2017-02-22 18:13:21 +00:00
'use strict'; // necessary for es6 output in node
import { browser, element, by, ElementFinder } from 'protractor';
import { promise } from 'selenium-webdriver';
const expectedH1 = 'Tour of Heroes';
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const expectedTitle = `${expectedH1}`;
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const targetHero = { id: 15, name: 'Magneta' };
const targetHeroDashboardIndex = 3;
const nameSuffix = 'X';
const newHeroName = targetHero.name + nameSuffix;
class Hero {
id: number;
name: string;
// Factory methods
// Get hero from s formatted as '<id> <name>'.
static fromString(s: string): Hero {
return {
id: +s.substr(0, s.indexOf(' ')),
name: s.substr(s.indexOf(' ') + 1),
// Get hero id and name from the given detail element.
static async fromDetail(detail: ElementFinder): Promise<Hero> {
// Get hero id from the first <div>
let _id = await detail.all(by.css('div')).first().getText();
// Get name from the h2
let _name = await detail.element(by.css('h2')).getText();
return {
id: +_id.substr(_id.indexOf(' ') + 1),
name: _name.substr(0, _name.lastIndexOf(' '))
describe('Tutorial part 5', () => {
beforeAll(() => browser.get(''));
function getPageElts() {
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let navElts = element.all(by.css('app-root nav a'));
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return {
navElts: navElts,
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appDashboardHref: navElts.get(0),
appDashboard: element(by.css('app-root app-dashboard')),
topHeroes: element.all(by.css('app-root app-dashboard > div h4')),
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appHeroesHref: navElts.get(1),
appHeroes: element(by.css('app-root app-heroes')),
allHeroes: element.all(by.css('app-root app-heroes li')),
heroDetail: element(by.css('app-root app-hero-detail > div'))
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describe('Initial page', () => {
it(`has title '${expectedTitle}'`, () => {
it(`has h1 '${expectedH1}'`, () => {
expectHeading(1, expectedH1);
const expectedViewNames = ['Dashboard', 'Heroes'];
it(`has views ${expectedViewNames}`, () => {
let viewNames = getPageElts().navElts.map((el: ElementFinder) => el.getText());
it('has dashboard as the active view', () => {
let page = getPageElts();
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describe('Dashboard tests', () => {
beforeAll(() => browser.get(''));
it('has top heroes', () => {
let page = getPageElts();
it(`selects and routes to ${targetHero.name} details`, dashboardSelectTargetHero);
it(`updates hero name (${newHeroName}) in details view`, updateHeroNameInDetailView);
it(`saves and shows ${newHeroName} in Dashboard`, () => {
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element(by.buttonText('go back')).click();
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let targetHeroElt = getPageElts().topHeroes.get(targetHeroDashboardIndex);
describe('Heroes tests', () => {
beforeAll(() => browser.get(''));
it('can switch to Heroes view', () => {
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let page = getPageElts();
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expect(page.allHeroes.count()).toEqual(10, 'number of heroes');
it('can route to hero details', async () => {
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let page = getPageElts();
expect(page.heroDetail.isPresent()).toBeTruthy('shows hero detail');
let hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail);
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it(`updates hero name (${newHeroName}) in details view`, updateHeroNameInDetailView);
it(`shows ${newHeroName} in Heroes list`, () => {
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element(by.buttonText('go back')).click();
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let expectedText = `${targetHero.id} ${newHeroName}`;
async function dashboardSelectTargetHero() {
let targetHeroElt = getPageElts().topHeroes.get(targetHeroDashboardIndex);
let page = getPageElts();
expect(page.heroDetail.isPresent()).toBeTruthy('shows hero detail');
let hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail);
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async function updateHeroNameInDetailView() {
// Assumes that the current view is the hero details view.
let page = getPageElts();
let hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail);
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function addToHeroName(text: string): promise.Promise<void> {
let input = element(by.css('input'));
return input.sendKeys(text);
function expectHeading(hLevel: number, expectedText: string): void {
let hTag = `h${hLevel}`;
let hText = element(by.css(hTag)).getText();
expect(hText).toEqual(expectedText, hTag);
function getHeroLiEltById(id: number) {
let spanForId = element(by.cssContainingText('li span.badge', id.toString()));
return spanForId.element(by.xpath('..'));