2019-01-14 17:47:39 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -u -e -o pipefail
# This script runs unit tests from angular/material2.
# Save the dir for the root of the Angular repo.
2019-03-18 19:25:19 +01:00
# Switch into Material directory.
2019-01-14 17:47:39 -08:00
# Install this version of Angular into the freshly cloned repo.
2019-03-18 19:25:19 +01:00
rm -rf ./node_modules/@angular/*
cp -r ${angular_dir}/dist/packages-dist-ivy-aot/* ./node_modules/@angular/
2019-01-14 17:47:39 -08:00
2019-03-18 19:25:19 +01:00
# The angular/material2 CI sets TEST_PLATFORM to either "local", "saucelabs", or "browserstack".
# For angular/angular, we only want to run the "local" tests.
2019-01-14 17:47:39 -08:00
export TEST_PLATFORM=local
2019-02-05 10:48:18 -08:00
# Append the test blocklist into angular/material2's karma-test-shim.js.
2019-01-14 17:47:39 -08:00
# This filters out known-failing tests because the goal is to prevent regressions.
2019-03-18 19:25:19 +01:00
cat ${angular_dir}/tools/material-ci/angular_material_test_blocklist.js >> ./test/karma-test-shim.js
2019-01-14 17:47:39 -08:00
# Now actually run the tests.
yarn gulp test:single-run