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'use strict';
const chalk = require('chalk');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('canonical-path');
const shelljs = require('shelljs');
const yargs = require('yargs');
const PACKAGE_JSON = 'package.json';
const LOCAL_MARKER_PATH = 'node_modules/_local_.json';
const PACKAGE_JSON_REGEX = /^[^/]+\/package\.json$/;
const ANGULAR_ROOT_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..');
const ANGULAR_DIST_PACKAGES = path.resolve(ANGULAR_ROOT_DIR, 'dist/packages-dist');
* A tool that can install Angular dependencies for a project from NPM or from the
* locally built distributables.
* This tool is used to change dependencies of the `aio` application and the example
* applications.
class NgPackagesInstaller {
* Create a new installer for a project in the specified directory.
* @param {string} projectDir - the path to the directory containing the project.
* @param {object} options - a hash of options for the install
* * `debug` (`boolean`) - whether to display debug messages.
* * `force` (`boolean`) - whether to force a local installation
* even if there is a local marker file.
* * `ignorePackages` (`string[]`) - a collection of names of packages
* that should not be copied over.
constructor(projectDir, options = {}) {
this.debug = options.debug;
this.force = options.force;
this.ignorePackages = options.ignorePackages || [];
this.projectDir = path.resolve(projectDir);
this.localMarkerPath = path.resolve(this.projectDir, LOCAL_MARKER_PATH);
this._log('Project directory:', this.projectDir);
// Public methods
* Check whether the dependencies have been overridden with locally built
* Angular packages. This is done by checking for the `_local_.json` marker file.
* This will emit a warning to the console if the dependencies have been overridden.
checkDependencies() {
if (this._checkLocalMarker()) {
* Install locally built Angular dependencies, overriding the dependencies in the package.json
* This will also write a "marker" file (`_local_.json`), which contains the overridden package.json
* contents and acts as an indicator that dependencies have been overridden.
installLocalDependencies() {
if (this._checkLocalMarker() !== true || this.force) {
const pathToPackageConfig = path.resolve(this.projectDir, PACKAGE_JSON);
const packages = this._getDistPackages();
try {
// Overwrite local Angular packages dependencies to other Angular packages with local files.
Object.keys(packages).forEach(key => {
const pkg = packages[key];
const tmpConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pkg.config));
// Prevent accidental publishing of the package, if something goes wrong.
tmpConfig.private = true;
// Overwrite project dependencies/devDependencies to Angular packages with local files.
['dependencies', 'devDependencies'].forEach(prop => {
const deps = tmpConfig[prop] || {};
Object.keys(deps).forEach(key2 => {
const pkg2 = packages[key2];
if (pkg2) {
// point the core Angular packages at the distributable folder
deps[key2] = `file:${pkg2.parentDir}/${key2.replace('@angular/', '')}`;
this._log(`Overriding dependency of local ${key} with local package: ${key2}: ${deps[key2]}`);
fs.writeFileSync(pkg.packageJsonPath, JSON.stringify(tmpConfig));
const packageConfigFile = fs.readFileSync(pathToPackageConfig);
const packageConfig = JSON.parse(packageConfigFile);
const [dependencies, peers] = this._collectDependencies(packageConfig.dependencies || {}, packages);
const [devDependencies, devPeers] = this._collectDependencies(packageConfig.devDependencies || {}, packages);
this._assignPeerDependencies(peers, dependencies, devDependencies);
this._assignPeerDependencies(devPeers, dependencies, devDependencies);
const localPackageConfig = Object.assign(Object.create(null), packageConfig, { dependencies, devDependencies });
localPackageConfig.__angular = { local: true };
const localPackageConfigJson = JSON.stringify(localPackageConfig, null, 2);
try {
this._log(`Writing temporary local ${PACKAGE_JSON} to ${pathToPackageConfig}`);
fs.writeFileSync(pathToPackageConfig, localPackageConfigJson);
this._installDeps('--no-lockfile', '--check-files');
} finally {
this._log(`Restoring original ${PACKAGE_JSON} to ${pathToPackageConfig}`);
fs.writeFileSync(pathToPackageConfig, packageConfigFile);
} finally {
// Restore local Angular packages dependencies to other Angular packages.
this._log(`Restoring original ${PACKAGE_JSON} for local Angular packages.`);
Object.keys(packages).forEach(key => {
const pkg = packages[key];
fs.writeFileSync(pkg.packageJsonPath, JSON.stringify(pkg.config));
* Reinstall the original package.json depdendencies
* Yarn will also delete the local marker file for us.
restoreNpmDependencies() {
this._installDeps('--frozen-lockfile', '--check-files');
// Protected helpers
_assignPeerDependencies(peerDependencies, dependencies, devDependencies) {
Object.keys(peerDependencies).forEach(key => {
// If there is already an equivalent dependency then override it - otherwise assign/override the devDependency
if (dependencies[key]) {
this._log(`Overriding dependency with peerDependency: ${key}: ${peerDependencies[key]}`);
dependencies[key] = peerDependencies[key];
} else {
this._log(`${devDependencies[key] ? 'Overriding' : 'Assigning'} devDependency with peerDependency: ${key}: ${peerDependencies[key]}`);
devDependencies[key] = peerDependencies[key];
_collectDependencies(dependencies, packages) {
const peerDependencies = Object.create(null);
const mergedDependencies = Object.assign(Object.create(null), dependencies);
Object.keys(dependencies).forEach(key => {
const sourcePackage = packages[key];
if (sourcePackage) {
// point the core Angular packages at the distributable folder
mergedDependencies[key] = `file:${sourcePackage.parentDir}/${key.replace('@angular/', '')}`;
this._log(`Overriding dependency with local package: ${key}: ${mergedDependencies[key]}`);
// grab peer dependencies
const sourcePackagePeerDeps = sourcePackage.config.peerDependencies || {};
// ignore peerDependencies which are already core Angular packages
.filter(key => !packages[key])
.forEach(key => peerDependencies[key] = sourcePackagePeerDeps[key]);
return [mergedDependencies, peerDependencies];
* A hash of Angular package configs.
* (Detected as directories in '/packages/' that contain a top-level 'package.json' file.)
_getDistPackages() {
const packageConfigs = Object.create(null);
[ANGULAR_DIST_PACKAGES].forEach(distDir => {
this._log(`Angular distributable directory: ${distDir}.`);
.map(filePath => filePath.slice(distDir.length + 1))
.filter(filePath => PACKAGE_JSON_REGEX.test(filePath))
.forEach(packagePath => {
const packageName = `@angular/${packagePath.slice(0, -PACKAGE_JSON.length -1)}`;
if (this.ignorePackages.indexOf(packageName) === -1) {
const packageConfig = require(path.resolve(distDir, packagePath));
packageConfigs[packageName] = {
parentDir: distDir,
packageJsonPath: path.resolve(distDir, packagePath),
config: packageConfig
} else {
this._log('Ignoring package', packageName);
this._log('Found the following Angular distributables:', Object.keys(packageConfigs).map(key => `\n - ${key}`));
return packageConfigs;
_installDeps(...options) {
const command = 'yarn install ' + options.join(' ');
this._log('Installing dependencies with:', command);
shelljs.exec(command, {cwd: this.projectDir});
* Log a message if the `debug` property is set to true.
* @param {...string[]} messages - The messages to be logged.
_log(...messages) {
if (this.debug) {
const header = ` [${NgPackagesInstaller.name}]: `;
const indent = ' '.repeat(header.length);
const message = messages.join(' ');
_printWarning() {
const relativeScriptPath = path.relative('.', __filename.replace(/\.js$/, ''));
const absoluteProjectDir = path.resolve(this.projectDir);
const restoreCmd = `node ${relativeScriptPath} restore ${absoluteProjectDir}`;
// Log a warning.
'!!! WARNING',
`!!! The project at "${absoluteProjectDir}" is running against the local Angular build.`,
'!!! To restore the npm packages run:',
`!!! "${restoreCmd}"`,
// Local marker helpers
_checkLocalMarker() {
this._log('Checking for local marker at', this.localMarkerPath);
return fs.existsSync(this.localMarkerPath);
_setLocalMarker(contents) {
this._log('Writing local marker file to', this.localMarkerPath);
fs.writeFileSync(this.localMarkerPath, contents);
function main() {
.usage('$0 <cmd> [args]')
.option('debug', { describe: 'Print additional debug information.', default: false })
.option('force', { describe: 'Force the command to execute even if not needed.', default: false })
.option('ignore-packages', { describe: 'List of Angular packages that should not be used in local mode.', default: [], array: true })
.command('overwrite <projectDir> [--force] [--debug] [--ignore-packages package1 package2]', 'Install dependencies from the locally built Angular distributables.', () => {}, argv => {
const installer = new NgPackagesInstaller(argv.projectDir, argv);
.command('restore <projectDir> [--debug]', 'Install dependencies from the npm registry.', () => {}, argv => {
const installer = new NgPackagesInstaller(argv.projectDir, argv);
.command('check <projectDir> [--debug]', 'Check that dependencies came from npm. Otherwise display a warning message.', () => {}, argv => {
const installer = new NgPackagesInstaller(argv.projectDir, argv);
.demandCommand(1, 'Please supply a command from the list above.')
module.exports = NgPackagesInstaller;
if (require.main === module) {