590 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {Directive as _Directive, InjectionToken, OnChanges, OnDestroy, Pipe as _Pipe, PipeTransform, WrappedValue, ɵNgModuleDef as NgModuleDef, ɵɵdefineComponent as defineComponent, ɵɵdefineInjectable, ɵɵdefineInjector, ɵɵdirectiveInject as directiveInject} from '@angular/core';
import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers';
import {createInjector} from '../../src/di/r3_injector';
import {ɵɵdefineDirective, ɵɵdefinePipe} from '../../src/render3/definition';
import {ɵɵbind, ɵɵcontainer, ɵɵcontainerRefreshEnd, ɵɵcontainerRefreshStart, ɵɵelementEnd, ɵɵelementProperty, ɵɵelementStart, ɵɵembeddedViewEnd, ɵɵembeddedViewStart, ɵɵinterpolation1, ɵɵload, ɵɵtext, ɵɵtextBinding} from '../../src/render3/instructions/all';
import {RenderFlags} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/definition';
import {ɵɵpipe, ɵɵpipeBind1, ɵɵpipeBind3, ɵɵpipeBind4, ɵɵpipeBindV} from '../../src/render3/pipe';
import {RenderLog, getRendererFactory2, patchLoggingRenderer2} from './imported_renderer2';
import {ComponentFixture, TemplateFixture, createComponent, getDirectiveOnNode, renderToHtml} from './render_util';
const Directive: typeof _Directive = function(...args: any[]): any {
// In test we use @Directive for documentation only so it's safe to mock out the implementation.
return () => undefined;
} as any;
const Pipe: typeof _Pipe = function(...args: any[]): any {
// In test we use @Pipe for documentation only so it's safe to mock out the implementation.
return () => undefined;
} as any;
let log: string[] = [];
let person: Person;
let renderLog: RenderLog = new RenderLog();
const rendererFactory2 = getRendererFactory2(document);
patchLoggingRenderer2(rendererFactory2, renderLog);
describe('pipe', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
log = [];
person = new Person();
const pipes =
() => [CountingPipe, MultiArgPipe, CountingImpurePipe, DuplicatePipe1, DuplicatePipe2];
it('should support interpolation', () => {
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, person: Person) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'countingPipe');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵtextBinding(0, ɵɵinterpolation1('', ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, person.name), ''));
person.init('bob', null);
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('bob state:0');
it('should throw if pipe is not found', () => {
const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'randomPipeName');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵtextBinding(0, ɵɵinterpolation1('', ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, ctx.value), ''));
}, 2, 3, [], pipes);
expect(() => {
const fixture = new ComponentFixture(App);
}).toThrowError(/The pipe 'randomPipeName' could not be found!/);
it('should support bindings', () => {
let directive: any = null;
@Directive({selector: '[my-dir]', inputs: ['dirProp: elprop'], exportAs: 'mydir'})
class MyDir {
dirProp: string;
constructor() { this.dirProp = ''; }
static ngDirectiveDef = ɵɵdefineDirective({
type: MyDir,
selectors: [['', 'myDir', '']],
factory: () => new MyDir(),
inputs: {dirProp: 'elprop'}
@Pipe({name: 'double'})
class DoublePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any) { return `${value}${value}`; }
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'double',
type: DoublePipe,
factory: function DoublePipe_Factory() { return new DoublePipe(); },
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: string) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵelementStart(0, 'div', ['myDir', '']);
ɵɵpipe(1, 'double');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵelementProperty(0, 'elprop', ɵɵbind(ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, ctx)));
directive = getDirectiveOnNode(0);
renderToHtml(Template, 'a', 2, 3, [MyDir], [DoublePipe]);
expect(directive !.dirProp).toEqual('aa');
it('should support arguments in pipes', () => {
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, person: Person) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'multiArgPipe');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵinterpolation1('', ɵɵpipeBind3(1, 1, person.name, 'one', person.address !.city), ''));
person.init('value', new Address('two'));
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 5, null, pipes)).toEqual('value one two default');
it('should support calling pipes with different number of arguments', () => {
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, person: Person) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'multiArgPipe');
ɵɵpipe(2, 'multiArgPipe');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
0, ɵɵinterpolation1(
'', ɵɵpipeBind4(2, 5, ɵɵpipeBindV(1, 1, [person.name, 'a', 'b']), 0, 1, 2), ''));
person.init('value', null);
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 3, 10, null, pipes)).toEqual('value a b default 0 1 2');
it('should do nothing when no change', () => {
@Pipe({name: 'identityPipe'})
class IdentityPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any) { return value; }
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'identityPipe',
type: IdentityPipe,
factory: function IdentityPipe_Factory() { return new IdentityPipe(); },
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, person: Person) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵelementStart(0, 'div');
ɵɵpipe(1, 'identityPipe');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵelementProperty(0, 'id', ɵɵbind(ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, 'Megatron')));
renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, [IdentityPipe], rendererFactory2);
renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes, rendererFactory2);
it('should support duplicates by using the later entry', () => {
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, person: Person) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'duplicatePipe');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵtextBinding(0, ɵɵinterpolation1('', ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, person.name), ''));
person.init('bob', null);
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('bob from duplicate 2');
describe('pure', () => {
it('should call pure pipes only if the arguments change', () => {
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, person: Person) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'countingPipe');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵtextBinding(0, ɵɵinterpolation1('', ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, person.name), ''));
// change from undefined -> null
person.name = null;
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('null state:0');
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('null state:0');
// change from null -> some value
person.name = 'bob';
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('bob state:1');
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('bob state:1');
// change from some value -> some other value
person.name = 'bart';
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('bart state:2');
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('bart state:2');
describe('impure', () => {
it('should call impure pipes on each change detection run', () => {
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, person: Person) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'countingImpurePipe');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵtextBinding(0, ɵɵinterpolation1('', ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, person.name), ''));
person.name = 'bob';
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('bob state:0');
expect(renderToHtml(Template, person, 2, 3, null, pipes)).toEqual('bob state:1');
it('should not cache impure pipes', () => {
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵelementStart(0, 'div');
ɵɵpipe(1, 'countingImpurePipe');
ɵɵelementStart(2, 'div');
ɵɵpipe(3, 'countingImpurePipe');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵelementProperty(0, 'id', ɵɵbind(ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 2, true)));
ɵɵelementProperty(2, 'id', ɵɵbind(ɵɵpipeBind1(3, 4, true)));
pipeInstances.push(ɵɵload<CountingImpurePipe>(1), ɵɵload(3));
for (let i of [1, 2]) {
let rf1 = ɵɵembeddedViewStart(1, 2, 3);
if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵelementStart(0, 'div');
ɵɵpipe(1, 'countingImpurePipe');
if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵelementProperty(0, 'id', ɵɵbind(ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, true)));
const pipeInstances: CountingImpurePipe[] = [];
renderToHtml(Template, {}, 5, 6, null, pipes, rendererFactory2);
describe('lifecycles', () => {
@Pipe({name: 'pipeWithOnDestroy'})
class PipeWithOnDestroy implements PipeTransform, OnDestroy {
ngOnDestroy() { log.push('pipeWithOnDestroy - ngOnDestroy'); }
transform(value: any): any { return null; }
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'pipeWithOnDestroy',
type: PipeWithOnDestroy,
factory: function PipeWithOnDestroy_Factory() { return new PipeWithOnDestroy(); },
it('should call ngOnDestroy on pipes', () => {
function Template(rf: RenderFlags, person: Person) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
if (person.age > 20) {
let rf1 = ɵɵembeddedViewStart(1, 2, 3);
if (rf1 & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'pipeWithOnDestroy');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
ɵɵtextBinding(0, ɵɵinterpolation1('', ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, person.age), ''));
const pipes = [PipeWithOnDestroy];
person.age = 25;
renderToHtml(Template, person, 1, 0, null, pipes);
person.age = 15;
renderToHtml(Template, person, 1, 0, null, pipes);
expect(log).toEqual(['pipeWithOnDestroy - ngOnDestroy']);
log = [];
person.age = 30;
renderToHtml(Template, person, 1, 0, null, pipes);
log = [];
person.age = 10;
renderToHtml(Template, person, 1, 0, null, pipes);
expect(log).toEqual(['pipeWithOnDestroy - ngOnDestroy']);
describe('injection mechanism', () => {
class ServiceA {
title = 'ServiceA Title';
class ServiceB {
title = 'ServiceB Title';
static ngInjectableDef =
ɵɵdefineInjectable({providedIn: 'root', factory: () => new ServiceB()});
class ModuleA {
static ngInjectorDef =
ɵɵdefineInjector({factory: () => new ModuleA(), providers: [ServiceA]});
static ngModuleDef: NgModuleDef<any> = { bootstrap: [] } as any;
const generatePipe = (InjectionType: any) => {
return class MyConcatPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(public obj: any) {}
transform(value: string): string { return `${value} - ${this.obj.title}`; }
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'myConcatPipe',
type: MyConcatPipe,
factory: () => new MyConcatPipe(directiveInject(InjectionType)),
pure: false
const generateComponent = (overrides: any) => {
return class MyComponent {
title = 'MyComponent Title';
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
type: MyComponent,
selectors: [['my-app']],
factory: function MyComponent_Factory() { return new MyComponent(); },
consts: 2,
vars: 3,
// '{{ title | myConcatPipe }}'
template: (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: MyComponent) => {
if (rf & 1) {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'myConcatPipe');
if (rf & 2) {
ɵɵtextBinding(0, ɵɵinterpolation1('', ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, ctx.title), ''));
it('should be able to handle Service injection', () => {
const Comp = generateComponent({providers: [ServiceB], pipes: [generatePipe(ServiceB)]});
const fixture = new ComponentFixture(Comp);
expect(fixture.html).toEqual('MyComponent Title - ServiceB Title');
it('should be able to handle Token injections', () => {
const provider = new InjectionToken<ServiceA>(
'token', {providedIn: 'root', factory: () => new ServiceB()});
const Comp = generateComponent({providers: [provider], pipes: [generatePipe(provider)]});
const fixture = new ComponentFixture(Comp);
expect(fixture.html).toEqual('MyComponent Title - ServiceB Title');
it('should be able to handle Module injection', () => {
const injector = createInjector(ModuleA);
const Comp = generateComponent({providers: [], pipes: [generatePipe(ServiceA)]});
const fixture = new ComponentFixture(Comp, {injector});
expect(fixture.html).toEqual('MyComponent Title - ServiceA Title');
describe('WrappedValue', () => {
@Pipe({name: 'wrappingPipe'})
class WrappingPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any) { return new WrappedValue('Bar'); }
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'wrappingPipe',
type: WrappingPipe,
factory: function WrappingPipe_Factory() { return new WrappingPipe(); },
pure: false
function createTemplate() {
ɵɵpipe(1, 'wrappingPipe');
function updateTemplate() {
ɵɵtextBinding(0, ɵɵinterpolation1('', ɵɵpipeBind1(1, 1, null), ''));
it('should unwrap', () => {
const fixture =
new TemplateFixture(createTemplate, updateTemplate, 2, 3, undefined, [WrappingPipe]);
it('should force change detection', () => {
const fixture =
new TemplateFixture(createTemplate, updateTemplate, 2, 3, undefined, [WrappingPipe]);
fixture.hostElement.childNodes[0] !.textContent = 'Foo';
@Pipe({name: 'countingPipe'})
class CountingPipe implements PipeTransform {
state: number = 0;
transform(value: any) { return `${value} state:${this.state++}`; }
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'countingPipe',
type: CountingPipe,
factory: function CountingPipe_Factory() { return new CountingPipe(); },
@Pipe({name: 'countingImpurePipe', pure: false})
class CountingImpurePipe implements PipeTransform {
state: number = 0;
transform(value: any) { return `${value} state:${this.state++}`; }
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'countingImpurePipe',
type: CountingImpurePipe,
factory: function CountingImpurePipe_Factory() { return new CountingImpurePipe(); },
pure: false,
@Pipe({name: 'multiArgPipe'})
class MultiArgPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, arg1: any, arg2: any, arg3 = 'default') {
return `${value} ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}`;
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'multiArgPipe',
type: MultiArgPipe,
factory: function MultiArgPipe_Factory() { return new MultiArgPipe(); },
@Pipe({name: 'duplicatePipe'})
class DuplicatePipe1 implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any) { return `${value} from duplicate 1`; }
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'duplicatePipe',
type: DuplicatePipe1,
factory: function DuplicatePipe1_Factory() { return new DuplicatePipe1(); },
@Pipe({name: 'duplicatePipe'})
class DuplicatePipe2 implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any) { return `${value} from duplicate 2`; }
static ngPipeDef = ɵɵdefinePipe({
name: 'duplicatePipe',
type: DuplicatePipe2,
factory: function DuplicatePipe2_Factory() { return new DuplicatePipe2(); },
class Person {
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
age !: number;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
name !: string | null;
address: Address|null = null;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
phones !: number[];
init(name: string|null, address: Address|null = null) {
this.name = name;
this.address = address;
sayHi(m: any): string { return `Hi, ${m}`; }
passThrough(val: any): any { return val; }
toString(): string {
const address = this.address == null ? '' : ' address=' + this.address.toString();
return 'name=' + this.name + address;
class Address {
cityGetterCalls: number = 0;
zipCodeGetterCalls: number = 0;
constructor(public _city: string, public _zipcode: any = null) {}
get city() {
return this._city;
get zipcode() {
return this._zipcode;
set city(v) { this._city = v; }
set zipcode(v) { this._zipcode = v; }
toString(): string { return this.city || '-'; }