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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {NgFor, NgIf} from '@angular/common';
import {Component, Directive, EventEmitter, Input, Output, forwardRef} from '@angular/core';
import {ComponentFixture, TestComponentBuilder, configureModule, fakeAsync, flushMicrotasks, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {AsyncTestCompleter, afterEach, beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xdescribe, xit} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {ControlValueAccessor, FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup, FormsModule, NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, NG_VALIDATORS, NgControl, NgForm, ReactiveFormsModule, Validator, Validators} from '@angular/forms';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/debug/by';
import {getDOM} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {dispatchEvent} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/browser_util';
import {ObservableWrapper} from '../src/facade/async';
import {ListWrapper} from '../src/facade/collection';
import {PromiseWrapper} from '../src/facade/promise';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
export function main() {
describe('integration tests', () => {
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
beforeEach(() => { configureModule({modules: [FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule]}); });
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should initialize DOM elements with the given form object',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('loginValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should throw if a form isn\'t passed into formGroup',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(`formGroup expects a FormGroup instance`));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should update the form group values on DOM change',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(form.value).toEqual({'login': 'updatedValue'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should ignore the change event for <input type=text>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'updatedValue';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
form.valueChanges, (value) => { throw 'Should not happen'; });
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'change');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should emit ngSubmit event on submit',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="name='updated'"></form>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00 = 'old';
var form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form'));
dispatchEvent(form.nativeElement, 'submit');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should mark NgForm as submitted on submit event',
inject([TestComponentBuilder], fakeAsync((tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="data=f.submitted"></form>
var fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComp8>;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((root) => {
fixture = root;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00 = false;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form'));
dispatchEvent(form.nativeElement, 'submit');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should mark formGroup as submitted on submit event',
inject([TestComponentBuilder], fakeAsync((tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
<form #f="ngForm" [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="data=f.submitted"></form>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComp8>;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((root) => {
fixture = root;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({}); = false;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form'));
dispatchEvent(form.nativeElement, 'submit');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should work with single controls',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var control = new FormControl('loginValue');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div><input type="text" [formControl]="form"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = control;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should update DOM elements when rebinding the form group',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('newValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should update DOM elements when updating the value of a control',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var login = new FormControl('oldValue');
var form = new FormGroup({'login': login});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should mark controls as touched after interacting with the DOM control',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var login = new FormControl('oldValue');
var form = new FormGroup({'login': login});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
dispatchEvent(loginEl.nativeElement, 'blur');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
it('should clear value in UI when form resets programmatically',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const login = new FormControl('oldValue');
const form = new FormGroup({'login': login});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
login.updateValue('new value');
const loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
expect(loginEl.value).toBe('new value');
it('should set value in UI when form resets to that value programmatically',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const login = new FormControl('oldValue');
const form = new FormGroup({'login': login});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
login.updateValue('new value');
const loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
expect(loginEl.value).toBe('new value');
form.reset({'login': 'oldValue'});
it('should support form arrays',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]);
const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<div formArrayName="cities">
<div *ngFor="let city of cityArray.controls; let i=index">
<input [formControlName]="i">
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray;
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({cities: ['SF', 'NY']});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
inputs[0].nativeElement.value = 'LA';
dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'input');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({cities: ['LA', 'NY']});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
it('should support pushing new controls to form arrays',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]);
const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<div formArrayName="cities">
<div *ngFor="let city of cityArray.controls; let i=index">
<input [formControlName]="i">
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray;
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
cityArray.push(new FormControl('LA'));
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({cities: ['SF', 'NY', 'LA']});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
describe('different control types', () => {
it('should support <input type=text>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="text">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'text': new FormControl('old')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'new';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'text': 'new'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <input> without type',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input formControlName="text">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'text': new FormControl('old')});
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = 'new';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'text': 'new'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <textarea>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<textarea formControlName="text"></textarea>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'text': new FormControl('old')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var textarea = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('textarea'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
textarea.nativeElement.value = 'new';
dispatchEvent(textarea.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'text': 'new'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=checkbox>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="checkbox" formControlName="checkbox">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'checkbox': new FormControl(true)});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.checked = false;
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'change');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
'checkbox': false
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=number>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="number" formControlName="num">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'num': new FormControl(10)});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = '20';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'num': 20});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=number> when value is cleared in the UI',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="number" formControlName="num" required>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'num': new FormControl(10)});
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = '';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'num': null});
input.nativeElement.value = '0';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'num': 0});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=number> when value is cleared programmatically',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'num': new FormControl(10)});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="number" formControlName="num" [(ngModel)]="data">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form; = null;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=radio>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form [formGroup]="form">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="chicken">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="fish">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const ctrl = new FormControl('fish');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'food': ctrl});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'change');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
let value = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value;
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
it('should use formControlName to group radio buttons when name is absent',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form [formGroup]="form">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="chicken">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="fish">
<input type="radio" formControlName="drink" value="cola">
<input type="radio" formControlName="drink" value="sprite">
const foodCtrl = new FormControl('fish');
const drinkCtrl = new FormControl('sprite');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'food': foodCtrl, 'drink': drinkCtrl});
const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'change');
inputs[0].nativeElement.checked = true;
const value = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value;
it('should throw if radio button name does not match formControlName attr',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form [formGroup]="form">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" name="drink" value="chicken">
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'food': new FormControl('fish')});
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp('If you define both a name and a formControlName'));
it('should support removing controls from <type=radio>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `
<input type="radio" [formControl]="showRadio" value="yes">
<input type="radio" [formControl]="showRadio" value="no">
<form [formGroup]="form">
<div *ngIf="showRadio.value === 'yes'">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="chicken">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="fish">
const ctrl = new FormControl('fish');
const showRadio = new FormControl('yes');
const form = new FormGroup({'food': ctrl});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.showRadio = showRadio;
showRadio.valueChanges.subscribe((change) => {
(change === 'yes') ? form.addControl('food', new FormControl('fish')) :
const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[value="no"]'));
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'change');
describe('should support <select>', () => {
it('with basic selection',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<select>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<option value="SF"></option>
<option value="NYC"></option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var sfOption = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('option'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('with basic selection and value bindings',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<select>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<option *ngFor="let city of list" [value]="city['id']">
{{ city['name'] }}
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
var testComp = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
testComp.list = [{'id': '0', 'name': 'SF'}, {'id': '1', 'name': 'NYC'}];
var sfOption = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('option'));
testComp.list[0]['id'] = '2';
it('with ngControl',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<select formControlName="city">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<option value="SF"></option>
<option value="NYC"></option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'city': new FormControl('SF')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var sfOption = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('option'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
select.nativeElement.value = 'NYC';
dispatchEvent(select.nativeElement, 'change');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
'city': 'NYC'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('with a dynamic list of options',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<select formControlName="city">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<option *ngFor="let c of data" [value]="c"></option>
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
var fixture: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t)
.then((compFixture) => fixture = compFixture);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'city': new FormControl('NYC')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00 = ['SF', 'NYC'];
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('with option values that are objects',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity">
<option *ngFor="let c of list" [ngValue]="c">{{c['name']}}</option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var testComp = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
testComp.list = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}, {'name': 'Buffalo'}];
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[1];
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var nycOption = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('option'))[1];
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('1: Object');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
select.nativeElement.value = '2: Object';
dispatchEvent(select.nativeElement, 'change');
it('when new options are added (selection through the model)',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity">
<option *ngFor="let c of list" [ngValue]="c">{{c['name']}}</option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var testComp: MyComp8 = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
testComp.list = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}];
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[1];
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
testComp.list.push({'name': 'Buffalo'});
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[2];
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var buffalo = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('option'))[2];
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('2: Object');
it('when new options are added (selection through the UI)',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity">
<option *ngFor="let c of list" [ngValue]="c">{{c['name']}}</option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var testComp: MyComp8 = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
testComp.list = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}];
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[0];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var ny = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('option'))[1];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
select.nativeElement.value = '1: Object';
dispatchEvent(select.nativeElement, 'change');
testComp.list.push({'name': 'Buffalo'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('1: Object');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('when options are removed',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity">
<option *ngFor="let c of list" [ngValue]="c">{{c}}</option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var testComp: MyComp8 = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
testComp.list = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}];
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[1];
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('1: Object');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(select.nativeElement.value).not.toEqual('1: Object');
it('when option values change identity while tracking by index',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity">
<option *ngFor="let c of list; trackBy:customTrackBy" [ngValue]="c">{{c}}</option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var testComp = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
testComp.list = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}];
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[0];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
testComp.list[1] = 'Buffalo';
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[1];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var buffalo = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('option'))[1];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('1: Buffalo');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('with duplicate option values',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity">
<option *ngFor="let c of list" [ngValue]="c">{{}}</option>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var testComp = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
testComp.list = [{'name': 'NYC'}, {'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'SF'}];
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[0];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[1];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var firstSF = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('option'))[1];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('1: Object');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('when option values have same content, but different identities',
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity">
<option *ngFor="let c of list" [ngValue]="c">{{c['name']}}</option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var testComp = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
testComp.list = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}, {'name': 'NYC'}];
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[0];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
testComp.selectedCity = testComp.list[2];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var secondNYC = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('option'))[2];
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('2: Object');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support custom value accessors',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="name" wrapped-value>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'name': new FormControl('aa')});
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = '!bb!';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'name': 'bb'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support custom value accessors on non builtin input elements that fire a change event without a \'target\' property',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<my-input formControlName="name"></my-input>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'name': new FormControl('aa')});
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('my-input'));
input.componentInstance.value = '!bb!';
ObservableWrapper.subscribe(input.componentInstance.onInput, (value) => {
'name': 'bb'
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
describe('validations', () => {
it('should use sync validators defined in html',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({
'login': new FormControl(''),
'min': new FormControl(''),
'max': new FormControl('')
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form" login-is-empty-validator>
<input type="text" formControlName="login" required>
<input type="text" formControlName="min" minlength="3">
<input type="text" formControlName="max" maxlength="3">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var required = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[required]'));
var minLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[minlength]'));
var maxLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[maxlength]'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
required.nativeElement.value = '';
minLength.nativeElement.value = '1';
maxLength.nativeElement.value = '1234';
dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input');
dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input');
dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(true);
expect(form.hasError('minlength', ['min'])).toEqual(true);
expect(form.hasError('maxlength', ['max'])).toEqual(true);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
required.nativeElement.value = '1';
minLength.nativeElement.value = '123';
maxLength.nativeElement.value = '123';
dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input');
dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input');
dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should use async validators defined in the html',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login" uniq-login-validator="expected">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
var rootTC: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((root) => rootTC = root);
rootTC.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
expect(form.hasError('uniqLogin', ['login'])).toEqual(true);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var input = rootTC.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = 'expected';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should use sync validators defined in the model',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('aa', Validators.required)});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = '';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should use async validators defined in the model',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var control =
new FormControl('', Validators.required, uniqLoginAsyncValidator('expected'));
var form = new FormGroup({'login': control});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
var fixture: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((root) => fixture = root);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(true);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = 'wrong value';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
expect(form.hasError('uniqLogin', ['login'])).toEqual(true);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'expected';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
describe('nested forms', () => {
it('should init DOM with the given form object',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form =
new FormGroup({'nested': new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('value')})});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<div formGroupName="nested">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should update the control group values on DOM change',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form =
new FormGroup({'nested': new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('value')})});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<div formGroupName="nested">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(form.value).toEqual({'nested': {'login': 'updatedValue'}});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support ngModel for complex forms',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'name': new FormControl('')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t =
`<div [formGroup]="form"><input type="text" formControlName="name" [(ngModel)]="name"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'oldValue';
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support ngModel for single fields',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var form = new FormControl('');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div><input type="text" [formControl]="form" [(ngModel)]="name"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form; = 'oldValue';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
describe('template-driven forms', () => {
it('should add new controls and control groups',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<form>
<div ngModelGroup="user">
<input type="text" name="login" ngModel>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = null;
2016-06-14 17:53:01 -04:00
var form = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(NgForm);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should emit ngSubmit event on submit',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div><form (ngSubmit)="name='updated'"></form></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'old';
var form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
dispatchEvent(form.nativeElement, 'submit');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should reset the form to empty when reset button is clicked',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `
<input name="name" [(ngModel)]="name">
const fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'should be cleared';
const form = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(NgForm);
const formEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form'));
dispatchEvent(formEl.nativeElement, 'reset');
it('should emit valueChanges and statusChanges on init',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<form>
<input type="text" name="first" [ngModel]="name" minlength="3">
const fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
const form = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(NgForm); = 'aa';
let formValidity: string;
let formValue: Object;
form.statusChanges, (status: string) => { formValidity = status; });
form.valueChanges, (value: string) => { formValue = value; });
expect(formValue).toEqual({first: 'aa'});
it('should not create a template-driven form when ngNoForm is used',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form ngNoForm>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => { = null;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should remove controls',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<form>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<div *ngIf="name == 'show'">
<input type="text" name="login" ngModel>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'show';
2016-06-14 17:53:01 -04:00
var form = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(NgForm);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
expect(form.controls['login']).toBeDefined(); = 'hide';
it('should remove control groups',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<form>
<div *ngIf="name=='show'" ngModelGroup="user">
<input type="text" name="login" ngModel>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'show';
2016-06-14 17:53:01 -04:00
var form = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(NgForm);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
expect(form.controls['user']).toBeDefined(); = 'hide';
it('should support ngModel for complex forms',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<form>
<input type="text" name="name" [(ngModel)]="name">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'oldValue';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support ngModel for single fields',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div><input type="text" [(ngModel)]="name"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'oldValue';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support ngModel registration with a parent form',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `
<input name="first" [(ngModel)]="name" maxlength="4">
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'Nancy';
2016-06-14 17:53:01 -04:00
var form = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(NgForm);
expect(form.value).toEqual({first: 'Nancy'});
it('should throw if ngModel has a parent form but no name attr or standalone label',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form>
<input [(ngModel)]="name">
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(`name attribute must be set`));
it('should not throw if ngModel has a parent form, no name attr, and a standalone label',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form>
<input [(ngModel)]="name" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}">
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()).not.toThrow();
it('should override name attribute with ngModelOptions name if provided',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `
<input name="one" [(ngModel)]="data" [ngModelOptions]="{name: 'two'}">
const fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'some data';
2016-06-14 17:53:01 -04:00
const form = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(NgForm);
expect(form.value).toEqual({two: 'some data'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should not register standalone ngModels with parent form',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `
<input name="one" [(ngModel)]="data">
<input [(ngModel)]="list" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}">
const fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'some data';
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.list = 'should not show';
const form = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(NgForm);
const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
expect(form.value).toEqual({one: 'some data'});
expect(inputs[1].nativeElement.value).toEqual('should not show');
it('should support <type=radio>',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<form>
<input type="radio" name="food" [(ngModel)]="" value="chicken">
<input type="radio" name="food" [(ngModel)]="" value="fish">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00 = {food: 'fish'};
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'change');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const data =;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support multiple named <type=radio> groups',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<form>
<input type="radio" name="food" [(ngModel)]="" value="chicken">
<input type="radio" name="food" [(ngModel)]="" value="fish">
<input type="radio" name="drink" [(ngModel)]="data.drink" value="cola">
<input type="radio" name="drink" [(ngModel)]="data.drink" value="sprite">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = {food: 'fish', drink: 'sprite'};
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'change');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const data =;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
describe('setting status classes', () => {
it('should work with single fields',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div><input type="text" [formControl]="form"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
dispatchEvent(input, 'blur');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should work with complex model-driven forms',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'name': new FormControl('', Validators.required)});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t =
`<form [formGroup]="form"><input type="text" formControlName="name"></form>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
dispatchEvent(input, 'blur');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should work with ngModel',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div><input [(ngModel)]="name" required></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => { = '';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
dispatchEvent(input, 'blur');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
describe('ngModel corner cases', () => {
it('should not update the view when the value initially came from the view',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var form = new FormControl('');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div><input type="text" [formControl]="form" [(ngModel)]="name"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
input.value = 'aa';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.setSelectionRange(1, 2);
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
// selection start has not changed because we did not reset the value
it('should update the view when the model is set back to what used to be in the view',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="name">`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = '';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
// Type "aa" into the input.
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
input.value = 'aa';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.selectionStart = 1;
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
// Programmatically update the input value to be "bb". = 'bb';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
// Programatically set it back to "aa". = 'aa';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should not crash when validity is checked from a binding',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
// {{x.valid}} used to crash because valid() tried to read a property
// from form.control before it was set. This test verifies this bug is
// fixed.
const t = `<form><div ngModelGroup="x" #x="ngModelGroup">
<input type="text" name="test" ngModel></div>{{x.valid}}</form>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
selector: '[wrapped-value]',
host: {'(input)': 'handleOnInput($', '[value]': 'value'}
class WrappedValue implements ControlValueAccessor {
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
value: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
onChange: Function;
constructor(cd: NgControl) { cd.valueAccessor = this; }
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
writeValue(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) { this.value = `!${value}!`; }
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
registerOnChange(fn: any /** TODO #9100 */) { this.onChange = fn; }
registerOnTouched(fn: any /** TODO #9100 */) {}
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
handleOnInput(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) {
this.onChange(value.substring(1, value.length - 1));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
@Component({selector: 'my-input', template: ''})
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
class MyInput implements ControlValueAccessor {
@Output('input') onInput = new EventEmitter();
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
value: string;
constructor(cd: NgControl) { cd.valueAccessor = this; }
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
writeValue(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) { this.value = `!${value}!`; }
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
registerOnChange(fn: any /** TODO #9100 */) { ObservableWrapper.subscribe(this.onInput, fn); }
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
registerOnTouched(fn: any /** TODO #9100 */) {}
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
dispatchChangeEvent() {
ObservableWrapper.callEmit(this.onInput, this.value.substring(1, this.value.length - 1));
function uniqLoginAsyncValidator(expectedValue: string) {
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
return (c: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var completer = PromiseWrapper.completer();
var res = (c.value == expectedValue) ? null : {'uniqLogin': true};
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
return completer.promise;
function loginIsEmptyGroupValidator(c: FormGroup) {
return c.controls['login'].value == '' ? {'loginIsEmpty': true} : null;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
selector: '[login-is-empty-validator]',
providers: [
/* @ts2dart_Provider */ {
useValue: loginIsEmptyGroupValidator,
multi: true
class LoginIsEmptyValidator {
selector: '[uniq-login-validator]',
providers: [{
useExisting: forwardRef(() => UniqLoginValidator),
multi: true
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
class UniqLoginValidator implements Validator {
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
@Input('uniq-login-validator') expected: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
validate(c: any /** TODO #9100 */) { return uniqLoginAsyncValidator(this.expected)(c); }
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
selector: 'my-comp',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
template: '',
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
directives: [WrappedValue, MyInput, NgIf, NgFor, LoginIsEmptyValidator, UniqLoginValidator]
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
class MyComp8 {
form: any;
name: string;
data: any;
list: any[];
selectedCity: any;
customTrackBy(index: number, obj: any): number { return index; };
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
function sortedClassList(el: any /** TODO #9100 */) {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var l = getDOM().classList(el);
return l;