1. Create an entry point HTML file where users will start
1. Load the Angular library at the top of the file
1. Make a root component for your application
1. Bootstrap Angular
You can edit and test out your apps by serving local files with a web server. Follow the steps in the <a href="../quickstart.html">quickstart</a> to get Typescript setup.
When you're serving local files, edit and save them and start a web server that serves files in that directory. If you have Python installed, you can run a basic HTTP server from the root of your code directory with:
The TypeScript setup includes System.js, a third-party open-source library that adds ES6 module loading functionality to browsers. This step isn't needed for the ES5 version.
A component annotation describes details about the component. An annotation can be identified by its at-sign (`@`).
The `@Component` annotation defines the HTML tag for the component by specifying the component's CSS selector.
The `@View` annotation defines the HTML that represents the component. The component you wrote uses an inline template, but you can also have an external template. To use an external template, specify a <code>templateUrl</code> property and give it the path to the HTML file.
The main difference between the ES5 and TypeScript versions is the loading of modules.
TypeScript supports ES6 module loading syntax. ES6 modules allow for modular loading of JavaScript code. Using ES6 modules you can cherry-pick only what you need for your app.
In ES5 the script file creates an angular property on the window of the browser. This property contains every piece of Angular core, whether you need it or not.