2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
* @license
2020-05-19 15:08:49 -04:00
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
* @fileoverview
* @suppress {missingRequire}
import {findEventTasks} from '../common/events';
import {patchTimer} from '../common/timers';
2019-07-19 10:14:28 -04:00
import {patchClass, patchMethod, patchPrototype, scheduleMacroTaskWithCurrentZone, ZONE_SYMBOL_ADD_EVENT_LISTENER, ZONE_SYMBOL_REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER, zoneSymbol,} from '../common/utils';
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
import {patchCustomElements} from './custom-elements';
import {eventTargetPatch, patchEvent} from './event-target';
import {propertyDescriptorPatch} from './property-descriptor';
Zone.__load_patch('legacy', (global: any) => {
const legacyPatch = global[Zone.__symbol__('legacyPatch')];
if (legacyPatch) {
2020-09-19 01:10:32 -04:00
Zone.__load_patch('queueMicrotask', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType, api: _ZonePrivate) => {
api.patchMethod(global, 'queueMicrotask', delegate => {
return function(self: any, args: any[]) {
Zone.current.scheduleMicroTask('queueMicrotask', args[0]);
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
Zone.__load_patch('timers', (global: any) => {
const set = 'set';
const clear = 'clear';
patchTimer(global, set, clear, 'Timeout');
patchTimer(global, set, clear, 'Interval');
patchTimer(global, set, clear, 'Immediate');
Zone.__load_patch('requestAnimationFrame', (global: any) => {
patchTimer(global, 'request', 'cancel', 'AnimationFrame');
patchTimer(global, 'mozRequest', 'mozCancel', 'AnimationFrame');
patchTimer(global, 'webkitRequest', 'webkitCancel', 'AnimationFrame');
Zone.__load_patch('blocking', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType) => {
const blockingMethods = ['alert', 'prompt', 'confirm'];
for (let i = 0; i < blockingMethods.length; i++) {
const name = blockingMethods[i];
patchMethod(global, name, (delegate, symbol, name) => {
return function(s: any, args: any[]) {
return Zone.current.run(delegate, global, args, name);
Zone.__load_patch('EventTarget', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType, api: _ZonePrivate) => {
patchEvent(global, api);
eventTargetPatch(global, api);
// patch XMLHttpRequestEventTarget's addEventListener/removeEventListener
const XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = (global as any)['XMLHttpRequestEventTarget'];
if (XMLHttpRequestEventTarget && XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.prototype) {
fix(zone.js): should continue to executue listeners when throw error (#41562)
Close #41522
`zone.js` patches event listeners and run all event listeners together, if
one event handler throws error, the listeners afterward may not be invoked.
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
@ViewChild('btn') btn: ElementRef;
title = 'event-error';
constructor(private ngZone: NgZone) {}
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
this.btn.nativeElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
throw new Error('test1');
this.btn.nativeElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('add eventlistener click');
Until now no Angular users report this issue becuase in the `ngZone`, all
error will be caught and will not rethrow, so the event listeners afterward
will still continue to execute, but if the event handlers are outside of `ngZone`,
the error will break the execution.
This commit catch all errors, and after all event listeners finished invocation,
rethrow the errors in seperate `microTasks`, the reason I am using `microTask` here
is to handle multiple errors case.
PR Close #41562
2021-04-11 02:19:23 -04:00
api.patchEventTarget(global, api, [XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.prototype]);
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
2019-07-19 10:14:28 -04:00
Zone.__load_patch('MutationObserver', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType, api: _ZonePrivate) => {
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
2019-07-19 10:14:28 -04:00
Zone.__load_patch('IntersectionObserver', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType, api: _ZonePrivate) => {
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
2019-07-19 10:14:28 -04:00
Zone.__load_patch('FileReader', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType, api: _ZonePrivate) => {
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
Zone.__load_patch('on_property', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType, api: _ZonePrivate) => {
propertyDescriptorPatch(api, global);
Zone.__load_patch('customElements', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType, api: _ZonePrivate) => {
patchCustomElements(global, api);
Zone.__load_patch('XHR', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType) => {
// Treat XMLHttpRequest as a macrotask.
const XHR_TASK = zoneSymbol('xhrTask');
const XHR_SYNC = zoneSymbol('xhrSync');
const XHR_LISTENER = zoneSymbol('xhrListener');
const XHR_SCHEDULED = zoneSymbol('xhrScheduled');
const XHR_URL = zoneSymbol('xhrURL');
const XHR_ERROR_BEFORE_SCHEDULED = zoneSymbol('xhrErrorBeforeScheduled');
interface XHROptions extends TaskData {
target: any;
url: string;
args: any[];
aborted: boolean;
function patchXHR(window: any) {
const XMLHttpRequest = window['XMLHttpRequest'];
if (!XMLHttpRequest) {
// XMLHttpRequest is not available in service worker
const XMLHttpRequestPrototype: any = XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
2020-04-13 19:40:21 -04:00
function findPendingTask(target: any) {
return target[XHR_TASK];
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
let oriAddListener = XMLHttpRequestPrototype[ZONE_SYMBOL_ADD_EVENT_LISTENER];
let oriRemoveListener = XMLHttpRequestPrototype[ZONE_SYMBOL_REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER];
if (!oriAddListener) {
const XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = window['XMLHttpRequestEventTarget'];
if (XMLHttpRequestEventTarget) {
const XMLHttpRequestEventTargetPrototype = XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.prototype;
oriAddListener = XMLHttpRequestEventTargetPrototype[ZONE_SYMBOL_ADD_EVENT_LISTENER];
oriRemoveListener = XMLHttpRequestEventTargetPrototype[ZONE_SYMBOL_REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER];
const READY_STATE_CHANGE = 'readystatechange';
const SCHEDULED = 'scheduled';
function scheduleTask(task: Task) {
const data = <XHROptions>task.data;
const target = data.target;
target[XHR_SCHEDULED] = false;
// remove existing event listener
const listener = target[XHR_LISTENER];
if (!oriAddListener) {
oriAddListener = target[ZONE_SYMBOL_ADD_EVENT_LISTENER];
oriRemoveListener = target[ZONE_SYMBOL_REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER];
if (listener) {
oriRemoveListener.call(target, READY_STATE_CHANGE, listener);
const newListener = target[XHR_LISTENER] = () => {
if (target.readyState === target.DONE) {
// sometimes on some browsers XMLHttpRequest will fire onreadystatechange with
// readyState=4 multiple times, so we need to check task state here
if (!data.aborted && target[XHR_SCHEDULED] && task.state === SCHEDULED) {
// check whether the xhr has registered onload listener
// if that is the case, the task should invoke after all
// onload listeners finish.
fix(zone.js): should invoke xhr send task when no response error occurs (#38836)
Close #38795
in the XMLHttpRequest patch, when get `readystatechange` event, zone.js try to
invoke `load` event listener first, then call `invokeTask` to finish the
`XMLHttpRequest::send` macroTask, but if the request failed because the
server can not be reached, the `load` event listener will not be invoked,
so the `invokeTask` of the `XMLHttpRequest::send` will not be triggered either,
so we will have a non finished macroTask there which will make the Zone
not stable, also memory leak.
So in this PR, if the `XMLHttpRequest.status = 0` when we get the `readystatechange`
event, that means something wents wrong before we reached the server, we need to
invoke the task to finish the macroTask.
PR Close #38836
2020-09-14 02:54:12 -04:00
// Also if the request failed without response (status = 0), the load event handler
// will not be triggered, in that case, we should also invoke the placeholder callback
// to close the XMLHttpRequest::send macroTask.
// https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/38795
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
const loadTasks = target[Zone.__symbol__('loadfalse')];
fix(zone.js): should invoke xhr send task when no response error occurs (#38836)
Close #38795
in the XMLHttpRequest patch, when get `readystatechange` event, zone.js try to
invoke `load` event listener first, then call `invokeTask` to finish the
`XMLHttpRequest::send` macroTask, but if the request failed because the
server can not be reached, the `load` event listener will not be invoked,
so the `invokeTask` of the `XMLHttpRequest::send` will not be triggered either,
so we will have a non finished macroTask there which will make the Zone
not stable, also memory leak.
So in this PR, if the `XMLHttpRequest.status = 0` when we get the `readystatechange`
event, that means something wents wrong before we reached the server, we need to
invoke the task to finish the macroTask.
PR Close #38836
2020-09-14 02:54:12 -04:00
if (target.status !== 0 && loadTasks && loadTasks.length > 0) {
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
const oriInvoke = task.invoke;
task.invoke = function() {
// need to load the tasks again, because in other
// load listener, they may remove themselves
const loadTasks = target[Zone.__symbol__('loadfalse')];
for (let i = 0; i < loadTasks.length; i++) {
if (loadTasks[i] === task) {
loadTasks.splice(i, 1);
if (!data.aborted && task.state === SCHEDULED) {
} else {
} else if (!data.aborted && target[XHR_SCHEDULED] === false) {
// error occurs when xhr.send()
oriAddListener.call(target, READY_STATE_CHANGE, newListener);
const storedTask: Task = target[XHR_TASK];
if (!storedTask) {
target[XHR_TASK] = task;
2020-04-13 19:40:21 -04:00
sendNative!.apply(target, data.args);
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
target[XHR_SCHEDULED] = true;
return task;
function placeholderCallback() {}
function clearTask(task: Task) {
const data = <XHROptions>task.data;
// Note - ideally, we would call data.target.removeEventListener here, but it's too late
// to prevent it from firing. So instead, we store info for the event listener.
data.aborted = true;
2020-04-13 19:40:21 -04:00
return abortNative!.apply(data.target, data.args);
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
const openNative =
patchMethod(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, 'open', () => function(self: any, args: any[]) {
self[XHR_SYNC] = args[2] == false;
self[XHR_URL] = args[1];
2020-04-13 19:40:21 -04:00
return openNative!.apply(self, args);
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
const XMLHTTPREQUEST_SOURCE = 'XMLHttpRequest.send';
const fetchTaskAborting = zoneSymbol('fetchTaskAborting');
const fetchTaskScheduling = zoneSymbol('fetchTaskScheduling');
const sendNative: Function|null =
patchMethod(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, 'send', () => function(self: any, args: any[]) {
if ((Zone.current as any)[fetchTaskScheduling] === true) {
// a fetch is scheduling, so we are using xhr to polyfill fetch
// and because we already schedule macroTask for fetch, we should
// not schedule a macroTask for xhr again
2020-04-13 19:40:21 -04:00
return sendNative!.apply(self, args);
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
if (self[XHR_SYNC]) {
// if the XHR is sync there is no task to schedule, just execute the code.
2020-04-13 19:40:21 -04:00
return sendNative!.apply(self, args);
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
} else {
const options: XHROptions =
{target: self, url: self[XHR_URL], isPeriodic: false, args: args, aborted: false};
const task = scheduleMacroTaskWithCurrentZone(
XMLHTTPREQUEST_SOURCE, placeholderCallback, options, scheduleTask, clearTask);
if (self && self[XHR_ERROR_BEFORE_SCHEDULED] === true && !options.aborted &&
task.state === SCHEDULED) {
// xhr request throw error when send
// we should invoke task instead of leaving a scheduled
// pending macroTask
const abortNative =
patchMethod(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, 'abort', () => function(self: any, args: any[]) {
const task: Task = findPendingTask(self);
if (task && typeof task.type == 'string') {
// If the XHR has already completed, do nothing.
// If the XHR has already been aborted, do nothing.
// Fix #569, call abort multiple times before done will cause
// macroTask task count be negative number
if (task.cancelFn == null || (task.data && (<XHROptions>task.data).aborted)) {
} else if ((Zone.current as any)[fetchTaskAborting] === true) {
// the abort is called from fetch polyfill, we need to call native abort of XHR.
2020-04-13 19:40:21 -04:00
return abortNative!.apply(self, args);
2019-05-31 11:56:07 -04:00
// Otherwise, we are trying to abort an XHR which has not yet been sent, so there is no
// task
// to cancel. Do nothing.
Zone.__load_patch('geolocation', (global: any) => {
if (global['navigator'] && global['navigator'].geolocation) {
patchPrototype(global['navigator'].geolocation, ['getCurrentPosition', 'watchPosition']);
Zone.__load_patch('PromiseRejectionEvent', (global: any, Zone: ZoneType) => {
// handle unhandled promise rejection
function findPromiseRejectionHandler(evtName: string) {
return function(e: any) {
const eventTasks = findEventTasks(global, evtName);
eventTasks.forEach(eventTask => {
// windows has added unhandledrejection event listener
// trigger the event listener
const PromiseRejectionEvent = global['PromiseRejectionEvent'];
if (PromiseRejectionEvent) {
const evt = new PromiseRejectionEvent(evtName, {promise: e.promise, reason: e.rejection});
if (global['PromiseRejectionEvent']) {
(Zone as any)[zoneSymbol('unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler')] =
(Zone as any)[zoneSymbol('rejectionHandledHandler')] =