
535 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CompilerFacade, CoreEnvironment, ExportedCompilerFacade, OpaqueValue, R3ComponentMetadataFacade, R3DeclareComponentFacade, R3DeclareDirectiveFacade, R3DeclarePipeFacade, R3DeclareQueryMetadataFacade, R3DependencyMetadataFacade, R3DirectiveMetadataFacade, R3FactoryDefMetadataFacade, R3InjectableMetadataFacade, R3InjectorMetadataFacade, R3NgModuleMetadataFacade, R3PipeMetadataFacade, R3QueryMetadataFacade, StringMap, StringMapWithRename} from './compiler_facade_interface';
import {ConstantPool} from './constant_pool';
import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, HostBinding, HostListener, Input, Output, Type, ViewEncapsulation} from './core';
import {Identifiers} from './identifiers';
import {compileInjectable} from './injectable_compiler_2';
import {DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, InterpolationConfig} from './ml_parser/interpolation_config';
import {DeclareVarStmt, Expression, LiteralExpr, Statement, StmtModifier, WrappedNodeExpr} from './output/output_ast';
import {JitEvaluator} from './output/output_jit';
import {ParseError, ParseSourceSpan, r3JitTypeSourceSpan} from './parse_util';
import {compileFactoryFunction, R3DependencyMetadata, R3FactoryTarget, R3ResolvedDependencyType} from './render3/r3_factory';
import {R3JitReflector} from './render3/r3_jit';
import {compileInjector, compileNgModule, R3InjectorMetadata, R3NgModuleMetadata} from './render3/r3_module_compiler';
import {compilePipeFromMetadata, R3PipeMetadata} from './render3/r3_pipe_compiler';
import {getSafePropertyAccessString, wrapReference} from './render3/util';
import {DeclarationListEmitMode, R3ComponentMetadata, R3DirectiveMetadata, R3HostMetadata, R3QueryMetadata, R3UsedDirectiveMetadata} from './render3/view/api';
import {compileComponentFromMetadata, compileDirectiveFromMetadata, ParsedHostBindings, parseHostBindings, verifyHostBindings} from './render3/view/compiler';
import {makeBindingParser, parseTemplate} from './render3/view/template';
import {ResourceLoader} from './resource_loader';
import {DomElementSchemaRegistry} from './schema/dom_element_schema_registry';
export class CompilerFacadeImpl implements CompilerFacade {
R3ResolvedDependencyType = R3ResolvedDependencyType as any;
R3FactoryTarget = R3FactoryTarget as any;
ResourceLoader = ResourceLoader;
private elementSchemaRegistry = new DomElementSchemaRegistry();
constructor(private jitEvaluator = new JitEvaluator()) {}
compilePipe(angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string, facade: R3PipeMetadataFacade):
any {
const metadata: R3PipeMetadata = {
type: wrapReference(facade.type),
internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
typeArgumentCount: facade.typeArgumentCount,
deps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facade.deps),
pipeName: facade.pipeName,
pure: facade.pure,
const res = compilePipeFromMetadata(metadata);
return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
declaration: R3DeclarePipeFacade): any {
const meta = convertDeclarePipeFacadeToMetadata(declaration);
const res = compilePipeFromMetadata(meta);
return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3InjectableMetadataFacade): any {
const {expression, statements} = compileInjectable({
type: wrapReference(facade.type),
internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
typeArgumentCount: facade.typeArgumentCount,
providedIn: computeProvidedIn(facade.providedIn),
useClass: wrapExpression(facade, USE_CLASS),
useFactory: wrapExpression(facade, USE_FACTORY),
useValue: wrapExpression(facade, USE_VALUE),
useExisting: wrapExpression(facade, USE_EXISTING),
userDeps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facade.userDeps) || undefined,
return this.jitExpression(expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, statements);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3InjectorMetadataFacade): any {
const meta: R3InjectorMetadata = {
type: wrapReference(facade.type),
internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
providers: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.providers),
imports: => new WrappedNodeExpr(i)),
const res = compileInjector(meta);
return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3NgModuleMetadataFacade): any {
const meta: R3NgModuleMetadata = {
type: wrapReference(facade.type),
internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
adjacentType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
emitInline: true,
containsForwardDecls: false,
schemas: facade.schemas ? : null,
id: ? new WrappedNodeExpr( : null,
const res = compileNgModule(meta);
return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3DirectiveMetadataFacade): any {
const meta: R3DirectiveMetadata = convertDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(facade);
return this.compileDirectiveFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
declaration: R3DeclareDirectiveFacade): any {
const typeSourceSpan =
this.createParseSourceSpan('Directive',, sourceMapUrl);
const meta = convertDeclareDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(declaration, typeSourceSpan);
return this.compileDirectiveFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta);
private compileDirectiveFromMeta(
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string, meta: R3DirectiveMetadata): any {
const constantPool = new ConstantPool();
const bindingParser = makeBindingParser();
const res = compileDirectiveFromMetadata(meta, constantPool, bindingParser);
return this.jitExpression(
res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, constantPool.statements);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3ComponentMetadataFacade): any {
// Parse the template and check for errors.
const {template, interpolation} = parseJitTemplate(
facade.template,, sourceMapUrl, facade.preserveWhitespaces,
// Compile the component metadata, including template, into an expression.
const meta: R3ComponentMetadata = {
...facade as R3ComponentMetadataFacadeNoPropAndWhitespace,
selector: facade.selector || this.elementSchemaRegistry.getDefaultComponentElementName(),
declarationListEmitMode: DeclarationListEmitMode.Direct,
styles: [...facade.styles, ...template.styles],
encapsulation: facade.encapsulation as any,
changeDetection: facade.changeDetection,
animations: facade.animations != null ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.animations) : null,
viewProviders: facade.viewProviders != null ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.viewProviders) :
relativeContextFilePath: '',
i18nUseExternalIds: true,
const jitExpressionSourceMap = `ng:///${}.js`;
return this.compileComponentFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, jitExpressionSourceMap, meta);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
declaration: R3DeclareComponentFacade): any {
const typeSourceSpan =
this.createParseSourceSpan('Component',, sourceMapUrl);
const meta = convertDeclareComponentFacadeToMetadata(declaration, typeSourceSpan, sourceMapUrl);
return this.compileComponentFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta);
private compileComponentFromMeta(
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string, meta: R3ComponentMetadata): any {
const constantPool = new ConstantPool();
const bindingParser = makeBindingParser(meta.interpolation);
const res = compileComponentFromMetadata(meta, constantPool, bindingParser);
return this.jitExpression(
res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, constantPool.statements);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string, meta: R3FactoryDefMetadataFacade) {
const factoryRes = compileFactoryFunction({
type: wrapReference(meta.type),
internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(meta.type),
typeArgumentCount: meta.typeArgumentCount,
deps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(meta.deps),
injectFn: meta.injectFn === 'directiveInject' ? Identifiers.directiveInject :
return this.jitExpression(
factoryRes.factory, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, factoryRes.statements);
createParseSourceSpan(kind: string, typeName: string, sourceUrl: string): ParseSourceSpan {
return r3JitTypeSourceSpan(kind, typeName, sourceUrl);
* JIT compiles an expression and returns the result of executing that expression.
* @param def the definition which will be compiled and executed to get the value to patch
* @param context an object map of @angular/core symbol names to symbols which will be available
* in the context of the compiled expression
* @param sourceUrl a URL to use for the source map of the compiled expression
* @param preStatements a collection of statements that should be evaluated before the expression.
private jitExpression(
def: Expression, context: {[key: string]: any}, sourceUrl: string,
preStatements: Statement[]): any {
// The ConstantPool may contain Statements which declare variables used in the final expression.
// Therefore, its statements need to precede the actual JIT operation. The final statement is a
// declaration of $def which is set to the expression being compiled.
const statements: Statement[] = [
new DeclareVarStmt('$def', def, undefined, [StmtModifier.Exported]),
const res = this.jitEvaluator.evaluateStatements(
sourceUrl, statements, new R3JitReflector(context), /* enableSourceMaps */ true);
return res['$def'];
// This seems to be needed to placate TS v3.0 only
type R3ComponentMetadataFacadeNoPropAndWhitespace = Pick<
Exclude<Exclude<keyof R3ComponentMetadataFacade, 'preserveWhitespaces'>, 'propMetadata'>>;
const USE_CLASS = Object.keys({useClass: null})[0];
const USE_FACTORY = Object.keys({useFactory: null})[0];
const USE_VALUE = Object.keys({useValue: null})[0];
const USE_EXISTING = Object.keys({useExisting: null})[0];
function convertToR3QueryMetadata(facade: R3QueryMetadataFacade): R3QueryMetadata {
return {
predicate: Array.isArray(facade.predicate) ? facade.predicate :
new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.predicate),
read: ? new WrappedNodeExpr( : null,
static: facade.static,
emitDistinctChangesOnly: facade.emitDistinctChangesOnly,
function convertQueryDeclarationToMetadata(declaration: R3DeclareQueryMetadataFacade):
R3QueryMetadata {
return {
propertyName: declaration.propertyName,
first: declaration.first ?? false,
predicate: Array.isArray(declaration.predicate) ? declaration.predicate :
new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.predicate),
descendants: declaration.descendants ?? false,
read: ? new WrappedNodeExpr( : null,
static: declaration.static ?? false,
emitDistinctChangesOnly: declaration.emitDistinctChangesOnly ?? true,
function convertDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(facade: R3DirectiveMetadataFacade): R3DirectiveMetadata {
const inputsFromMetadata = parseInputOutputs(facade.inputs || []);
const outputsFromMetadata = parseInputOutputs(facade.outputs || []);
const propMetadata = facade.propMetadata;
const inputsFromType: StringMapWithRename = {};
const outputsFromType: StringMap = {};
for (const field in propMetadata) {
if (propMetadata.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
propMetadata[field].forEach(ann => {
if (isInput(ann)) {
inputsFromType[field] =
ann.bindingPropertyName ? [ann.bindingPropertyName, field] : field;
} else if (isOutput(ann)) {
outputsFromType[field] = ann.bindingPropertyName || field;
return {
...facade as R3DirectiveMetadataFacadeNoPropAndWhitespace,
typeSourceSpan: facade.typeSourceSpan,
type: wrapReference(facade.type),
internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
deps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facade.deps),
host: extractHostBindings(facade.propMetadata, facade.typeSourceSpan,,
inputs: {...inputsFromMetadata, ...inputsFromType},
outputs: {...outputsFromMetadata, ...outputsFromType},
providers: facade.providers != null ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.providers) : null,
feat(ngcc): add a migration for undecorated child classes (#33362) In Angular View Engine, there are two kinds of decorator inheritance: 1) both the parent and child classes have decorators This case is supported by InheritDefinitionFeature, which merges some fields of the definitions (such as the inputs or queries). 2) only the parent class has a decorator If the child class is missing a decorator, the compiler effectively behaves as if the parent class' decorator is applied to the child class as well. This is the "undecorated child" scenario, and this commit adds a migration to ngcc to support this pattern in Ivy. This migration has 2 phases. First, the NgModules of the application are scanned for classes in 'declarations' which are missing decorators, but whose base classes do have decorators. These classes are the undecorated children. This scan is performed recursively, so even if a declared class has a base class that itself inherits a decorator, this case is handled. Next, a synthetic decorator (either @Component or @Directive) is created on the child class. This decorator copies some critical information such as 'selector' and 'exportAs', as well as supports any decorated fields (@Input, etc). A flag is passed to the decorator compiler which causes a special feature `CopyDefinitionFeature` to be included on the compiled definition. This feature copies at runtime the remaining aspects of the parent definition which `InheritDefinitionFeature` does not handle, completing the "full" inheritance of the child class' decorator from its parent class. PR Close #33362
2019-10-23 12:00:49 -07:00
fullInheritance: false,
function convertDeclareDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(
declaration: R3DeclareDirectiveFacade, typeSourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan): R3DirectiveMetadata {
return {
type: wrapReference(declaration.type),
internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.type),
selector: declaration.selector ?? null,
inputs: declaration.inputs ?? {},
outputs: declaration.outputs ?? {},
host: convertHostDeclarationToMetadata(,
queries: (declaration.queries ?? []).map(convertQueryDeclarationToMetadata),
viewQueries: (declaration.viewQueries ?? []).map(convertQueryDeclarationToMetadata),
providers: declaration.providers !== undefined ? new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.providers) :
exportAs: declaration.exportAs ?? null,
usesInheritance: declaration.usesInheritance ?? false,
lifecycle: {usesOnChanges: declaration.usesOnChanges ?? false},
deps: null,
typeArgumentCount: 0,
fullInheritance: false,
function convertHostDeclarationToMetadata(host: R3DeclareDirectiveFacade['host'] = {}):
R3HostMetadata {
return {
attributes: convertOpaqueValuesToExpressions(host.attributes ?? {}),
listeners: host.listeners ?? {},
properties: ?? {},
specialAttributes: {
classAttr: host.classAttribute,
styleAttr: host.styleAttribute,
function convertOpaqueValuesToExpressions(obj: {[key: string]: OpaqueValue}):
{[key: string]: WrappedNodeExpr<unknown>} {
const result: {[key: string]: WrappedNodeExpr<unknown>} = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
result[key] = new WrappedNodeExpr(obj[key]);
return result;
function convertDeclareComponentFacadeToMetadata(
declaration: R3DeclareComponentFacade, typeSourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan,
sourceMapUrl: string): R3ComponentMetadata {
const {template, interpolation} = parseJitTemplate(
declaration.template,, sourceMapUrl,
declaration.preserveWhitespaces ?? false, declaration.interpolation);
return {
...convertDeclareDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(declaration, typeSourceSpan),
styles: declaration.styles ?? [],
directives: (declaration.directives ?? []).map(convertUsedDirectiveDeclarationToMetadata),
pipes: convertUsedPipesToMetadata(declaration.pipes),
viewProviders: declaration.viewProviders !== undefined ?
new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.viewProviders) :
animations: declaration.animations !== undefined ? new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.animations) :
changeDetection: declaration.changeDetection ?? ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default,
encapsulation: declaration.encapsulation ?? ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
declarationListEmitMode: DeclarationListEmitMode.ClosureResolved,
relativeContextFilePath: '',
i18nUseExternalIds: true,
function convertUsedDirectiveDeclarationToMetadata(
declaration: NonNullable<R3DeclareComponentFacade['directives']>[number]):
R3UsedDirectiveMetadata {
return {
selector: declaration.selector,
type: new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.type),
inputs: declaration.inputs ?? [],
outputs: declaration.outputs ?? [],
exportAs: declaration.exportAs ?? null,
function convertUsedPipesToMetadata(declaredPipes: R3DeclareComponentFacade['pipes']):
Map<string, Expression> {
const pipes = new Map<string, Expression>();
if (declaredPipes === undefined) {
return pipes;
for (const pipeName of Object.keys(declaredPipes)) {
const pipeType = declaredPipes[pipeName];
pipes.set(pipeName, new WrappedNodeExpr(pipeType));
return pipes;
function parseJitTemplate(
template: string, typeName: string, sourceMapUrl: string, preserveWhitespaces: boolean,
interpolation: [string, string]|undefined) {
const interpolationConfig =
interpolation ? InterpolationConfig.fromArray(interpolation) : DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG;
// Parse the template and check for errors.
const parsed = parseTemplate(
template, sourceMapUrl, {preserveWhitespaces: preserveWhitespaces, interpolationConfig});
if (parsed.errors !== null) {
const errors = => err.toString()).join(', ');
throw new Error(`Errors during JIT compilation of template for ${typeName}: ${errors}`);
return {template: parsed, interpolation: interpolationConfig};
// This seems to be needed to placate TS v3.0 only
type R3DirectiveMetadataFacadeNoPropAndWhitespace =
Pick<R3DirectiveMetadataFacade, Exclude<keyof R3DirectiveMetadataFacade, 'propMetadata'>>;
function wrapExpression(obj: any, property: string): WrappedNodeExpr<any>|undefined {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
return new WrappedNodeExpr(obj[property]);
} else {
return undefined;
function computeProvidedIn(providedIn: Type|string|null|undefined): Expression {
if (providedIn == null || typeof providedIn === 'string') {
return new LiteralExpr(providedIn);
} else {
return new WrappedNodeExpr(providedIn);
function convertR3DependencyMetadata(facade: R3DependencyMetadataFacade): R3DependencyMetadata {
let tokenExpr;
if (facade.token === null) {
tokenExpr = new LiteralExpr(null);
} else if (facade.resolved === R3ResolvedDependencyType.Attribute) {
tokenExpr = new LiteralExpr(facade.token);
} else {
tokenExpr = new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.token);
return {
token: tokenExpr,
feat(compiler): add dependency info and ng-content selectors to metadata (#35695) This commit augments the `FactoryDef` declaration of Angular decorated classes to contain information about the parameter decorators used in the constructor. If no constructor is present, or none of the parameters have any Angular decorators, then this will be represented using the `null` type. Otherwise, a tuple type is used where the entry at index `i` corresponds with parameter `i`. Each tuple entry can be one of two types: 1. If the associated parameter does not have any Angular decorators, the tuple entry will be the `null` type. 2. Otherwise, a type literal is used that may declare at least one of the following properties: - "attribute": if `@Attribute` is present. The injected attribute's name is used as string literal type, or the `unknown` type if the attribute name is not a string literal. - "self": if `@Self` is present, always of type `true`. - "skipSelf": if `@SkipSelf` is present, always of type `true`. - "host": if `@Host` is present, always of type `true`. - "optional": if `@Optional` is present, always of type `true`. A property is only present if the corresponding decorator is used. Note that the `@Inject` decorator is currently not included, as it's non-trivial to properly convert the token's value expression to a type that is valid in a declaration file. Additionally, the `ComponentDefWithMeta` declaration that is created for Angular components has been extended to include all selectors on `ng-content` elements within the component's template. This additional metadata is useful for tooling such as the Angular Language Service, as it provides the ability to offer suggestions for directives/components defined in libraries. At the moment, such tooling extracts the necessary information from the _metadata.json_ manifest file as generated by ngc, however this metadata representation is being replaced by the information emitted into the declaration files. Resolves FW-1870 PR Close #35695
2020-02-26 22:05:44 +01:00
attribute: null,
resolved: facade.resolved,
optional: facade.optional,
self: facade.self,
feat(compiler): add dependency info and ng-content selectors to metadata (#35695) This commit augments the `FactoryDef` declaration of Angular decorated classes to contain information about the parameter decorators used in the constructor. If no constructor is present, or none of the parameters have any Angular decorators, then this will be represented using the `null` type. Otherwise, a tuple type is used where the entry at index `i` corresponds with parameter `i`. Each tuple entry can be one of two types: 1. If the associated parameter does not have any Angular decorators, the tuple entry will be the `null` type. 2. Otherwise, a type literal is used that may declare at least one of the following properties: - "attribute": if `@Attribute` is present. The injected attribute's name is used as string literal type, or the `unknown` type if the attribute name is not a string literal. - "self": if `@Self` is present, always of type `true`. - "skipSelf": if `@SkipSelf` is present, always of type `true`. - "host": if `@Host` is present, always of type `true`. - "optional": if `@Optional` is present, always of type `true`. A property is only present if the corresponding decorator is used. Note that the `@Inject` decorator is currently not included, as it's non-trivial to properly convert the token's value expression to a type that is valid in a declaration file. Additionally, the `ComponentDefWithMeta` declaration that is created for Angular components has been extended to include all selectors on `ng-content` elements within the component's template. This additional metadata is useful for tooling such as the Angular Language Service, as it provides the ability to offer suggestions for directives/components defined in libraries. At the moment, such tooling extracts the necessary information from the _metadata.json_ manifest file as generated by ngc, however this metadata representation is being replaced by the information emitted into the declaration files. Resolves FW-1870 PR Close #35695
2020-02-26 22:05:44 +01:00
skipSelf: facade.skipSelf,
function convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facades: R3DependencyMetadataFacade[]|null|
undefined): R3DependencyMetadata[]|null {
return facades == null ? null :;
function extractHostBindings(
propMetadata: {[key: string]: any[]}, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan,
host?: {[key: string]: string}): ParsedHostBindings {
// First parse the declarations from the metadata.
const bindings = parseHostBindings(host || {});
// After that check host bindings for errors
const errors = verifyHostBindings(bindings, sourceSpan);
if (errors.length) {
throw new Error( ParseError) => error.msg).join('\n'));
// Next, loop over the properties of the object, looking for @HostBinding and @HostListener.
for (const field in propMetadata) {
if (propMetadata.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
propMetadata[field].forEach(ann => {
if (isHostBinding(ann)) {
// Since this is a decorator, we know that the value is a class member. Always access it
// through `this` so that further down the line it can't be confused for a literal value
// (e.g. if there's a property called `true`).[ann.hostPropertyName || field] =
getSafePropertyAccessString('this', field);
} else if (isHostListener(ann)) {
bindings.listeners[ann.eventName || field] = `${field}(${(ann.args || []).join(',')})`;
return bindings;
function isHostBinding(value: any): value is HostBinding {
return value.ngMetadataName === 'HostBinding';
function isHostListener(value: any): value is HostListener {
return value.ngMetadataName === 'HostListener';
function isInput(value: any): value is Input {
return value.ngMetadataName === 'Input';
function isOutput(value: any): value is Output {
return value.ngMetadataName === 'Output';
function parseInputOutputs(values: string[]): StringMap {
return values.reduce((map, value) => {
const [field, property] = value.split(',').map(piece => piece.trim());
map[field] = property || field;
return map;
}, {} as StringMap);
function convertDeclarePipeFacadeToMetadata(declaration: R3DeclarePipeFacade): R3PipeMetadata {
return {
type: wrapReference(declaration.type),
internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.type),
typeArgumentCount: 0,
deps: null,
pure: declaration.pure ?? true,
export function publishFacade(global: any) {
const ng: ExportedCompilerFacade = || ( = {});
ng.ɵcompilerFacade = new CompilerFacadeImpl();