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* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {LazyRoute} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/routing';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {NgtscTestEnvironment} from './env';
const trim = (input: string): string => input.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
const varRegExp = (name: string): RegExp => new RegExp(`var \\w+ = \\[\"${name}\"\\];`);
const viewQueryRegExp = (descend: boolean, ref?: string): RegExp => {
const maybeRef = ref ? `${ref}` : `null`;
return new RegExp(`i0\\.ɵɵviewQuery\\(\\w+, ${descend}, ${maybeRef}\\)`);
const contentQueryRegExp = (predicate: string, descend: boolean, ref?: string): RegExp => {
const maybeRef = ref ? `${ref}` : `null`;
return new RegExp(`i0\\.ɵɵcontentQuery\\(dirIndex, ${predicate}, ${descend}, ${maybeRef}\\)`);
const setClassMetadataRegExp = (expectedType: string): RegExp =>
new RegExp(`setClassMetadata(.*?${expectedType}.*?)`);
describe('ngtsc behavioral tests', () => {
let env !: NgtscTestEnvironment;
beforeEach(() => { env = NgtscTestEnvironment.setup(); });
it('should compile Injectables without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class Dep {}
export class Service {
constructor(dep: Dep) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('Dep.ngInjectableDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('Service.ngInjectableDef =');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectableDef: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef<Dep>;');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectableDef: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef<Service>;');
it('should compile Injectables with a generic service', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class Store<T> {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('Store.ngInjectableDef =');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectableDef: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef<Store<any>>;');
it('should compile Injectables with providedIn without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class Dep {}
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class Service {
constructor(dep: Dep) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('Dep.ngInjectableDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('Service.ngInjectableDef =');
.toContain('return new (t || Service)(i0.ɵɵinject(Dep)); }, providedIn: \'root\' });');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectableDef: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef<Dep>;');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectableDef: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef<Service>;');
it('should compile Injectables with providedIn and factory without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', useFactory: () => new Service() })
export class Service {
constructor() {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('Service.ngInjectableDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('(r = new t());');
expect(jsContents).toContain('(r = (function () { return new Service(); })());');
expect(jsContents).toContain('factory: function Service_Factory(t) { var r = null; if (t) {');
expect(jsContents).toContain('return r; }, providedIn: \'root\' });');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectableDef: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef<Service>;');
it('should compile Injectables with providedIn and factory with deps without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class Dep {}
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', useFactory: (dep: Dep) => new Service(dep), deps: [Dep] })
export class Service {
constructor(dep: Dep) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('Service.ngInjectableDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('factory: function Service_Factory(t) { var r = null; if (t) {');
expect(jsContents).toContain('(r = new t(i0.ɵɵinject(Dep)));');
.toContain('(r = (function (dep) { return new Service(dep); })(i0.ɵɵinject(Dep)));');
expect(jsContents).toContain('return r; }, providedIn: \'root\' });');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectableDef: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef<Service>;');
it('should compile @Injectable with an @Optional dependency', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable, Optional as Opt} from '@angular/core';
class Dep {}
class Service {
constructor(@Opt() dep: Dep) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('inject(Dep, 8)');
it('should compile Components (inline template) without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
template: 'this is a test',
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ngComponentDef = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'static ngComponentDef: i0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta<TestCmp, "test-cmp", never, {}, {}, never>');
it('should compile Components (dynamic inline template) without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
template: 'this is ' + 'a test',
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ngComponentDef = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'static ngComponentDef: i0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta<TestCmp, "test-cmp", never, {}, {}, never>');
it('should compile Components (function call inline template) without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
function getTemplate() {
return 'this is a test';
selector: 'test-cmp',
template: getTemplate(),
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ngComponentDef = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'static ngComponentDef: i0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta<TestCmp, "test-cmp", never, {}, {}, never>');
it('should compile Components (external template) without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
templateUrl: './dir/test.html',
export class TestCmp {}
env.write('dir/test.html', '<p>Hello World</p>');
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('Hello World');
it('should add @nocollapse to static fields when closure annotations are requested', () => {
'annotateForClosureCompiler': true,
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
templateUrl: './dir/test.html',
export class TestCmp {}
env.write('dir/test.html', '<p>Hello World</p>');
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('/** @nocollapse */ TestCmp.ngComponentDef');
it('should recognize aliased decorators', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {
Component as AngularComponent,
Directive as AngularDirective,
Pipe as AngularPipe,
Injectable as AngularInjectable,
NgModule as AngularNgModule,
Input as AngularInput,
Output as AngularOutput
} from '@angular/core';
export class TestBase {
@AngularInput() input: any;
@AngularOutput() output: any;
selector: 'test-component',
template: '...'
export class TestComponent {
@AngularInput() input: any;
@AngularOutput() output: any;
selector: 'test-directive'
export class TestDirective {}
name: 'test-pipe'
export class TestPipe {}
export class TestInjectable {}
declarations: [
exports: [
class MyModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestBase.ngBaseDef = i0.ɵɵdefineBase');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestComponent.ngComponentDef = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDirective.ngDirectiveDef = i0.ɵɵdefineDirective');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestPipe.ngPipeDef = i0.ɵɵdefinePipe');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestInjectable.ngInjectableDef = i0.ɵɵdefineInjectable');
expect(jsContents).toContain('MyModule.ngModuleDef = i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule');
expect(jsContents).toContain('MyModule.ngInjectorDef = i0.ɵɵdefineInjector');
expect(jsContents).toContain('inputs: { input: "input" }');
expect(jsContents).toContain('outputs: { output: "output" }');
it('should compile Components with a templateUrl in a different rootDir', () => {
env.tsconfig({}, ['./extraRootDir']);
env.write('extraRootDir/test.html', '<p>Hello World</p>');
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
templateUrl: 'test.html',
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('Hello World');
it('should compile components with styleUrls', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
styleUrls: ['./dir/style.css'],
template: '',
export class TestCmp {}
env.write('dir/style.css', ':host { background-color: blue; }');
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('background-color: blue');
it('should compile components with styleUrls with fallback to .css extension', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
styleUrls: ['./dir/style.scss'],
template: '',
export class TestCmp {}
env.write('dir/style.css', ':host { background-color: blue; }');
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('background-color: blue');
it('should compile NgModules without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
template: 'this is a test',
export class TestCmp {}
declarations: [TestCmp],
bootstrap: [TestCmp],
export class TestModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
.toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule, bootstrap: [TestCmp] });');
.toContain('/*@__PURE__*/ i0.ɵɵsetNgModuleScope(TestModule, { declarations: [TestCmp] });');
'i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: ' +
'function TestModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestModule)(); } });');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'static ngComponentDef: i0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta<TestCmp, "test-cmp", never, {}, {}, never>');
'static ngModuleDef: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<TestModule, [typeof TestCmp], never, never>');
it('should not emit a ɵɵsetNgModuleScope call when no scope metadata is present', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class TestModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });');
it('should emit the id when the module\'s id is a string', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@NgModule({id: 'test'})
export class TestModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain(`i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule, id: 'test' })`);
it('should emit the id when the module\'s id is defined as ``', () => {
env.write('index.d.ts', `
declare const module = {id: string};
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class TestModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule, id: })');
it('should filter out directives and pipes from module exports in the injector def', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterComp, RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
import {Dir, OtherDir, MyPipe, Comp} from './decls';
declarations: [OtherDir],
exports: [OtherDir],
export class OtherModule {}
const EXPORTS = [Dir, MyPipe, Comp, OtherModule, OtherDir, RouterModule, RouterComp];
declarations: [Dir, MyPipe, Comp],
imports: [OtherModule, RouterModule.forRoot()],
exports: [EXPORTS],
export class TestModule {}
env.write(`decls.ts`, `
import {Component, Directive, Pipe} from '@angular/core';
@Directive({selector: '[dir]'})
export class Dir {}
@Directive({selector: '[other]'})
export class OtherDir {}
export class MyPipe {}
@Component({selector: 'test', template: ''})
export class Comp {}
env.write('node_modules/@angular/router/index.d.ts', `
import {ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta, ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
export declare class RouterComp {
static ngComponentDef: ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta<RouterComp, "lib-cmp", never, {}, {}, never>
declare class RouterModule {
static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders<RouterModule>;
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<RouterModule, [typeof RouterComp], never, [typeof RouterComp]>;
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
'i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: function TestModule_Factory(t) ' +
'{ return new (t || TestModule)(); }, imports: [[OtherModule, RouterModule.forRoot()],' +
'\n OtherModule,\n RouterModule] });');
it('should compile NgModules with services without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Token {}
export class OtherModule {}
selector: 'test-cmp',
template: 'this is a test',
export class TestCmp {}
declarations: [TestCmp],
providers: [{provide: Token, useValue: 'test'}],
imports: [OtherModule],
export class TestModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });');
`TestModule.ngInjectorDef = i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: ` +
`function TestModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestModule)(); }, providers: [{ provide: ` +
`Token, useValue: 'test' }], imports: [[OtherModule]] });`);
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'static ngModuleDef: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<TestModule, [typeof TestCmp], [typeof OtherModule], never>');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectorDef: i0.ɵɵInjectorDef');
it('should compile NgModules with factory providers without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Token {}
export class OtherModule {}
selector: 'test-cmp',
template: 'this is a test',
export class TestCmp {}
declarations: [TestCmp],
providers: [{provide: Token, useFactory: () => new Token()}],
imports: [OtherModule],
export class TestModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });');
`TestModule.ngInjectorDef = i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: ` +
`function TestModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestModule)(); }, providers: [{ provide: ` +
`Token, useFactory: function () { return new Token(); } }], imports: [[OtherModule]] });`);
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'static ngModuleDef: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<TestModule, [typeof TestCmp], [typeof OtherModule], never>');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectorDef: i0.ɵɵInjectorDef');
it('should compile NgModules with factory providers and deps without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Dep {}
export class Token {
constructor(dep: Dep) {}
export class OtherModule {}
selector: 'test-cmp',
template: 'this is a test',
export class TestCmp {}
declarations: [TestCmp],
providers: [{provide: Token, useFactory: (dep: Dep) => new Token(dep), deps: [Dep]}],
imports: [OtherModule],
export class TestModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });');
`TestModule.ngInjectorDef = i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: ` +
`function TestModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestModule)(); }, providers: [{ provide: ` +
`Token, useFactory: function (dep) { return new Token(dep); }, deps: [Dep] }], imports: [[OtherModule]] });`);
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'static ngModuleDef: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<TestModule, [typeof TestCmp], [typeof OtherModule], never>');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngInjectorDef: i0.ɵɵInjectorDef');
it('should compile NgModules with references to local components', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {Foo} from './foo';
declarations: [Foo],
export class FooModule {}
env.write('foo.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'foo', template: ''})
export class Foo {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(jsContents).toContain('import { Foo } from \'./foo\';');
expect(jsContents).not.toMatch(/as i[0-9] from ".\/foo"/);
expect(dtsContents).toContain('as i1 from "./foo";');
it('should compile NgModules with references to absolute components', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {Foo} from 'foo';
declarations: [Foo],
export class FooModule {}
env.write('node_modules/foo/index.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'foo',
template: '',
export class Foo {
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(jsContents).toContain('import { Foo } from \'foo\';');
expect(jsContents).not.toMatch(/as i[0-9] from "foo"/);
expect(dtsContents).toContain('as i1 from "foo";');
it('should compile NgModules with references to forward declared bootstrap components', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, forwardRef, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
bootstrap: [forwardRef(() => Foo)],
export class FooModule {}
@Component({selector: 'foo', template: 'foo'})
export class Foo {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('bootstrap: function () { return [Foo]; }');
it('should compile NgModules with references to forward declared directives', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Directive, forwardRef, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
declarations: [forwardRef(() => Foo)],
export class FooModule {}
@Directive({selector: 'foo'})
export class Foo {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('declarations: function () { return [Foo]; }');
it('should compile NgModules with references to forward declared imports', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {forwardRef, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
imports: [forwardRef(() => BarModule)],
export class FooModule {}
export class BarModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: function () { return [BarModule]; }');
it('should compile NgModules with references to forward declared exports', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {forwardRef, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
exports: [forwardRef(() => BarModule)],
export class FooModule {}
export class BarModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('exports: function () { return [BarModule]; }');
it('should compile Pipes without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Pipe} from '@angular/core';
name: 'test-pipe',
pure: false,
export class TestPipe {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'TestPipe.ngPipeDef = i0.ɵɵdefinePipe({ name: "test-pipe", type: TestPipe, ' +
'factory: function TestPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestPipe)(); }, pure: false })');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngPipeDef: i0.ɵɵPipeDefWithMeta<TestPipe, "test-pipe">;');
it('should compile pure Pipes without errors', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Pipe} from '@angular/core';
name: 'test-pipe',
export class TestPipe {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'TestPipe.ngPipeDef = i0.ɵɵdefinePipe({ name: "test-pipe", type: TestPipe, ' +
'factory: function TestPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestPipe)(); }, pure: true })');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ngPipeDef: i0.ɵɵPipeDefWithMeta<TestPipe, "test-pipe">;');
it('should compile Pipes with dependencies', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Pipe} from '@angular/core';
export class Dep {}
name: 'test-pipe',
pure: false,
export class TestPipe {
constructor(dep: Dep) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('return new (t || TestPipe)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(Dep));');
it('should compile Pipes with generic types', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Pipe} from '@angular/core';
name: 'test-pipe',
export class TestPipe<T> {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestPipe.ngPipeDef =');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
.toContain('static ngPipeDef: i0.ɵɵPipeDefWithMeta<TestPipe<any>, "test-pipe">;');
it('should include @Pipes in @NgModule scopes', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule, Pipe} from '@angular/core';
@Pipe({name: 'test'})
export class TestPipe {}
@Component({selector: 'test-cmp', template: '{{value | test}}'})
export class TestCmp {}
@NgModule({declarations: [TestPipe, TestCmp]})
export class TestModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('pipes: [TestPipe]');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<TestModule, [typeof TestPipe, typeof TestCmp], never, never>');
describe('empty and missing selectors', () => {
it('should use default selector for Components when no selector present', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
template: '...',
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('selectors: [["ng-component"]]');
it('should use default selector for Components with empty string selector', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: '',
template: '...',
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('selectors: [["ng-component"]]');
it('should throw if selector is missing in Directive decorator params', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Directive} from '@angular/core';
inputs: ['a', 'b']
export class TestDir {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string))
.toContain('Directive TestDir has no selector, please add it!');
it('should throw if Directive selector is an empty string', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Directive} from '@angular/core';
selector: ''
export class TestDir {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string))
.toContain('Directive TestDir has no selector, please add it!');
describe('multiple decorators on classes', () => {
it('should compile @Injectable on Components, Directives, Pipes, and Modules', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, Directive, Injectable, NgModule, Pipe} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'})
export class TestCmp {}
@Directive({selector: 'test'})
export class TestDir {}
@Pipe({name: 'test'})
export class TestPipe {}
@NgModule({declarations: [TestCmp, TestDir, TestPipe]})
export class TestNgModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
// Validate that each class has the primary definition.
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ngComponentDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDir.ngDirectiveDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestPipe.ngPipeDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestNgModule.ngModuleDef =');
// Validate that each class also has an injectable definition.
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ngInjectableDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDir.ngInjectableDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestPipe.ngInjectableDef =');
expect(jsContents).toContain('TestNgModule.ngInjectableDef =');
// Validate that each class's .d.ts declaration has the primary definition.
// Validate that each class's .d.ts declaration also has an injectable definition.
it('should not compile a component and a directive annotation on the same class', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, Directive} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'})
@Directive({selector: 'test'})
class ShouldNotCompile {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
expect(errors[0].messageText).toContain('Two incompatible decorators on class');
it('should leave decorators present on jit: true directives', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Directive, Inject} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
jit: true,
export class Test {
constructor(@Inject('foo') foo: string) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('__param(0, Inject');
describe('compiling invalid @Injectables', () => {
describe('with strictInjectionParameters = true', () => {
it('should give a compile-time error if an invalid @Injectable is used with no arguments',
() => {
env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class Test {
constructor(private notInjectable: string) {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
expect(errors[0].messageText).toContain('No suitable injection token for parameter');
it('should give a compile-time error if an invalid @Injectable is used with an argument',
() => {
env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class Test {
constructor(private notInjectable: string) {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
expect(errors[0].messageText).toContain('No suitable injection token for parameter');
it('should not give a compile-time error if an invalid @Injectable is used with useValue',
() => {
env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
providedIn: 'root',
useValue: '42',
export class Test {
constructor(private notInjectable: string) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toMatch(/if \(t\).*throw new Error.* else .* '42'/ms);
describe('with strictInjectionParameters = false', () => {
it('should compile an @Injectable on a class with a non-injectable constructor', () => {
env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: false});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class Test {
constructor(private notInjectable: string) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('factory: function Test_Factory(t) { throw new Error(');
it('should compile an @Injectable provided in the root on a class with a non-injectable constructor',
() => {
env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: false});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class Test {
constructor(private notInjectable: string) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('factory: function Test_Factory(t) { throw new Error(');
describe('templateUrl and styleUrls processing', () => {
const testsForResource = (resource: string) => [
// [component location, resource location, resource reference]
// component and resource are in the same folder
[`a/app.ts`, `a/${resource}`, `./${resource}`], //
[`a/app.ts`, `a/${resource}`, resource], //
[`a/app.ts`, `a/${resource}`, `/a/${resource}`],
// resource is one level up
[`a/app.ts`, resource, `../${resource}`], //
[`a/app.ts`, resource, `/${resource}`],
// component and resource are in different folders
[`a/app.ts`, `b/${resource}`, `../b/${resource}`], //
[`a/app.ts`, `b/${resource}`, `/b/${resource}`],
// resource is in subfolder of component directory
[`a/app.ts`, `a/b/c/${resource}`, `./b/c/${resource}`], //
[`a/app.ts`, `a/b/c/${resource}`, `b/c/${resource}`], //
[`a/app.ts`, `a/b/c/${resource}`, `/a/b/c/${resource}`],
testsForResource('style.css').forEach((test) => {
const [compLoc, styleLoc, styleRef] = test;
it(`should handle ${styleRef}`, () => {
env.write(styleLoc, ':host { background-color: blue; }');
env.write(compLoc, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
styleUrls: ['${styleRef}'],
template: '...',
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents(compLoc.replace('.ts', '.js'));
expect(jsContents).toContain('background-color: blue');
testsForResource('template.html').forEach((test) => {
const [compLoc, templateLoc, templateRef] = test;
it(`should handle ${templateRef}`, () => {
env.write(templateLoc, 'Template Content');
env.write(compLoc, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-cmp',
templateUrl: '${templateRef}'
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents(compLoc.replace('.ts', '.js'));
expect(jsContents).toContain('Template Content');
describe('former View Engine AST transform bugs', () => {
it('should compile array literals behind conditionals', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '{{value ? "yes" : [no]}}',
class TestCmp {
value = true;
no = 'no';
it('should compile array literals inside function arguments', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '{{fn([test])}}',
class TestCmp {
fn(arg: any): string {
return 'test';
test = 'test';
describe('unwrapping ModuleWithProviders functions', () => {
it('should extract the generic type and include it in the module\'s declaration', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from 'router';
@NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]})
export class TestModule {}
env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', `
import {ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
declare class RouterModule {
static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders<RouterModule>;
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<RouterModule, never, never, never>;
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [[RouterModule.forRoot()]]');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "router";`);
'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<TestModule, never, [typeof i1.RouterModule], never>');
it('should extract the generic type if it is provided as qualified type name', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from 'router';
@NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]})
export class TestModule {}
env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', `
import {ModuleWithProviders} from '@angular/core';
import * as internal from './internal';
export {InternalRouterModule} from './internal';
declare export class RouterModule {
static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders<internal.InternalRouterModule>;
env.write('node_modules/router/internal.d.ts', `
import {ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
export declare class InternalRouterModule {
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<InternalRouterModule, never, never, never>;
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [[RouterModule.forRoot()]]');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "router";`);
'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<TestModule, never, [typeof i1.InternalRouterModule], never>');
fix(ivy): don't track identifiers of ffr-resolved references (#29387) This fix is for a bug in the ngtsc PartialEvaluator, which statically evaluates expressions. Sometimes, evaluating a reference requires resolving a function which is declared in another module, and thus no function body is available. To support this case, the PartialEvaluator has the concept of a foreign function resolver. This allows the interpretation of expressions like: const router = RouterModule.forRoot([]); even though the definition of the 'forRoot' function has no body. In ngtsc today, this will be resolved to a Reference to RouterModule itself, via the ModuleWithProviders foreign function resolver. However, the PartialEvaluator also associates any Identifiers in the path of this resolution with the Reference. This is done so that if the user writes const x = imported.y; 'x' can be generated as a local identifier instead of adding an import for 'y'. This was at the heart of a bug. In the above case with 'router', the PartialEvaluator added the identifier 'router' to the Reference generated (through FFR) to RouterModule. This is not correct. References that result from FFR expressions may not have the same value at runtime as they do at compile time (indeed, this is not the case for ModuleWithProviders). The Reference generated via FFR is "synthetic" in the sense that it's constructed based on a useful interpretation of the code, not an accurate representation of the runtime value. Therefore, it may not be legal to refer to the Reference via the 'router' identifier. This commit adds the ability to mark such a Reference as 'synthetic', which allows the PartialEvaluator to not add the 'router' identifier down the line. Tests are included for both the PartialEvaluator itself as well as the resultant buggy behavior in ngtsc overall. PR Close #29387
2019-03-18 19:07:36 -04:00
it('should not reference a constant with a ModuleWithProviders value in ngModuleDef imports',
() => {
env.write('dep.d.ts', `
import {ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta as ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
fix(ivy): don't track identifiers of ffr-resolved references (#29387) This fix is for a bug in the ngtsc PartialEvaluator, which statically evaluates expressions. Sometimes, evaluating a reference requires resolving a function which is declared in another module, and thus no function body is available. To support this case, the PartialEvaluator has the concept of a foreign function resolver. This allows the interpretation of expressions like: const router = RouterModule.forRoot([]); even though the definition of the 'forRoot' function has no body. In ngtsc today, this will be resolved to a Reference to RouterModule itself, via the ModuleWithProviders foreign function resolver. However, the PartialEvaluator also associates any Identifiers in the path of this resolution with the Reference. This is done so that if the user writes const x = imported.y; 'x' can be generated as a local identifier instead of adding an import for 'y'. This was at the heart of a bug. In the above case with 'router', the PartialEvaluator added the identifier 'router' to the Reference generated (through FFR) to RouterModule. This is not correct. References that result from FFR expressions may not have the same value at runtime as they do at compile time (indeed, this is not the case for ModuleWithProviders). The Reference generated via FFR is "synthetic" in the sense that it's constructed based on a useful interpretation of the code, not an accurate representation of the runtime value. Therefore, it may not be legal to refer to the Reference via the 'router' identifier. This commit adds the ability to mark such a Reference as 'synthetic', which allows the PartialEvaluator to not add the 'router' identifier down the line. Tests are included for both the PartialEvaluator itself as well as the resultant buggy behavior in ngtsc overall. PR Close #29387
2019-03-18 19:07:36 -04:00
export declare class DepModule {
static forRoot(arg1: any, arg2: any): ModuleWithProviders<DepModule>;
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<DepModule, never, never, never>;
fix(ivy): don't track identifiers of ffr-resolved references (#29387) This fix is for a bug in the ngtsc PartialEvaluator, which statically evaluates expressions. Sometimes, evaluating a reference requires resolving a function which is declared in another module, and thus no function body is available. To support this case, the PartialEvaluator has the concept of a foreign function resolver. This allows the interpretation of expressions like: const router = RouterModule.forRoot([]); even though the definition of the 'forRoot' function has no body. In ngtsc today, this will be resolved to a Reference to RouterModule itself, via the ModuleWithProviders foreign function resolver. However, the PartialEvaluator also associates any Identifiers in the path of this resolution with the Reference. This is done so that if the user writes const x = imported.y; 'x' can be generated as a local identifier instead of adding an import for 'y'. This was at the heart of a bug. In the above case with 'router', the PartialEvaluator added the identifier 'router' to the Reference generated (through FFR) to RouterModule. This is not correct. References that result from FFR expressions may not have the same value at runtime as they do at compile time (indeed, this is not the case for ModuleWithProviders). The Reference generated via FFR is "synthetic" in the sense that it's constructed based on a useful interpretation of the code, not an accurate representation of the runtime value. Therefore, it may not be legal to refer to the Reference via the 'router' identifier. This commit adds the ability to mark such a Reference as 'synthetic', which allows the PartialEvaluator to not add the 'router' identifier down the line. Tests are included for both the PartialEvaluator itself as well as the resultant buggy behavior in ngtsc overall. PR Close #29387
2019-03-18 19:07:36 -04:00
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule, ModuleWithProviders} from '@angular/core';
import {DepModule} from './dep';
fix(ivy): don't track identifiers of ffr-resolved references (#29387) This fix is for a bug in the ngtsc PartialEvaluator, which statically evaluates expressions. Sometimes, evaluating a reference requires resolving a function which is declared in another module, and thus no function body is available. To support this case, the PartialEvaluator has the concept of a foreign function resolver. This allows the interpretation of expressions like: const router = RouterModule.forRoot([]); even though the definition of the 'forRoot' function has no body. In ngtsc today, this will be resolved to a Reference to RouterModule itself, via the ModuleWithProviders foreign function resolver. However, the PartialEvaluator also associates any Identifiers in the path of this resolution with the Reference. This is done so that if the user writes const x = imported.y; 'x' can be generated as a local identifier instead of adding an import for 'y'. This was at the heart of a bug. In the above case with 'router', the PartialEvaluator added the identifier 'router' to the Reference generated (through FFR) to RouterModule. This is not correct. References that result from FFR expressions may not have the same value at runtime as they do at compile time (indeed, this is not the case for ModuleWithProviders). The Reference generated via FFR is "synthetic" in the sense that it's constructed based on a useful interpretation of the code, not an accurate representation of the runtime value. Therefore, it may not be legal to refer to the Reference via the 'router' identifier. This commit adds the ability to mark such a Reference as 'synthetic', which allows the PartialEvaluator to not add the 'router' identifier down the line. Tests are included for both the PartialEvaluator itself as well as the resultant buggy behavior in ngtsc overall. PR Close #29387
2019-03-18 19:07:36 -04:00
export class Base {}
fix(ivy): don't track identifiers of ffr-resolved references (#29387) This fix is for a bug in the ngtsc PartialEvaluator, which statically evaluates expressions. Sometimes, evaluating a reference requires resolving a function which is declared in another module, and thus no function body is available. To support this case, the PartialEvaluator has the concept of a foreign function resolver. This allows the interpretation of expressions like: const router = RouterModule.forRoot([]); even though the definition of the 'forRoot' function has no body. In ngtsc today, this will be resolved to a Reference to RouterModule itself, via the ModuleWithProviders foreign function resolver. However, the PartialEvaluator also associates any Identifiers in the path of this resolution with the Reference. This is done so that if the user writes const x = imported.y; 'x' can be generated as a local identifier instead of adding an import for 'y'. This was at the heart of a bug. In the above case with 'router', the PartialEvaluator added the identifier 'router' to the Reference generated (through FFR) to RouterModule. This is not correct. References that result from FFR expressions may not have the same value at runtime as they do at compile time (indeed, this is not the case for ModuleWithProviders). The Reference generated via FFR is "synthetic" in the sense that it's constructed based on a useful interpretation of the code, not an accurate representation of the runtime value. Therefore, it may not be legal to refer to the Reference via the 'router' identifier. This commit adds the ability to mark such a Reference as 'synthetic', which allows the PartialEvaluator to not add the 'router' identifier down the line. Tests are included for both the PartialEvaluator itself as well as the resultant buggy behavior in ngtsc overall. PR Close #29387
2019-03-18 19:07:36 -04:00
const mwp = DepModule.forRoot(1,2);
fix(ivy): don't track identifiers of ffr-resolved references (#29387) This fix is for a bug in the ngtsc PartialEvaluator, which statically evaluates expressions. Sometimes, evaluating a reference requires resolving a function which is declared in another module, and thus no function body is available. To support this case, the PartialEvaluator has the concept of a foreign function resolver. This allows the interpretation of expressions like: const router = RouterModule.forRoot([]); even though the definition of the 'forRoot' function has no body. In ngtsc today, this will be resolved to a Reference to RouterModule itself, via the ModuleWithProviders foreign function resolver. However, the PartialEvaluator also associates any Identifiers in the path of this resolution with the Reference. This is done so that if the user writes const x = imported.y; 'x' can be generated as a local identifier instead of adding an import for 'y'. This was at the heart of a bug. In the above case with 'router', the PartialEvaluator added the identifier 'router' to the Reference generated (through FFR) to RouterModule. This is not correct. References that result from FFR expressions may not have the same value at runtime as they do at compile time (indeed, this is not the case for ModuleWithProviders). The Reference generated via FFR is "synthetic" in the sense that it's constructed based on a useful interpretation of the code, not an accurate representation of the runtime value. Therefore, it may not be legal to refer to the Reference via the 'router' identifier. This commit adds the ability to mark such a Reference as 'synthetic', which allows the PartialEvaluator to not add the 'router' identifier down the line. Tests are included for both the PartialEvaluator itself as well as the resultant buggy behavior in ngtsc overall. PR Close #29387
2019-03-18 19:07:36 -04:00
imports: [mwp],
export class Module {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [i1.DepModule]');
it('should unwrap a ModuleWithProviders-like function if a matching literal type is provided for it',
() => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from 'router';
@NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]})
export class TestModule {}
env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', `
import {ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
export interface MyType extends ModuleWithProviders {}
declare class RouterModule {
static forRoot(): (MyType)&{ngModule:RouterModule};
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<RouterModule, never, never, never>;
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [[RouterModule.forRoot()]]');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "router";`);
'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<TestModule, never, [typeof i1.RouterModule], never>');
it('should unwrap a namespace imported ModuleWithProviders function if a generic type is provided for it',
() => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from 'router';
@NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]})
export class TestModule {}
env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', `
import * as core from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from 'router';
declare class RouterModule {
static forRoot(): core.ModuleWithProviders<RouterModule>;
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<RouterModule, never, never, never>;
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [[RouterModule.forRoot()]]');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "router";`);
'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<TestModule, never, [typeof i1.RouterModule], never>');
it('should inject special types according to the metadata', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {
} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: 'Test',
class FooCmp {
@Attribute("test") attr: string,
cdr: ChangeDetectorRef,
er: ElementRef,
i: Injector,
r2: Renderer2,
tr: TemplateRef,
vcr: ViewContainerRef,
) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
`factory: function FooCmp_Factory(t) { return new (t || FooCmp)(i0.ɵɵinjectAttribute("test"), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ChangeDetectorRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ElementRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.Injector), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.Renderer2), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.TemplateRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ViewContainerRef)); }`);
it('should generate queries for components', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, ContentChild, ContentChildren, TemplateRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '<div #foo></div>',
queries: {
'mview': new ViewChild('test1'),
'mcontent': new ContentChild('test2'),
class FooCmp {
@ContentChild('bar', {read: TemplateRef, static: false}) child: any;
@ContentChildren(TemplateRef) children: any;
get aview(): any { return null; }
@ViewChild('accessor', {static: false}) set aview(value: any) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
// match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, _c1, true, TemplateRef)`
expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('\\w+', true, 'TemplateRef'));
// match `i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c2, true, null)`
it('should generate queries for directives', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Directive, ContentChild, ContentChildren, TemplateRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
selector: '[test]',
queries: {
'mview': new ViewChild('test1'),
'mcontent': new ContentChild('test2'),
class FooCmp {
@ContentChild('bar', {read: TemplateRef, static: false}) child: any;
@ContentChildren(TemplateRef) children: any;
get aview(): any { return null; }
@ViewChild('accessor') set aview(value: any) {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
// match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, _c1, true, TemplateRef)`
expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('\\w+', true, 'TemplateRef'));
// match `i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c2, true, null)`
// Note that while ViewQuery doesn't necessarily make sense on a directive, because it doesn't
// have a view, we still need to handle it because a component could extend the directive.
it('should handle queries that use forwardRef', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, ContentChild, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef, forwardRef} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '<div #foo></div>',
class FooCmp {
@ContentChild(forwardRef(() => TemplateRef), {static: false}) child: any;
@ContentChild(forwardRef(function() { return ViewContainerRef; }), {static: false}) child2: any;
@ContentChild((forwardRef((function() { return 'parens'; }) as any)), {static: false}) childInParens: any;
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
// match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, TemplateRef, true, null)`
expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('TemplateRef', true));
// match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, ViewContainerRef, true, null)`
expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('ViewContainerRef', true));
// match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, _c0, true, null)`
expect(jsContents).toContain('_c0 = ["parens"];');
expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('_c0', true));
it('should compile expressions that write keys', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, ContentChild, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef, forwardRef} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '<div (click)="test[key] = $event">',
class TestCmp {
test: any;
key: string;
expect(env.getContents('test.js')).toContain('test[key] = $event');
it('should generate host listeners for components', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, HostListener} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: 'Test'
class FooCmp {
onClick(event: any): void {}
@HostListener('document:click', ['$'])
onDocumentClick(eventTarget: HTMLElement): void {}
onWindowScroll(event: any): void {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const hostBindingsFn = `
hostBindings: function FooCmp_HostBindings(rf, ctx, elIndex) {
if (rf & 1) {
i0.ɵɵlistener("click", function FooCmp_click_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onClick(); });
i0.ɵɵlistener("click", function FooCmp_click_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onDocumentClick($; }, false, i0.ɵɵresolveDocument);
i0.ɵɵlistener("scroll", function FooCmp_scroll_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onWindowScroll(); }, false, i0.ɵɵresolveWindow);
it('should throw in case unknown global target is provided', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, HostListener} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: 'Test'
class FooCmp {
onClick(event: any): void {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string))
`Unexpected global target 'UnknownTarget' defined for 'click' event. Supported list of global targets: window,document,body.`);
it('should throw in case pipes are used in host listeners', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '...',
host: {
'(click)': 'doSmth() | myPipe'
class FooCmp {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string))
.toContain('Cannot have a pipe in an action expression');
it('should throw in case pipes are used in host bindings', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '...',
host: {
'[id]': 'id | myPipe'
class FooCmp {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string))
.toContain('Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should generate host bindings for directives', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, HostBinding, HostListener, TemplateRef} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: 'Test',
host: {
'[attr.hello]': 'foo',
'(click)': 'onClick($event)',
'(body:click)': 'onBodyClick($event)',
'[prop]': 'bar',
class FooCmp {
onClick(event: any): void {}
get someClass(): boolean { return false; }
@HostListener('change', ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'])
onChange(event: any, arg: any): void {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const hostBindingsFn = `
hostBindings: function FooCmp_HostBindings(rf, ctx, elIndex) {
if (rf & 1) {
i0.ɵɵlistener("click", function FooCmp_click_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onClick($event); });
i0.ɵɵlistener("click", function FooCmp_click_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onBodyClick($event); }, false, i0.ɵɵresolveBody);
i0.ɵɵlistener("change", function FooCmp_change_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onChange(ctx.arg1, ctx.arg2, ctx.arg3); });
if (rf & 2) {
i0.ɵɵproperty("prop",, null, true);
i0.ɵɵclassProp(0, ctx.someClass);
it('should accept dynamic host attribute bindings', () => {
env.write('other.d.ts', `
export declare const foo: any;
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {foo} from './other';
const test =;
selector: 'test',
template: '',
host: {
'test': test,
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵelementHostAttrs(["test", test])');
it('should accept enum values as host bindings', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, HostBinding, HostListener, TemplateRef} from '@angular/core';
enum HostBindings {
Hello = 'foo'
selector: 'test',
template: 'Test',
host: {
'[attr.hello]': HostBindings.Hello,
class FooCmp {
foo = 'test';
it('should generate host listeners for directives within hostBindings section', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Directive, HostListener} from '@angular/core';
selector: '[test]',
class Dir {
@HostListener('change', ['arg'])
onChange(event: any, arg: any): void {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const hostBindingsFn = `
hostBindings: function Dir_HostBindings(rf, ctx, elIndex) {
if (rf & 1) {
i0.ɵɵlistener("change", function Dir_change_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onChange(ctx.arg); });
it('should use proper default value for preserveWhitespaces config param', () => {
env.tsconfig(); // default is `false`
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
preserveWhitespaces: false,
template: \`
Template with whitespaces
class FooCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('text(1, " Template with whitespaces ");');
it('should take preserveWhitespaces config option into account', () => {
env.tsconfig({preserveWhitespaces: true});
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: \`
Template with whitespaces
class FooCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
.toContain('text(2, "\\n Template with whitespaces\\n ");');
it('@Component\'s preserveWhitespaces should override the one defined in config', () => {
env.tsconfig({preserveWhitespaces: true});
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
preserveWhitespaces: false,
template: \`
Template with whitespaces
class FooCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('text(1, " Template with whitespaces ");');
it('should use proper default value for i18nUseExternalIds config param', () => {
env.tsconfig(); // default is `true`
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '<div i18n>Some text</div>'
class FooCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
it('should take i18nUseExternalIds config option into account', () => {
env.tsconfig({i18nUseExternalIds: false});
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '<div i18n>Some text</div>'
class FooCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
it('@Component\'s `interpolation` should override default interpolation config', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'cmp-with-custom-interpolation-a',
template: \`<div>{%text%}</div>\`,
interpolation: ['{%', '%}']
class ComponentWithCustomInterpolationA {
text = 'Custom Interpolation A';
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
it('should handle `encapsulation` field', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'comp-a',
template: '...',
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
class CompA {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('encapsulation: 2');
it('should throw if `encapsulation` contains invalid value', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'comp-a',
template: '...',
encapsulation: 'invalid-value'
class CompA {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
.toContain('encapsulation must be a member of ViewEncapsulation enum from @angular/core');
it('should handle `changeDetection` field', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'comp-a',
template: '...',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
class CompA {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('changeDetection: 0');
it('should throw if `changeDetection` contains invalid value', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'comp-a',
template: '...',
changeDetection: 'invalid-value'
class CompA {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
'changeDetection must be a member of ChangeDetectionStrategy enum from @angular/core');
it('should ignore empty bindings', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '<div [someProp]></div>'
class FooCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
it('should correctly recognize local symbols', () => {
env.write('module.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {Dir, Comp} from './test';
declarations: [Dir, Comp],
exports: [Dir, Comp],
class Module {}
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, Directive} from '@angular/core';
selector: '[dir]',
export class Dir {}
selector: 'test',
template: '<div dir>Test</div>',
export class Comp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).not.toMatch(/import \* as i[0-9] from ['"].\/test['"]/);
it('should generate exportAs declarations', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, Directive} from '@angular/core';
selector: '[test]',
exportAs: 'foo',
class Dir {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain(`exportAs: ["foo"]`);
it('should generate multiple exportAs declarations', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, Directive} from '@angular/core';
selector: '[test]',
exportAs: 'foo, bar',
class Dir {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain(`exportAs: ["foo", "bar"]`);
it('should generate correct factory stubs for a test module', () => {
env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class NotAModule {}
export class TestModule {}
env.write('empty.ts', `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class NotAModule {}
const factoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js');
expect(factoryContents).toContain(`import * as i0 from '@angular/core';`);
expect(factoryContents).toContain(`import { NotAModule, TestModule } from './test';`);
.toContain(`export var TestModuleNgFactory = new i0.\u0275NgModuleFactory(TestModule);`);
const emptyFactory = env.getContents('empty.ngfactory.js');
expect(emptyFactory).toContain(`import * as i0 from '@angular/core';`);
expect(emptyFactory).toContain(`export var \u0275NonEmptyModule = true;`);
it('should generate correct type annotation for NgModuleFactory calls in ngfactories', () => {
env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '...',
export class TestCmp {}
const ngfactoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.d.ts');
it('should copy a top-level comment into a factory stub', () => {
env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true});
env.write('test.ts', `/** I am a top-level comment. */
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class TestModule {}
const factoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js');
expect(factoryContents).toMatch(/^\/\*\* I am a top-level comment\. \*\//);
fix(ivy): unable to import shim factory files on case-insensitive platforms (#28831) This change is kind of similar to #27466, but instead of ensuring that these shims can be generated, we also need to make sure that developers are able to also use the factory shims like with `ngc`. This issue is now surfacing because we have various old examples which are now also built with `ngtsc` (due to the bazel migration). On case insensitive platforms (e.g. windows) these examples cannot be built because ngtsc fails the app imports a generated shim file (such as the factory shim files). This is because the `GeneratedShimsHostWrapper` TypeScript host uses the `getCanonicalFileName` method in order to check whether a given file/module exists in the generator file maps. e.g. ``` // Generator Map: 'C:/users/paul/_bazel_paul/lm3s4mgv/execroot/angular/packages/core/index.ngfactory.ts' => 'C:/users/paul/_bazel_paul/lm3s4mgv/execroot/angular/packages/core/index.ts', // Path passed into `fileExists` C:/users/paul/_bazel_paul/lm3s4mgv/execroot/angular/packages/core/index.ngfactory.ts // After getCanonicalFileName (notice the **lower-case drive name**) c:/users/paul/_bazel_paul/lm3s4mgv/execroot/angular/packages/core/index.ngfactory.ts ``` As seen above, the generator map does not use the canonical file names, as well as TypeScript internally does not pass around canonical file names. We can fix this by removing the manual call to `getCanonicalFileName` and just following TypeScript internal-semantics. PR Close #28831
2019-02-19 11:50:27 -05:00
it('should be able to compile an app using the factory shim', () => {
env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true});
env.write('test.ts', `
fix(ivy): unable to import shim factory files on case-insensitive platforms (#28831) This change is kind of similar to #27466, but instead of ensuring that these shims can be generated, we also need to make sure that developers are able to also use the factory shims like with `ngc`. This issue is now surfacing because we have various old examples which are now also built with `ngtsc` (due to the bazel migration). On case insensitive platforms (e.g. windows) these examples cannot be built because ngtsc fails the app imports a generated shim file (such as the factory shim files). This is because the `GeneratedShimsHostWrapper` TypeScript host uses the `getCanonicalFileName` method in order to check whether a given file/module exists in the generator file maps. e.g. ``` // Generator Map: 'C:/users/paul/_bazel_paul/lm3s4mgv/execroot/angular/packages/core/index.ngfactory.ts' => 'C:/users/paul/_bazel_paul/lm3s4mgv/execroot/angular/packages/core/index.ts', // Path passed into `fileExists` C:/users/paul/_bazel_paul/lm3s4mgv/execroot/angular/packages/core/index.ngfactory.ts // After getCanonicalFileName (notice the **lower-case drive name**) c:/users/paul/_bazel_paul/lm3s4mgv/execroot/angular/packages/core/index.ngfactory.ts ``` As seen above, the generator map does not use the canonical file names, as well as TypeScript internally does not pass around canonical file names. We can fix this by removing the manual call to `getCanonicalFileName` and just following TypeScript internal-semantics. PR Close #28831
2019-02-19 11:50:27 -05:00
export {MyModuleNgFactory} from './my-module.ngfactory';
env.write('my-module.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyModule {}
it('should generate correct imports in factory stubs when compiling @angular/core', () => {
env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class TestModule {}
// Trick the compiler into thinking it's compiling @angular/core.
env.write('r3_symbols.ts', 'export const ITS_JUST_ANGULAR = true;');
const factoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js');
import * as i0 from "./r3_symbols";
import { TestModule } from './test';
export var TestModuleNgFactory = new i0.NgModuleFactory(TestModule);
it('should generate a summary stub for decorated classes in the input file only', () => {
env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class NotAModule {}
export class TestModule {}
const summaryContents = env.getContents('test.ngsummary.js');
expect(summaryContents).toEqual(`export var TestModuleNgSummary = null;\n`);
it('should generate a summary stub for classes exported via exports', () => {
env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Injectable, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
class NotDirectlyExported {}
export {NotDirectlyExported};
const summaryContents = env.getContents('test.ngsummary.js');
expect(summaryContents).toEqual(`export var NotDirectlyExportedNgSummary = null;\n`);
it('it should generate empty export when there are no other summary symbols, to ensure the output is a valid ES module',
() => {
env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true});
env.write('empty.ts', `
export class NotAModule {}
const emptySummary = env.getContents('empty.ngsummary.js');
// The empty export ensures this js file is still an ES module.
expect(emptySummary).toEqual(`export var \u0275empty = null;\n`);
it('should compile a banana-in-a-box inside of a template', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
template: '<div *tmpl [(bananaInABox)]="prop"></div>',
selector: 'test'
class TestCmp {}
it('generates inherited factory definitions', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
class Dep {}
class Base {
constructor(dep: Dep) {}
class Child extends Base {}
class GrandChild extends Child {
constructor() {
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
.toContain('function Base_Factory(t) { return new (t || Base)(i0.ɵɵinject(Dep)); }');
expect(jsContents).toContain('var \u0275Child_BaseFactory = i0.ɵɵgetInheritedFactory(Child)');
.toContain('function Child_Factory(t) { return \u0275Child_BaseFactory(t || Child); }');
.toContain('function GrandChild_Factory(t) { return new (t || GrandChild)(); }');
it('generates base factories for directives', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Directive} from '@angular/core';
class Base {}
selector: '[test]',
class Dir extends Base {
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('var \u0275Dir_BaseFactory = i0.ɵɵgetInheritedFactory(Dir)');
it('should wrap "directives" in component metadata in a closure when forward references are present',
() => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'cmp-a',
template: '<cmp-b></cmp-b>',
class CmpA {}
selector: 'cmp-b',
template: 'This is B',
class CmpB {}
declarations: [CmpA, CmpB],
class Module {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('directives: function () { return [CmpB]; }');
it('should emit setClassMetadata calls for all types', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, Directive, Injectable, NgModule, Pipe} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'cmp', template: 'I am a component!'}) class TestComponent {}
@Directive({selector: 'dir'}) class TestDirective {}
@Injectable() class TestInjectable {}
@NgModule({declarations: [TestComponent, TestDirective]}) class TestNgModule {}
@Pipe({name: 'pipe'}) class TestPipe {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestComponent, ');
expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestDirective, ');
expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestInjectable, ');
expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestNgModule, ');
expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestPipe, ');
it('should use imported types in setClassMetadata if they can be represented as values', () => {
env.write(`types.ts`, `
export class MyTypeA {}
export class MyTypeB {}
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, Inject, Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {MyTypeA, MyTypeB} from './types';
@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class SomeService {
constructor(arg: MyTypeA) {}
selector: 'some-comp',
template: '...',
export class SomeComp {
constructor(@Inject('arg-token') arg: MyTypeB) {}
const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js'));
expect(jsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "./types";`);
expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1\\.MyTypeA'));
expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1\\.MyTypeB'));
it('should use imported types in setClassMetadata if they can be represented as values and imported as `* as foo`',
() => {
env.write(`types.ts`, `
export class MyTypeA {}
export class MyTypeB {}
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, Inject, Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import * as types from './types';
@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class SomeService {
constructor(arg: types.MyTypeA) {}
selector: 'some-comp',
template: '...',
export class SomeComp {
constructor(@Inject('arg-token') arg: types.MyTypeB) {}
const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js'));
fix(ivy): reuse default imports in type-to-value references (#29266) This fixes an issue with commit b6f6b117. In this commit, default imports processed in a type-to-value conversion were recorded as non-local imports with a '*' name, and the ImportManager generated a new default import for them. When transpiled to ES2015 modules, this resulted in the following correct code: import i3 from './module'; // somewhere in the file, a value reference of i3: {type: i3} However, when the AST with this synthetic import and reference was transpiled to non-ES2015 modules (for example, to commonjs) an issue appeared: var module_1 = require('./module'); {type: i3} TypeScript renames the imported identifier from i3 to module_1, but doesn't substitute later references to i3. This is because the import and reference are both synthetic, and never went through the TypeScript AST step of "binding" which associates the reference to its import. This association is important during emit when the identifiers might change. Synthetic (transformer-added) imports will never be bound properly. The only possible solution is to reuse the user's original import and the identifier from it, which will be properly downleveled. The issue with this approach (which prompted the fix in b6f6b117) is that if the import is only used in a type position, TypeScript will mark it for deletion in the generated JS, even though additional non-type usages are added in the transformer. This again would leave a dangling import. To work around this, it's necessary for the compiler to keep track of identifiers that it emits which came from default imports, and tell TS not to remove those imports during transpilation. A `DefaultImportTracker` class is implemented to perform this tracking. It implements a `DefaultImportRecorder` interface, which is used to record two significant pieces of information: * when a WrappedNodeExpr is generated which refers to a default imported value, the ts.Identifier is associated to the ts.ImportDeclaration via the recorder. * when that WrappedNodeExpr is later emitted as part of the statement / expression translators, the fact that the ts.Identifier was used is also recorded. Combined, this tracking gives the `DefaultImportTracker` enough information to implement another TS transformer, which can recognize default imports which were used in the output of the Ivy transform and can prevent them from being elided. This is done by creating a new ts.ImportDeclaration for the imports with the same ts.ImportClause. A test verifies that this works. PR Close #29266
2019-03-11 19:54:07 -04:00
expect(jsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "./types";`);
expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.MyTypeA'));
expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.MyTypeB'));
it('should use default-imported types if they can be represented as values', () => {
env.write(`types.ts`, `
export default class Default {}
export class Other {}
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Other} from './types';
import Default from './types';
@Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'})
export class SomeCmp {
constructor(arg: Default, other: Other) {}
const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js'));
fix(ivy): reuse default imports in type-to-value references (#29266) This fixes an issue with commit b6f6b117. In this commit, default imports processed in a type-to-value conversion were recorded as non-local imports with a '*' name, and the ImportManager generated a new default import for them. When transpiled to ES2015 modules, this resulted in the following correct code: import i3 from './module'; // somewhere in the file, a value reference of i3: {type: i3} However, when the AST with this synthetic import and reference was transpiled to non-ES2015 modules (for example, to commonjs) an issue appeared: var module_1 = require('./module'); {type: i3} TypeScript renames the imported identifier from i3 to module_1, but doesn't substitute later references to i3. This is because the import and reference are both synthetic, and never went through the TypeScript AST step of "binding" which associates the reference to its import. This association is important during emit when the identifiers might change. Synthetic (transformer-added) imports will never be bound properly. The only possible solution is to reuse the user's original import and the identifier from it, which will be properly downleveled. The issue with this approach (which prompted the fix in b6f6b117) is that if the import is only used in a type position, TypeScript will mark it for deletion in the generated JS, even though additional non-type usages are added in the transformer. This again would leave a dangling import. To work around this, it's necessary for the compiler to keep track of identifiers that it emits which came from default imports, and tell TS not to remove those imports during transpilation. A `DefaultImportTracker` class is implemented to perform this tracking. It implements a `DefaultImportRecorder` interface, which is used to record two significant pieces of information: * when a WrappedNodeExpr is generated which refers to a default imported value, the ts.Identifier is associated to the ts.ImportDeclaration via the recorder. * when that WrappedNodeExpr is later emitted as part of the statement / expression translators, the fact that the ts.Identifier was used is also recorded. Combined, this tracking gives the `DefaultImportTracker` enough information to implement another TS transformer, which can recognize default imports which were used in the output of the Ivy transform and can prevent them from being elided. This is done by creating a new ts.ImportDeclaration for the imports with the same ts.ImportClause. A test verifies that this works. PR Close #29266
2019-03-11 19:54:07 -04:00
expect(jsContents).toContain(`import Default from './types';`);
expect(jsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "./types";`);
fix(ivy): reuse default imports in type-to-value references (#29266) This fixes an issue with commit b6f6b117. In this commit, default imports processed in a type-to-value conversion were recorded as non-local imports with a '*' name, and the ImportManager generated a new default import for them. When transpiled to ES2015 modules, this resulted in the following correct code: import i3 from './module'; // somewhere in the file, a value reference of i3: {type: i3} However, when the AST with this synthetic import and reference was transpiled to non-ES2015 modules (for example, to commonjs) an issue appeared: var module_1 = require('./module'); {type: i3} TypeScript renames the imported identifier from i3 to module_1, but doesn't substitute later references to i3. This is because the import and reference are both synthetic, and never went through the TypeScript AST step of "binding" which associates the reference to its import. This association is important during emit when the identifiers might change. Synthetic (transformer-added) imports will never be bound properly. The only possible solution is to reuse the user's original import and the identifier from it, which will be properly downleveled. The issue with this approach (which prompted the fix in b6f6b117) is that if the import is only used in a type position, TypeScript will mark it for deletion in the generated JS, even though additional non-type usages are added in the transformer. This again would leave a dangling import. To work around this, it's necessary for the compiler to keep track of identifiers that it emits which came from default imports, and tell TS not to remove those imports during transpilation. A `DefaultImportTracker` class is implemented to perform this tracking. It implements a `DefaultImportRecorder` interface, which is used to record two significant pieces of information: * when a WrappedNodeExpr is generated which refers to a default imported value, the ts.Identifier is associated to the ts.ImportDeclaration via the recorder. * when that WrappedNodeExpr is later emitted as part of the statement / expression translators, the fact that the ts.Identifier was used is also recorded. Combined, this tracking gives the `DefaultImportTracker` enough information to implement another TS transformer, which can recognize default imports which were used in the output of the Ivy transform and can prevent them from being elided. This is done by creating a new ts.ImportDeclaration for the imports with the same ts.ImportClause. A test verifies that this works. PR Close #29266
2019-03-11 19:54:07 -04:00
expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: Default'));
expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.Other'));
it('should use `undefined` in setClassMetadata if types can\'t be represented as values', () => {
env.write(`types.ts`, `
export type MyType = Map<any, any>;
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, Inject, Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {MyType} from './types';
selector: 'some-comp',
template: '...',
export class SomeComp {
constructor(@Inject('arg-token') arg: MyType) {}
const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js'));
expect(jsContents).not.toContain(`import { MyType } from './types';`);
// Note: `type: undefined` below, since MyType can't be represented as a value
expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: undefined'));
it('should not throw in case whitespaces and HTML comments are present inside <ng-content>',
() => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'cmp-a',
template: \`
<!-- Some comments -->
class CmpA {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
it('should compile a template using multiple directives with the same selector', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@Directive({selector: '[test]'})
class DirA {}
@Directive({selector: '[test]'})
class DirB {}
template: '<div test></div>',
class Cmp {}
declarations: [Cmp, DirA, DirB],
class Module {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toMatch(/directives: \[DirA,\s+DirB\]/);
describe('cycle detection', () => {
it('should detect a simple cycle and use remote component scoping', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {NormalComponent} from './cyclic';
selector: 'cyclic-component',
template: 'Importing this causes a cycle',
export class CyclicComponent {}
declarations: [NormalComponent, CyclicComponent],
export class Module {}
env.write('cyclic.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'normal-component',
template: '<cyclic-component></cyclic-component>',
export class NormalComponent {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).not.toContain('/*__PURE__*/ i0.ɵɵsetComponentScope');
fix(ivy): track cyclic imports that are added (#29040) ngtsc has cyclic import detection, to determine when adding an import to a directive or pipe would create a cycle. However, this detection must also account for already inserted imports, as it's possible for both directions of a circular import to be inserted by Ivy (as opposed to at least one of those edges existing in the user's program). This commit fixes the circular import detection for components to take into consideration already added edges. This is difficult for one critical reason: only edges to files which will *actually* be imported should be considered. However, that depends on which directives & pipes are used in a given template, which is currently only known by running the TemplateDefinitionBuilder during the 'compile' phase. This is too late; the decision whether to use remote scoping (which consults the import graph) is made during the 'resolve' phase, before any compilation has taken place. Thus, the only way to correctly consider synthetic edges is for the compiler to know exactly which directives & pipes are used in a template during 'resolve'. There are two ways to achieve this: 1) refactor `TemplateDefinitionBuilder` to do its work in two phases, with directive matching occurring as a separate step which can be performed earlier. 2) use the `R3TargetBinder` in the 'resolve' phase to independently bind the template and get information about used directives. Option 1 is ideal, but option 2 is currently used for practical reasons. The cost of binding the template can be shared with template-typechecking. PR Close #29040
2019-02-28 14:00:47 -05:00
it('should detect a cycle added entirely during compilation', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {ACmp} from './a';
import {BCmp} from './b';
@NgModule({declarations: [ACmp, BCmp]})
export class Module {}
env.write('a.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'a-cmp',
template: '<b-cmp></b-cmp>',
export class ACmp {}
env.write('b.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'b-cmp',
template: '<a-cmp></a-cmp>',
export class BCmp {}
const aJsContents = env.getContents('a.js');
const bJsContents = env.getContents('b.js');
expect(aJsContents).toMatch(/import \* as i\d? from ".\/b"/);
expect(bJsContents).not.toMatch(/import \* as i\d? from ".\/a"/);
it('should not detect a potential cycle if it doesn\'t actually happen', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {ACmp} from './a';
import {BCmp} from './b';
@NgModule({declarations: [ACmp, BCmp]})
export class Module {}
env.write('a.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'a-cmp',
template: '<b-cmp></b-cmp>',
export class ACmp {}
env.write('b.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'b-cmp',
template: 'does not use a-cmp',
export class BCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
describe('multiple local refs', () => {
const getComponentScript = (template: string): string => `
import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'my-cmp', template: \`${template}\`})
class Cmp {}
@NgModule({declarations: [Cmp]})
class Module {}
const cases = [
<div #ref></div>
<div #ref></div>
<div #ref></div>
<div #ref></div>
<div #ref></div>
<div #ref></div>
<div *ngIf="visible" #ref></div>
<div #ref></div>
<div *ngFor="let item of items" #ref></div>
<div #ref></div>
cases.forEach(template => {
it('should not throw', () => {
env.write('test.ts', getComponentScript(template));
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
it('should wrap "inputs" and "outputs" keys if they contain unsafe characters', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Directive, Input} from '@angular/core';
selector: '[somedir]',
inputs: ['track-type', 'track-name', 'inputTrackName'],
outputs: ['output-track-type', 'output-track-name', 'outputTrackName']
export class SomeDir {
@Input('track-type') trackType: string;
@Input('track-name') trackName: string;
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const inputsAndOutputs = `
inputs: {
"track-type": "track-type",
"track-name": "track-name",
inputTrackName: "inputTrackName",
trackType: ["track-type", "trackType"],
trackName: ["track-name", "trackName"]
outputs: {
"output-track-type": "output-track-type",
"output-track-name": "output-track-name",
outputTrackName: "outputTrackName"
it('should compile programs with typeRoots', () => {
// Write out a custom tsconfig.json that includes 'typeRoots' and 'files'. 'files' is necessary
// because otherwise TS picks up the testTypeRoot/test/index.d.ts file into the program
// automatically. Shims are also turned on (via allowEmptyCodegenFiles) because the shim
// ts.CompilerHost wrapper can break typeRoot functionality (which this test is meant to
// detect).
env.write('tsconfig.json', `{
"extends": "./tsconfig-base.json",
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"allowEmptyCodegenFiles": true
"compilerOptions": {
"typeRoots": ["./testTypeRoot"],
"files": ["./test.ts"]
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Test} from 'ambient';
env.write('testTypeRoot/.exists', '');
env.write('testTypeRoot/test/index.d.ts', `
declare module 'ambient' {
export const Test = 'This is a test';
// Success is enough to indicate that this passes.
describe('when processing external directives', () => {
it('should not emit multiple references to the same directive', () => {
env.write('node_modules/external/index.d.ts', `
import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
export declare class ExternalDir {
static ngDirectiveDef: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta<ExternalDir, '[test]', never, never, never, never>;
export declare class ExternalModule {
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<ExternalModule, [typeof ExternalDir], never, [typeof ExternalDir]>;
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {ExternalModule} from 'external';
template: '<div test></div>',
class Cmp {}
declarations: [Cmp],
// Multiple imports of the same module used to result in duplicate directive references
// in the output.
imports: [ExternalModule, ExternalModule],
class Module {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toMatch(/directives: \[i1\.ExternalDir\]/);
it('should import directives by their external name', () => {
env.write('node_modules/external/index.d.ts', `
import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
import {InternalDir} from './internal';
export {InternalDir as ExternalDir} from './internal';
export declare class ExternalModule {
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<ExternalModule, [typeof InternalDir], never, [typeof InternalDir]>;
env.write('node_modules/external/internal.d.ts', `
export declare class InternalDir {
static ngDirectiveDef: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta<InternalDir, '[test]', never, never, never, never>;
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {ExternalModule} from 'external';
template: '<div test></div>',
class Cmp {}
declarations: [Cmp],
imports: [ExternalModule],
class Module {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toMatch(/directives: \[i1\.ExternalDir\]/);
describe('flat module indices', () => {
it('should generate a basic flat module index', () => {
'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js',
env.write('test.ts', 'export const TEST = "this is a test";');
const jsContents = env.getContents('flat.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('export * from \'./test\';');
it('should determine the flat module entry-point within multiple root files', () => {
'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js',
env.write('ignored.ts', 'export const TEST = "this is ignored";');
env.write('index.ts', 'export const ENTRY = "this is the entry";');
const jsContents = env.getContents('flat.js');
'export * from \'./index\';',
'Should detect the "index.ts" file as flat module entry-point.');
it('should generate a flat module with an id', () => {
'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js',
'flatModuleId': '@mymodule',
env.write('test.ts', 'export const TEST = "this is a test";');
const dtsContents = env.getContents('flat.d.ts');
expect(dtsContents).toContain('/// <amd-module name="@mymodule" />');
it('should generate a proper flat module index file when nested', () => {
'flatModuleOutFile': './public-api/index.js',
env.write('test.ts', `export const SOME_EXPORT = 'some-export'`);
expect(env.getContents('./public-api/index.js')).toContain(`export * from '../test';`);
it('should report an error when a flat module index is requested but no entrypoint can be determined',
() => {
env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'});
env.write('test.ts', 'export class Foo {}');
env.write('test2.ts', 'export class Bar {}');
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
'Angular compiler option "flatModuleOutFile" requires one and only one .ts file in the "files" field.');
it('should report an error when a visible directive is not exported', () => {
env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
// The directive is not exported.
@Directive({selector: 'test'})
class Dir {}
// The module is, which makes the directive visible.
@NgModule({declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir]})
export class Module {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
'Unsupported private class Dir. This class is visible ' +
'to consumers via Module -> Dir, but is not exported from the top-level library ' +
// Verify that the error is for the correct class.
const id = expectTokenAtPosition(errors[0].file !, errors[0].start !, ts.isIdentifier);
it('should report an error when a deeply visible directive is not exported', () => {
env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
// The directive is not exported.
@Directive({selector: 'test'})
class Dir {}
// Neither is the module which declares it - meaning the directive is not visible here.
@NgModule({declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir]})
class DirModule {}
// The module is, which makes the directive visible.
@NgModule({exports: [DirModule]})
export class Module {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
'Unsupported private class DirModule. This class is ' +
'visible to consumers via Module -> DirModule, but is not exported from the top-level ' +
'library entrypoint.');
'Unsupported private class Dir. This class is visible ' +
'to consumers via Module -> DirModule -> Dir, but is not exported from the top-level ' +
'library entrypoint.');
it('should report an error when a deeply visible module is not exported', () => {
env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
// The directive is exported.
@Directive({selector: 'test'})
export class Dir {}
// The module which declares it is not.
@NgModule({declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir]})
class DirModule {}
// The module is, which makes the module and directive visible.
@NgModule({exports: [DirModule]})
export class Module {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
'Unsupported private class DirModule. This class is ' +
'visible to consumers via Module -> DirModule, but is not exported from the top-level ' +
'library entrypoint.');
it('should not report an error when a non-exported module is imported by a visible one', () => {
env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
// The directive is not exported.
@Directive({selector: 'test'})
class Dir {}
// Neither is the module which declares it.
@NgModule({declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir]})
class DirModule {}
// This module is, but it doesn't re-export the module, so it doesn't make the module and
// directive visible.
@NgModule({imports: [DirModule]})
export class Module {}
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
it('should not report an error when re-exporting an external symbol', () => {
env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'});
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {ExternalModule} from 'external';
// This module makes ExternalModule and ExternalDir visible.
@NgModule({exports: [ExternalModule]})
export class Module {}
env.write('node_modules/external/index.d.ts', `
import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
export declare class ExternalDir {
static ngDirectiveDef: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta<ExternalDir, '[test]', never, never, never, never>;
export declare class ExternalModule {
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<ExternalModule, [typeof ExternalDir], never, [typeof ExternalDir]>;
const errors = env.driveDiagnostics();
it('should execute custom transformers', () => {
let beforeCount = 0;
let afterCount = 0;
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
class Module {}
beforeTs: [() => (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) => {
return sourceFile;
afterTs: [() => (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) => {
return sourceFile;
describe('@fileoverview Closure annotations', () => {
it('should be produced if not present in source file', () => {
'annotateForClosureCompiler': true,
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
template: '<div class="test"></div>',
export class SomeComp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const fileoverview = `
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
it('should be produced for empty source files', () => {
'annotateForClosureCompiler': true,
env.write(`test.ts`, ``);
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const fileoverview = `
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
it('should always be at the very beginning of a script (if placed above imports)', () => {
'annotateForClosureCompiler': true,
env.write(`test.ts`, `
* @fileoverview Some Comp overview
* @modName {some_comp}
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
template: '<div class="test"></div>',
export class SomeComp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const fileoverview = `
* @fileoverview Some Comp overview
* @modName {some_comp}
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
it('should always be at the very beginning of a script (if placed above non-imports)', () => {
'annotateForClosureCompiler': true,
env.write(`test.ts`, `
* @fileoverview Some Comp overview
* @modName {some_comp}
const testConst = 'testConstValue';
const testFn = function() { return true; }
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const fileoverview = `
* @fileoverview Some Comp overview
* @modName {some_comp}
* @suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
describe('sanitization', () => {
it('should generate sanitizers for unsafe attributes in hostBindings fn in Directives', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, Directive, HostBinding} from '@angular/core';
selector: '[unsafeAttrs]'
class UnsafeAttrsDirective {
attrHref: string;
attrSrc: string;
attrAction: string;
attrProfile: string;
attrInnerHTML: string;
attrSafeTitle: string;
selector: 'foo',
template: '<a [unsafeAttrs]="ctxProp">Link Title</a>'
class FooCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const hostBindingsFn = `
hostBindings: function UnsafeAttrsDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx, elIndex) {
if (rf & 1) {
if (rf & 2) {
i0.ɵɵattribute("href", ctx.attrHref, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl);
i0.ɵɵattribute("src", ctx.attrSrc, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl);
i0.ɵɵattribute("action", ctx.attrAction, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrl);
i0.ɵɵattribute("profile", ctx.attrProfile, i0.ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl);
i0.ɵɵattribute("innerHTML", ctx.attrInnerHTML, i0.ɵɵsanitizeHtml);
i0.ɵɵattribute("title", ctx.attrSafeTitle);
it('should generate sanitizers for unsafe properties in hostBindings fn in Directives', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component, Directive, HostBinding} from '@angular/core';
selector: '[unsafeProps]'
class UnsafePropsDirective {
propHref: string;
propSrc: string;
propAction: string;
propProfile: string;
propInnerHTML: string;
propSafeTitle: string;
selector: 'foo',
template: '<a [unsafeProps]="ctxProp">Link Title</a>'
class FooCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const hostBindingsFn = `
hostBindings: function UnsafePropsDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx, elIndex) {
if (rf & 1) {
if (rf & 2) {
i0.ɵɵproperty("href", ctx.propHref, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl, true);
i0.ɵɵproperty("src", ctx.propSrc, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl, true);
i0.ɵɵproperty("action", ctx.propAction, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrl, true);
i0.ɵɵproperty("profile", ctx.propProfile, i0.ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl, true);
i0.ɵɵproperty("innerHTML", ctx.propInnerHTML, i0.ɵɵsanitizeHtml, true);
i0.ɵɵproperty("title", ctx.propSafeTitle, null, true);
it('should not generate sanitizers for URL properties in hostBindings fn in Component', () => {
env.write(`test.ts`, `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'foo',
template: '<a href="">Link Title</a>',
host: {
'[src]': 'srcProp',
'[href]': 'hrefProp',
'[title]': 'titleProp',
'[attr.src]': 'srcAttr',
'[attr.href]': 'hrefAttr',
'[attr.title]': 'titleAttr',
class FooCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
const hostBindingsFn = `
hostBindings: function FooCmp_HostBindings(rf, ctx, elIndex) {
if (rf & 1) {
if (rf & 2) {
i0.ɵɵproperty("src", ctx.srcProp, null, true);
i0.ɵɵproperty("href", ctx.hrefProp, null, true);
i0.ɵɵproperty("title", ctx.titleProp, null, true);
i0.ɵɵattribute("src", ctx.srcAttr);
i0.ɵɵattribute("href", ctx.hrefAttr);
i0.ɵɵattribute("title", ctx.titleAttr);
describe('listLazyRoutes()', () => {
// clang-format off
const lazyRouteMatching = (
route: string, fromModulePath: RegExp, fromModuleName: string, toModulePath: RegExp,
toModuleName: string) => {
return {
module: jasmine.objectContaining({
name: fromModuleName,
filePath: jasmine.stringMatching(fromModulePath),
referencedModule: jasmine.objectContaining({
name: toModuleName,
filePath: jasmine.stringMatching(toModulePath),
} as unknown as LazyRoute;
// clang-format on
beforeEach(() => {
env.write('node_modules/@angular/router/index.d.ts', `
import {ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta as ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
export declare var ROUTES;
export declare class RouterModule {
static forRoot(arg1: any, arg2: any): ModuleWithProviders<RouterModule>;
static forChild(arg1: any): ModuleWithProviders<RouterModule>;
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<RouterModule, never, never, never>;
describe('when called without arguments', () => {
it('should list all routes', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '1', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy-1#Lazy1Module'},
{path: '2', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy-2#Lazy2Module'},
export class TestModule {}
env.write('lazy/lazy-1.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Lazy1Module {}
env.write('lazy/lazy-2.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '3', loadChildren: './lazy-3#Lazy3Module'},
export class Lazy2Module {}
env.write('lazy/lazy-3.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Lazy3Module {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes();
'./lazy-3#Lazy3Module', /\/lazy\/lazy-2\.ts$/, 'Lazy2Module', /\/lazy\/lazy-3\.ts$/,
'./lazy/lazy-1#Lazy1Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy-1\.ts$/,
'./lazy/lazy-2#Lazy2Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy-2\.ts$/,
it('should detect lazy routes in simple children routes', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
selector: 'foo',
template: '<div>Foo</div>'
class FooCmp {}
imports: [
{path: '', children: [
{path: 'foo', component: FooCmp},
{path: 'lazy', loadChildren: './lazy#LazyModule'}
export class TestModule {}
env.write('lazy.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
export class LazyModule {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes();
'./lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\.ts$/, 'LazyModule'),
it('should detect lazy routes in all root directories', () => {
env.tsconfig({}, ['./foo/other-root-dir', './bar/other-root-dir']);
env.write('src/test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-foo#LazyFooModule'},
export class TestModule {}
env.write('foo/other-root-dir/src/lazy-foo.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-bar#LazyBarModule'},
export class LazyFooModule {}
env.write('bar/other-root-dir/src/lazy-bar.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazier-bar#LazierBarModule'},
export class LazyBarModule {}
env.write('bar/other-root-dir/src/lazier-bar.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class LazierBarModule {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes();
'./lazy-foo#LazyFooModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule',
/\/foo\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-foo\.ts$/, 'LazyFooModule'),
'./lazy-bar#LazyBarModule', /\/foo\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-foo\.ts$/,
'LazyFooModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-bar\.ts$/, 'LazyBarModule'),
'./lazier-bar#LazierBarModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-bar\.ts$/,
'LazyBarModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazier-bar\.ts$/, 'LazierBarModule'),
describe('when called with entry module', () => {
it('should throw if the entry module hasn\'t been analyzed', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy#LazyModule'},
export class TestModule {}
const entryModule1 = path.posix.join(env.basePath, 'test#TestModule');
const entryModule2 = path.posix.join(env.basePath, 'not-test#TestModule');
const entryModule3 = path.posix.join(env.basePath, 'test#NotTestModule');
expect(() => env.driveRoutes(entryModule1)).not.toThrow();
expect(() => env.driveRoutes(entryModule2))
.toThrowError(`Failed to list lazy routes: Unknown module '${entryModule2}'.`);
expect(() => env.driveRoutes(entryModule3))
.toThrowError(`Failed to list lazy routes: Unknown module '${entryModule3}'.`);
it('should list all transitive lazy routes', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
import {Test1Module as Test1ModuleRenamed} from './test-1';
import {Test2Module} from './test-2';
exports: [
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#LazyModule'},
export class TestModule {}
env.write('test-1.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: 'one', loadChildren: './lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module'},
export class Test1Module {}
env.write('test-2.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
exports: [
{path: 'two', loadChildren: './lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module'},
export class Test2Module {}
env.write('lazy/lazy.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class LazyModule {}
env.write('lazy-1/lazy-1.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Lazy1Module {}
env.write('lazy-2/lazy-2.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Lazy2Module {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes(path.join(env.basePath, 'test#TestModule'));
'./lazy/lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/,
'./lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module', /\/test-1\.ts$/, 'Test1Module',
/\/lazy-1\/lazy-1\.ts$/, 'Lazy1Module'),
'./lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module', /\/test-2\.ts$/, 'Test2Module',
/\/lazy-2\/lazy-2\.ts$/, 'Lazy2Module'),
it('should ignore exports that do not refer to an `NgModule`', () => {
env.write('test-1.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
import {Test2Component, Test2Module} from './test-2';
exports: [
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module'},
export class Test1Module {}
env.write('test-2.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
selector: 'test-2',
template: '',
export class Test2Component {}
declarations: [
exports: [
{path: 'two', loadChildren: './lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module'},
export class Test2Module {}
env.write('lazy-1/lazy-1.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Lazy1Module {}
env.write('lazy-2/lazy-2.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Lazy2Module {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes(path.join(env.basePath, 'test-1#Test1Module'));
'./lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module', /\/test-1\.ts$/, 'Test1Module',
/\/lazy-1\/lazy-1\.ts$/, 'Lazy1Module'),
'./lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module', /\/test-2\.ts$/, 'Test2Module',
/\/lazy-2\/lazy-2\.ts$/, 'Lazy2Module'),
it('should support `ModuleWithProviders`', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {ModuleWithProviders, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module'},
export class TestRoutingModule {
static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders<TestRoutingModule> {
return {
ngModule: TestRoutingModule,
providers: [],
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module'},
export class TestModule {}
env.write('lazy-1/lazy-1.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Lazy1Module {}
env.write('lazy-2/lazy-2.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Lazy2Module {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes(path.join(env.basePath, 'test#TestModule'));
'./lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy-1\/lazy-1\.ts$/,
'./lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestRoutingModule',
/\/lazy-2\/lazy-2\.ts$/, 'Lazy2Module'),
it('should only process each module once', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#LazyModule'},
export class SharedModule {}
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#LazyModule'},
export class TestModule {}
env.write('lazy/lazy.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: '../lazier/lazier#LazierModule'},
export class LazyModule {}
env.write('lazier/lazier.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class LazierModule {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes(path.join(env.basePath, 'test#TestModule'));
// `LazyModule` is referenced in both `SharedModule` and `TestModule`,
// but it is only processed once (hence one `LazierModule` entry).
'./lazy/lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/,
'./lazy/lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'SharedModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/,
'../lazier/lazier#LazierModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/, 'LazyModule',
/\/lazier\/lazier\.ts$/, 'LazierModule'),
it('should detect lazy routes in all root directories', () => {
env.tsconfig({}, ['./foo/other-root-dir', './bar/other-root-dir']);
env.write('src/test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-foo#LazyFooModule'},
export class TestModule {}
env.write('foo/other-root-dir/src/lazy-foo.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-bar#LazyBarModule'},
export class LazyFooModule {}
env.write('bar/other-root-dir/src/lazy-bar.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazier-bar#LazierBarModule'},
export class LazyBarModule {}
env.write('bar/other-root-dir/src/lazier-bar.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class LazierBarModule {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes(path.join(env.basePath, 'src/test#TestModule'));
'./lazy-foo#LazyFooModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule',
/\/foo\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-foo\.ts$/, 'LazyFooModule'),
'./lazy-bar#LazyBarModule', /\/foo\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-foo\.ts$/,
'LazyFooModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-bar\.ts$/, 'LazyBarModule'),
'./lazier-bar#LazierBarModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-bar\.ts$/,
'LazyBarModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazier-bar\.ts$/, 'LazierBarModule'),
it('should ignore modules not (transitively) referenced by the entry module', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#Lazy1Module'},
export class Test1Module {}
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#Lazy2Module'},
export class Test2Module {}
env.write('lazy/lazy.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Lazy1Module {}
export class Lazy2Module {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes(path.join(env.basePath, 'test#Test1Module'));
'./lazy/lazy#Lazy1Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'Test1Module', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/,
it('should ignore routes to unknown modules', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
imports: [
{path: '', loadChildren: './unknown/unknown#UnknownModule'},
{path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#LazyModule'},
export class TestModule {}
env.write('lazy/lazy.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class LazyModule {}
const routes = env.driveRoutes(path.join(env.basePath, 'test#TestModule'));
'./lazy/lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/,
describe('ivy switch mode', () => {
it('should allow for symbols to be renamed when they use a SWITCH_IVY naming mechanism', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
export const FooCmp__POST_R3__ = 1;
export const FooCmp__PRE_R3__ = 2;
export const FooCmp = FooCmp__PRE_R3__;`);
const source = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(source).toContain(`export var FooCmp = FooCmp__POST_R3__`);
expect(source).not.toContain(`export var FooCmp = FooCmp__PRE_R3__`);
it('should allow for SWITCH_IVY naming even even if it occurs outside of core', () => {
const content = `
export const Foo__POST_R3__ = 1;
export const Foo__PRE_R3__ = 2;
export const Foo = Foo__PRE_R3__;
env.write('test_outside_angular_core.ts', content);
env.write('test_inside_angular_core.ts', content + '\nexport const ITS_JUST_ANGULAR = true;');
const sourceTestOutsideAngularCore = env.getContents('test_outside_angular_core.js');
const sourceTestInsideAngularCore = env.getContents('test_inside_angular_core.js');
describe('NgModule export aliasing', () => {
it('should use an alias to import a directive from a deep dependency', () => {
env.tsconfig({'_useHostForImportGeneration': true});
// 'alpha' declares the directive which will ultimately be imported.
env.write('alpha.d.ts', `
import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
export declare class ExternalDir {
static ngDirectiveDef: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta<ExternalDir, '[test]', never, never, never, never>;
export declare class AlphaModule {
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<AlphaModule, [typeof ExternalDir], never, [typeof ExternalDir]>;
// 'beta' re-exports AlphaModule from alpha.
env.write('beta.d.ts', `
import {ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
import {AlphaModule} from './alpha';
export declare class BetaModule {
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<AlphaModule, never, never, [typeof AlphaModule]>;
// The application imports BetaModule from beta, gaining visibility of ExternalDir from alpha.
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {BetaModule} from './beta';
selector: 'cmp',
template: '<div test></div>',
export class Cmp {}
declarations: [Cmp],
imports: [BetaModule],
export class Module {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
// Expect that ExternalDir from alpha is imported via the re-export from beta.
expect(jsContents).toContain('import * as i1 from "root/beta";');
expect(jsContents).toContain('directives: [i1.\u0275ng$root$alpha$$ExternalDir]');
it('should write alias ES2015 exports for NgModule exported directives', () => {
env.tsconfig({'_useHostForImportGeneration': true});
env.write('external.d.ts', `
import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
import {LibModule} from './lib';
export declare class ExternalDir {
static ngDirectiveDef: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta<ExternalDir, '[test]', never, never, never, never>;
export declare class ExternalModule {
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<ExternalModule, [typeof ExternalDir], never, [typeof ExternalDir, typeof LibModule]>;
env.write('lib.d.ts', `
import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core';
export declare class LibDir {
static ngDirectiveDef: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta<LibDir, '[lib]', never, never, never, never>;
export declare class LibModule {
static ngModuleDef: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta<LibModule, [typeof LibDir], never, [typeof LibDir]>;
env.write('foo.ts', `
import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {ExternalModule} from './external';
@Directive({selector: '[foo]'})
export class FooDir {}
declarations: [FooDir],
exports: [FooDir, ExternalModule]
export class FooModule {}
env.write('index.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {FooModule} from './foo';
selector: 'index',
template: '<div foo test lib></div>',
export class IndexCmp {}
declarations: [IndexCmp],
exports: [FooModule],
export class IndexModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('index.js');
.toContain('export { FooDir as \u0275ng$root$foo$$FooDir } from "root/foo";');
it('should escape unusual characters in aliased filenames', () => {
env.tsconfig({'_useHostForImportGeneration': true});
env.write('other._$test.ts', `
import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@Directive({selector: 'test'})
export class TestDir {}
declarations: [TestDir],
exports: [TestDir],
export class OtherModule {}
env.write('index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {OtherModule} from './other._$test';
exports: [OtherModule],
export class IndexModule {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('index.js');
'export { TestDir as \u0275ng$root$other___test$$TestDir } from "root/other._$test";');
describe('inline resources', () => {
it('should process inline <style> tags', () => {
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '<style>h1 {font-size: larger}</style>',
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('styles: ["h1[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {font-size: larger}"]');
it('should process inline <link> tags', () => {
env.write('style.css', `h1 {font-size: larger}`);
env.write('test.ts', `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test',
template: '<link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">',
export class TestCmp {}
const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js');
expect(jsContents).toContain('styles: ["h1[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {font-size: larger}"]');
function expectTokenAtPosition<T extends ts.Node>(
sf: ts.SourceFile, pos: number, guard: (node: ts.Node) => node is T): T {
// getTokenAtPosition is part of TypeScript's private API.
const node = (ts as any).getTokenAtPosition(sf, pos) as ts.Node;
return node as T;
function normalize(input: string): string {
return input.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();