { $("#my_toc a[href='#" + heading + "']").addClass("active"); } } var currentHeading = ""; $(window).scroll(function () { var headingPositions = []; $("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6").each(function () { if ( === "") = "title"; headingPositions[] = this.getBoundingClientRect().top; }); headingPositions.sort(); // the headings have all been grabbed and sorted in order of their scroll // position (from the top of the page). First one is toppermost. for (var key in headingPositions) { if (!headingPositions.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } if (headingPositions[key] > 0 && headingPositions[key] < 200) { if (currentHeading !== key) { // a new heading has scrolled to within 200px of the top of the page. // highlight the right-nav entry and de-highlight the others. highlightRightNav(key); currentHeading = key; } break; } } }); var navHeight = $(".navbar").outerHeight(true) + 80; $(document.body).scrollspy({ target: "#leftCol", offset: navHeight }); function loadHash(hashObj) { // Using jQuery's animate() method to add smooth page scroll // The optional number (800) specifies the number of milliseconds it takes to scroll to the specified area $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: $(hashObj).offset().top - 80}, 800); } $(document).ready(function () { // Add smooth scrolling to all links $(".toc-nav a").on("click", function (event) { // Make sure this.hash has a value before overriding default behavior if (this.hash !== "") { // Prevent default anchor click behavior event.preventDefault(); // Store hash var hash = this.hash; loadHash(hash); // Add hash (#) to URL when done scrolling (default click behavior) window.location.hash = hash; } }); if (window.location.hash) loadHash(window.location.hash); }); $(document).ready(function () { // Add smooth scrolling to all links $(".nav-sidebar ul li a").on("click", function (event) { // Make sure this.hash has a value before overriding default behavior if (this.hash !== "") { // Prevent default anchor click behavior event.preventDefault(); // Store hash var hash = this.hash; // Using jQuery's animate() method to add smooth page scroll // The optional number (800) specifies the number of milliseconds it takes to scroll to the specified area $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top - 80 }, 800, function () { // Add hash (#) to URL when done scrolling (default click behavior) window.location.hash = hash; }); } }); }); function initNavToggle() { $("#menu-toggle").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(".wrapper").toggleClass("right-open"); $(".col-toc").toggleClass("col-toc-hidden"); }); $(".navbar-toggle").click(function () { $("#sidebar-nav").each(function () { $(this).toggleClass("hidden-sm"); $(this).toggleClass("hidden-xs"); }); }); } ready(() => { renderNav() initNavToggle() $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() // sync tabs with the same data-group $(".nav-tabs > li > a").click(function () { const group = $(this).attr("data-group"); $(`.nav-tabs > li > a[data-group='${ group }']`).tab("show"); }); });