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2015-03-06 17:53:39 +00:00
Angular [![Build Status](]( [![Join the chat at](](
2015-01-04 15:12:48 -08:00
2014-09-29 14:20:23 -07:00
2015-03-06 17:53:39 +00:00
This is the repository for the upcoming 2.0 version. If you're looking for the current official version of Angular you
should go to [angular/angular.js](
## Build
2015-01-09 16:29:34 -08:00
### Prerequisites
If you don't already have `npm`, get it by installing [node.js](
1. `npm install`
2. `npm install -g gulp` (you might need to prefix this command with `sudo`)
2015-01-09 16:29:34 -08:00
3. `npm install -g protractor` (you might need to prefix this command with `sudo`)
4. `webdriver-manager update`
2015-01-09 16:29:34 -08:00
5. If you plan to use Dart:
1. [Install the Dart SDK]( - Includes the `pub` command line tool. This repository requires `pub` in version `>=1.9.0-dev.8.0 <2.0.0`
2. [Add the Dart SDK's `bin` directory to your system path](
2015-01-09 16:29:34 -08:00
3. Get the pub packages you need: `pub get`
6. `gulp build`
### Folder structure
* `modules/*`: modules that will be loaded in the browser
* `tools/*`: tools that are needed to build Angular
### File endings
* `*.js`: javascript files that get transpiled to Dart and EcmaScript 5
* `*.es6`: javascript files that get transpiled only to EcmaScript 5
* `*.es5`: javascript files that don't get transpiled
* `*.dart`: dart files that don't get transpiled
2015-01-09 16:29:34 -08:00
### Build
1. `gulp build` -> result is in `dist` folder
2014-09-30 14:21:46 +02:00
* will also run `pub get` for the subfolders in `modules`
and run `dartanalyzer` for every file that matches
`<module>/src/<module>.dart`, e.g. `di/src/di.dart`
2. `gulp clean` -> cleans the `dist` folder
2015-01-09 16:29:34 -08:00
### Unit tests
1. `gulp test.unit.js`: JS tests in a browser
2. `gulp test.unit.cjs`: JS tests in NodeJS (requires a build before)
3. `gulp test.unit.dart`: Dart tests
Notes for transpiler tests:
The karma preprocessor is setup in a way so that after every test run
the transpiler is reloaded. With that it is possible to make changes
to the preprocessor and run the tests without exiting karma
(just touch a test file that you would like to run).
### E2e tests
1. `gulp build.js.cjs` (builds benchpress and tests into `dist/js/cjs` folder)
2. `gulp serve.js.dart2js` (runs local webserver)
3. `protractor protractor-js.conf.js`: JS e2e tests
4. `protractor protractor-dart2js.conf.js`: Dart2JS e2e tests
Angular specific command line options when running protractor:
- `protractor protractor-{js|dart2js}-conf.js --ng-help`
### Performance tests
1. `gulp build.js.cjs` (builds benchpress and tests into `dist/js/cjs` folder)
2. `gulp serve.js.dart2js` (runs local webserver)
3. `protractor protractor-js.conf.js --benchmark`: JS performance tests
4. `protractor protractor-dart2js.conf.js --benchmark`: Dart2JS performance tests
Angular specific command line options when running protractor (e.g. force gc, ...):
`protractor protractor-{js|dart2js}-conf.js --ng-help`
2015-01-09 16:29:34 -08:00
### Examples
2014-11-21 15:17:00 -08:00
To see the examples, first build the project as described above.
#### Hello World Example
This example consists of three basic pieces - a component, a decorator and a service.
They are all constructed via injection. For more information see the comments in the
source `modules/examples/src/hello_world/index.js`.
2014-11-21 15:17:00 -08:00
You can build this example as either JS or Dart app:
* (JS) `gulp` and open `localhost:8000/examples/src/hello_world/` in Chrome.
* (Dart) `gulp serve/examples.dart` and open `localhost:8080/src/hello_world` in Chrome (for dart2js) or Dartium (for Dart VM).
2014-11-21 15:17:00 -08:00
## Debug the transpiler
If you need to debug the transpiler:
- add a `debugger;` statement in the transpiler code,
- from the root folder, execute `node debug node_modules/.bin/gulp build` to enter the node
- press "c" to execute the program until you reach the `debugger;` statement,
- you can then type "repl" to enter the REPL and inspect variables in the context.
See the [Node.js manual]( for more information.
- You can also execute `node node_modules/.bin/karma start karma-dart.conf.js` depending on which
code you want to debug (the former will process the "modules" folder while the later processes
the transpiler specs),
- You can also add `debugger;` statements in the specs (JavaScript). The execution will halt when
the developer tools are opened in the browser running Karma.
## Debug the tests
If you need to debug the tests:
- add a `debugger;` statement to the test you want to debug (oe the source code),
- execute karma `gulp test.js`,
- press the top right "DEBUG" button,
- open the dev tools and press F5,
- the execution halt at the `debugger;` statement
Note (WebStorm users):
You can create a Karma run config from WebStorm.
Then in the "Run" menu, press "Debug 'karma-js.conf.js'", WebStorm will stop in the generated code
on the `debugger;` statement.
You can then step into the code and add watches.
The `debugger;` statement is needed because WebStorm will stop in a transpiled file. Breakpoints in
the original source files are not supported at the moment.