2019-01-31 10:38:43 +01:00
* @license
2020-05-19 12:08:49 -07:00
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
2019-01-31 10:38:43 +01:00
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
2019-10-28 23:40:16 -07:00
import {DOCUMENT} from '@angular/common';
import {Component, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentRef, ElementRef, InjectionToken, Injector, Input, NgModule, OnDestroy, Renderer2, RendererFactory2, Type, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ViewEncapsulation, ɵsetDocument} from '@angular/core';
2019-01-31 10:38:43 +01:00
import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
2019-10-28 23:40:16 -07:00
import {ɵDomRendererFactory2 as DomRendererFactory2} from '@angular/platform-browser';
2019-03-28 14:50:39 +01:00
import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers';
2019-10-28 23:40:16 -07:00
import {onlyInIvy} from '@angular/private/testing';
import {domRendererFactory3} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/renderer';
2019-01-31 10:38:43 +01:00
describe('component', () => {
describe('view destruction', () => {
it('should invoke onDestroy only once when a component is registered as a provider', () => {
const testToken = new InjectionToken<ParentWithOnDestroy>('testToken');
let destroyCalls = 0;
selector: 'comp-with-on-destroy',
template: '',
providers: [{provide: testToken, useExisting: ParentWithOnDestroy}]
class ParentWithOnDestroy {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
ngOnDestroy() {
2019-01-31 10:38:43 +01:00
@Component({selector: 'child', template: ''})
class ChildComponent {
// We need to inject the parent so the provider is instantiated.
constructor(_parent: ParentWithOnDestroy) {}
template: `
class App {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [App, ParentWithOnDestroy, ChildComponent]});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App);
expect(destroyCalls).toBe(1, 'Expected `ngOnDestroy` to only be called once.');
2019-03-28 14:50:39 +01:00
it('should support entry components from another module', () => {
@Component({selector: 'other-component', template: `bar`})
class OtherComponent {
declarations: [OtherComponent],
exports: [OtherComponent],
entryComponents: [OtherComponent]
class OtherModule {
selector: 'test_component',
template: `foo|<ng-template #vc></ng-template>`,
entryComponents: [OtherComponent]
class TestComponent {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild('vc', {read: ViewContainerRef, static: true}) vcref!: ViewContainerRef;
2019-03-28 14:50:39 +01:00
constructor(private _cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver) {}
createComponentView<T>(cmptType: Type<T>): ComponentRef<T> {
const cf = this._cfr.resolveComponentFactory(cmptType);
return this.vcref.createComponent(cf);
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [TestComponent], imports: [OtherModule]});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);
2019-05-09 15:17:19 +02:00
// TODO: add tests with Native once tests run in real browser (domino doesn't support shadow root)
describe('encapsulation', () => {
selector: 'wrapper',
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
template: `<encapsulated></encapsulated>`
class WrapperComponent {
selector: 'encapsulated',
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
// styles array must contain a value (even empty) to trigger `ViewEncapsulation.Emulated`
styles: [``],
template: `foo<leaf></leaf>`
class EncapsulatedComponent {
{selector: 'leaf', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, template: `<span>bar</span>`})
class LeafComponent {
beforeEach(() => {
{declarations: [WrapperComponent, EncapsulatedComponent, LeafComponent]});
it('should encapsulate children, but not host nor grand children', () => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(WrapperComponent);
/<encapsulated _nghost-[a-z\-]+(\d+)="">foo<leaf _ngcontent-[a-z\-]+\1=""><span>bar<\/span><\/leaf><\/encapsulated>/);
it('should encapsulate host', () => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(EncapsulatedComponent);
const html = fixture.nativeElement.outerHTML;
const match = html.match(/_nghost-([a-z\-]+\d+)/);
expect(html).toMatch(new RegExp(`<leaf _ngcontent-${match[1]}=""><span>bar</span></leaf>`));
it('should encapsulate host and children with different attributes', () => {
// styles array must contain a value (even empty) to trigger `ViewEncapsulation.Emulated`
LeafComponent, {set: {encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated, styles: [``]}});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(EncapsulatedComponent);
const html = fixture.nativeElement.outerHTML;
const match = html.match(/_nghost-([a-z\-]+\d+)/g);
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
`<leaf ${match[0].replace('_nghost', '_ngcontent')}="" ${match[1]}=""><span ${
match[1].replace('_nghost', '_ngcontent')}="">bar</span></leaf></div>`);
2019-05-09 15:17:19 +02:00
describe('view destruction', () => {
it('should invoke onDestroy when directly destroying a root view', () => {
let wasOnDestroyCalled = false;
@Component({selector: 'comp-with-destroy', template: ``})
class ComponentWithOnDestroy implements OnDestroy {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
ngOnDestroy() {
wasOnDestroyCalled = true;
2019-05-09 15:17:19 +02:00
// This test asserts that the view tree is set up correctly based on the knowledge that this
// tree is used during view destruction. If the child view is not correctly attached as a
// child of the root view, then the onDestroy hook on the child view will never be called
// when the view tree is torn down following the destruction of that root view.
@Component({selector: `test-app`, template: `<comp-with-destroy></comp-with-destroy>`})
class TestApp {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [ComponentWithOnDestroy, TestApp]});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestApp);
'Expected component onDestroy method to be called when its parent view is destroyed');
2019-06-24 18:43:34 +02:00
it('should use a new ngcontent attribute for child elements created w/ Renderer2', () => {
selector: 'app-root',
template: '<parent-comp></parent-comp>',
styles: [':host { color: red; }'], // `styles` must exist for encapsulation to apply.
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
class AppRoot {
selector: 'parent-comp',
template: '',
styles: [':host { color: orange; }'], // `styles` must exist for encapsulation to apply.
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
class ParentComponent {
constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2) {
const elementFromRenderer = renderer.createElement('p');
renderer.appendChild(elementRef.nativeElement, elementFromRenderer);
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [AppRoot, ParentComponent]});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppRoot);
const secondParentEl: HTMLElement = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('parent-comp');
const elementFromRenderer: HTMLElement = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('p');
const getNgContentAttr = (element: HTMLElement) => {
return Array.from(element.attributes).map(a => a.name).find(a => /ngcontent/.test(a));
const hostNgContentAttr = getNgContentAttr(secondParentEl);
const viewNgContentAttr = getNgContentAttr(elementFromRenderer);
'Expected child manually created via Renderer2 to have a different view encapsulation' +
'attribute than its host element');
it('should create a new Renderer2 for each component', () => {
selector: 'child',
template: '',
styles: [':host { color: red; }'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
class Child {
constructor(public renderer: Renderer2) {}
template: '<child></child>',
styles: [':host { color: orange; }'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
class Parent {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild(Child) childInstance!: Child;
2019-06-24 18:43:34 +02:00
constructor(public renderer: Renderer2) {}
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Parent, Child]});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Parent);
const componentInstance = fixture.componentInstance;
// Assert like this, rather than `.not.toBe` so we get a better failure message.
expect(componentInstance.renderer !== componentInstance.childInstance.renderer)
.toBe(true, 'Expected renderers to be different.');
2019-07-19 18:45:21 +02:00
it('components should not share the same context when creating with a root element', () => {
const log: string[] = [];
selector: 'comp-a',
template: '<div>{{ a }}</div>',
class CompA {
@Input() a: string = '';
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
ngDoCheck() {
2019-07-19 18:45:21 +02:00
selector: 'comp-b',
template: '<div>{{ b }}</div>',
class CompB {
@Input() b: string = '';
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
ngDoCheck() {
2019-07-19 18:45:21 +02:00
@Component({template: `<span></span>`})
class MyCompA {
private _componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
private _injector: Injector) {}
createComponent() {
const componentFactoryA = this._componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(CompA);
const compRefA =
componentFactoryA.create(this._injector, [], document.createElement('div'));
return compRefA;
@Component({template: `<span></span>`})
class MyCompB {
constructor(private cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver, private injector: Injector) {}
createComponent() {
const componentFactoryB = this.cfr.resolveComponentFactory(CompB);
const compRefB = componentFactoryB.create(this.injector, [], document.createElement('div'));
return compRefB;
declarations: [CompA],
entryComponents: [CompA],
class MyModuleA {
declarations: [CompB],
entryComponents: [CompB],
class MyModuleB {
declarations: [MyCompA, MyCompB],
imports: [MyModuleA, MyModuleB],
const fixtureA = TestBed.createComponent(MyCompA);
const compA = fixtureA.componentInstance.createComponent();
compA.instance.a = 'a';
log.length = 0; // reset the log
const fixtureB = TestBed.createComponent(MyCompB);
const compB = fixtureB.componentInstance.createComponent();
compB.instance.b = 'b';
2019-12-18 14:35:22 +01:00
it('should preserve simple component selector in a component factory', () => {
@Component({selector: '[foo]', template: ''})
class AttSelectorCmp {
declarations: [AttSelectorCmp],
entryComponents: [AttSelectorCmp],
class AppModule {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [AppModule]});
const cmpFactoryResolver = TestBed.inject(ComponentFactoryResolver);
const cmpFactory = cmpFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(AttSelectorCmp);
it('should preserve complex component selector in a component factory', () => {
@Component({selector: '[foo],div:not(.bar)', template: ''})
class ComplexSelectorCmp {
declarations: [ComplexSelectorCmp],
entryComponents: [ComplexSelectorCmp],
class AppModule {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [AppModule]});
const cmpFactoryResolver = TestBed.inject(ComponentFactoryResolver);
const cmpFactory = cmpFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(ComplexSelectorCmp);
2019-10-28 23:40:16 -07:00
describe('should clear host element if provided in ComponentFactory.create', () => {
function runTestWithRenderer(rendererProviders: any[]) {
selector: 'dynamic-comp',
template: 'DynamicComponent Content',
class DynamicComponent {
selector: 'app',
template: `
<div id="dynamic-comp-root-a">
Existing content in slot A, which <b><i>includes</i> some HTML elements</b>.
<div id="dynamic-comp-root-b">
Existing content in slot B, which includes some HTML elements.
class App {
constructor(public injector: Injector, public cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver) {}
createDynamicComponent(target: any) {
const dynamicCompFactory = this.cfr.resolveComponentFactory(DynamicComponent);
dynamicCompFactory.create(this.injector, [], target);
// View Engine requires DynamicComponent to be in entryComponents.
declarations: [App, DynamicComponent],
entryComponents: [App, DynamicComponent],
class AppModule {
function _document(): any {
// Tell Ivy about the global document
return document;
imports: [AppModule],
providers: [
{provide: DOCUMENT, useFactory: _document, deps: []},
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(App);
// Create an instance of DynamicComponent and provide host element *reference*
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
let targetEl = document.getElementById('dynamic-comp-root-a')!;
2019-10-28 23:40:16 -07:00
expect(targetEl.innerHTML).not.toContain('Existing content in slot A');
expect(targetEl.innerHTML).toContain('DynamicComponent Content');
// Create an instance of DynamicComponent and provide host element *selector*
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
targetEl = document.getElementById('dynamic-comp-root-b')!;
2019-10-28 23:40:16 -07:00
expect(targetEl.innerHTML).not.toContain('Existing content in slot B');
expect(targetEl.innerHTML).toContain('DynamicComponent Content');
it('with Renderer2',
() => runTestWithRenderer([{provide: RendererFactory2, useClass: DomRendererFactory2}]));
onlyInIvy('Renderer3 is supported only in Ivy')
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
.it('with Renderer3',
() =>
runTestWithRenderer([{provide: RendererFactory2, useValue: domRendererFactory3}]));
2019-10-28 23:40:16 -07:00
2019-01-31 10:38:43 +01:00