2016-06-23 09:47:54 -07:00
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
2016-05-26 16:17:35 -07:00
const SVG_PREFIX = ':svg:';
2016-09-01 17:32:47 -07:00
// Element | Node interfaces
// see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element
// see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node
const ELEMENT_IF = '[Element]';
// HTMLElement interface
// see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement
const HTMLELEMENT_IF = '[HTMLElement]';
2016-09-01 19:37:09 -07:00
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/index.html
'a,abbr,address,area,article,aside,audio,b,base,bdi,bdo,blockquote,body,br,button,canvas,caption,cite,code,col,colgroup,data,datalist,dd,del,dfn,div,dl,dt,em,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,head,header,hr,html,i,iframe,img,input,ins,kbd,keygen,label,legend,li,link,main,map,mark,meta,meter,nav,noscript,object,ol,optgroup,option,output,p,param,pre,progress,q,rb,rp,rt,rtc,ruby,s,samp,script,section,select,small,source,span,strong,style,sub,sup,table,tbody,td,template,textarea,tfoot,th,thead,time,title,tr,track,u,ul,var,video,wbr,' +
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/
// Elements missing from Chrome (HtmlUnknownElement), to be manually added
const MISSING_FROM_CHROME: {[el: string]: string[]} = {
'data^[HTMLElement]': ['value'],
2017-06-08 12:43:37 +03:00
'keygen^[HTMLElement]': ['!autofocus', 'challenge', '!disabled', 'form', 'keytype', 'name'],
2016-09-01 19:37:09 -07:00
// TODO(vicb): Figure out why Chrome and WhatWG do not agree on the props
// 'menu^[HTMLElement]': ['type', 'label'],
['type', 'label', 'icon', '!disabled', '!checked', 'radiogroup', '!default'],
'summary^[HTMLElement]': [],
'time^[HTMLElement]': ['dateTime'],
2017-07-06 12:11:34 -07:00
':svg:cursor^:svg:': [],
2016-09-01 19:37:09 -07:00
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
const _G: any = global;
const document: any = typeof _G['document'] == 'object' ? _G['document'] : null;
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
2017-03-24 09:59:58 -07:00
export function extractSchema(): Map<string, string[]>|null {
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
if (!document) return null;
const SVGGraphicsElement = _G['SVGGraphicsElement'];
if (!SVGGraphicsElement) return null;
const element = document.createElement('video');
const descMap: Map<string, string[]> = new Map();
2016-11-12 14:08:58 +01:00
const visited: {[name: string]: boolean} = {};
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
// HTML top level
2016-09-01 17:32:47 -07:00
extractProperties(Node, element, visited, descMap, ELEMENT_IF, '');
extractProperties(Element, element, visited, descMap, ELEMENT_IF, '');
extractProperties(HTMLElement, element, visited, descMap, HTMLELEMENT_IF, ELEMENT_IF);
extractProperties(HTMLElement, element, visited, descMap, HTMLELEMENT_TAGS, HTMLELEMENT_IF);
extractProperties(HTMLMediaElement, element, visited, descMap, 'media', HTMLELEMENT_IF);
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
// SVG top level
2017-07-06 12:11:34 -07:00
const svgAnimation = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'set');
const svgPath = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path');
const svgFeFuncA = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'feFuncA');
const svgGradient = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'linearGradient');
const svgText = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'text');
const SVGAnimationElement = _G['SVGAnimationElement'];
const SVGGeometryElement = _G['SVGGeometryElement'];
const SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement = _G['SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement'];
const SVGGradientElement = _G['SVGGradientElement'];
const SVGTextContentElement = _G['SVGTextContentElement'];
const SVGTextPositioningElement = _G['SVGTextPositioningElement'];
2016-09-01 17:32:47 -07:00
extractProperties(SVGElement, svgText, visited, descMap, SVG_PREFIX, HTMLELEMENT_IF);
2016-06-08 16:38:52 -07:00
SVGGraphicsElement, svgText, visited, descMap, SVG_PREFIX + 'graphics', SVG_PREFIX);
SVGAnimationElement, svgAnimation, visited, descMap, SVG_PREFIX + 'animation', SVG_PREFIX);
SVGGeometryElement, svgPath, visited, descMap, SVG_PREFIX + 'geometry', SVG_PREFIX);
SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement, svgFeFuncA, visited, descMap,
SVG_PREFIX + 'componentTransferFunction', SVG_PREFIX);
SVGGradientElement, svgGradient, visited, descMap, SVG_PREFIX + 'gradient', SVG_PREFIX);
SVGTextContentElement, svgText, visited, descMap, SVG_PREFIX + 'textContent',
SVG_PREFIX + 'graphics');
SVGTextPositioningElement, svgText, visited, descMap, SVG_PREFIX + 'textPositioning',
SVG_PREFIX + 'textContent');
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
// Get all element types
const types = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window).filter(k => /^(HTML|SVG).*?Element$/.test(k));
types.forEach(type => { extractRecursiveProperties(visited, descMap, (window as any)[type]); });
2016-06-02 10:27:33 -07:00
2016-09-01 19:37:09 -07:00
// Add elements missed by Chrome auto-detection
Object.keys(MISSING_FROM_CHROME).forEach(elHierarchy => {
descMap.set(elHierarchy, MISSING_FROM_CHROME[elHierarchy]);
2016-06-02 10:27:33 -07:00
return descMap;
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
2016-09-01 19:37:09 -07:00
function assertNoMissingTags(descMap: Map<string, string[]>): void {
const extractedTags: string[] = [];
2016-11-03 16:58:27 -07:00
Array.from(descMap.keys()).forEach((key: string) => {
2016-09-01 19:37:09 -07:00
const missingTags = ALL_HTML_TAGS.split(',').filter(tag => extractedTags.indexOf(tag) == -1);
if (missingTags.length) {
throw new Error(`DOM schema misses tags: ${missingTags.join(',')}`);
2016-06-08 16:38:52 -07:00
function extractRecursiveProperties(
visited: {[name: string]: boolean}, descMap: Map<string, string[]>, type: Function): string {
2017-03-24 09:59:58 -07:00
const name = extractName(type) !;
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
if (visited[name]) {
return name;
let superName: string;
switch (name) {
2016-09-01 17:32:47 -07:00
// ELEMENT_IF is the top most interface (Element | Node)
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
superName = '';
2016-09-01 17:32:47 -07:00
superName = ELEMENT_IF;
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
superName =
extractRecursiveProperties(visited, descMap, type.prototype.__proto__.constructor);
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
2017-03-24 09:59:58 -07:00
let instance: HTMLElement|null = null;
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
name.split(',').forEach(tagName => {
2016-09-01 17:32:47 -07:00
instance = type['name'].startsWith('SVG') ?
2016-06-08 16:38:52 -07:00
document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', tagName.replace(SVG_PREFIX, '')) :
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
let htmlType: Function;
switch (tagName) {
case 'cite':
2016-09-01 17:32:47 -07:00
// <cite> interface is `HTMLQuoteElement`
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
htmlType = HTMLElement;
htmlType = type;
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
if (!(instance instanceof htmlType)) {
throw new Error(`Tag <${tagName}> is not an instance of ${htmlType['name']}`);
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
2016-06-02 10:27:33 -07:00
extractProperties(type, instance, visited, descMap, name, superName);
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
return name;
2016-06-08 16:38:52 -07:00
function extractProperties(
type: Function, instance: any, visited: {[name: string]: boolean},
descMap: Map<string, string[]>, name: string, superName: string) {
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
if (!type) return;
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
visited[name] = true;
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
2016-06-02 10:27:33 -07:00
const fullName = name + (superName ? '^' + superName : '');
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
2017-03-24 09:59:58 -07:00
const props: string[] = descMap.has(fullName) ? descMap.get(fullName) ! : [];
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
const prototype = type.prototype;
2016-11-12 14:08:58 +01:00
const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype);
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
keys.forEach((name) => {
if (name.startsWith('on')) {
props.push('*' + name.substr(2));
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
} else {
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
const typeCh = _TYPE_MNEMONICS[typeof instance[name]];
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name);
const isSetter = descriptor && descriptor.set;
if (typeCh !== void 0 && !name.startsWith('webkit') && isSetter) {
props.push(typeCh + name);
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
2016-06-02 10:27:33 -07:00
// There is no point in using `Node.nodeValue`, filter it out
descMap.set(fullName, type === Node ? props.filter(p => p != '%nodeValue') : props);
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
2017-03-24 09:59:58 -07:00
function extractName(type: Function): string|null {
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
let name = type['name'];
switch (name) {
// see https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/index.html
// TODO(vicb): generate this map from all the element types
case 'Element':
2016-09-01 17:32:47 -07:00
return ELEMENT_IF;
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
case 'HTMLElement':
2016-09-01 17:32:47 -07:00
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
case 'HTMLImageElement':
return 'img';
case 'HTMLAnchorElement':
return 'a';
case 'HTMLDListElement':
return 'dl';
case 'HTMLDirectoryElement':
return 'dir';
case 'HTMLHeadingElement':
return 'h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6';
case 'HTMLModElement':
return 'ins,del';
case 'HTMLOListElement':
return 'ol';
case 'HTMLParagraphElement':
return 'p';
case 'HTMLQuoteElement':
return 'q,blockquote,cite';
case 'HTMLTableCaptionElement':
return 'caption';
case 'HTMLTableCellElement':
return 'th,td';
case 'HTMLTableColElement':
return 'col,colgroup';
case 'HTMLTableRowElement':
return 'tr';
case 'HTMLTableSectionElement':
return 'tfoot,thead,tbody';
case 'HTMLUListElement':
return 'ul';
case 'SVGGraphicsElement':
return SVG_PREFIX + 'graphics';
case 'SVGMPathElement':
return SVG_PREFIX + 'mpath';
case 'SVGSVGElement':
return SVG_PREFIX + 'svg';
case 'SVGTSpanElement':
return SVG_PREFIX + 'tspan';
const isSVG = name.startsWith('SVG');
if (name.startsWith('HTML') || isSVG) {
name = name.replace('HTML', '').replace('SVG', '').replace('Element', '');
if (isSVG && name.startsWith('FE')) {
name = 'fe' + name.substring(2);
} else if (name) {
name = name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + name.substring(1);
return isSVG ? SVG_PREFIX + name : name.toLowerCase();
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
return null;
2016-04-28 17:50:03 -07:00
2016-08-23 10:52:40 -07:00
const _TYPE_MNEMONICS: {[type: string]: string} = {
'string': '',
'number': '#',
'boolean': '!',
'object': '%',
2017-06-08 12:43:37 +03:00