That's a lot of styles! We can put them inline as shown here, or we can move them out to their own file which will make it easier to code our component.
We'll do this in a later chapter. For now let's keep rolling.
## Selecting a Hero
We have a list of heroes and we have a single hero displayed in our app.
The list and the single hero are not connected in any way.
We want the user to select a hero from our list, and have the selected hero appear in the details view.
This UI pattern is widely known as "master-detail".
In our case, the master is the heroes list and the detail is the selected hero.
Let’s connect the master to the detail through a `selectedHero` component property bound to a click event.
### Click event
We modify the `<li>` by inserting an Angular event binding to its click event.
+makeExample('toh-2/dart-snippets/app_component_snippets_pt2.dart', 'selectedHero-click', 'app_component.dart (Capturing the click event)')(format=".")
Focus on the event binding
code-example(format="." language="bash").
The parentheses identify the `<li>` element’s `click` event as the target.
The expression to the right of the equal sign calls the `AppComponent` method, `onSelect()`,
We will be showing the selected hero's details in our template.
At the moment, it is still referring to the old `hero` property.
Let’s fix the template to bind to the new `selectedHero` property.
+makeExample('toh-2/dart-snippets/app_component_snippets_pt2.dart', 'selectedHero-details', 'app_component.dart (Binding to the selectedHero\'s name)')(format=".")
### Hide the empty detail with ngIf
When our app loads we see a list of heroes, but a hero is not selected.
The `selectedHero` is `undefined`.
That’s why we'll see the following error in the browser’s console:
EXCEPTION: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined in [null]
Remember that we are displaying `` in the template.
This name property does not exist because `selectedHero` itself is undefined.
We'll address this problem by keeping the hero detail out of the DOM until there is a selected hero.
We wrap the HTML hero detail content of our template with a `<div>`.
Then we add the `ngIf` built-in directive and set it to the `selectedHero` property of our component.
We’ll add a property binding on `class` for the `selected` class to the template. We'll set this to an expression that compares the current `selectedHero` to the `hero`.
The key is the name of the CSS class (`selected`). The value is `true` if the two heroes match and `false` otherwise.
We’re saying “*apply the `selected` class if the heroes match, remove it if they don’t*”.
+makeExample('toh-2/dart-snippets/app_component_snippets_pt2.dart', 'class-selected-1', 'app_component.dart (Setting the CSS class)')(format=".")
Notice in the template that the `class.selected` is surrounded in square brackets (`[]`).
This is the syntax for a Property Binding, a binding in which data flows one way
from the data source (the expression `hero == selectedHero`) to a property of `class`.
+makeExample('toh-2/dart-snippets/app_component_snippets_pt2.dart', 'class-selected-2', 'app_component.dart (Styling each hero)')(format=".")
Learn more about [Property Binding](../guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding)
in the Template Syntax chapter.
The browser reloads our app.
We select the hero Magneta and the selection is clearly identified by the background color.
img(src='/resources/images/devguide/toh/heroes-list-1.png' alt="Output of heroes list app")
We select a different hero and the tell-tale color switches to that hero.
Here's the complete `app_component.dart` as it stands now: