2019-02-12 12:04:44 -08:00
/ * *
* @license
2020-05-19 12:08:49 -07:00
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved .
2019-02-12 12:04:44 -08:00
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT - style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https : //angular.io/license
* /
2020-02-07 14:57:10 -05:00
import { animate , AnimationEvent , state , style , transition , trigger } from '@angular/animations' ;
import { AnimationDriver } from '@angular/animations/browser' ;
import { MockAnimationDriver , MockAnimationPlayer } from '@angular/animations/browser/testing' ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common' ;
2019-07-13 16:48:33 +02:00
import { Component , ContentChild , Directive , ElementRef , EventEmitter , HostBinding , HostListener , Input , NgModule , OnInit , Output , Pipe , QueryList , TemplateRef , ViewChild , ViewChildren , ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core' ;
2020-02-07 14:57:10 -05:00
import { Inject } from '@angular/core/src/di' ;
2019-10-29 15:15:09 -07:00
import { TVIEW } from '@angular/core/src/render3/interfaces/view' ;
import { getLView } from '@angular/core/src/render3/state' ;
2019-05-17 16:25:09 -07:00
import { ngDevModeResetPerfCounters } from '@angular/core/src/util/ng_dev_mode' ;
2020-02-07 14:57:10 -05:00
import { fakeAsync , flushMicrotasks , TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing' ;
2019-02-21 22:45:37 +01:00
import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser' ;
2019-02-12 12:04:44 -08:00
import { expect } from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers' ;
2019-07-13 16:48:33 +02:00
import { ivyEnabled , onlyInIvy } from '@angular/private/testing' ;
2019-02-12 12:04:44 -08:00
describe ( 'acceptance integration tests' , ( ) = > {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
function stripHtmlComments ( str : string ) {
return str . replace ( /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g , '' ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
describe ( 'render' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should render basic template' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<span title="Hello">Greetings</span>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<span title="Hello">Greetings</span>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should render and update basic "Hello, World" template' , ( ) = > {
2019-05-17 16:25:09 -07:00
ngDevModeResetPerfCounters ( ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( { template : '<h1>Hello, {{name}}!</h1>' } )
class App {
name = '' ;
2019-05-17 16:25:09 -07:00
onlyInIvy ( 'perf counters' ) . expectPerfCounters ( {
tView : 0 ,
tNode : 0 ,
} ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'World' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<h1>Hello, World!</h1>' ) ;
2019-05-17 16:25:09 -07:00
onlyInIvy ( 'perf counters' ) . expectPerfCounters ( {
tView : 2 , // Host view + App
2020-09-14 11:21:15 -07:00
tNode : 3 , // Host Node + <h1> + #text
2019-05-17 16:25:09 -07:00
} ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'New World' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<h1>Hello, New World!</h1>' ) ;
2019-05-17 16:25:09 -07:00
// Assert that the tView/tNode count does not increase (they are correctly cached)
onlyInIvy ( 'perf counters' ) . expectPerfCounters ( {
tView : 2 ,
2020-09-14 11:21:15 -07:00
tNode : 3 ,
2019-05-17 16:25:09 -07:00
} ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'ng-container' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should insert as a child of a regular element' , ( ) = > {
@Component (
{ template : '<div>before|<ng-container>Greetings<span></span></ng-container>|after</div>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
// Strip comments since VE and Ivy put them in different places.
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) )
. toBe ( '<div>before|Greetings<span></span>|after</div>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should add and remove DOM nodes when ng-container is a child of a regular element' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( {
template :
'<ng-template [ngIf]="render"><div><ng-container>content</ng-container></div></ng-template>'
} )
class App {
render = false ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] , imports : [ CommonModule ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . render = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '<div>content</div>' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . render = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should add and remove DOM nodes when ng-container is a child of an embedded view' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<ng-container *ngIf="render">content</ng-container>' } )
class App {
render = false ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] , imports : [ CommonModule ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . render = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( 'content' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . render = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
// https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-tfhcz1?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts
it ( 'should add and remove DOM nodes when ng-container is a child of a delayed embedded view' ,
( ) = > {
@Directive ( { selector : '[testDirective]' } )
class TestDirective {
constructor ( private _tplRef : TemplateRef < any > , private _vcRef : ViewContainerRef ) { }
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
createAndInsert() {
this . _vcRef . insert ( this . _tplRef . createEmbeddedView ( { } ) ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
clear() {
this . _vcRef . clear ( ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( {
template : '<ng-template testDirective><ng-container>content</ng-container></ng-template>'
} )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( TestDirective , { static : true } ) testDirective ! : TestDirective ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TestDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toBe ( '' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . createAndInsert ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toBe ( 'content' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . clear ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toBe ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should render at the component view root' , ( ) = > {
@Component (
{ selector : 'test-cmpt' , template : '<ng-container>component template</ng-container>' } )
class TestCmpt {
@Component ( { template : '<test-cmpt></test-cmpt>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TestCmpt ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) )
. toBe ( '<test-cmpt>component template</test-cmpt>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should render inside another ng-container' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( {
selector : 'test-cmpt' ,
template :
} )
class TestCmpt {
@Component ( { template : '<test-cmpt></test-cmpt>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TestCmpt ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) )
. toBe ( '<test-cmpt>content</test-cmpt>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should render inside another ng-container at the root of a delayed view' , ( ) = > {
@Directive ( { selector : '[testDirective]' } )
class TestDirective {
constructor ( private _tplRef : TemplateRef < any > , private _vcRef : ViewContainerRef ) { }
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
createAndInsert() {
this . _vcRef . insert ( this . _tplRef . createEmbeddedView ( { } ) ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
clear() {
this . _vcRef . clear ( ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( {
template :
'<ng-template testDirective><ng-container><ng-container><ng-container>content</ng-container></ng-container></ng-container></ng-template>'
} )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( TestDirective , { static : true } ) testDirective ! : TestDirective ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TestDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toBe ( '' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . createAndInsert ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toBe ( 'content' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . createAndInsert ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toBe ( 'contentcontent' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . clear ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toBe ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support directives and inject ElementRef' , ( ) = > {
@Directive ( { selector : '[dir]' } )
class TestDirective {
constructor ( public elRef : ElementRef ) { }
@Component ( { template : '<div><ng-container dir></ng-container></div>' } )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( TestDirective ) testDirective ! : TestDirective ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TestDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '<div></div>' ) ;
expect ( fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . elRef . nativeElement . nodeType )
. toBe ( Node . COMMENT_NODE ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support ViewContainerRef when ng-container is at the root of a view' , ( ) = > {
@Directive ( { selector : '[dir]' } )
class TestDirective {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@Input ( ) contentTpl : TemplateRef < { } > | null = null ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
constructor ( private _vcRef : ViewContainerRef ) { }
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
insertView() {
this . _vcRef . createEmbeddedView ( this . contentTpl as TemplateRef < { } > ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
clear() {
this . _vcRef . clear ( ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( {
template :
'<ng-container dir [contentTpl]="content"><ng-template #content>Content</ng-template></ng-container>'
} )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( TestDirective ) testDirective ! : TestDirective ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TestDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . insertView ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( 'Content' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . clear ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support ViewContainerRef on <ng-template> inside <ng-container>' , ( ) = > {
@Directive ( { selector : '[dir]' } )
class TestDirective {
constructor ( private _tplRef : TemplateRef < { } > , private _vcRef : ViewContainerRef ) { }
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
insertView() {
this . _vcRef . createEmbeddedView ( this . _tplRef ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
clear() {
this . _vcRef . clear ( ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( { template : '<ng-container><ng-template dir>Content</ng-template></ng-container>' } )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( TestDirective ) testDirective ! : TestDirective ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TestDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . insertView ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( 'Content' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . testDirective . clear ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should not set any attributes' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<div><ng-container id="foo"></ng-container></div>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '<div></div>' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'text bindings' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should render "undefined" as ""' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '{{name}}' } )
class App {
name : string | undefined = 'benoit' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( 'benoit' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = undefined ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should render "null" as ""' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '{{name}}' } )
class App {
name : string | null = 'benoit' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( 'benoit' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = null ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
fix(compiler): preserve this.$event and this.$any accesses in expressions (#39323)
Currently expressions `$event.foo()` and `this.$event.foo()`, as well as `$any(foo)` and
`this.$any(foo)`, are treated as the same expression by the compiler, because `this` is considered
the same implicit receiver as when the receiver is omitted. This introduces the following issues:
1. Any time something called `$any` is used, it'll be stripped away, leaving only the first parameter.
2. If something called `$event` is used anywhere in a template, it'll be preserved as `$event`,
rather than being rewritten to `ctx.$event`, causing the value to undefined at runtime. This
applies to listener, property and text bindings.
These changes resolve the first issue and part of the second one by preserving anything that
is accessed through `this`, even if it's one of the "special" ones like `$any` or `$event`.
Furthermore, these changes only expose the `$event` global variable inside event listeners,
whereas previously it was available everywhere.
Fixes #30278.
PR Close #39323
2020-10-18 17:41:29 +02:00
it ( 'should be able to render the result of a function called $any by using this' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '{{this.$any(1, 2)}}' } )
class App {
$any ( value : number , multiplier : number ) {
return value * multiplier ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . textContent ) . toBe ( '2' ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
} ) ;
describe ( 'ngNonBindable handling' , ( ) = > {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
function stripNgNonBindable ( str : string ) {
return str . replace ( / ngnonbindable=""/i , '' ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
it ( 'should keep local ref for host element' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( {
template : `
< b ngNonBindable # myRef id = "my-id" >
< i > Hello { { name } } ! < / i >
< / b >
{ { myRef . id } }
} )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripNgNonBindable ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) )
. toEqual ( '<b id="my-id"><i>Hello {{ name }}!</i></b> my-id ' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should invoke directives for host element' , ( ) = > {
let directiveInvoked : boolean = false ;
@Directive ( { selector : '[directive]' } )
class TestDirective implements OnInit {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
ngOnInit() {
directiveInvoked = true ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( {
template : `
< b ngNonBindable directive >
< i > Hello { { name } } ! < / i >
< / b >
} )
class App {
name = 'World' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TestDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripNgNonBindable ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) )
. toEqual ( '<b directive=""><i>Hello {{ name }}!</i></b>' ) ;
expect ( directiveInvoked ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should not invoke directives for nested elements' , ( ) = > {
let directiveInvoked : boolean = false ;
@Directive ( { selector : '[directive]' } )
class TestDirective implements OnInit {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
ngOnInit() {
directiveInvoked = true ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( {
template : `
< b ngNonBindable >
< i directive > Hello { { name } } ! < / i >
< / b >
} )
class App {
name = 'World' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TestDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripNgNonBindable ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) )
. toEqual ( '<b><i directive="">Hello {{ name }}!</i></b>' ) ;
expect ( directiveInvoked ) . toEqual ( false ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Siblings update' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should handle a flat list of static/bound text nodes' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : 'Hello {{name}}!' } )
class App {
name = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'world' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( 'Hello world!' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'monde' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( 'Hello monde!' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should handle a list of static/bound text nodes as element children' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<b>Hello {{name}}!</b>' } )
class App {
name = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'world' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<b>Hello world!</b>' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'mundo' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<b>Hello mundo!</b>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should render/update text node as a child of a deep list of elements' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<b><b><b><b>Hello {{name}}!</b></b></b></b>' } )
class App {
name = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'world' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<b><b><b><b>Hello world!</b></b></b></b>' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'mundo' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<b><b><b><b>Hello mundo!</b></b></b></b>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should update 2 sibling elements' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<b><span></span><span class="foo" [id]="id"></span></b>' } )
class App {
id = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . id = 'foo' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML )
. toEqual ( '<b><span></span><span class="foo" id="foo"></span></b>' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . id = 'bar' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML )
. toEqual ( '<b><span></span><span class="foo" id="bar"></span></b>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should handle sibling text node after element with child text node' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<p>hello</p>{{name}}' } )
class App {
name = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'world' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<p>hello</p>world' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'mundo' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<p>hello</p>mundo' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'basic components' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { selector : 'todo' , template : '<p>Todo{{value}}</p>' } )
class TodoComponent {
value = ' one' ;
it ( 'should support a basic component template' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<todo></todo>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TodoComponent ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<todo><p>Todo one</p></todo>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support a component template with sibling' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<todo></todo>two' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TodoComponent ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<todo><p>Todo one</p></todo>two' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support a component template with component sibling' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<todo></todo><todo></todo>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TodoComponent ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML )
. toEqual ( '<todo><p>Todo one</p></todo><todo><p>Todo one</p></todo>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support a component with binding on host element' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { selector : 'todo' , template : '{{title}}' } )
class TodoComponentHostBinding {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@HostBinding ( ) title = 'one' ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( { template : '<todo></todo>' } )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( TodoComponentHostBinding ) todoComponentHostBinding ! : TodoComponentHostBinding ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , TodoComponentHostBinding ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<todo title="one">one</todo>' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . todoComponentHostBinding . title = 'two' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<todo title="two">two</todo>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support root component with host attribute' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { selector : 'host-attr-comp' , template : '' , host : { 'role' : 'button' } } )
class HostAttributeComp {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ HostAttributeComp ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( HostAttributeComp ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . getAttribute ( 'role' ) ) . toEqual ( 'button' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support component with bindings in template' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { selector : 'comp' , template : '<p>{{ name }}</p>' } )
class MyComp {
name = 'Bess' ;
@Component ( { template : '<comp></comp>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , MyComp ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<comp><p>Bess</p></comp>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support a component with sub-views' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { selector : 'comp' , template : '<div *ngIf="condition">text</div>' } )
class MyComp {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@Input ( ) condition ! : boolean ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( { template : '<comp [condition]="condition"></comp>' } )
class App {
condition = false ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , MyComp ] , imports : [ CommonModule ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const compElement = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'comp' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . condition = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( compElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '<div>text</div>' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . condition = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( stripHtmlComments ( compElement . innerHTML ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'element bindings' , ( ) = > {
describe ( 'elementAttribute' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should support attribute bindings' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<button [attr.title]="title"></button>' } )
class App {
title : string | null = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . title = 'Hello' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
// initial binding
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<button title="Hello"></button>' ) ;
// update binding
fixture . componentInstance . title = 'Hi!' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<button title="Hi!"></button>' ) ;
// remove attribute
fixture . componentInstance . title = null ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<button></button>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should stringify values used attribute bindings' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<button [attr.title]="title"></button>' } )
class App {
title : any ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . title = NaN ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<button title="NaN"></button>' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . title = { toString : ( ) = > 'Custom toString' } ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML )
. toEqual ( '<button title="Custom toString"></button>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should update bindings' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( {
template : [
'a:{{c[0]}}{{c[1]}}{{c[2]}}{{c[3]}}{{c[4]}}{{c[5]}}{{c[6]}}{{c[7]}}{{c[8]}}{{c[9]}}{{c[10]}}{{c[11]}}{{c[12]}}{{c[13]}}{{c[14]}}{{c[15]}}{{c[16]}}' ,
'a0:{{c[1]}}' ,
'a1:{{c[0]}}{{c[1]}}{{c[16]}}' ,
'a2:{{c[0]}}{{c[1]}}{{c[2]}}{{c[3]}}{{c[16]}}' ,
'a3:{{c[0]}}{{c[1]}}{{c[2]}}{{c[3]}}{{c[4]}}{{c[5]}}{{c[16]}}' ,
'a4:{{c[0]}}{{c[1]}}{{c[2]}}{{c[3]}}{{c[4]}}{{c[5]}}{{c[6]}}{{c[7]}}{{c[16]}}' ,
'a5:{{c[0]}}{{c[1]}}{{c[2]}}{{c[3]}}{{c[4]}}{{c[5]}}{{c[6]}}{{c[7]}}{{c[8]}}{{c[9]}}{{c[16]}}' ,
'a6:{{c[0]}}{{c[1]}}{{c[2]}}{{c[3]}}{{c[4]}}{{c[5]}}{{c[6]}}{{c[7]}}{{c[8]}}{{c[9]}}{{c[10]}}{{c[11]}}{{c[16]}}' ,
'a7:{{c[0]}}{{c[1]}}{{c[2]}}{{c[3]}}{{c[4]}}{{c[5]}}{{c[6]}}{{c[7]}}{{c[8]}}{{c[9]}}{{c[10]}}{{c[11]}}{{c[12]}}{{c[13]}}{{c[16]}}' ,
'a8:{{c[0]}}{{c[1]}}{{c[2]}}{{c[3]}}{{c[4]}}{{c[5]}}{{c[6]}}{{c[7]}}{{c[8]}}{{c[9]}}{{c[10]}}{{c[11]}}{{c[12]}}{{c[13]}}{{c[14]}}{{c[15]}}{{c[16]}}' ,
] . join ( '\n' )
} )
class App {
c = [ '(' , 0 , 'a' , 1 , 'b' , 2 , 'c' , 3 , 'd' , 4 , 'e' , 5 , 'f' , 6 , 'g' , 7 , ')' ] ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . textContent . trim ( ) ) . toEqual ( [
'a:(0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7)' ,
'a0:0' ,
'a1:(0)' ,
'a2:(0a1)' ,
'a3:(0a1b2)' ,
'a4:(0a1b2c3)' ,
'a5:(0a1b2c3d4)' ,
'a6:(0a1b2c3d4e5)' ,
'a7:(0a1b2c3d4e5f6)' ,
'a8:(0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7)' ,
] . join ( '\n' ) ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . c . reverse ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . textContent . trim ( ) ) . toEqual ( [
'a:)7g6f5e4d3c2b1a0(' ,
'a0:7' ,
'a1:)7(' ,
'a2:)7g6(' ,
'a3:)7g6f5(' ,
'a4:)7g6f5e4(' ,
'a5:)7g6f5e4d3(' ,
'a6:)7g6f5e4d3c2(' ,
'a7:)7g6f5e4d3c2b1(' ,
'a8:)7g6f5e4d3c2b1a0(' ,
] . join ( '\n' ) ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . c . reverse ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . textContent . trim ( ) ) . toEqual ( [
'a:(0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7)' ,
'a0:0' ,
'a1:(0)' ,
'a2:(0a1)' ,
'a3:(0a1b2)' ,
'a4:(0a1b2c3)' ,
'a5:(0a1b2c3d4)' ,
'a6:(0a1b2c3d4e5)' ,
'a7:(0a1b2c3d4e5f6)' ,
'a8:(0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7)' ,
] . join ( '\n' ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should not update DOM if context has not changed' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( {
template : `
< span [ attr.title ] = "title" >
< b [ attr.title ] = "title" * ngIf = "shouldRender" > < / b >
< / span >
} )
class App {
title : string | null = '' ;
shouldRender = true ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const span : HTMLSpanElement = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'span' ) ;
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
const bold : HTMLElement = span . querySelector ( 'b' ) ! ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
fixture . componentInstance . title = 'Hello' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
// initial binding
expect ( span . getAttribute ( 'title' ) ) . toBe ( 'Hello' ) ;
expect ( bold . getAttribute ( 'title' ) ) . toBe ( 'Hello' ) ;
// update DOM manually
bold . setAttribute ( 'title' , 'Goodbye' ) ;
// refresh with same binding
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . getAttribute ( 'title' ) ) . toBe ( 'Hello' ) ;
expect ( bold . getAttribute ( 'title' ) ) . toBe ( 'Goodbye' ) ;
// refresh again with same binding
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . getAttribute ( 'title' ) ) . toBe ( 'Hello' ) ;
expect ( bold . getAttribute ( 'title' ) ) . toBe ( 'Goodbye' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support host attribute bindings' , ( ) = > {
@Directive ( { selector : '[hostBindingDir]' } )
class HostBindingDir {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@HostBinding ( 'attr.aria-label' ) label = 'some label' ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( { template : '<div hostBindingDir></div>' } )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( HostBindingDir ) hostBindingDir ! : HostBindingDir ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , HostBindingDir ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const hostBindingEl = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'div' ) ;
// Needs `toLowerCase`, because different browsers produce
// attributes either in camel case or lower case.
expect ( hostBindingEl . getAttribute ( 'aria-label' ) ) . toBe ( 'some label' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . hostBindingDir . label = 'other label' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( hostBindingEl . getAttribute ( 'aria-label' ) ) . toBe ( 'other label' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'elementStyle' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should support binding to styles' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<span [style.font-size]="size"></span>' } )
class App {
size : string | null = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . size = '10px' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const span : HTMLElement = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'span' ) ;
expect ( span . style . fontSize ) . toBe ( '10px' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . size = '16px' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . style . fontSize ) . toBe ( '16px' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . size = null ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . style . fontSize ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support binding to styles with suffix' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<span [style.font-size.px]="size"></span>' } )
class App {
size : string | number | null = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . size = '100' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const span : HTMLElement = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'span' ) ;
expect ( span . style . fontSize ) . toEqual ( '100px' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . size = 200 ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . style . fontSize ) . toEqual ( '200px' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . size = 0 ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . style . fontSize ) . toEqual ( '0px' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . size = null ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . style . fontSize ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'class-based styling' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should support CSS class toggle' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<span [class.active]="value"></span>' } )
class App {
value : any ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const span = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'span' ) ;
expect ( span . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toEqual ( 'active' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
// truthy values
fixture . componentInstance . value = 'a_string' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toEqual ( 'active' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = 10 ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toEqual ( 'active' ) ;
// falsy values
fixture . componentInstance . value = '' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = 0 ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( span . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should work correctly with existing static classes' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<span class="existing" [class.active]="value"></span>' } )
class App {
value : any ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<span class="existing active"></span>' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toEqual ( '<span class="existing"></span>' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should apply classes properly when nodes are components' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { selector : 'my-comp' , template : 'Comp Content' } )
class MyComp {
@Component ( { template : '<my-comp [class.active]="value"></my-comp>' } )
class App {
value : any ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , MyComp ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const compElement = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'my-comp' ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . textContent ) . toContain ( 'Comp Content' ) ;
expect ( compElement . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toBe ( 'active' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( compElement . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should apply classes properly when nodes have containers' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { selector : 'structural-comp' , template : 'Comp Content' } )
class StructuralComp {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@Input ( ) tmp ! : TemplateRef < any > ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
constructor ( public vcr : ViewContainerRef ) { }
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
create() {
this . vcr . createEmbeddedView ( this . tmp ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component ( {
template : `
< ng - template # foo > Temp Content < / n g - t e m p l a t e >
< structural - comp [ class.active ] = "value" [ tmp ] = "foo" > < / s t r u c t u r a l - c o m p >
} )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( StructuralComp ) structuralComp ! : StructuralComp ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
value : any ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , StructuralComp ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const structuralCompEl = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'structural-comp' ) ;
expect ( structuralCompEl . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toEqual ( 'active' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . structuralComp . create ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( structuralCompEl . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toEqual ( 'active' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
expect ( structuralCompEl . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
} ) ;
@Directive ( { selector : '[DirWithClass]' } )
class DirWithClassDirective {
public classesVal : string = '' ;
@Input ( 'class' )
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
set klass ( value : string ) {
this . classesVal = value ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Directive ( { selector : '[DirWithStyle]' } )
class DirWithStyleDirective {
2019-05-28 10:31:01 -07:00
public stylesVal : any = '' ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Input ( )
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
set style ( value : any ) {
this . stylesVal = value ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
it ( 'should delegate initial classes to a [class] input binding if present on a directive on the same element' ,
( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<div class="apple orange banana" DirWithClass></div>' } )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( DirWithClassDirective ) mockClassDirective ! : DirWithClassDirective ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , DirWithClassDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
2019-05-28 10:31:01 -07:00
// the initial values always get sorted in non VE code
// but there is no sorting guarantee within VE code
expect ( fixture . componentInstance . mockClassDirective . classesVal . split ( /\s+/ ) . sort ( ) )
. toEqual ( [ 'apple' , 'banana' , 'orange' ] ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
} ) ;
it ( 'should delegate initial styles to a [style] input binding if present on a directive on the same element' ,
( ) = > {
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
@Component ( { template : '<div style="width: 100px; height: 200px" DirWithStyle></div>' } )
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( DirWithStyleDirective ) mockStyleDirective ! : DirWithStyleDirective ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , DirWithStyleDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const styles = fixture . componentInstance . mockStyleDirective . stylesVal ;
// Use `toContain` since Ivy and ViewEngine have some slight differences in formatting.
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
expect ( styles ) . toContain ( 'width: 100px' ) ;
expect ( styles ) . toContain ( 'height: 200px' ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
} ) ;
it ( 'should update `[class]` and bindings in the provided directive if the input is matched' ,
( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<div DirWithClass [class]="value"></div>' } )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( DirWithClassDirective ) mockClassDirective ! : DirWithClassDirective ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
value = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , DirWithClassDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = 'cucumber grape' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . componentInstance . mockClassDirective . classesVal )
. toEqual ( 'cucumber grape' ) ;
} ) ;
onlyInIvy ( 'Passing an object into [style] works differently' )
. it ( 'should update `[style]` and bindings in the provided directive if the input is matched' ,
( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<div DirWithStyle [style]="value"></div>' } )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( DirWithStyleDirective ) mockStyleDirective ! : DirWithStyleDirective ;
value ! : { [ key : string ] : string } ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , DirWithStyleDirective ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . value = { width : '200px' , height : '500px' } ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . componentInstance . mockStyleDirective . stylesVal )
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
. toEqual ( { width : '200px' , height : '500px' } ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
} ) ;
onlyInIvy ( 'Style binding merging works differently in Ivy' )
. it ( 'should apply initial styling to the element that contains the directive with host styling' ,
( ) = > {
@Directive ( {
selector : '[DirWithInitialStyling]' ,
host : {
'title' : 'foo' ,
'class' : 'heavy golden' ,
'style' : 'color: purple' ,
'[style.font-weight]' : '"bold"'
} )
class DirWithInitialStyling {
@Component ( {
template : `
< div DirWithInitialStyling
class = "big"
style = "color:black; font-size:200px" > < / div >
} )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , DirWithInitialStyling ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const target : HTMLDivElement = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'div' ) ;
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
const classes = target . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ! . split ( /\s+/ ) . sort ( ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
expect ( classes ) . toEqual ( [ 'big' , 'golden' , 'heavy' ] ) ;
expect ( target . getAttribute ( 'title' ) ) . toEqual ( 'foo' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'color' ) ) . toEqual ( 'black' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'font-size' ) ) . toEqual ( '200px' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'font-weight' ) ) . toEqual ( 'bold' ) ;
} ) ;
onlyInIvy ( 'Style binding merging works differently in Ivy' )
. it ( 'should apply single styling bindings present within a directive onto the same element and defer the element\'s initial styling values when missing' ,
( ) = > {
@Directive ( {
selector : '[DirWithSingleStylingBindings]' ,
host : {
'class' : 'def' ,
'[class.xyz]' : 'activateXYZClass' ,
'[style.width]' : 'width' ,
'[style.height]' : 'height'
} )
class DirWithSingleStylingBindings {
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
width : string | null | undefined = undefined ;
height : string | null | undefined = undefined ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
activateXYZClass : boolean = false ;
@Component ( {
template : `
2020-01-26 12:29:03 -08:00
< div DirWithSingleStylingBindings class = "abc" style = "width:100px;" > < / div >
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
} )
class App {
2019-10-05 10:04:54 +02:00
@ViewChild ( DirWithSingleStylingBindings )
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
dirInstance ! : DirWithSingleStylingBindings ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , DirWithSingleStylingBindings ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const dirInstance = fixture . componentInstance . dirInstance ;
const target : HTMLDivElement = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'div' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '100px' ) ;
2020-01-26 12:29:03 -08:00
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'height' ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'abc' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'def' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'xyz' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
dirInstance . width = '444px' ;
dirInstance . height = '999px' ;
dirInstance . activateXYZClass = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
2020-01-26 12:29:03 -08:00
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '100px' ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'height' ) ) . toEqual ( '999px' ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'abc' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'def' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'xyz' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
dirInstance . width = undefined ;
dirInstance . height = undefined ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '100px' ) ;
2020-01-26 12:29:03 -08:00
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'height' ) ) . toEqual ( '' ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'abc' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'def' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'xyz' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
} ) ;
onlyInIvy ( 'Style binding merging works differently in Ivy' )
. it ( 'should properly prioritize single style binding collisions when they exist on multiple directives' ,
( ) = > {
@Directive ( { selector : '[Dir1WithStyle]' , host : { '[style.width]' : 'width' } } )
class Dir1WithStyle {
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
width : null | string | undefined = undefined ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Directive ( {
selector : '[Dir2WithStyle]' ,
host : { 'style' : 'width: 111px' , '[style.width]' : 'width' }
} )
class Dir2WithStyle {
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
width : null | string | undefined = undefined ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
@Component (
{ template : '<div Dir1WithStyle Dir2WithStyle [style.width]="width"></div>' } )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( Dir1WithStyle ) dir1Instance ! : Dir1WithStyle ;
@ViewChild ( Dir2WithStyle ) dir2Instance ! : Dir2WithStyle ;
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
width : string | null | undefined = undefined ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , Dir2WithStyle , Dir1WithStyle ] } ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const { dir1Instance , dir2Instance } = fixture . componentInstance ;
const target : HTMLDivElement = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'div' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '111px' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . width = '999px' ;
dir1Instance . width = '222px' ;
dir2Instance . width = '333px' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '999px' ) ;
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
fixture . componentInstance . width = undefined ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '222px' ) ;
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
dir1Instance . width = undefined ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '333px' ) ;
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
dir2Instance . width = undefined ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '111px' ) ;
dir1Instance . width = '666px' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '666px' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . width = '777px' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '777px' ) ;
} ) ;
onlyInIvy ( 'Style binding merging works differently in Ivy' )
. it ( 'should properly prioritize multi style binding collisions when they exist on multiple directives' ,
( ) = > {
@Directive ( {
selector : '[Dir1WithStyling]' ,
host : { '[style]' : 'stylesExp' , '[class]' : 'classesExp' }
} )
class Dir1WithStyling {
classesExp : any = { } ;
stylesExp : any = { } ;
@Directive ( {
selector : '[Dir2WithStyling]' ,
host : { 'style' : 'width: 111px' , '[style]' : 'stylesExp' }
} )
class Dir2WithStyling {
stylesExp : any = { } ;
@Component ( {
template :
'<div Dir1WithStyling Dir2WithStyling [style]="stylesExp" [class]="classesExp"></div>'
} )
class App {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChild ( Dir1WithStyling ) dir1Instance ! : Dir1WithStyling ;
@ViewChild ( Dir2WithStyling ) dir2Instance ! : Dir2WithStyling ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
stylesExp : any = { } ;
classesExp : any = { } ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule (
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
{ declarations : [ App , Dir2WithStyling , Dir1WithStyling ] } ) ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const { dir1Instance , dir2Instance } = fixture . componentInstance ;
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
const target = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'div' ) ! ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '111px' ) ;
const compInstance = fixture . componentInstance ;
2019-12-17 15:40:37 -08:00
compInstance . stylesExp = { width : '999px' , height : undefined } ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
compInstance . classesExp = { one : true , two : false } ;
dir1Instance . stylesExp = { width : '222px' } ;
dir1Instance . classesExp = { two : true , three : false } ;
dir2Instance . stylesExp = { width : '333px' , height : '100px' } ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '999px' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'height' ) ) . toEqual ( '100px' ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'one' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'two' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'three' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
compInstance . stylesExp = { } ;
compInstance . classesExp = { } ;
dir1Instance . stylesExp = { width : '222px' , height : '200px' } ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '222px' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'height' ) ) . toEqual ( '200px' ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'one' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'two' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'three' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
dir1Instance . stylesExp = { } ;
dir1Instance . classesExp = { } ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '333px' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'height' ) ) . toEqual ( '100px' ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'one' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'two' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'three' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
dir2Instance . stylesExp = { } ;
compInstance . stylesExp = { height : '900px' } ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '111px' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'height' ) ) . toEqual ( '900px' ) ;
dir1Instance . stylesExp = { width : '666px' , height : '600px' } ;
dir1Instance . classesExp = { four : true , one : true } ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '666px' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'height' ) ) . toEqual ( '900px' ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'one' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'two' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'three' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'four' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
compInstance . stylesExp = { width : '777px' } ;
compInstance . classesExp = { four : false } ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'width' ) ) . toEqual ( '777px' ) ;
expect ( target . style . getPropertyValue ( 'height' ) ) . toEqual ( '600px' ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'one' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'two' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'three' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( 'four' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should properly handle and render interpolation for class attribute bindings' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '<div class="-{{name}}-{{age}}-"></div>' } )
class App {
name = '' ;
age = '' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
const target = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'div' ) ! ;
2019-05-15 20:55:33 +02:00
expect ( target . classList . contains ( '-fred-36-' ) ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . name = 'fred' ;
fixture . componentInstance . age = '36' ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( target . classList . contains ( '-fred-36-' ) ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-07-13 16:48:33 +02:00
describe ( 'NgModule assertions' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should throw with descriptive error message when a module imports itself' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '' } )
class FixtureComponent {
@NgModule ( { imports : [ SomeModule ] , declarations : [ FixtureComponent ] } )
class SomeModule {
expect ( ( ) = > {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { imports : [ SomeModule ] } ) . createComponent ( FixtureComponent ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( ` 'SomeModule' module can't import itself ` ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw with descriptive error message when a directive is passed to imports' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '' } )
class SomeComponent {
@NgModule ( { imports : [ SomeComponent ] } )
class ModuleWithImportedComponent {
expect ( ( ) = > {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { imports : [ ModuleWithImportedComponent ] } )
. createComponent ( SomeComponent ) ;
} )
. toThrowError (
2019-07-15 21:11:10 +02:00
// The ViewEngine error has a typo, whereas the Ivy one fixes it.
/^Unexpected directive 'SomeComponent' imported by the module 'ModuleWithImportedComponent'\. Please add (a|an) @NgModule annotation\.$/ ) ;
2019-07-13 16:48:33 +02:00
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw with descriptive error message when a pipe is passed to imports' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '' } )
class FixtureComponent {
@Pipe ( { name : 'somePipe' } )
class SomePipe {
@NgModule ( { imports : [ SomePipe ] , declarations : [ FixtureComponent ] } )
class ModuleWithImportedPipe {
expect ( ( ) = > {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { imports : [ ModuleWithImportedPipe ] } )
. createComponent ( FixtureComponent ) ;
} )
. toThrowError (
2019-07-15 21:11:10 +02:00
// The ViewEngine error has a typo, whereas the Ivy one fixes it.
/^Unexpected pipe 'SomePipe' imported by the module 'ModuleWithImportedPipe'\. Please add (a|an) @NgModule annotation\.$/ ) ;
2019-07-13 16:48:33 +02:00
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw with descriptive error message when a module is passed to declarations' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '' } )
class FixtureComponent {
@NgModule ( { } )
class SomeModule {
@NgModule ( { declarations : [ SomeModule , FixtureComponent ] } )
class ModuleWithDeclaredModule {
// The error is almost the same in Ivy and ViewEngine, however since Ivy's
// message is more correct it doesn't make sense to align it ViewEngine.
const expectedErrorMessage = ivyEnabled ?
` Unexpected value 'SomeModule' declared by the module 'ModuleWithDeclaredModule'. Please add a @Pipe/@Directive/@Component annotation. ` :
` Unexpected module 'SomeModule' declared by the module 'ModuleWithDeclaredModule'. Please add a @Pipe/@Directive/@Component annotation. ` ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { imports : [ ModuleWithDeclaredModule ] } )
. createComponent ( FixtureComponent ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( expectedErrorMessage ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw with descriptive error message when a declaration is missing annotation' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '' } )
class FixtureComponent {
class SomeClass { }
@NgModule ( { declarations : [ SomeClass , FixtureComponent ] } )
class SomeModule {
expect ( ( ) = > {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { imports : [ SomeModule ] } ) . createComponent ( FixtureComponent ) ;
} )
. toThrowError (
` Unexpected value 'SomeClass' declared by the module 'SomeModule'. Please add a @Pipe/@Directive/@Component annotation. ` ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw with descriptive error message when an imported module is missing annotation' ,
( ) = > {
@Component ( { template : '' } )
class FixtureComponent {
class SomeModule { }
@NgModule ( { imports : [ SomeModule ] , declarations : [ FixtureComponent ] } )
class ModuleWithImportedModule {
expect ( ( ) = > {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { imports : [ ModuleWithImportedModule ] } )
. createComponent ( FixtureComponent ) ;
} )
. toThrowError (
2019-07-15 21:11:10 +02:00
// The ViewEngine error has a typo, whereas the Ivy one fixes it.
/^Unexpected value 'SomeModule' imported by the module 'ModuleWithImportedModule'\. Please add (a|an) @NgModule annotation\.$/ ) ;
2019-07-13 16:48:33 +02:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-02-21 22:45:37 +01:00
it ( 'should only call inherited host listeners once' , ( ) = > {
let clicks = 0 ;
@Component ( { template : '' } )
class ButtonSuperClass {
@HostListener ( 'click' )
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
clicked() {
clicks ++ ;
2019-02-21 22:45:37 +01:00
@Component ( { selector : 'button[custom-button]' , template : '' } )
class ButtonSubClass extends ButtonSuperClass {
@Component ( { template : '<button custom-button></button>' } )
class MyApp {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ MyApp , ButtonSuperClass , ButtonSubClass ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( MyApp ) ;
const button = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( ButtonSubClass ) ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
button . nativeElement . click ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( clicks ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support inherited view queries' , ( ) = > {
@Directive ( { selector : '[someDir]' } )
class SomeDir {
@Component ( { template : '<div someDir></div>' } )
class SuperComp {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ViewChildren ( SomeDir ) dirs ! : QueryList < SomeDir > ;
2019-02-21 22:45:37 +01:00
@Component ( { selector : 'button[custom-button]' , template : '<div someDir></div>' } )
class SubComp extends SuperComp {
@Component ( { template : '<button custom-button></button>' } )
class MyApp {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ MyApp , SuperComp , SubComp , SomeDir ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( MyApp ) ;
const subInstance = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( SubComp ) ) . componentInstance ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( subInstance . dirs . length ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
expect ( subInstance . dirs . first ) . toBeAnInstanceOf ( SomeDir ) ;
} ) ;
2019-03-01 22:05:49 +01:00
it ( 'should not set inputs after destroy' , ( ) = > {
@Directive ( {
selector : '[no-assign-after-destroy]' ,
} )
class NoAssignAfterDestroy {
private _isDestroyed = false ;
@Input ( )
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
get value() {
return this . _value ;
2019-03-01 22:05:49 +01:00
set value ( newValue : any ) {
if ( this . _isDestroyed ) {
throw Error ( 'Cannot assign to value after destroy.' ) ;
this . _value = newValue ;
private _value : any ;
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
ngOnDestroy() {
this . _isDestroyed = true ;
2019-03-01 22:05:49 +01:00
@Component ( { template : '<div no-assign-after-destroy [value]="directiveValue"></div>' } )
class App {
directiveValue = 'initial-value' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ NoAssignAfterDestroy , App ] } ) ;
let fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . destroy ( ) ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
} ) . not . toThrow ( ) ;
} ) ;
2019-03-28 12:30:08 +01:00
it ( 'should support host attribute and @ContentChild on the same component' , ( ) = > {
@Component (
{ selector : 'test-component' , template : ` foo ` , host : { '[attr.aria-disabled]' : 'true' } } )
class TestComponent {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@ContentChild ( TemplateRef , { static : true } ) tpl ! : TemplateRef < any > ;
2019-03-28 12:30:08 +01:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ TestComponent ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( TestComponent ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . componentInstance . tpl ) . not . toBeNull ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . debugElement . nativeElement . getAttribute ( 'aria-disabled' ) ) . toBe ( 'true' ) ;
} ) ;
2019-04-21 17:37:15 +02:00
it ( 'should inherit inputs from undecorated superclasses' , ( ) = > {
class ButtonSuperClass {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@Input ( ) isDisabled ! : boolean ;
2019-04-21 17:37:15 +02:00
@Component ( { selector : 'button[custom-button]' , template : '' } )
class ButtonSubClass extends ButtonSuperClass {
@Component ( { template : '<button custom-button [isDisabled]="disableButton"></button>' } )
class MyApp {
disableButton = false ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ MyApp , ButtonSubClass ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( MyApp ) ;
const button = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( ButtonSubClass ) ) . componentInstance ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( button . isDisabled ) . toBe ( false ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . disableButton = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( button . isDisabled ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should inherit outputs from undecorated superclasses' , ( ) = > {
let clicks = 0 ;
class ButtonSuperClass {
@Output ( ) clicked = new EventEmitter < void > ( ) ;
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
emitClick() {
this . clicked . emit ( ) ;
2019-04-21 17:37:15 +02:00
@Component ( { selector : 'button[custom-button]' , template : '' } )
class ButtonSubClass extends ButtonSuperClass {
@Component ( { template : '<button custom-button (clicked)="handleClick()"></button>' } )
class MyApp {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
handleClick() {
clicks ++ ;
2019-04-21 17:37:15 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ MyApp , ButtonSubClass ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( MyApp ) ;
const button = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( ButtonSubClass ) ) . componentInstance ;
button . emitClick ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( clicks ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
it ( 'should inherit host bindings from undecorated superclasses' , ( ) = > {
class BaseButton {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@HostBinding ( 'attr.tabindex' ) tabindex = - 1 ;
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
@Component ( { selector : '[sub-button]' , template : '<ng-content></ng-content>' } )
class SubButton extends BaseButton {
@Component ( { template : '<button sub-button>Click me</button>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ SubButton , App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
const button = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( SubButton ) ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( button . nativeElement . getAttribute ( 'tabindex' ) ) . toBe ( '-1' ) ;
button . componentInstance . tabindex = 2 ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( button . nativeElement . getAttribute ( 'tabindex' ) ) . toBe ( '2' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should inherit host bindings from undecorated grand superclasses' , ( ) = > {
class SuperBaseButton {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
@HostBinding ( 'attr.tabindex' ) tabindex = - 1 ;
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
class BaseButton extends SuperBaseButton { }
@Component ( { selector : '[sub-button]' , template : '<ng-content></ng-content>' } )
class SubButton extends BaseButton {
@Component ( { template : '<button sub-button>Click me</button>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ SubButton , App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
const button = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( SubButton ) ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( button . nativeElement . getAttribute ( 'tabindex' ) ) . toBe ( '-1' ) ;
button . componentInstance . tabindex = 2 ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( button . nativeElement . getAttribute ( 'tabindex' ) ) . toBe ( '2' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should inherit host listeners from undecorated superclasses' , ( ) = > {
let clicks = 0 ;
class BaseButton {
@HostListener ( 'click' )
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
handleClick() {
clicks ++ ;
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
@Component ( { selector : '[sub-button]' , template : '<ng-content></ng-content>' } )
class SubButton extends BaseButton {
@Component ( { template : '<button sub-button>Click me</button>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ SubButton , App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
const button = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( SubButton ) ) . nativeElement ;
button . click ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( clicks ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
2019-04-29 20:27:32 +02:00
it ( 'should inherit host listeners from superclasses once' , ( ) = > {
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
let clicks = 0 ;
2019-04-29 20:27:32 +02:00
@Directive ( { selector : '[baseButton]' } )
class BaseButton {
@HostListener ( 'click' )
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
handleClick() {
clicks ++ ;
2019-04-29 20:27:32 +02:00
@Component ( { selector : '[subButton]' , template : '<ng-content></ng-content>' } )
class SubButton extends BaseButton {
@Component ( { template : '<button subButton>Click me</button>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ SubButton , BaseButton , App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
const button = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( SubButton ) ) . nativeElement ;
button . click ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( clicks ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should inherit host listeners from grand superclasses once' , ( ) = > {
let clicks = 0 ;
@Directive ( { selector : '[superBaseButton]' } )
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
class SuperBaseButton {
@HostListener ( 'click' )
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
handleClick() {
clicks ++ ;
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
2019-04-29 20:27:32 +02:00
@Directive ( { selector : '[baseButton]' } )
class BaseButton extends SuperBaseButton {
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
2019-04-29 20:27:32 +02:00
@Component ( { selector : '[subButton]' , template : '<ng-content></ng-content>' } )
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
class SubButton extends BaseButton {
2019-04-29 20:27:32 +02:00
@Component ( { template : '<button subButton>Click me</button>' } )
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
class App {
2019-04-29 20:27:32 +02:00
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ SubButton , SuperBaseButton , BaseButton , App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
const button = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( SubButton ) ) . nativeElement ;
button . click ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( clicks ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should inherit host listeners from grand grand superclasses once' , ( ) = > {
let clicks = 0 ;
@Directive ( { selector : '[superSuperBaseButton]' } )
class SuperSuperBaseButton {
@HostListener ( 'click' )
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
handleClick() {
clicks ++ ;
2019-04-29 20:27:32 +02:00
@Directive ( { selector : '[superBaseButton]' } )
class SuperBaseButton extends SuperSuperBaseButton {
@Directive ( { selector : '[baseButton]' } )
class BaseButton extends SuperBaseButton {
@Component ( { selector : '[subButton]' , template : '<ng-content></ng-content>' } )
class SubButton extends BaseButton {
@Component ( { template : '<button subButton>Click me</button>' } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule (
{ declarations : [ SubButton , SuperBaseButton , SuperSuperBaseButton , BaseButton , App ] } ) ;
2019-04-27 09:33:10 +02:00
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
const button = fixture . debugElement . query ( By . directive ( SubButton ) ) . nativeElement ;
button . click ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( clicks ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
fix(ivy): don't mask errors by calling lifecycle hooks after a crash (#31244)
The Angular runtime frequently calls into user code (for example, when
writing to a property binding). Since user code can throw errors, calls to
it are frequently wrapped in a try-finally block. In Ivy, the following
pattern is common:
try {
} finally {
This has a significant problem, however: `leaveView` has a side effect: it
calls any pending lifecycle hooks that might've been scheduled during the
current round of change detection. Generally it's a bad idea to run
lifecycle hooks after the application has crashed. The application is in an
inconsistent state - directives may not be instantiated fully, queries may
not be resolved, bindings may not have been applied, etc. Invariants that
the app code relies upon may not hold. Further crashes or broken behavior
are likely.
Frequently, lifecycle hooks are used to make assertions about these
invariants. When these assertions fail, they will throw and "swallow" the
original error, making debugging of the problem much more difficult.
This commit modifies `leaveView` to understand whether the application is
currently crashing, via a parameter `safeToRunHooks`. This parameter is set
by modifying the above pattern:
let safeToRunHooks = false;
try {
safeToRunHooks = true;
} finally {
leaveView(..., safeToRunHooks);
If `callUserCode` crashes, then `safeToRunHooks` will never be set to `true`
and `leaveView` won't call any further user code. The original error will
then propagate back up the stack and be reported correctly. A test is added
to verify this behavior.
PR Close #31244
2019-06-24 13:14:05 -07:00
it ( 'should not mask errors thrown during lifecycle hooks' , ( ) = > {
@Directive ( {
selector : '[dir]' ,
inputs : [ 'dir' ] ,
} )
class Dir {
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
get dir ( ) : any {
return null ;
fix(ivy): don't mask errors by calling lifecycle hooks after a crash (#31244)
The Angular runtime frequently calls into user code (for example, when
writing to a property binding). Since user code can throw errors, calls to
it are frequently wrapped in a try-finally block. In Ivy, the following
pattern is common:
try {
} finally {
This has a significant problem, however: `leaveView` has a side effect: it
calls any pending lifecycle hooks that might've been scheduled during the
current round of change detection. Generally it's a bad idea to run
lifecycle hooks after the application has crashed. The application is in an
inconsistent state - directives may not be instantiated fully, queries may
not be resolved, bindings may not have been applied, etc. Invariants that
the app code relies upon may not hold. Further crashes or broken behavior
are likely.
Frequently, lifecycle hooks are used to make assertions about these
invariants. When these assertions fail, they will throw and "swallow" the
original error, making debugging of the problem much more difficult.
This commit modifies `leaveView` to understand whether the application is
currently crashing, via a parameter `safeToRunHooks`. This parameter is set
by modifying the above pattern:
let safeToRunHooks = false;
try {
safeToRunHooks = true;
} finally {
leaveView(..., safeToRunHooks);
If `callUserCode` crashes, then `safeToRunHooks` will never be set to `true`
and `leaveView` won't call any further user code. The original error will
then propagate back up the stack and be reported correctly. A test is added
to verify this behavior.
PR Close #31244
2019-06-24 13:14:05 -07:00
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
set dir ( value : any ) {
throw new Error ( 'this error is expected' ) ;
fix(ivy): don't mask errors by calling lifecycle hooks after a crash (#31244)
The Angular runtime frequently calls into user code (for example, when
writing to a property binding). Since user code can throw errors, calls to
it are frequently wrapped in a try-finally block. In Ivy, the following
pattern is common:
try {
} finally {
This has a significant problem, however: `leaveView` has a side effect: it
calls any pending lifecycle hooks that might've been scheduled during the
current round of change detection. Generally it's a bad idea to run
lifecycle hooks after the application has crashed. The application is in an
inconsistent state - directives may not be instantiated fully, queries may
not be resolved, bindings may not have been applied, etc. Invariants that
the app code relies upon may not hold. Further crashes or broken behavior
are likely.
Frequently, lifecycle hooks are used to make assertions about these
invariants. When these assertions fail, they will throw and "swallow" the
original error, making debugging of the problem much more difficult.
This commit modifies `leaveView` to understand whether the application is
currently crashing, via a parameter `safeToRunHooks`. This parameter is set
by modifying the above pattern:
let safeToRunHooks = false;
try {
safeToRunHooks = true;
} finally {
leaveView(..., safeToRunHooks);
If `callUserCode` crashes, then `safeToRunHooks` will never be set to `true`
and `leaveView` won't call any further user code. The original error will
then propagate back up the stack and be reported correctly. A test is added
to verify this behavior.
PR Close #31244
2019-06-24 13:14:05 -07:00
@Component ( {
template : '<div [dir]="3"></div>' ,
} )
class Cmp {
ngAfterViewInit ( ) : void {
// This lifecycle hook should never run, since attempting to bind to Dir's input will throw
// an error. If the runtime continues to run lifecycle hooks after that error, then it will
// execute this hook and throw this error, which will mask the real problem. This test
// verifies this don't happen.
throw new Error ( 'this error is unexpected' ) ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( {
declarations : [ Cmp , Dir ] ,
} ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( Cmp ) ;
expect ( ( ) = > fixture . detectChanges ( ) ) . toThrowError ( 'this error is expected' ) ;
} ) ;
2019-10-29 15:15:09 -07:00
2021-04-03 18:10:31 +02:00
it ( 'should handle nullish coalescing inside templates' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( {
template : `
< span [ title ] = "'Your last name is ' + (lastName ?? lastNameFallback ?? 'unknown')" >
Hello , { { firstName ? ? 'Frodo' } } !
You are a Balrog : { { falsyValue ? ? true } }
< / span >
} )
class App {
firstName : string | null = null ;
lastName : string | null = null ;
lastNameFallback = 'Baggins' ;
falsyValue = false ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const content = fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ;
expect ( content ) . toContain ( 'Hello, Frodo!' ) ;
expect ( content ) . toContain ( 'You are a Balrog: false' ) ;
expect ( content ) . toContain ( ` <span title="Your last name is Baggins"> ` ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should handle nullish coalescing inside host bindings' , ( ) = > {
const logs : string [ ] = [ ] ;
@Directive ( {
selector : '[some-dir]' ,
host : {
'[attr.first-name]' : ` 'Hello, ' + (firstName ?? 'Frodo') + '!' ` ,
'(click)' : ` logLastName(lastName ?? lastNameFallback ?? 'unknown') `
} )
class Dir {
firstName : string | null = null ;
lastName : string | null = null ;
lastNameFallback = 'Baggins' ;
logLastName ( name : string ) {
logs . push ( name ) ;
@Component ( { template : ` <button some-dir>Click me</button> ` } )
class App {
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ App , Dir ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( App ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
const button = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'button' ) ;
button . click ( ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( button . getAttribute ( 'first-name' ) ) . toBe ( 'Hello, Frodo!' ) ;
expect ( logs ) . toEqual ( [ 'Baggins' ] ) ;
} ) ;
2021-04-17 11:15:15 +02:00
it ( 'should render SVG nodes placed inside ng-template' , ( ) = > {
@Component ( {
template : `
< svg >
< ng - template [ ngIf ] = "condition" >
< text > Hello < / text >
< / n g - t e m p l a t e >
< / svg >
` ,
} )
class MyComp {
condition = true ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( { declarations : [ MyComp ] , imports : [ CommonModule ] } ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( MyComp ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . innerHTML ) . toContain ( '<text>Hello</text>' ) ;
} ) ;
2019-10-29 15:15:09 -07:00
describe ( 'tView.firstUpdatePass' , ( ) = > {
function isFirstUpdatePass() {
const lView = getLView ( ) ;
const tView = lView [ TVIEW ] ;
return tView . firstUpdatePass ;
function assertAttrValues ( element : Element , value : string ) {
expect ( element . getAttribute ( 'data-comp' ) ) . toEqual ( value ) ;
expect ( element . getAttribute ( 'data-dir' ) ) . toEqual ( value ) ;
onlyInIvy ( 'tView instances are ivy-specific' )
. it ( 'should be marked with `firstUpdatePass` up until the template and host bindings are evaluated' ,
( ) = > {
@Directive ( {
selector : '[dir]' ,
} )
class Dir {
@HostBinding ( 'attr.data-dir' )
get text() {
return isFirstUpdatePass ( ) ? 'first-update-pass' : 'post-update-pass' ;
@Component ( {
template : '<div [attr.data-comp]="text" dir></div>' ,
} )
class Cmp {
get text() {
return isFirstUpdatePass ( ) ? 'first-update-pass' : 'post-update-pass' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( {
declarations : [ Cmp , Dir ] ,
} ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( Cmp ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( false ) ;
2020-04-13 16:40:21 -07:00
const element = fixture . nativeElement . querySelector ( 'div' ) ! ;
2019-10-29 15:15:09 -07:00
assertAttrValues ( element , 'first-update-pass' ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( false ) ;
assertAttrValues ( element , 'post-update-pass' ) ;
} ) ;
onlyInIvy ( 'tView instances are ivy-specific' )
. it ( 'tView.firstUpdatePass should be applied immediately after the first embedded view is processed' ,
( ) = > {
@Directive ( {
selector : '[dir]' ,
} )
class Dir {
@HostBinding ( 'attr.data-dir' )
get text() {
return isFirstUpdatePass ( ) ? 'first-update-pass' : 'post-update-pass' ;
@Component ( {
template : `
< div * ngFor = "let item of items" dir [ attr.data - comp ] = "text" >
. . .
< / div >
} )
class Cmp {
items = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ;
get text() {
return isFirstUpdatePass ( ) ? 'first-update-pass' : 'post-update-pass' ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( {
declarations : [ Cmp , Dir ] ,
} ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( Cmp ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( false ) ;
const elements = fixture . nativeElement . querySelectorAll ( 'div' ) ;
assertAttrValues ( elements [ 0 ] , 'first-update-pass' ) ;
assertAttrValues ( elements [ 1 ] , 'post-update-pass' ) ;
assertAttrValues ( elements [ 2 ] , 'post-update-pass' ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( false ) ;
assertAttrValues ( elements [ 0 ] , 'post-update-pass' ) ;
assertAttrValues ( elements [ 1 ] , 'post-update-pass' ) ;
assertAttrValues ( elements [ 2 ] , 'post-update-pass' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-02-07 14:57:10 -05:00
describe ( 'animations' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should apply triggers for a list of items when they are sorted and reSorted' ,
fakeAsync ( ( ) = > {
interface Item {
value : any ;
id : number ;
@Component ( {
template : `
< div * ngIf = "showWarningMessage; else listOfItems" >
Nooo !
< / div >
< ng - template # listOfItems >
< animation - comp * ngFor = "let item of items; trackBy: itemTrackFn" >
{ { item . value } }
< / a n i m a t i o n - c o m p >
< / n g - t e m p l a t e >
} )
class Cmp {
showWarningMessage = false ;
items : Item [ ] = [
{ value : 1 , id : 1 } ,
{ value : 2 , id : 2 } ,
{ value : 3 , id : 3 } ,
{ value : 4 , id : 4 } ,
{ value : 5 , id : 5 } ,
] ;
itemTrackFn ( value : Item ) {
return value . id ;
@Component ( {
selector : 'animation-comp' ,
animations : [
trigger (
'host' ,
state ( 'void' , style ( { height : '0px' } ) ) ,
transition (
'* => *' ,
animate ( '1s' ) ,
] ) ,
] ) ,
] ,
template : `
< ng - content > < / n g - c o n t e n t >
} )
class AnimationComp {
@HostBinding ( '@host' ) public hostState = '' ;
@HostListener ( '@host.start' , [ '$event' ] )
onLeaveStart ( event : AnimationEvent ) {
// we just want to register the listener
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( {
declarations : [ Cmp , AnimationComp ] ,
providers : [ { provide : AnimationDriver , useClass : MockAnimationDriver } ] ,
} ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( Cmp ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
let elements = queryAll ( fixture . nativeElement , 'animation-comp' ) ;
expect ( elements . length ) . toEqual ( 5 ) ;
expect ( elements . map ( e = > e . textContent ? . trim ( ) ) ) . toEqual ( [ '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5' ] ) ;
const items = fixture . componentInstance . items ;
arraySwap ( items , 2 , 0 ) ; // 3 2 1 4 5
arraySwap ( items , 2 , 1 ) ; // 3 1 2 4 5
const first = items . shift ( ) ! ;
items . push ( first ) ; // 1 2 4 5 3
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
elements = queryAll ( fixture . nativeElement , 'animation-comp' ) ;
expect ( elements . length ) . toEqual ( 5 ) ;
expect ( elements . map ( e = > e . textContent ? . trim ( ) ) ) . toEqual ( [ '1' , '2' , '4' , '5' , '3' ] ) ;
completeAnimations ( ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . showWarningMessage = true ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
completeAnimations ( ) ;
elements = queryAll ( fixture . nativeElement , 'animation-comp' ) ;
expect ( elements . length ) . toEqual ( 0 ) ;
expect ( fixture . nativeElement . textContent . trim ( ) ) . toEqual ( 'Nooo!' ) ;
fixture . componentInstance . showWarningMessage = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
elements = queryAll ( fixture . nativeElement , 'animation-comp' ) ;
expect ( elements . length ) . toEqual ( 5 ) ;
} ) ) ;
it ( 'should insert and remove views in the correct order when animations are present' ,
fakeAsync ( ( ) = > {
@Component ( {
animations : [
trigger ( 'root' , [ transition ( '* => *' , [ ] ) ] ) ,
trigger ( 'outer' , [ transition ( '* => *' , [ ] ) ] ) ,
trigger ( 'inner' , [ transition ( '* => *' , [ ] ) ] ) ,
] ,
template : `
< div * ngIf = "showRoot" ( @ root.start ) = "track('root', $event)" @ root >
< div * ngIf = "showIfContents; else innerCompList" ( @ outer.start ) = "track('outer', $event)" @ outer >
Nooo !
< / div >
< ng - template # innerCompList >
< inner - comp * ngFor = "let item of items; trackBy: itemTrackFn" ( @ inner.start ) = "track('inner', $event)" @ inner >
{ { item . value } }
< / i n n e r - c o m p >
< / n g - t e m p l a t e >
< / div >
} )
class Cmp {
showRoot = true ;
showIfContents = true ;
items = [ 1 ] ;
log : string [ ] = [ ] ;
track ( name : string , event : AnimationEvent ) {
this . log . push ( name ) ;
@Component ( {
selector : 'inner-comp' ,
animations : [
trigger ( 'host' , [ transition ( '* => *' , [ ] ) ] ) ,
] ,
template : `
< ng - content > < / n g - c o n t e n t >
} )
class InnerComp {
@HostBinding ( '@host' ) public hostState = '' ;
constructor ( @Inject ( Cmp ) private parent : Cmp ) { }
@HostListener ( '@host.start' , [ '$event' ] )
onLeaveStart ( event : AnimationEvent ) {
this . parent . log . push ( 'host' ) ;
TestBed . configureTestingModule ( {
declarations : [ Cmp , InnerComp ] ,
providers : [ { provide : AnimationDriver , useClass : MockAnimationDriver } ] ,
} ) ;
const fixture = TestBed . createComponent ( Cmp ) ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
completeAnimations ( ) ;
const comp = fixture . componentInstance ;
expect ( comp . log ) . toEqual ( [
'root' , // insertion of the inner-comp content
'outer' , // insertion of the default ngIf
] ) ;
comp . log = [ ] ;
comp . showIfContents = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
completeAnimations ( ) ;
expect ( comp . log ) . toEqual ( [
'host' , // insertion of the inner-comp content
'outer' , // insertion of the template into the ngIf
'inner' // insertion of the inner comp element
] ) ;
comp . log = [ ] ;
comp . showRoot = false ;
fixture . detectChanges ( ) ;
completeAnimations ( ) ;
expect ( comp . log ) . toEqual ( [
'root' , // removal the root div container
'host' , // removal of the inner-comp content
'inner' // removal of the inner comp element
] ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
2019-02-21 22:45:37 +01:00
} ) ;
2020-02-07 14:57:10 -05:00
function completeAnimations() {
flushMicrotasks ( ) ;
const log = MockAnimationDriver . log as MockAnimationPlayer [ ] ;
log . forEach ( player = > player . finish ( ) ) ;
flushMicrotasks ( ) ;
function arraySwap ( arr : any [ ] , indexA : number , indexB : number ) : void {
const item = arr [ indexA ] ;
arr [ indexA ] = arr [ indexB ] ;
arr [ indexB ] = item ;
/ * *
* Queries the provided ` root ` element for sub elements by the selector and casts the result as an
* array of elements
* /
function queryAll ( root : HTMLElement , selector : string ) : HTMLElement [ ] {
return Array . from ( root . querySelectorAll ( selector ) ) ;