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2017-05-03 19:31:02 +02:00
'use strict'; // necessary for es6 output in node
import { protractor, browser, element, by, ElementFinder } from 'protractor';
const nameSuffix = 'X';
class Hero {
id: number;
name: string;
describe('Architecture', () => {
const expectedTitle = 'Architecture of Angular';
const expectedH2 = ['Hero List', 'Sales Tax Calculator'];
beforeAll(() => browser.get(''));
it(`has title '${expectedTitle}'`, () => {
it(`has h2 '${expectedH2}'`, () => {
let h2 = element.all(by.css('h2')).map((elt: any) => elt.getText());
describe('Hero', heroTests);
describe('Salex tax', salesTaxTests);
function heroTests() {
const targetHero: Hero = { id: 2, name: 'Mr. Nice' };
it('has the right number of heroes', () => {
let page = getPageElts();
it('has no hero details initially', function () {
let page = getPageElts();
expect(page.heroDetail.isPresent()).toBeFalsy('no hero detail');
it('shows selected hero details', async () => {
await element(by.cssContainingText('li', targetHero.name)).click();
let page = getPageElts();
let hero = await heroFromDetail(page.heroDetail);
it(`shows updated hero name in details`, async () => {
let input = element.all(by.css('input')).first();
let page = getPageElts();
let hero = await heroFromDetail(page.heroDetail);
let newName = targetHero.name + nameSuffix;
function salesTaxTests() {
it('has no sales tax initially', function () {
let page = getPageElts();
expect(page.salesTaxDetail.isPresent()).toBeFalsy('no sales tax info');
it('shows sales tax', async function () {
let page = getPageElts();
page.salesTaxAmountInput.sendKeys('10', protractor.Key.ENTER);
expect(page.salesTaxDetail.getText()).toEqual('The sales tax is $1.00');
// Helper functions
function getPageElts() {
return {
heroes: element.all(by.css('my-app li')),
heroDetail: element(by.css('my-app hero-detail')),
salesTaxAmountInput: element(by.css('my-app sales-tax input')),
salesTaxDetail: element(by.css('my-app sales-tax div'))
async function heroFromDetail(detail: ElementFinder): Promise<Hero> {
// Get hero id from the first <div>
// let _id = await detail.all(by.css('div')).first().getText();
let _id = await detail.all(by.css('div')).first().getText();
// Get name from the h2
// let _name = await detail.element(by.css('h4')).getText();
let _name = await detail.element(by.css('h4')).getText();
return {
id: +_id.substr(_id.indexOf(' ') + 1),
name: _name.substr(0, _name.lastIndexOf(' '))