2018-02-13 08:20:35 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Generates the data used by the stamping feature in bazel.
# See the section on stamping in docs/BAZEL.md
set -u -e -E -o pipefail
echo " Running: $0 " >& 2
function onError {
echo " Failed to execute: $0 "
echo ""
# Setup crash trap
trap 'onError' ERR
echo BUILD_SCM_HASH $( git rev-parse HEAD)
if [ [ " $( git tag) " = = "" ] ] ; then
echo "No git tags found, can't stamp the build."
echo "Either fetch the tags:"
echo " git fetch git@github.com:angular/angular.git --tags"
echo "or build without stamping by giving an empty workspace_status_command:"
2018-10-27 09:25:45 +02:00
echo " yarn bazel build --workspace_status_command= ..."
2018-02-13 08:20:35 -08:00
echo ""
2018-05-14 09:33:30 -07:00
# Only match the latest tag that is a version such as 6.0.0, 6.0.0-rc.5, etc...
# This will ignore non-version tags which would break unit tests expecting a valid version
# number in the package headers
BUILD_SCM_VERSION_RAW = $( git describe --match [ 0-9] .[ 0-9] .[ 0-9] * --abbrev= 7 --tags HEAD)
2018-02-13 08:20:35 -08:00
# Find out if there are any uncommitted local changes
# TODO(i): is it ok to use "--untracked-files=no" to ignore untracked files since they should not affect anything?
if [ [ $( git status --untracked-files= no --porcelain) ] ] ; then LOCAL_CHANGES = "true" ; else LOCAL_CHANGES = "false" ; fi
# Reformat `git describe` version string into a more semver-ish string
# From: 5.2.0-rc.0-57-g757f886
# To: 5.2.0-rc.0+57.sha-757f886
# Or: 5.2.0-rc.0+57.sha-757f886.with-local-changes
BUILD_SCM_VERSION = " $( echo ${ BUILD_SCM_VERSION_RAW } | sed -E 's/-([0-9]+)-g/+\1.sha-/g' ) " " $( if [ [ $LOCAL_CHANGES = = "true" ] ] ; then echo ".with-local-changes" ; fi ) "