2015-06-08 22:08:13 -07:00
/// <reference path="../typings/node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../typings/jasmine/jasmine.d.ts" />
2015-09-25 23:13:37 -07:00
console . warn (
"Skipping all tests in broccoli-flatten.spec.ts because they require mock-fs which is currently incompatible with node 4.x. See: https://github.com/tschaub/mock-fs/issues/59" ) ;
/ *
2015-06-08 22:08:13 -07:00
let mockfs = require ( 'mock-fs' ) ;
import fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
2015-06-23 18:09:32 +02:00
import path = require ( 'path' ) ;
2015-06-08 22:08:13 -07:00
import { TreeDiffer } from './tree-differ' ;
import { DiffingFlatten } from './broccoli-flatten' ;
describe ( 'Flatten' , ( ) = > {
afterEach ( ( ) = > mockfs . restore ( ) ) ;
2015-06-12 07:50:45 -07:00
function flatten ( inputPaths ) { return new DiffingFlatten ( inputPaths , 'output' , null ) ; }
2015-06-08 22:08:13 -07:00
function read ( path ) { return fs . readFileSync ( path , { encoding : "utf-8" } ) ; }
function rm ( path ) { return fs . unlinkSync ( path ) ; }
function write ( path , content ) { fs . writeFileSync ( path , content , { encoding : "utf-8" } ) ; }
it ( 'should flatten files and be incremental' , ( ) = > {
let testDir = {
'input' : {
'dir1' : {
'file-1.txt' : mockfs . file ( { content : 'file-1.txt content' , mtime : new Date ( 1000 ) } ) ,
'file-2.txt' : mockfs . file ( { content : 'file-2.txt content' , mtime : new Date ( 1000 ) } ) ,
'subdir-1' : {
'file-1.1.txt' : mockfs . file ( { content : 'file-1.1.txt content' , mtime : new Date ( 1000 ) } )
} ,
'empty-dir' : { }
} ,
} ,
'output' : { }
} ;
mockfs ( testDir ) ;
let differ = new TreeDiffer ( 'testLabel' , 'input' ) ;
let flattenedTree = flatten ( 'input' ) ;
flattenedTree . rebuild ( differ . diffTree ( ) ) ;
expect ( fs . readdirSync ( 'output' ) ) . toEqual ( [ 'file-1.1.txt' , 'file-1.txt' , 'file-2.txt' ] ) ;
// fails due to a mock-fs bug related to reading symlinks?
2015-06-12 07:50:45 -07:00
// expect(read('output/file-1.1.txt')).toBe('file-1.1.txt content');
2015-06-08 22:08:13 -07:00
// delete a file
rm ( 'input/dir1/file-1.txt' ) ;
// add a new one
write ( 'input/dir1/file-3.txt' , 'file-3.txt content' ) ;
flattenedTree . rebuild ( differ . diffTree ( ) ) ;
expect ( fs . readdirSync ( 'output' ) ) . toEqual ( [ 'file-1.1.txt' , 'file-2.txt' , 'file-3.txt' ] ) ;
} ) ;
2015-05-31 17:24:21 -07:00
it ( 'should throw an exception if duplicates are found' , ( ) = > {
let testDir = {
'input' : {
'dir1' : {
'file-1.txt' : mockfs . file ( { content : 'file-1.txt content' , mtime : new Date ( 1000 ) } ) ,
2015-06-12 07:50:45 -07:00
'subdir-1' :
{ 'file-1.txt' : mockfs . file ( { content : 'file-1.1.txt content' , mtime : new Date ( 1000 ) } ) } ,
2015-05-31 17:24:21 -07:00
'empty-dir' : { }
} ,
} ,
'output' : { }
} ;
mockfs ( testDir ) ;
let differ = new TreeDiffer ( 'testLabel' , 'input' ) ;
let flattenedTree = flatten ( 'input' ) ;
2015-06-12 07:50:45 -07:00
expect ( ( ) = > flattenedTree . rebuild ( differ . diffTree ( ) ) )
2015-06-23 18:09:32 +02:00
. toThrowError ( "Duplicate file 'file-1.txt' found in path 'dir1" + path . sep + "subdir-1" +
path . sep + "file-1.txt'" ) ;
2015-05-31 17:24:21 -07:00
} ) ;
2015-06-08 22:08:13 -07:00
} ) ;
2015-09-25 23:13:37 -07:00
* /