2020-01-09 14:23:50 +00:00
/ * *
* @license
2020-05-19 12:08:49 -07:00
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved .
2020-01-09 14:23:50 +00:00
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT - style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https : //angular.io/license
* /
import * as ts from 'typescript' ;
import { absoluteFrom , getFileSystem , relativeFrom } from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system' ;
import { runInEachFileSystem } from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing' ;
2020-11-04 12:27:19 -08:00
import { loadTestFiles } from '../../../src/ngtsc/testing' ;
2020-01-09 14:23:50 +00:00
import { createDependencyInfo } from '../../src/dependencies/dependency_host' ;
import { DtsDependencyHost } from '../../src/dependencies/dts_dependency_host' ;
runInEachFileSystem ( ( ) = > {
describe ( 'DtsDependencyHost' , ( ) = > {
let _ : typeof absoluteFrom ;
let host : DtsDependencyHost ;
beforeEach ( ( ) = > {
_ = absoluteFrom ;
setupMockFileSystem ( ) ;
const fs = getFileSystem ( ) ;
host = new DtsDependencyHost ( fs ) ;
} ) ;
2020-01-15 08:17:18 +00:00
describe ( 'collectDependencies()' , ( ) = > {
2020-01-09 14:23:50 +00:00
it ( 'should not generate a TS AST if the source does not contain any imports or re-exports' ,
( ) = > {
spyOn ( ts , 'createSourceFile' ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/no/imports/or/re-exports/index.d.ts' ) , createDependencyInfo ( ) ) ;
expect ( ts . createSourceFile ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should resolve all the external imports of the source file' , ( ) = > {
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/external/imports/index.d.ts' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 2 ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
2020-06-09 12:34:28 +01:00
it ( 'should ignore synthetic type imports' , ( ) = > {
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/external/synthetic-type-imports/index.d.ts' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
2020-01-09 14:23:50 +00:00
it ( 'should resolve all the external re-exports of the source file' , ( ) = > {
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/external/re-exports/index.d.ts' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 2 ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should capture missing external imports' , ( ) = > {
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/external/imports-missing/index.d.ts' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
expect ( missing . has ( relativeFrom ( 'missing' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should not register deep imports as missing' , ( ) = > {
// This scenario verifies the behavior of the dependency analysis when an external import
// is found that does not map to an entry-point but still exists on disk, i.e. a deep
// import. Such deep imports are captured for diagnostics purposes.
// Note that in the DTS version, the deep import may not map to a .d.ts file, but instead
// a .js file. This test exercises this particular scenario.
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/external/deep-import/index.d.ts' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/deep/import' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should not register deep imports as missing, if available in `@types/...`' , ( ) = > {
// This scenario verifies the behavior of the dependency analysis when an external import
// is found that does not map to an entry-point but still exists in an `@types/...` package,
// i.e. a type-only deep import. Such deep imports are captured for diagnostics purposes.
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/external/deep-import-2/index.d.ts' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/@types/type-only/deep/import' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should recurse into internal dependencies' , ( ) = > {
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/internal/outer/index.d.ts' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should handle circular internal dependencies' , ( ) = > {
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/internal/circular-a/index.d.ts' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 2 ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support `paths` alias mappings when resolving modules' , ( ) = > {
const fs = getFileSystem ( ) ;
host = new DtsDependencyHost ( fs , {
baseUrl : '/dist' ,
paths : {
'@app/*' : [ '*' ] ,
'@lib/*/test' : [ 'lib/*/test' ] ,
} ) ;
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies ( _ ( '/path-alias/index.d.ts' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 4 ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/dist/components' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/dist/shared' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/dist/lib/shared/test' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should handle entry-point paths with no extension' , ( ) = > {
const { dependencies , missing , deepImports } = createDependencyInfo ( ) ;
host . collectDependencies (
_ ( '/external/imports/index' ) , { dependencies , missing , deepImports } ) ;
expect ( dependencies . size ) . toBe ( 2 ) ;
expect ( missing . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( deepImports . size ) . toBe ( 0 ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
expect ( dependencies . has ( _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-1' ) ) ) . toBe ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function setupMockFileSystem ( ) : void {
loadTestFiles ( [
name : _ ( '/no/imports/or/re-exports/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : '// some text but no import-like statements'
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/no/imports/or/re-exports/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/no/imports/or/re-exports/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
name : _ ( '/external/imports/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` import {X} from 'lib-1'; \ nimport {Y} from 'lib-1/sub-1'; `
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/external/imports/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/external/imports/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
2020-06-09 12:34:28 +01:00
name : _ ( '/external/synthetic-type-imports/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` const function foo(): Array<import("lib-1").X>; `
} ,
name : _ ( '/external/synthetic-type-imports/package.json' ) ,
contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}'
} ,
name : _ ( '/external/synthetic-type-imports/index.metadata.json' ) ,
contents : 'MOCK METADATA'
} ,
2020-01-09 14:23:50 +00:00
name : _ ( '/external/re-exports/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` export {X} from 'lib-1'; \ nexport {Y} from 'lib-1/sub-1'; `
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/external/re-exports/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/external/re-exports/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
name : _ ( '/external/imports-missing/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` import {X} from 'lib-1'; \ nimport {Y} from 'missing'; `
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/external/imports-missing/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/external/imports-missing/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
name : _ ( '/external/deep-import/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` import {Y} from 'lib-1/deep/import'; `
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/external/deep-import/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/external/deep-import/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
name : _ ( '/external/deep-import-2/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` import {Y} from 'type-only/deep/import'; `
} ,
name : _ ( '/node_modules/@types/type-only/deep/import/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` export declare class Y {} `
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/internal/outer/index.d.ts' ) , contents : ` import {X} from '../inner'; ` } ,
{ name : _ ( '/internal/outer/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/internal/outer/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
name : _ ( '/internal/inner/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` import {Y} from 'lib-1/sub-1'; export declare class X {} `
} ,
name : _ ( '/internal/circular-a/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents :
` import {B} from '../circular-b'; import {X} from '../circular-b'; export {Y} from 'lib-1/sub-1'; `
} ,
name : _ ( '/internal/circular-b/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents :
` import {A} from '../circular-a'; import {Y} from '../circular-a'; export {X} from 'lib-1'; `
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/internal/circular-a/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/internal/circular-a/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
name : _ ( '/path-alias/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents :
` import {TestHelper} from '@app/components'; \ nimport {Service} from '@app/shared'; \ nimport {TestHelper} from '@lib/shared/test'; \ nimport {X} from 'lib-1'; `
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/path-alias/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/path-alias/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/index.d.ts' ) , contents : 'export declare class X {}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/deep/import/index.js' ) ,
contents : 'export class DeepImport {}'
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-1/index.d.ts' ) , contents : 'export declare class Y {}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-1/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-1/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-2.d.ts' ) , contents : ` export * from './sub-2/sub-2'; ` } ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-2/sub-2.d.ts' ) , contents : ` export declare class Z {}'; ` } ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-2/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./sub-2.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/node_modules/lib-1/sub-2/sub-2.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/dist/components/index.d.ts' ) , contents : ` class MyComponent {}; ` } ,
{ name : _ ( '/dist/components/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/dist/components/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
name : _ ( '/dist/shared/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` import {X} from 'lib-1'; \ nexport declare class Service {} `
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/dist/shared/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/dist/shared/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
name : _ ( '/dist/lib/shared/test/index.d.ts' ) ,
contents : ` export declare class TestHelper {} `
} ,
{ name : _ ( '/dist/lib/shared/test/package.json' ) , contents : '{"esm2015": "./index.js"}' } ,
{ name : _ ( '/dist/lib/shared/test/index.metadata.json' ) , contents : 'MOCK METADATA' } ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;