158 lines
5.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('canonical-path');
* @dgProcessor generateKeywordsProcessor
* @description
* This processor extracts all the keywords from each document and creates
* a new document that will be rendered as a JavaScript file containing all
* this data.
module.exports = function generateKeywordsProcessor(log, readFilesProcessor) {
return {
ignoreWordsFile: undefined,
propertiesToIgnore: [],
docTypesToIgnore: [],
outputFolder: '',
$validate: {
ignoreWordsFile: {},
docTypesToIgnore: {},
propertiesToIgnore: {},
outputFolder: {presence: true}
$runAfter: ['postProcessHtml'],
$runBefore: ['writing-files'],
$process: function(docs) {
// Keywords to ignore
var wordsToIgnore = [];
var propertiesToIgnore;
var docTypesToIgnore;
// Keywords start with "ng:" or one of $, _ or a letter
var KEYWORD_REGEX = /^((ng:|[$_a-z])[\w\-_]+)/;
// Load up the keywords to ignore, if specified in the config
if (this.ignoreWordsFile) {
var ignoreWordsPath = path.resolve(readFilesProcessor.basePath, this.ignoreWordsFile);
wordsToIgnore = fs.readFileSync(ignoreWordsPath, 'utf8').toString().split(/[,\s\n\r]+/gm);
log.debug('Loaded ignore words from "' + ignoreWordsPath + '"');
propertiesToIgnore = convertToMap(this.propertiesToIgnore);
log.debug('Properties to ignore', propertiesToIgnore);
docTypesToIgnore = convertToMap(this.docTypesToIgnore);
log.debug('Doc types to ignore', docTypesToIgnore);
var ignoreWordsMap = convertToMap(wordsToIgnore);
// If the heading contains a name starting with ng, e.g. "ngController", then add the
// name without the ng to the text, e.g. "controller".
function preprocessText(text) {
return text.replace(/(^|\s)([nN]g([A-Z]\w*))/g, '$1$2 $3');
function extractWords(text, words, keywordMap) {
var tokens = preprocessText(text).toLowerCase().split(/[.\s,`'"#]+/mg);
tokens.forEach(function(token) {
var match = token.match(KEYWORD_REGEX);
if (match) {
var key = match[1];
if (!keywordMap[key]) {
keywordMap[key] = true;
const filteredDocs = docs
// We are not interested in some docTypes
.filter(function(doc) { return !docTypesToIgnore[doc.docType]; })
// Ignore internals and private exports (indicated by the ɵ prefix)
.filter(function(doc) { return !doc.internal && !doc.privateExport; });
filteredDocs.forEach(function(doc) {
var words = [];
var keywordMap = Object.assign({}, ignoreWordsMap);
var members = [];
var membersMap = Object.assign({}, ignoreWordsMap);
const headingWords = [];
const headingWordMap = Object.assign({}, ignoreWordsMap);
// Search each top level property of the document for search terms
Object.keys(doc).forEach(function(key) {
const value = doc[key];
if (isString(value) && !propertiesToIgnore[key]) {
extractWords(value, words, keywordMap);
// Special case properties that contain content relating to "members"
// of a doc that represents, say, a class or interface
if (key === 'methods' || key === 'properties' || key === 'events') {
value.forEach(function(member) { extractWords(member.name, members, membersMap); });
// Extract all the keywords from the headings
if (doc.vFile && doc.vFile.headings) {
Object.keys(doc.vFile.headings).forEach(function(headingTag) {
doc.vFile.headings[headingTag].forEach(function(headingText) {
extractWords(headingText, headingWords, headingWordMap);
// Extract the title to use in searches
doc.searchTitle = doc.searchTitle || doc.title || doc.vFile && doc.vFile.title || doc.name || '';
// Attach all this search data to the document
doc.searchTerms = {
titleWords: preprocessText(doc.searchTitle),
headingWords: headingWords.sort().join(' '),
keywords: words.sort().join(' '),
members: members.sort().join(' ')
// Now process all the search data and collect it up to be used in creating a new document
var searchData = filteredDocs.map(function(page) {
// Copy the properties from the searchTerms object onto the search data object
return Object.assign({
path: page.path,
title: page.searchTitle,
type: page.docType
}, page.searchTerms);
docType: 'json-doc',
id: 'search-data-json',
path: this.outputFolder + '/search-data.json',
outputPath: this.outputFolder + '/search-data.json',
data: searchData,
renderedContent: JSON.stringify(searchData)
function isString(value) {
return typeof value == 'string';
function convertToMap(collection) {
const obj = {};
collection.forEach(key => { obj[key] = true; });
return obj;