2017-02-28 21:02:56 +02:00
// Imports
import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
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import {GithubPullRequests} from '../common/github-pull-requests';
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import {GithubTeams} from '../common/github-teams';
import {assertNotMissingOrEmpty} from '../common/utils';
import {UploadError} from './upload-error';
// Interfaces - Types
interface JwtPayload {
slug: string;
'pull-request': number;
// Classes
export class BuildVerifier {
// Properties - Protected
protected githubPullRequests: GithubPullRequests;
protected githubTeams: GithubTeams;
// Constructor
constructor(protected secret: string, githubToken: string, protected repoSlug: string, organization: string,
protected allowedTeamSlugs: string[]) {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('secret', secret);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubToken', githubToken);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('repoSlug', repoSlug);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('organization', organization);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('allowedTeamSlugs', allowedTeamSlugs && allowedTeamSlugs.join(''));
this.githubPullRequests = new GithubPullRequests(githubToken, repoSlug);
this.githubTeams = new GithubTeams(githubToken, organization);
// Methods - Public
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public getPrAuthorTeamMembership(pr: number): Promise<{author: string, isMember: boolean}> {
return Promise.resolve().
then(() => this.githubPullRequests.fetch(pr)).
then(prInfo => prInfo.user.login).
then(author => this.githubTeams.isMemberBySlug(author, this.allowedTeamSlugs).
then(isMember => ({author, isMember})));
public verify(expectedPr: number, authHeader: string): Promise<void> {
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return Promise.resolve().
then(() => this.extractJwtString(authHeader)).
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then(jwtString => this.verifyJwt(expectedPr, jwtString)).
then(jwtPayload => this.verifyPr(jwtPayload['pull-request'])).
catch(err => { throw new UploadError(403, `Error while verifying upload for PR ${expectedPr}: ${err}`); });
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// Methods - Protected
protected extractJwtString(input: string): string {
return input.replace(/^token +/i, '');
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protected verifyJwt(expectedPr: number, token: string): Promise<JwtPayload> {
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return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
jwt.verify(token, this.secret, {issuer: 'Travis CI, GmbH'}, (err, payload) => {
if (err) {
reject(err.message || err);
} else if (payload.slug !== this.repoSlug) {
reject(`jwt slug invalid. expected: ${this.repoSlug}`);
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} else if (payload['pull-request'] !== expectedPr) {
reject(`jwt pull-request invalid. expected: ${expectedPr}`);
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} else {
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protected verifyPr(pr: number): Promise<void> {
return this.getPrAuthorTeamMembership(pr).
then(({author, isMember}) => isMember ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject(
`User '${author}' is not an active member of any of the following teams: ` +
`${this.allowedTeamSlugs.join(', ')}`,
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